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Everything posted by ShadowDenizen

  1. UGH. Words cannot begin to express how much I loate Tony. "I've been looking for this Idol for so long". Umm. Yeah. Since you got the clue like 2 freaking hours ago? PFFT. Tool. He's quickly reaching Rupert-like levels of agitation for me. While Tasha is a challenge monster, I think SPencer is playing the best game. I think Kass and Tony are too enamored of themselves and intent on just "sowing chaos" that they're making all the wrong moves. WHile I'm glad Spencer is still around, the correct move was to vote his ass off and stick to the Alliance. (Jefra IS still a jury vote, remember. Anyone left from the Alliance likely won't be getting her vote.) Has there always been this many Idols? It seems like there's an "Idol to-do" every episode. We've had what? 3 or 4 Idols played already? Not to mention the Tyler Perry still looming over the game. Having that much immunity really takes away the "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" credo. BTW? Good job cuing up the porno music during the food contest, show.
  2. Three words: FEWER. IMMUNITY. IDOLS.
  3. It was pretty clear that Dame Shirley Maclaine had no love for Kurt from the get-go. And Blaine is a terrible liar, and he did stumble quite a bit when asked about the showcase. He shouldn't have assumed that Blanie was "lying", per se, but Kurt has been consistently shown to be an intuitive guy (as consistently as anything on this cesspool of a show); I would have thought he should have at least gotten a "Somethings Amiss" vibe...
  4. Actually, the one thing they’ve been consistent with is that Blaine relishes being the “BMOC”, and more importantly needs people to like him. Rather than hurt Kurt more than he already is, he tries to mollify him by saying he has a part in the show (which Kurt should have IMMEDIATELY sniffed as bullshit, in any case.) He’s sort of the “Anti-Santana” in that respect; even when Tina was at her clingy worst with him, he really couldn’t even bring himself to set her straight; it really took Kurt to come in and say “Hands off” before Tina really got the message. And (being the Darren apologist that I am), I think that’s how DC tries to portray it, given the absence of true direction and motivation and arcs. Bwah ha ha! Caracas1914, you win the Internet for that image.
  5. Interesting points! I think Kurt has become the moral compass of the show with Cory/Finn's death. But we've seen so litle of Kurt's ambitions ;post-high-school. We don't really know what he wants, like most of the other characters. I mean Rachel wants to be a star, Mercedes [as we've had jammed down our thoat] wants to be a singer, Sam wants to be a model.. What does Kurt want? If anyone should have the "Home"/Look-Backwards moment at the end of the show, where they return to LIma and reopen the Glee club [in honor of Finn?], I feel like it should be Kurt and not Rachel. (Other than Finn, I think Kurt's trajectory could mirror the trajectory of Schue (maybe in a more positive way, however), which was such a big part of the first season.
  6. Agreed. I loved when Sydney called her out for being an irresponsible child. (Which she is, and would actually make for a compelling character arc, expect RIB insist on handing everyting to Rachel on a silver plate.) And I know there are alot of Blaine-haters out there, and I kinda get it. BUt I just think Darren Criss invests so much energy and enthusiasm and earnestness into everything he does, I really, really can't hate the character. Plus? He's Harry freakin' Potter, not to mention supermegafoxyawesomehot. (Though I'm still not sure why they insist on shitting on Kurt like that. Did Chris Colfer do something to piss off Ryan? [He does seem to take offense awfully quickly...]) And I'm SO sick of Mercedes' "album drama of the week". UGH. She was selling albums out of her car less than six months ago, now she thinks she can dictate terms to producers?
  7. Ha Ha ha. At least until you go into shock and die! Dax is the one character I don't think they really got a handle on until MUCH later. I think part of it is Terry Farrel (she couldn't hold her own, acting-wise, with Nana or Rene or Avery, didn't seem like.), bur part of it is they didn't have a clearly defined arc for her until later in the series. Often, Dax is just "there" throughout S1.
  8. As with any show, it's interesting to see which actors bring others' game up, which play off each really well, and which have absolutely no chemistry. Nog and Jake have good chemistry, but, particularly in these early eps, it's really Aron Eisenberg who takes the brunt of the acting, and really elevates Cirrocs' performance (though if there's a "Worst DS9 Actor", I think Cirroc would easily win it, at least for me...) Ah, yes; "Mob Mentatlity", that's a great parallell to Real-Life; DS9 is LITTERED, even now 20+ years later, wiht relatable RL Parallels about all sorts of social topics Trek doesn't usually address. I("Mob Mentatlity" is a theme that's brought up particularly frequently in DS9.) But we're also seeing, especially in these early eps, that Odo doesn't go out of his way to ingratiate himself to people or make friends. I get that he has a troubled past, and that sort's of his "Protective Armor" in outwardly not really caring what people think of him, but if he'd melted just a little bit, maybe people would warm to him more....
  9. Yes, a good Odo ep; it'll be intersting to comapre this ep to some of the later eps as we get to know the character better, see what elements chagned and which stayed the same. But Jake and Nog? Not so much. While I appreciate that they're laying the groundwork for (IMO) one of the best, most genuine friendships in Trek franchise history, I found the implementation of it a bit ham-handed. But I'll cut some slack since they're still finding their footing with the show in this early stage.
  10. Hun. Intersting; as a dedicated gossip-whore, I ty to keep up with TMZ and the other gossip (errr. "Entertainement News") shows. And I hadn't heard about the latest blow-up with Naya. But it seems like there's been quite a bit of juicy BTS stuff over the course of the show; I second the request for a Tell-All book.
  11. I liked this episode overall. But I cringe when I see Cirroc Lofton overacting in this episode. (Actually, many of these early episode have cringe-worthy Jake moments, come to think of it.) However, Colm Meaney knocked it out of the park, IMO. O'Brien is such a solid "every-man" supporting character you can't help but empathize with him, whatever the situation. (And I encourage everyone to check out the "Chief O'Brien at work" comics [easily findable via a Google search].)
  12. Interesting. I honestly never noticed that. I actually never gave a particular thought to Garak's sexuality. Thanks, Pippin! That will absolutely throw a new light on the show as I'm doing the rewatch, which is exactly why I love doing these things. BTW, for the Garak fans out there, "A Stitch in Time" (a DS9 novel about Garak and his past, written by Andrew J Robinson himself) is excellent; you can probably find it for sale online somewhere, or the ebook version is readily avialable, too. (It also unoffically launches the DS9 "Relaunch" line of novels.
  13. Awesome! I love that everyone is so invested in this already! :) See how people feel after watching "The Passenger" and "Move Along Home".....
  14. You mean the "Tyler Perry Presents- SUPER SPECIAL HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL"?
  15. Yes, Dax is.. interesting. (I dont want to spoil things.) This was a solid 2nd episode after the pilot; it still holds up 20+ years later! I love the insight it gives into Bajoran culture and values (and it's nice that, after the "Ro-like" Kira in the pilot, they're ALREADY starting to give her depth and personality. Though I thought Tahna could have been fleshed out considerably better; he didn't really do much for me. (Though I so always love the "Klingon-centric" eps.)
  16. I actually bought that. The Cardassians are generally depicted as Quintessential "Bullies"; they talk a big game, and show some force at times, but more often than not they end up backing down when the pressure gets too high, especiallyu if the odds are not in their favor.. (Yes, the Occupation lasted 50 years, but eventually it became too high of a cost to maintain. Plus, I alwasy assumed the Occupation was more of an ambush-scenario on the Cardassian's part.)
  17. Yes, the "Facts of Life Goes to Paris" was pretty bad. (It apparently aired a few weeks before S4 started as a made-for-tv movie. I know this becuase it's included on the S4 DVD set, which I sadly own.) My least-favorite episodes are any episodes involving Cousing Gerri. (I thought Gerri Jewell was passable, but the show itslef tended to make these "Very Special" episodes, each with a cloying moral message.) And man, was Kim Fields terrible in the first 3 or 4 seasons; I'm glad her acting got (marginally) better over the years.
  18. OMG! The drama! I'm not sure I can take it anymore. UGH. This show. Seriously? Sam/Merdeces have been reunited for THREE EPISODES, and they've been off-again/on-again since the get-go! Count me firmly in on the "DO NOT CARE" train.
  19. Count me in with those who think the SHI is a gigantic load of bull-shizz. Being able to see the results of a vote, and THEN play the Idol? BEYOND lame, and WAY too much power in a game of surivival. Yes, he certainly does have an overly-inflated opinion of himself, doesn't he? However, Tony sure does seem to have the producers wrapped around his fingers. Are we 100% positive he's not a part of the Hantz family? Man does he BUG. Seriously, this was shaping up to be a great, unpredictable season; no "Redemption Island", no returning players.. The way Survivor SHOULD be. But now we're back to big tribe beating small tribe, with no chance of deviation. (I'm hoping, for Spencers sake, he either wins Immunity or there's a producer shake-up down the line. The most interesting hting this season, for me, has been the devolution of Woo; he could have been a power-player from the outset; strong, likable, a worker... But instenad he blindly latched onto Tony (and to the "Aliance"), which forestalled any potential moves that hec ould have made. Now, he's simplay a carcicuature of a Survivor player, but I wouldn't be surpised if he makes Final Two. The thing I'm noticing more this season than ever before? This season (and to a lesser extent the last few seasons) the contestants are way more about "Playing the Game" than actually PLAYING THE GAME. It's great to be a superfan, or know your Survivor history, but every scenario/season should be different [based on teh casting alone, not even facotring in some of the ridiculous "Twists"], and it seems like many of the last few seasons don't adjust their strategies to the actual players they're playing with.
  20. Even in a freaking dream sequence, Becky bugs the living hell out of me. But it was nice to see Max Adler again. I fouind this to be a lackluster episode; live almost any pf the post-100th episodes, this could have realistically served as a SERIES finale, but instead it's not even a SEASON finale. UGH, this show. Somewhere along the line, this show lost the (little bit of) narrative focus is possessed; now, I'm not really invested in any of the characters, since none of them really seems to have had any true trials/trbulations as young adults. (How the hell did Mercedes get not one, but two record gigs? LEt alone the fact that she can apaparently dictate terms!! Santana (as usual) stole the show. The only problem is that a little Santana goes a LONG way, and they utilized her to perfection in this episode. Annnnnd? Cue the "Hot SHirtless Guy" montage. Good ol' predictable Ryan Murphy. (I'm shocked they didn't go for a full on QaF "Babylon" vibe.)
  21. Yes, Dr. Mora factored into only a few (2 or 3?) episodes, but the arc he and Odo go through together is portrayed very well. When we're introducded to Dr. More, he's essanetially portrayed as a ruthless scientist, but was we see him more, we realize that what he did, he did for Odo's sake, even if Odo couldn't understand/appreciate it. I like that they found a measured ending to their relationship togeter by the last time we see Dr. Mora. IIRC, they essentially intimated that without Dr. Mora, Odo would have pursued the same course as the Baby Changeling they found, and been contant to sit in a gelatinous state and never get to know his real powers. (Which makes me questions the wisdom of the Founders; for a race that strived to be as inclusive as possible in the Great LInk, they are pretty damn heartless in ripping out a small fraction of the LInk ("Babies", essentially!!) to act as scouts for the future.
  22. Yes, I heard that as well. From all accounts, Avery Brooks is a very... interesting... guy. For those who may not have seen it, I would highly recommend watching the "Captain Sisko Yells at Everyone" video. Quite some time ago, a genius fan spliced together 7 seasons worth of Captain Sisko's screaming at people. It's PRICELESS, and it should still be avialble with a quick web search (or possibly on YouTube, even?)
  23. For those who want to participate in our 'Great DS9 Rewatch" from the ground floor, there's still time! We're watching "Emissary" and "Past Prologue" this week; feel free to post in the threads that have been opened for both episodes (with thanks to Chip!) The next two epsiodes (beginning next week), will be "A Man Alone" and "Babel". (Thanks once more Chip for the awesome "Google Calendar" list; see the link in the very next post!) Please remember to try and avoid spoilers for "Future" Rewatch episodes, as I'm happy to say we have at least a few NEW converts to DS9. (Note that there is a GENERAL DISCUSSION thread for Season 1, and we can also open open future seasons threads as they're needed.)
  24. Well, Welcome aboard, BizBuzz! I'm glad to see new people watching DS9 for the first time with our rewatch! Please continue to watch along and post in the episode threads as we go! (Personally, I always enjoy hearing peoples opinions as they watch for the first time! ) And, in these episode threads for the rewatch, we'll try to avoid spoilers for upcoming episodes, since we do have at least a couple of new watchers. References up to the episode in question are fine, of course.
  25. OK, I'll get the ball rolling. :) I'm ShadowDenizen (I used to post in the TWOP forums under the same name), and I firmly believe that despite it's lackluster reception, "Fire Walk With Me" served to cement and add to the Twin Peaks mythology. (THough I will take oldDonna over newDonna any day!!)
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