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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. There is no way that Sarah and Xander would stay married after she learns what he did (even if they borrow a page from Nicole's book - doing the wrong thing for the right reasons), if they get married at all. Why is Rex coming back unless he is going to get back with Sarah after she dumps Xander. And, just like when he left last time, I would expect Sarah to just jump into bed with Rex as quickly as she did with Xander and then she will be pregnant again with another who's the daddy storyline. How original. BTW, I HATE when they bring back people who had already left, especially when the canvas is too crowded already. Since I stopped watching this show after the assault and near rape of Marlena (and, I guess technically also of Steve), I won't have to watch that horrid April Fool's Day "special" next week. And, somehow, I imagine that Rolf has already cloned himself or has someone ready in which he will inject his own essence so that he never dies.
  2. Where did that picture of Clyde come from? I didn't see it mentioned in any article, but he apparently was clobbered by a champagne bottle.
  3. Taylor is beyond annoying! Between her stupid giggling, using the word 'like' every other word, and her ego asking not only why didn't he compliment her, but when they played that game and he had to say 4 nice things about her, she insisted that he tell her more than 4. When she got the card to say nice things about Brandon, hers were very passive aggressive - "You CAN be a nice person because I have seen it," instead of giving him an example, without the crap. And she had a hard time trying to think of any, while he just rattled off many (even though I know he doesn't believe any of it). I dislike her almost as much as Katie now! At least Katie is portraying who she really is, while I think Taylor is a total phony (and a very bad actress).
  4. It is still on here, but I am reading these comments instead of watching the rest. First - RUN DEREK!!!! Don't look back! I cannot stand that Katie who thinks she is so cool and entitled. Derek seems like a great guy, but will never do anything right. Run far and run fast! If this was the best Brandon and Taylor could do, then it's awful. Taylor's constant giggling over things that aren't funny, and I think they were both faking trying to act like normal people would act. I don't buy it. Hooray for Mindy but I wish she could have gotten the dog. It was funny seeing Dr V's face when Zach insisted he had never lied to Mindy. He's a horrible narcissist. I did feel bad when Jessica finally told Austin that she loved him and he didn't say it bak. We know he does, but I felt bad for her, especially on camera and with company. Probably producer driven. I still can't understand half of what Michael says, but I wish Meka would have stood her ground and been done. There is no way he is emotionally/psychologically healthy enough to have been selected (recruited, no less) for this show.
  5. That very well could be, @Ohwell, but then he needs to be able to teach them strategies for working with that challenge. He does not seem to be a good role model to me.
  6. I am so glad that Nicole at least told Abe what she was thinking. It's not going to stop Eric for throwing her out AGAIN, but at least she told someone.
  7. OMG to those posts from Michael. I edited one that he posted as his bio a few pages back, and that was atrocious! This one is awful, too. Why, oh why, don't people use proofreaders when they are posting something professional???? As smart as you and me are? There potential???? Make it stop!
  8. @Liberty, maybe Katie makes the appointments????
  9. I have also heard that it is Dr. Tan Dan who is coming back for, hopefully, just one quick dream. I really have no use for Sheila, and I don't know why she is coming back, except as an April Fool's drop in, because these writers are just so clever in writing witty scenes that waste so much money when they take forever to move a main story. When I first read the spoiler that someone from Nicole's past comes back, I was thinking it would be Holly to remind her mother that she exists!
  10. I am not a big fan of Katie, so I hope Derek ends it. That may bring her back to earth and show her that she is not the be-all and end-all of every man's world.
  11. @Jaclyn88, it's been reported a few places that they agreed to stay together at Decision Day, but are not together by the reunion. So, yeah - they made it for 8 weeks, but not 3 months more.
  12. But, will Xander go to jail or will they blame the dr. for doing it all? I am glad that Nicole finally tells Abe since all she usually does is have that stupid furrowed brow when she is holding onto a secret that she shouldn't be. Not a fan of what they have done with that character. So, is Brandon Barash going to be back as a real person or just Gabi's visions? I am ready for some decent stories, but am not really seeing any. And I still don't believe that Hope is really Hope. I don't think we have seen the last of Gina. And Kate will seemingly redeem herself when she gives that paper with the family reunion info on it to John to save the day. Boring! So, if Rolf is the only one who can remove the "essence chip" who will have to take it out of Steve, since Rolf would never do that? Wait a minute - let me guess. Could it be Kayla? It sounds like Ben and Ciara will get a spring or summer wedding. Then what will they do with them? Nothing - they will fade away and not have a story.
  13. Thank you, @sometimesjennifer. I will admit I can't really follow their scenes because I can't understand what he is saying.
  14. I fell asleep before they did the girls and guys get togethers. I saw reference to next week in these threads. Can anyone tell me what the previews show? Thank you. My comments were pretty much the same - I still do not like Katie and find her to be incredibly immature, spoiled and a total dream killer. Derek may be goofy and immature, but he deserves some happiness and he is not going to find it with Katie. I will try to find the show and watch the part where Zack "moves in." I was glad that at least Mindy said she never sees him or talks to him when the cameras aren't there. I am glad the show is letting those tidbits out without trying to hide them. Michael and cutting the grass was hysterical. He is still the strangest person on there, but Meka is just too cold to him (100% understandable) and I don't see any physical attraction from either of them. I wish Meka (or the experts) could have asked Michael what his definition of "Vunnable" is, because he keeps saying it and Meka thinks she is doing it and it is not matching. Why doesn't anyone ask him what that would look like to him? We probably wouldn't understand what he wants, but I really don't think it means sex to him. Oh, and I did know a man who thanked me for holding his hand. He was weird. Jess and Austin are fine. Ricky Bobby and Danielle level of boring, but nice to see. I don't know why Brandon keeps showing up and agreeing to go back. It was great when he said he could never be with Taylor, and I agree with those who think that she is just waiting for the call from Temptation Island. They make me uncomfortable to watch. I do want to at least give these guys credit for not taking advantage of the "marriage" situation and having sex with women they are not interested in. Maybe they learned from how social media reacted to Matt and Luke.
  15. @Frozendiva, I would not be surprised if Rolf did just that and they will save that plot until needed (which is NEVER). KA is not a very good actress as it is, but add that affect and pretend accent and it is just too painful to watch. Glad that she got to have fun, at our expense, but enough.
  16. I saw the photo of Zach and Mindy but didn't remember seeing their rings. It could all have been part of Mindy wanting to stay hopeful and maybe start by being friends or dating. I cannot see them staying together for real. They weren't holding hands or anything like that, but just looked like they were talking.
  17. OMG - that Marlena and StevaNO garbage is going to continue through the entire month, or is that the decision Hattie makes and they do a switcharoo?
  18. I agree with many that Katie is simply horrible. She thinks she deserves the world and she is just a spoiled, entitled brat. I do understand her keeping her apartment, as I would imagine most of them do - no one knows what will happen at Decision Day. But her insistence that he must fall in love with her within a specified timeframe is just too immature. He is way nicer to her than she is to him and nicer than she deserves. I don't understand the whole thing in the nail salon. Why production wanted them to hav a personal meeting in a nail salon is beyond stupid. I know that people have been saying that Brandon is using drugs or alcohol, but I tend to side with him more than Taylor, who has been using this time for her social media "career" since she stepped on camera the first time. Plus, Brandon always reminds me of the late Ron Glass from Barney Miller and I liked him! Mindy, who has been looking really pretty and there isn't that problem with her veneers since she doesn't smile much. She just needs to stop trying. That was pathetic that she called him to come over to look at wedding pictures. And if the "experts" don't facilitate something to get him to tell her what the big lie is, then I will agree with those who say it is either a lie that Lyndsey old him or he made it up. I do like where Pastor Cal called him on his BS next week. Michael seems like he is trying to do better, but Meka isn't going to care. Yes, the breakfast was all about him, but she always looks so miserable. He seemed to have done a lot for their anniversary, although I have NO DOUBT that production did all of these grand gestures for all of the men. Did any of the women do anything for their husbands? Taylor gave Brandon a card. Jessica is too bossy and she is going to drive mellow Austin right out the door. They still look like they don't know how to kiss, but they seem pretty happy. I am sure this will be the only couple to make it intact to the reunion, but not sure if they will stay together. And they're boring.
  19. Interesting that there have been references to Love is Blind. I just watched it yesterday and it made so much more sense than this premise does. At least people were able to talk and find their own compatible person and fall in love (yeah, whatever) without ever seeing the person and THEN meeting. I really liked it - and even on that show, there weren't a lot of happy endings. Back to MAFS, I really have tried to like Michael and want to believe him. Sometimes, when he speaks, he sounds really logical. I get why he gets defensive with Meka. She is way too strong of a personality for him. She can't get past the lies, and I don't blame her, so she needs to just stop trying to make something happen. He will never own up to it and she won't be happy until he does, so she needs to just accept it, let him play his games and get the paycheck. She reminds me so much of Deonna from last time with her walls and demeanor. Both of those women were lovely when they smiled - it was just so rare to see them having fun. I think that all those resume titles for Micheal may have been some volunteer or internships that were done for experience and for resume building, but that he probably hasn't had much real leadership experience. I HOPE that Mindy is just going through the production mandated orders and really doesn't believe that there is any hope with Zach. She is too much like Kate, seeming to be so hopeful and wanting this farce of a relationship to be real, that I have no patience for that. We found out that Kate was mostly playing with us, although she really seemed to want it to be real. If we hadn't seen that, then I could maybe feel bad for Mindy, but since we have, I am just hoping that she is going along with the producers. I don't feel sorry for her, since she could speak up as the others have done this season. Now next week when we see what happened with her "friend," THAT could be interesting and if it is what it looked like, I would feel bad for her. Taylor and Brandon are both posers and weren't into this to find love. I am glad he walked away, although some previews showed him being back. She is a total fake (and flake). Don't like Katie, and Derek is too sweet to be with her. It will be interesting next week when she shows him the real foul-mouthed Katie. Jess and Austin are nicely boring, but they still look awkward when they kiss. Glad they seem to be happy. ETA: SO sorry this is so long. I was just sitting at my computer eating breakfast and ended up with this rambling!
  20. I am one who doesn't mind the story because I NEVER liked Jo, especially since Alex deserved better. He was the only one I really cared about the last few years and finally stopped watching last year. There is just no one on that show I care about. I never liked Amelia, Owen, Teddy, etc. Now the show is just about them, and an occasional Meredith, so I am glad to be done. From what I was able to watch on recaps, that sure didn't sound like Justin Chambers doing the voice. If it was him, I hope he is doing OK. And the only time Amelia was even tolerable to me was when she was with Linc, so, of course he will now be with Jo. Bailey hasn't been Bailey in so many years, but I do still like Richard (just not with his wife). But, I do think the worst character they ever had is/was Maggie.
  21. LOL - if that blurb about Michael was copied verbatim, he needed a copy editor - Lead to the creation of the Education app 15% solutions which is aimed to help High Students with learning disabilities by receiving free tutoring services and creating lessons plans based off their individual disability. Michael is also a Bringing the Lessons Home Ambassador for the I hope he meant he works with HIGH SCHOOL students, but who knows? That could be a whole different game. Also, I hope the person who prepares the lesson plans based ON the students' individual disabilities doesn't write them for grammar lessons. And there was abundant weird capitalization and punctuation. That alone makes me doubt his educational expertise.
  22. I was on vacation for the past week and half and have one question. Is it now public knowledge that everyone knows that Steve is now Stevano? Or do they think he is still Steve? Thanks!
  23. @Captain Asshat, I think the comment was referring to Mindy's very bad veneers. Many people think they are going to have prettier teeth, but they come out way too large and I refer to them as cow teeth. She could have smaller ones made. These are NOT her real teeth. Veneers are covers that go over the teeth.
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