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Everything posted by Morlock

  1. I thought it was boring. Nothing happened other than Zak's ham acting. Zak should also know that just because you destroy the house it doesn't mean you get rid of the spirits. Not to mention if he is so terrified of the place why does he keep the dirt? I would say that if anything is wrong it is that the dirt is contaminated! I know they did some tests on it but they didn't seem relevant to working out if it was making people sick or not. It's all bullshit anyway.
  2. I used to love this show it spooked the hell out of me. But all the changes they made ruined it for me. The Control Centre or whatever they call it, "What was that? Better run back to the CC!" errrr even if there was something there it will be gone by the time you get it back! I thought the Demon House special ep was terrible and nothing happened with his museum ep. Either open the damn Dybbuk box or not, don't talk about it for 30 plus minutes and still not do it! They still freak out like they have never done this before as well.
  3. That is still gambling in a way though and they were giving her tips. A weird one as she can hold a glass of alcohol without actually drinking it but helping someone gamble is still going through the motions of gambling? Maybe I am just not as amused as I once was with the show? I am only a casual viewer too.
  4. It is reminding me a lot of Big Bang Theory, a show that used to make me laugh out loud often but the last few seasons have been lousy. It's meant to be a comedy but it seems to be more about melodrama now as per BBT. We are probably noticing it more now because the jokes aren't funny but the laugh track implies it is meant to be hilarious. Take away the laugh track and I would think I was watching drama most of the time. It is a bit much now. Smoking, drinking, gambling was it drugs too at one point? Overall you would think they would just let her smoke. It is an odd business to put him in given the nature of the show and the main characters. But he was drinking around them anyway even before the bar so maybe they thought what the hell? Also seems funny of all of Christy's addictions that drinking is the one she seems most able to avoid. You would think that would be the easiest to slip back into especially working in restaurants and now a bar.
  5. I don't think Bond was ever to be taken seriously that is why it used to be fun.
  6. Yay it's good they killed it off or Yay you agree with me?
  7. At a time when there were men who could make things from iron and steel and all kinds of other items were made by hand I would say standing around until something was required of you would be on the lower end of things. I wasn't counting Chefs in the service role as that required skills. I am thinking more the people who seemed to be on standby quite a bit. Still would have been a comfy job by the standards of the era though.
  8. I wonder if the son even cares about mother or what the son has been told about her by his father. I can see the Duke poisoning his mind against her. I think bigamy would be the least of his concerns in the end. I think with the Queen on side if they wanted to she would arrange son and all to sail to America even with some funds to help set them up. It would be a convenient side story for the writers anyway. I think the Queen could also just pay the Duke off in exchange for him granting Sophie a divorce. The Duke seems terrified of Victoria anyway.
  9. Being from a working class background it still astounds me that rich kid kills himself because he can't play act like he wants to. And because he goes against daddy's instructions he is told he will be sent to military college. Boo flippin' hoo! I liked Robin's character when I was a kid but now I see him as being just as useless as the other teachers at the school. I had teachers similar to him at school, the ones who just wanted to joke around. Sure, it was fun but at the end of the day they still taught me nothing.
  10. Morlock

    I, Tonya (2017)

    I thought the film was very well done and has an old school feel to it. The story is interesting and although it could be argued that they tried to show Tonya as the victim, for me it is more a case of just presenting the story which is as per the title told from her point of view in a straight forward manner. She did have to fight for just about everything and from the film anyway it seems the ice skating foundation or whatever they were, never liked the idea of a trailer trash girl competing in their pretty sport. There are some probably unintentional funny moments mostly surrounding her low rent friends and family. And her temper tantrums.
  11. For me Bond is best in a Cold War setting, once the Cold War ended the films lost something. The Pierce Brosnan ones were still ok but far fetched, I don't like the Daniel Craig ones at all. I think they are too much like the Bourne films now or any action film. There isn't that same level of smoothness that Roger Moore and Sean Connery had. And no doubt PC nuttery and #metoo have killed off the concept of beautiful women named after double entendre's like Pussy Galore.
  12. Abby was realistic in comparison to Garcia and quite professional. She had her quirks but wasn't annoying and didn't flirt at all let alone do it in a 8 year old girl kind of way. I know I will cop some flak for this but the things Garcia wears are not flattering for her overweight body. She is going for some kind of babydoll/vintage pin up look and it does not work on her. The shoes she wears are ridiculous as well. I think she was admitted to the FBI because she was a hacker who got busted! She hasn't grown up which is something that effected the Abby character as well. They both are like little girls in their own way. Although Abby wasn't a brat. Where Garcia really lost me was the ep where she got all upset about a killer getting the death sentence. She went to visit him and from memory I think he rejected her visit. Like you say she has witnessed so much suffering and she cares about the killer? She also hasn't developed any resilience to all the crimes she has dealt with. She is still like a rookie the way she responds. Her and Morgan were gross too, I agree.
  13. The amount of scrutiny that the upper classes were under was quite amazing really. There was always someone around somewhere and although I understand the dresses they wore were complex, the men also had dressers. I wonder sometimes if it was just about being pompous and also keeping the riff raff employed. I do wonder how they became employed in the service roles, if they just lacked skills in anything else or it was some kind of hereditary thing where because your father was a footman you become a footman? I can see the Duke being paid off by the Queen basically. Maybe it didn't work like that in reality but in the show it would be perfect. He gets paid off and divorces Sophie, some kind of bullshit to save him face and that is it. Maybe I am very wrong but I am guessing that back then records were sketchy and once in America they could just say they are married or get married once over there. People changed their names frequently back then. I think it would be pretty easy. Not more time seeing it as in the exhibitions but there were some interesting people who attended it. Given the build up and amount of focus on setting it all up it seemed once it was shown it was over. A let down really. I agree. Until she was locked up he didn't seem like he cared about her beyond sex and a mild crush. Even then, perhaps due to his poor acting he sounded more like he was faking his emotions for the sake of appearances. Very poorly thought out! It would be hilarious to see but I doubt she would cope or see it as an adventure. I think the cruise over there in pauper class would be enough to make her jump overboard!
  14. I thought Lord M was interesting and crucial to the story. Victoria was new to it all and Lord M guided her. There was a romantic type element to it, they had an affection for each other. A bit of trivia there is a state in Australia called Victoria and the capital of that state is Melbourne. I have always found that interesting, you would think they would have named the capital Albert. It is a little like they cuckolded him really. The other men though I don't have an interest in. Lord P might be interesting enough if the show wasn't supposed to be about Victoria but even then I can just read about him on the internet. I think the way they portray Albert is quite harsh. From what I have read he really did want to do well for the English people. In a time where most working class men did very physical jobs they might see it as an affront to their masculinity. Not sure how their pay compared to other harder jobs but they might feel a little silly and like they are playing nurse maid to grown adults. Which basically they are.
  15. I think Joseph is an escape for her more then anything and she enjoys his passion and attention. Perhaps If he goes to America and strikes it rich he could come back and win her over but I still doubt it. I can't see her living rough at the mercy of the climates and without any guarantee of success. Right now she can live in the palace under the queens protection and be very comfortable. She is very lucky that she was only locked in a room in the mental asylum and that they didn't start doing crazy tests and procedures on her! The he ladies in waiting do have great jobs for working class women of the time. I still wonder if Skeritt would have lived if she stayed working at the palace. I think Francatelli was mad for giving up his job there too. Chef for the queen is hard to beat.
  16. I really hate that about the show, you have to Google whatever historical event that is happening in the background of the episode. The Great Exhibition was 1851. Yes for sure, I thought about that too, boarding school was standard regardless of how happy the family were. Sophie may not be seeing much of him regardless. I suppose another possibility is they run off together but given her links with the Queen she remains in contact with her son or keeps tabs on him. They can always re-unite later. I am not sure what the Queen or Sophie have in mind if I were Sophie I would keep living at the palace!
  17. I think there needs to be leeway for that although I doubt the writer was thinking that deeply. Even into the following century you see very young males enlisting in the armed services and being accepted. I agree, I think it was an attempt at manipulation, trying to get her to think about her own future as her son will be a man soon according to him and may choose to go abroad etc himself leaving her alone anyway. I think it will be interesting to see how their romance develops as it seems the Palace know about it and even Joseph's boss is on his side now. And Victoria;s support would make it all the more easy.
  18. Wow so even by the standards of the time he wouldn't be considered an adult for another 10 years given his social class. He would be close to being an adult if he was working class though as he may already have a job! Not sure if Joseph is just seeing it from his own class or he is just trying to put a rosy spin on it to get Sophie to run off with him. Given Sophie seems able to live in the Palace if she wants to, I can't see the point in running away for her.
  19. Yeah showing everything would have been impossible but a little more depth would have been nice. I read that Samuel Colt attended for example that would have been interesting. Especially as I found the Footman and Sophie meeting in such a public place with the Duke there as well to be insane. It was insane to have them meet in a public place like that as well, especially with the Duke there! I still think Joseph is hoping for a pay day at some point. Surely Sophie's lineage doesn't just get negated that easily? I must have phased in and out throughout the show, how old is Sophie's son? I recall Joseph saying that he would be a man soon, Sophie also doesn't seem to see him much anyway. It's possible the son has already been fed lies by the Duke anyway and is also ignored by his father anyway. Overall though it seems like an easy way of setting up their possible escape to America, another distraction from the main theme of the show, you know, what's her name 😉
  20. Is anyone else disappointed that so little time was spent on the exhibition? I know it was just a backdrop but at the same time it all seemed wasted both set wise as well as story. When I read about the exhibition there were all sorts of interesting people who attended that could have been featured. Maybe I was just bored with the Duchess and the Footman but it would have been good to see a little more about the exhibition itself.
  21. At the same time though Cruz nearly got his butt kicked big time due to his sloppy detective skills. He was really bad at what he was doing. So maybe they couldn't send an actual cop but they really shouldn't have sent a firefighter either. Unless they gave the firefighter some basic training in how to be a detective because Cruz was hardly subtle.
  22. You said it better than me but that is what I was getting at. It's like she googles left handed dog owner clubs in such and such area. And from there she will just begin narrowing down possible suspects with the help of the crime team. Yep that too! She has been doing this for a while now and she still responds to it all as a rookie. Does she get no support or training to deal with this stuff or did they really just throw her down in the chair and leave her there?
  23. Let's be really honest, You or a loved one are very sick. You get this obviously autistic Doctor talking to you in that android voice. He may be a genius but you don't know him and furthermore you are not knowledgeable in medicine so are at the mercy of the medical professionals around you. So given all the cold hard facts, would you feel comfortable trusting someone like this?
  24. Yeah that is true. And to be honest I did like that the kids weren't a core part like they were in other family based sitcoms of the past. It just seemed odd at times too, sometimes you didn't even see them. I think the kids being so young as well also limited story options for them even if they wanted to go down that path. I remember that ep, it was hilarious. Debra was so optimistic about it all and loved the possibilities and support! I think Raymond and Robert knew their mother all too well!
  25. Marie is pretty classic European matriarch. I grew up with a grandmother and mother like her. Will refuse all offers of assistance even be offended by it and then complain that no one is helping her and how she must do everything herself - even though no one cares if she does those things or not!! I can't watch the show because of her. Frank Barone is also pretty classic old school male. He just wants to be left alone with his sandwich and beer. He really doesn't care about all the drama going on around him. Debra, I always got the impression that she felt she married down instead of up. She doesn't fit in. She wants more from life. Hence her constant anger at everything and everyone around her. There was one episode where even the kids kept saying "Is mommy yelling again?" I also thought Patti Heaton looked a lot better before she started the plastic surgeries. Ray and Robert are both idiots. Ray is clueless and somehow just got lucky with Debra but had no idea what to do with her once he "won" her. Robert is even more clueless. The kids are forgotten about by everyone - including the writers!
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