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Everything posted by MadMiniaturist

  1. I kept staring at Shannon's shirt and wondering if I was seeing moobs. I really need Kath to go home. I don't know how much longer I can listen to that ghastly accent.
  2. I thought the same thing :-(. This is really rough to watch.
  3. Very! It's all I look at when I see her. The clothing choices are a bit odd as well. Did she rummage in the attic for her mom's slightly yellowed old wedding dress!? Thank God for the flower crown or it would have been scarier :-/.
  4. Honestly, Jen's eyes look scary to me at times...the fact that they are not just sanpaku but small. Since I'm going there, Kris's nose is...
  5. Marge has always had an ugly mouth, even before surgery. The facelifts have just stretched it and the big fake chompers have done her no favors. When she's angry and she opens her mouth even wider, all I see is a big mouth bass.
  6. I thought the same thing. That baby is....VERY unfortunate looking, sorry.
  7. A model! What!? No way in hell! For what, shrunken heads? He is missing the entire lower half of his face, hence the weird spray on looking beard. I fear that Frankie Jr. is going to look just like this when he's older.
  8. The weird thing is, judging from last week's preview, I might have agreed, but he went on...and on. I found it very odd. It went beyond foot in mouth. It was vicious.
  9. Is Lidia always high? Especially in her talking heads, she looks high as a kite!
  10. My God, what happened to Danielle!? She looks like shit! Like someone dragged her face through mud. I don't get it.
  11. Ashley's body is rather bovine. Those large ta-ta's will start looking ungainly and matronly soon enough and that ass is flabby as hell.
  12. My God. Something is very wrong with Rayna. She's just not right in the head.
  13. I noticed the weird pointy boob, too. I'm sorry but that woman is downright ghastly looking. Those dark cavernous ditches under her eyes make her look ghoulish.
  14. Adriana looks tore up from the floor up. Dirty, greasy, and just unattractive. The ridiculously huge implants don't help. Every time I look at most of these women I marvel at the God awful plastic surgery on display. It's downright scary.
  15. Sorry, but I'm team David. Tami is utterly insufferable and I too do not understand why everyone kowtowed to her. It was bizarre. On a shallow note, surprisingly, she is not aging well. She used to be very pretty. Now, she looks really hard.
  16. This sounds horrible but for me, it's true. I don't want to see plus sized models in the mix. When I look at them I just can't see the design. Designers use tall, sleek bodies for a reason.
  17. He looks ghastly. I was aware that he had a facelift a couple years ago but my God....up close. The potato nose, the horrible skin texture, the pulled and overfilled look. No bueno. It always shocks me when I see bad work on supposedly good, well-known plastic surgeons
  18. Maybe Nicole sued Terry for a botched nose job? It's nearing Michael Jackson territory. She looks SO done, and not in a good way. Like a bad mashup of Denise Richards and Gizelle Bryant. Shannon was absolutely seething with jealousy during Heather's tour...wow! Also, never like Heather. And can't stand Terry.
  19. I love Tommy! He may stick to what he knows (which I have no problem with- I adore Vietnamese cuisine), but he rocks the hell out of it. I do want a Depinder win in the end, though. She is just...superhuman.
  20. Finally, this episode reminds me why the hell I got sucked into this shitfest to begin with! I was starting to dread watching...such a snooze. But it's getting better, thank God.
  21. The ultimate butterface! I hate to say it but I'm a bit shocked that her daughters turned out so cute.
  22. I agree about Hazel being a lesbian, but I think her eyes are permanently dead. She just has unattractive, widely spaced, small piggy eyes.
  23. I never found Elizabeth particularly attractive. Borderline horsey almost. I thought Izzy, with her long and lean body and high cheekbones, nearly model material (after a tiny bit of lip filler maybe). Ashling is a cute blond with an unfortunately thick, matronly body, Francesca reminds me of Annette Bening.
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