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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. I found it reasonably accurate.
  2. Not sure it said they had a great life they could reclaim, it felt pretty hopeless to me. Like, "you lost all your stuff because you were gone for 5 years, and we will try to help but really, don't expect much." I love that the show is exploring that. What would have happened to your home, car, possessions, job, etc., and what should be done about it? I'm disappointed in how they are handling Walker. It would be much more interesting and complex if Walker was genuinely like Steve, and wanted to be the right symbol, but simply couldn't measure up and was struggling.
  3. I liked that, too. SNL has been around a long, long time, and it has earned that kind of perspective. I was not even a teen when I first watched. SO ending with Maya photoshopped into the original cast, given The Shining set up, worked for me. I just wish it had added more funny. Not Rachel in the bathtub funny. Something better.
  4. Is NYC back on lock down? It sounded like there were 6 people in the audience, and 2 weren’t paying attention. Even WU was restrained. The Vax skit, which had potential, had a fatal flaw. You can take aim at Boomers for a lot of things, but they didn’t choose to get vaccinated first, that’s what the experts said to do. The spring break dating skit should have mercilessly pounded all the dumb shits partying as we try to get over the hump on a pandemic, but much like the actual spring breakers, it wandered off with no point to make. I liked the concept of the last skit, The Shining parody, it just wasn’t very funny. What a strangely flat show this was.
  5. They make him far too stupid. Just like they did with the communications guy in Spin City. They need to rein it in.
  6. I am 7 eps in, and the problem is it is too much about the family and not enough about the con. I don’t care if Lila is alive, or how that fact is affecting the family members. That could be a C plot but it is damn near 80% of the season.
  7. I'm not sure what point you are making here. Yes, *many* things could have been. But they weren't. And the path the show went down was exactly what appeared to be true in ep 2 or 3, so ... The WaPo has a good article on WandaVision. You may need a sub, but basically the writer states that the show didn't hold Wanda accountable for her actions (i.e. she should have gone to jail, as I had posted) because, for some reason, the fact she was grieving seems to have excused her acts. I feel like this show tried to manipulate viewers with the long, drawn-out "Wanda is grieving" plot so that when her heinous world all came down, she was excused. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/03/08/wandavision-finale-grief-scarlet-witch/
  8. How could anything have surprised anyone, when what happened was exactly what we knew had to happen back in episode 3, once it became clear Wanda was grieving, created the town narrative to make a dreamworld and needed therapy? Her fantasy had to end at some point. When it did, Vision and the kids had to go poof. We spent 5-6 agonizing episodes featuring sitcoms to get us to a point we knew would arrive. Agnes was the most interesting thing about this show, and she arrived too late in the season and disappointingly forgot her own rule. This entire season was a snoozer, and the only thing that should have happened was Wanda should have gone to jail for holding all those people hostage.
  9. Hey, stuff happened! That was interesting! And tied to other Marvel universe pieces! It only took 8 episodes. ”It’s not that kind of show.” Indeed. I noticed today that in the description of WandaVision, it lists “romance” first, and “science fiction” fourth and last. That explains the first 7 episodes. At least Agatha gets to the point. She is the shrink we needed in episode 2 to respond to Wanda - “I’m grieving, listen to me ... or else.” Sigh. Hayward needs to go back to finishing school, though.
  10. “I’m a spaceman” is the dumbest song lyric I have heard maybe ever. Cinderella was fun. They need to do one of those on every Disney classic, and how inappropriate they are when you think about it. ”Bachelor Party” captured the pointlessness if that whole activity. I’ve been to a few, and afterward, it’s always like, “Uh, what now?” “Sience,” heh. Perfect. “Aunt Jemima mobile,” heh. I think the writers have missed the magic of the Dionne sketch. The joy of it the last time was she asks the obvious questions about Hollywood fakiness and silliness that we all wonder. She came close with The Weeknd but should have asked about his bandages and what he was trying to prove. Instead of being afraid of MGK she should have asked him about Megan Fox and his persona vs. his songs. Asking Jonas to show his penis was just gross for the character. Enjoyed this one overall.
  11. So when we are in Wanda’s world, I do taxes and play phone games and check email. Because besides the conceit of the sitcom decades, there is nothing to learn besides who Monica is (unless you enjoy easter eggs and like to connect a baking dish to one in Ultron). Which means each episode is actually about 10 minutes long. Handy. Agatha All Along is another sigh-inducing permutation that comes from Wanda’s original selfish sin. Plus it stretches out the season at least two episodes. Yay? Guess I am committed now though.
  12. Only issue with that is, they didn’t only do that for the host. They did that for Pete Davidson, and other random cast members. I think only male cast members. I’m sticking with my young teen women theory. EDIT: Another proof point, the audience didn’t seem to get many of the more clever WU jokes.
  13. Clearly they heard comments about the dead audience response, and brought in busloads of 8th grade girls, judging by the screaming at every. Little.thing. It’s almost bad sitcom bad. Didn’t know the host, or the show he is on, haven’t laughed yet and I am up to WU.
  14. Yawn. You know, if this were the first ep of this show, and we got all the important stuff from the prior 5 eps in 15 minutes, which is completely doable, it seems like one go-to move would be to have someone call, I don’t know, the Avengers? Probably at least one or two would be interested. Logic continues to be suspended in the service of writers trying to be clever. The show goes for emotional swings in the absence of any reasonable connection.
  15. When you just throw cast members out there with fake beards and suits who don’t look or sound like the people they are impersonating, is it still an impersonation? Didn’t laugh until the opening moments of Gorilla Glue, and then it felt wrong the rest of the skit. The “mom signs” skit had possibilities, but didn’t go far enough. Also, Geico did it better. ”Oh look, I’m high” humor is the laziest humor. I don’t know what genre the musical artist was, but it was nice to see someone who wasn’t a 25yo with no life experience. I kind of liked the first song, which was sort of gospel. The second one reminded me of the Blues Brothers. Every character Kate McKinnon does sounds like an offshoot of her Guliani. “Jets level.” Heh. I like the SNL Tom Brady more than actual Tom Brady. I did not understand the joke of the Fliona skit. Like, not even the structure or the punchline. “Elbows.” None of them have printers? What? I have to say, Melissa always looks so fun in a skit. There should be more that feature her.
  16. Don't mistake my point. I never said we needed to see a good guy fight a bad guy. I said we needed a conflict that was interesting. Wanda vs. her own mind isn't interesting, especially when it is due to the cliche or grief over losing someone she loves. How many times have we seen that across all genres? I like a thoughtful conflict, like B5 and its eventual reveal that That has nothing to do with a battle. That's pretty much what all good movies and TVs are about. The fight is the sideshow.
  17. So, let me just ask a simple question: Who cares about any of this? Whether Wanda needs counseling and is controlling all this, or someone is controlling Wanda, what she is doing is confined to a small town. So either Wanda, as a hero, comes around and ends it, or whoever controls her has to do something outside the town and we learn more. Perhaps Wanda never decides to come out of it, but that wouldn’t be very Avenger of her. So we have been watching five episodes worth of annoying parodies of past sitcoms because ....? This show could start right now, in episode 6, with 10-15 minutes of set up, and we would have missed nothing.
  18. Yeah, so here's the thing: I don't care. I am not invested in Westview. And the fact Wanda seems to be creating this bubble, to keep Vision alive, is disappointing. There's no conflict there. Let the woman live in dream world. or not. But it doesn't matter to me. I would have liked it better if someone was doing this *to* Wanda. Then we would have had a bad guy and a reason to root for someone. Right now I feel like Wanda just needs to go see a shrink. And the old sitcom bits do appear to just be an indulgence for the writers. Meh. Glad we saw behind the curtain. Just wish what we saw was interesting.
  19. That was ... terrible. We have to endure a pointless indulgence as the plot crawls. I give it one more ep.
  20. This whole thing felt off somehow. The audience seemed tentative. The jokes landed with thuds, for the most part. MGK gives off a Green Day plus Eminem vibe. I looked up his second song because it was touching and learned it was about his relationship with his prematurely deceased dad and aunt. Really well done. So I streamed a bunch of his stuff and was less impressed. He has a real “I never had a chance but I’ll show you all, and also, I’m tough” vibe. Very teenage male. I guess that is what Megan Fox goes for. i have no idea what the Fran L and Martin S thing was about. Too NY.
  21. Don't feel bad, you're not missing anything IMO. I tried to watch it three different times. It is very broad and predictable, reminds me of stuff like King of Queens and According to Jim. I like my comedy Arrested Development, at least the first three seasons of AD. I only know MG Kelley because of his tabloid romance with Megan Fox. I thought he was a DJ-type, didn't know he had actual songs. Will need to check them out. Krasinski should be a hit, very Chris Pratt-like. I don't know the other folks, but that happens a lot to me these days with SNL. Always good to meet new TV people. I had never heard of LCD Sound System until they were on SNL, apparently like 10 years after they broke. I really liked them and ending up seeing them live.
  22. That part I understood. The question was why this particular set up? If the villain named “Classic TV Man?” I suspect this particular set up is the vanity of the creator. Which would be disappointing.
  23. If you raise funds from only the same people who are in your ladies club, I don’t get the point. i like that there is a central mystery, but I don’t enjoy how they are depicting it through cheesy sitcoms. Bewitched this time. So this is Wanda’s dream of a fantasy life, that she is using to protect herself from someone. I wish they would just show this normally as today.
  24. No idea what I am watching here, except given their lack of knowledge of their past and a few moments where Wanda seemed lost, they seem to be held hostage somewhere living a fake life for someone’s amusement or gain. I’m not sure what we are supposed to do with this approach. I can watch reruns of Dick Van Dyke. Will this particular format lead to anything meaningful besides the amusement of the creator?
  25. Hmmm. The moment the show positions Spence as taking on the NFL over health care for players, the show is cancelled. Shades of Playmakers.
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