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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. Catching up here ... I FF through a lot of these when Smith is on the screen, or the kids are talking, but did I hear correctly as Will was returning to the Resolute pursued by robots that the robots destroyed all the other Jupiters? Were people in those Jupiters? If so, no one seemed to care at all that robots killed a bunch of people in them. If not, what happened - were the ships just parked?
  2. LOL. Thank you for that laugh. I kept waiting for more of an explanation as to why they put the lives of all those people in this position, and there wasn't one. Was there any reference to Earth being on a deadline to destruction, so they had to rush? I FF through a lot of these eps, even while enjoying the non Dr. Smith and non "teen love" stuff, so maybe I missed it. Agree. The sad part is the show indicated a few *possible* thoughts that were interesting, like Dr. Smith is allowed to exist because she does help and make a difference for some people and humanity overall, but they haven't really established that. Her interests are about her, and sometimes they coincide with others, but she needs more of a mission from someone that explains how she keeps escaping consequences.
  3. I have no what you all are talking about with Penny and her hurt feelings. That’s because I fast forward through any scene that doesn’t show something meaningful happening. If it is talking? FF. I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything.
  4. Actually, he played cello, and they said he was the 8th musician in the program.
  5. Hated Dr Smith on the original show, hated her now. Having a secret antagonist annoys the hell out of me. Also, how in the world did anyone think that colonizing a new world wouldn’t include baggage from the old one? Robot’s face is cool. UPDATE: Now 7 episodes in. Find I FF most of the kid romance stuff and Dr Smith stuff. Hoping Dr Smith gets whacked soon. There are enough challenges for them without Dr Smith.
  6. This show is like watching what Seth Rogan finds funny. It takes 15 minutes for the gang to get in the truck because of all the “clever” dialogue about pointless topics. Interrupted by terrible music. Why is Peacemaker keeping a butterfly captive? He doesn’t seem to be observing it or communicating with it. Will he have a breakthrough and his butterfly convinces the others to end the invasion? So the only way to get the butterflies out is to kill the humans? That’s grim. i could have fast forwarded through the entire opening scene. Eagly gets a rodent? Yay? At least Peacemaker finally matched a helmet skill to a needed task. What was their plan in the food factory? To map out every square foot? They knew what it was in the warehouse. Call in backups or blow it up. Also? It is the creepy Swede from Hell on Wheels!
  7. Continue to hate the music. It does nothing for me except make me want to change the channel. Why doesn’t Peacemaker just take a bunch of the stuff from his dad’s lab, vs. one helmet or gun at a time?
  8. Painfully unfunny. McGruber has always been unfunny. Pete apparently high on WU was more worrisome than funny. The endless country music skit was terrible. Forte was bland. Just PU.
  9. Show, Liz is dead. People who came back to the show because she is gone, like me, don’t want to hear about her anymore. Stop. Cease. Desist. Let her go.
  10. Ya’ll were too kind to the people who moved back from Germany. The husband said almost nothing, what he did say was he was ready for change. The wife needs counseling. She hates change and hangs on to everything as a life raft against it. She also seems to be lazy. If your problem is visible laundry, put it away. And there is something insidious going on that she creates a false narrative about the kids when even the kids know it is about their mom. And what was with all the crosses? My guess is that 6 months after the changes, they still have the same issues.
  11. That would be better than the show we are seeing. It's really a double failure. Agree with you that BF became popular for minimal reasons, and therefore there is now a show about him. But both the idea to do a show about him, and the execution of said show, are poorly conceived.
  12. Faint praise indeed! I would take issue with Mandalorian having no familiar characters, tough. Even when a character is different (different name, etc.), when it is the same species/race and serves basically the same purpose as prior similar franchise characters, that's plenty familiar. So basically almost everything in the Mandalorian was familiar. Gus Fring = Vader, ridiculous baby Yoda and Yoda, etc. But for more on that, you can search for my posts in all the Mandalorian episode threads, which highlight similar inconsistent, poor writing. ITA. Fennec would make a good Boba. I am beyond puzzled at the show's Fett casting choice, from his look to his age to his lack of skills. Could be anyone, as Boba hasn't really shown any chemistry with any other character.
  13. These Star Wars shows have never been anywhere near varied and rich. They recycle the same things from the original three movies. There are only three types of planets (desert, forest and, occasionally, ice), there are the same species, there are the same creatures (Sarlacc, Rancor, etc.), and perhaps most annoying, the plots are mired down in politics and trade issues vs. standing for something. They show glimpses of something bigger (Boba doesn't want tribute), but then almost immediately shy away from it (but he does want them all to make a lot of money, at least some of which comes from spice/drugs). It's like these shows are written by fanboys who have obsessed for decades over questions like, "Boba Fett was so cool - who was he, really?" and now they are indulging themselves with no eye toward adding to the franchise beyond trivia. And don't get me started on the in-show writing cliches, such as teaching sand people to ride speeder bikes (and the hilarity ensues!), stating things like "there is an advantage in being thought dead" right after telling an enemy your name and choosing to ride Banthas in situations where you kid of need to arrive with some urgency. It's almost like someone is pulling from two hats - "Past Star Wars Elements" and "Action Hero Cliches") - and then tying them together. Meanwhile, the Disney marketing people are busy introducing new toys and action figures and merchandise options to make $$$. You know, people have issues with all shows, including Star Trek Discovery. But when major characters in that series choose meaningful moments to assert "The Federation stands for something," it is already light years beyond Boba Fett and all these Star wars show in integrity and depth. I watch Boba because I love sci-fi, but this is badly written.
  14. Given the dearth of achievements by the rest of that family, their best move is to keep Mark on speed. Also, presents for dean’s list?
  15. Bantha has to be one of the dumbest ways to get anywhere, especially if you need to get there with any urgency. But it is a previous Star Wars animal, so the series has to use it vs something, you know, new. That’s how SW rolls. Enjoyed the Alias-style music during the surgery. Guess Star Wars will indeed steal from other sources when needed. So speed bikers are the villain? LOL. Boba seems a bit underskilled. Boba the character basically needs to be more like the Mandalorian, and the Mandalorian back story belongs in this show. Also, if there is advantage to people thinking you are dead, perhaps you shouldn’t, for no reason at all, tell random robots/androids your name? This show is a bunch of cliches throw together with no thought. “If only they took time to think,” indeed.
  16. This show has the worst music soundtrack ever.
  17. Star Wars as a franchise is in love with itself. Same planets, same species, same plots. A village burned when Luke, er, Fett returns. A Rancor is back. Untrustworthy politicians. It has zero new to say. “Everyone is waiting for a response.” You think? BTW, why does this show and Mandalorian have their new own threads and Discovery and Picard get lumped under “Star Trek shows?” The teen biker gang is clearly an attempt to appeal to young viewers who cannot identify with the older Fett. And yeah, it’s about merchandising. Star Wars usually is.
  18. If there is one community I care less about than Broadway, it’s … well, there isn’t one. FF’d through nonsensical cold open and, after a bit, the monologue. The NBA skit showed potential at the start as a vehicle for COVID commentary, then immediately dropped that for the lazy “regular people cannot beat NBA players at basketball” layups. Hardy har har. The funny thing about the Urkel skit is, I could see someone producing that show. The prom skit? Meh. Some kind of NY-based skit. Don’t know them, don’t get it. FF. Musical guest seemed fine, brought back memories of Elvis Costello and 80s pop. WU: “Arrr, matey,” first laugh of the night. And a pope joke, nice. Great Durst joke. Elmo would have been funnier if it were just Elmo, no human face. I was *almost* as exasperated at the Sound of Music skit as I was at the actual Sound of Music movie. Singing, cutesy, meh. Heh, Lesbos poetry. I liked it at first when I thought they were saying the new translations were actually ancient translations ( showing ancient life was similar). Less funny as incompetent frauds. Longhorn Steakhouse should have played “What is Lurr,” from Haddaway. I think I set a record for FFing an SNL ep.
  19. I multi task during this show because it’s not very interesting. Cena is fine, just not a lot happens and much of the dialogue is about who is lying to who, and I don’t really care much about that yet because I don’t even know what matters.
  20. Uh, yay, I guess? After watching the least necessary prison riot in the history of television? What was the point of all that, aside from gratuitous violence? - It wasn't a commentary on the prison system. The show never portrayed a reasonable protagonist who could make the point that conditions were unfair for average people caught in the system, much less people who admit murder and other crimes. And the show never portrayed it as truly awful (crowded and violent, sure, which most people include in the definition of "prison"). - It wasn't a commentary on Mike "losing his soul," because we haven't seen him do things to lose it. At worst, he bent the rules and brokered deals to try to prevent violence, at least in his mind. Even when he shot the guys who abused Iris, the show provided him with a moral motivation (that simultaneously cut off any thought that he was above the other people who broke the rules when it was convenient). The prison riot didn't happen because Mike took steps to cause it. Aside from the one deal he did, that he didn't want to do, to kill the dude who burned down the trailer, Mike didn't do much of anything and was holed up with Iris. He made alliances with people like Bunny to try to help, and he certainly didn't enrich himself much in doing so. He may have been misguided, but he didn't seem particularly compromised or evil. So trying to "rebuild his soul" didn't clearly apply. - It wasn't a redemption story, or much of a revenge story. The prison guard who was a hard ass was killed, so he got his just desserts, I guess? Seemed liked overkill. I have no idea why they had the tower guard do what he did, and then get killed. - It wasn't a hero story. Mike didn't save the day. No one did. A lot of people died. It was a couple of hours of pointless prison violence. No idea why the show went that way. I thought when Mike returned to the cabin, Iris was going to eventually reveal a dead attacker. But nope. Milos escaped, but he could have escaped without the riot (and in a more interesting way). Is it somehow a Mike vs. Milos chess game, and everyone else is a pawn? Maybe? But the fact that isn't clear underscores poor storytelling. And that could also have been shown in much more interesting ways. Renner has been great. The writing has not. I hope they find a direction.
  21. Actually, Fett is pretty much Dune, with a tiny bit of Lawrence of Arabia, except there is no point to any of it because nothing any of them are doing stands for anything. This show is excruciatingly bad, unless you are 10 years old. There is no logic to the plot, nor to things like physics (good luck walking on a train moving that quickly) or even consistency (so if Fett put the lizard up his nose, lizard is a poor choice BTW should have been something smaller because honestly the lizard would have damaged him, while he was with those raiders, where did they, or he, go that the next day it looks like he has been wandering in from the desert? And that train had to have gone 30 miles during the poorly planned heist, how were the Raiders on site when it crashed?). The show is on Tattoine (again), with more of the species SW has shown before (again) including a poor man's version of Max Headroom as the "mayor's" secretary, with the Rancor (again). No originality. Fett without his helmet looks like someone political, what with the teeth all the time. They should have made his #2 Fett, she is far more convincing. And as soon as he got the speeder bikes and brought them back to the camp, I said "let the hilarity ensue!" And of course it did, because this show is predictable. BTW, isn't Fett a bounty hunter, with "certain skills?" because he seems more like a newbie. Is this going anywhere? If this is intended to fill in white space around Fett, OK, well, guess so. Did anyone want this? Watching a dude wander around Tattoine? If this were set at the origin of Boba Fett, I would get it. Or if Fett were training an apprentice, I would get it, mostly. But this is just a bizarre peek into one guy's experience for a few weeks that honestly isn't very interesting. What show just had that scenerio, where human male and female twins from Italy showed up to take over? Was that the Sopranos movie? The twins were very stylish and the woman loses her cool. Anyway, even that has been done.
  22. My 5th grade self would have written this, it was so bad. It was like Bad Words (which was a hilarious movie for its first 30 minutes) crossed with a 70s cop show (addiction! Redemption! “Fix what was broken!”). I had stopped watching BL maybe 4 seasons ago because Lizzie was beyond annoying and incompetent, and the way everyone on the show worshipped her drove me nuts. I wanted to see a season without her. And this damn show just won’t let her go. Also, that’s an annoying kid. Worthy of Liz. I admit a skipped a lot of this. But when Ressler shot the cop, I could hear the Bruce Banner walk away piano cue from the 70s Hulk show. After that, all I saw was Bill Bixby. Please show, please. Let Lizzie go.
  23. This show's narrative is so screwed up, I don't know if it can be saved. Look, decide what you are about. Either: 1) Focus on Mike, his family and their roles within a rough town, with the prisons, the drug dealers and shady others part of the backdrop, or 2) Focus on the role of the prisons in the town and show us the people who work in them, their lives and their families, and the complex issues around being in prison or having to guard prisoners. Because this episode was basically an hour of prison break porn, and *I didn't care what happened to anyone.* Well, I did wonder if Mike's mom would get caught up in it. But mostly I was bored because the entire prison could empty, killing every guard in the way, and rampage through the town and it wouldn't matter because I am not invested in anyone aside from Mike and his family. Once Kyle was shown to be alive, there was pretty much no danger to him. Nor his mom. And of course Mike is, for some reason, putting up with Iris when he knows she has to be a long con from Milos. I assume the narrative point of the break was to get Milos out. Fair enough. But that could have been done without an hour of pointless violence. Do you know who the only character I have cared about on this show? That guy who burned down the trailer and killed the mom and kid. Because he definitely did the crime and was a criminal, but he was also a druggie who didn't mean to do it and seemed to feel real remorse afterward, as he realized that because of his thoughtless action, two people were dead and everyone in town wanted to kill him. That was some Breaking Badish "things went downhill quickly" stuff, and that was interesting, and sad for all involved. I like Renner. This show is well done generally. But come on, give us a narrative that draws us in and makes us care about what we are seeing on the screen.
  24. For me, it means that it is difficult to understand what one person sees in her, much less two.
  25. I thought I would feel that way, but I see his character as more of a "this is true, and that is not, no bullsh-t allowed" type. Sometimes what you realize is true isn't in character with what you thought before, and so you now must evolve your thinking. That's how it felt to me. Ironically, the Federation president, who they keep portraying as sort of difficult and pedantic, is now who most seems to represent the ideals of the old Star Trek federation. Because Michael is so far down the emotional scale that she misses obvious issues, and Book is rogue. Who I really miss right now is Pike.
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