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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I would love it if Tripp comes back and when he hears that Allie had a baby realizes right away that he is the father and goes into court demanding custody - even while Allie is gone! That would certainly shut Sami up! (As long as she doesn't switch the DNA test!)
  2. Both VK and KDP's last day will be next Wednesday, although it was said that Ciara will be in and out, whether that is in flashbacks or reality was not specified. The description of that day just says that Ciara is missing.
  3. I think we maybe saw more of how Olivia reacts when she doesn't get her way. Sometimes, being single and not having long relationships just makes you more independent and less flexible than you want to admit. And, as for ChristinA, who is basing all relationships and marriages on what she sees on TV, she is appearing as a total bitch. Every time she exclaims that she has NEVER had to be the aggressor before and that all the men tell her how gorgeous she is (she isn't, at all), it is obvious what they want, since apparently, none of all those men have bothered to send her flowers! I think you can tell a lot about people based on how they treat others, such as wait servers, and she clearly makes Henry uncomfortable with how impatient and critical she is.
  4. Just finished watching the show and it seems to me that Brett is the one who needs to run. When he finally gave Olivia the reason for his attitude and hurt feelings, she just shut him down with the totally unnecessary, "just put your big boy pants on and do what is expected." She totally blew off what he was feeling and sounded more like a mother than a partner. So, he, it appears, is done. And to me, she seems totally inflexible and just wants to fit him into her already established patterns, without compromising to fit into his. I still feel so bad for Miles. Karen is giving him nothing, except an occasional cheek kiss. He is being patient and respectful and she is going to lose him if she doesn't get over herself.
  5. Just a few thoughts. . . I thought ENOUGH with the toothbrushing and flossing! Also, the constant use of the word "aggressive" bothers me - a lot. I would not want to be with anyone who is aggressive, and yet they keep using that word as if it is a good thing and want Henry to be more aggressive. How about "assertive" or "initiating" if that is what they are looking for? Aggressive is NOT a positive trait, unless you are maybe talking about being cut-throat in business. I always fall asleep when this is on, but did record it. I usually read here to determine if I want to watch. Not sure that I do. I did see that weird conversation (and I agree that it was producer driven) between Olivia and Brett. I am glad that Olivia seems to have a nice support system so that she wasn't alone as a single. But, if she really thinks this relationship is going to work then she needs to compromise and focus on her husband. I agree with those who said they think she just wanted someone for her plus-one invitations and essentially, married someone to be her escort to the things SHE wants to do. I did not see the ratings segment, and I agree that it is not a good thing, but they have only known their spouses for 5 or 6 days. I don't see 7 as a horrible score at this point. But, if he has been doing all of his best things, then I can see where he would be disappointed. I am definitely getting very inflexible vibes from Olivia, especially since she now has the monetary power. Looking forward to the tent and song with Amelia and Bennett. I do like them together. I thought Henry was funny on those paddle boards (except for using the word "widow") and I do kind of like him. She is just not a likable person. Obviously, this is not a good match, but she has pissed off the producers and will get the Brandon edit. Although, if they didn't exhibit those behaviors, they wouldn't have the film to show. Karen is a beautiful woman who acts wayyyyyyy too old for 30. Miles still seems like a really good guy, but she won't give him a chance. No one is perfect, including her, so if she wants to really have a solid relationship, then she needs to understand that he needs to see affection, too. It is not up to him to woo her entirely. I still don't like Amani's voice, but I think she and Woody are doing fine. That is all.
  6. I wonder why all of these articles are coming out LONG before Decision Day. They are still on their honeymoons, for crying out loud! Maybe the show has determined that knowing the outcome doesn't really affect the ratings?
  7. Remember that the scenes we are seeing this week (new haircuts, etc.) are the first shows that were shot after the long November break. They finished up those shows last week or so. There has been a lapse of a few months since these people have filmed. But, it was before the pandemic shutdown, so haircuts were no problem then.
  8. Yes, I believe that Sami wants Belle to represent her in the custody case and restraining order.
  9. I wonder what Sami has to confess to Marlena? Also, Gabi and Jake get passionate on Thursday and she leaves on Friday? So, if she does return, will she have a miracle Jake baby with her? Once again, Ciara is trapped in a dangerous situation - so so so boring. I am guessing that this spoiler goes with the one that was something about Vincent putting the final nail in her coffin. Ben to the rescue? But, if they did invite her to come back if she wants to, that kind if suggests that she won't be killed. The next few weeks will be interesting (well, relatively) as people start to leave. ETA - now I am guessing that the truth that Sami withholds is that her fighting with John is what lead to his collapse, which she confesses the following week. When will someone tell her to GO HOME? She has way overstayed her return.
  10. Just a few thoughts. . . I kind of liked that they were showing the couples having real conversations to get to know each other. It is really obvious to see the couples who are really into each other. I really like Miles and I hope he is truly the man he appears to be and I hope that Karen lets herself trust him. I think he is genuine. And, while some people didn't like her question asking him if his mother signed a permission slip to go on the honeymoon, I thought it was great and it showed that she was capable of teasing him a little. When he kept calling her a cougar (which I don't think 4 years older qualifies), I loved that she threw back at him that he was younger. By the way, he seems much more mature than she does and seem to have himself figured out, which is great. It is just plain awkward watching Christina and Henry. They sat so far apart from each other when the couples were together. I am not a fan of Christina, but I also noticed that when she said she couldn't figure out why they matched her with hi,, it looked like she was going to say more, but didn't. And she sure hasn't figured it out yet, because there was no reason. Henry is just sad, but I did notice he may have a temper when he was complaining that she was rowing the kayak all wrong. I think Christina may have just decided to do whatever she can to make the best of this disaster and have a good time. Unfortunately he seems to be allergic to fun. But, the saddest art for me is when they do his TH and he seems to think everything is great. I am not getting Amani and Woody. They are both smitten and that is great. He seems to be fine with waiting for sex, especially since she seems to invite him to shower with her several times a day. That's what I don't get. To me, showering together is much more intimate than having sex. But, I guess at their age they aren't fighting gravity when they stand up! Her voice is still annoying to me, but I think they will be fine. He is somehow starting to appear to be the "father figure" to me, giving advice to Miles snd some of his other statements.. Amelia and Bennett are also fine. The pretend drama at her having to relocate was dumb. He will go wherever she is. Olivia is very nice, but I do sense some rigidity in some areas. Again, what is with him not being allowed to brush his teeth without her? And, no, Olivia, peeing in the shower is not what most girls do. I am one who sees no problem with Brett dating until he was selected. Even if you have a good job interview, you don't stop looking until you get the offer. I fell asleep before it was over (and I thought the show was boring). Did anything look good in th previews?
  11. Could they start fining these idiots every time they say, "like?" I could barely make it through that video clip.
  12. I just can't imagine what they will do with Nicole. Now that she is more mature and being an adult and NOT keeping secrets (she has gone the other way and is blabbing everything to everyone), but, without Eric, what will she do? I know she has a job, but all she has been doing is sleeping with Eric and making Sami mad it seems.
  13. Well, according to some of the spoiler scenes they have shown, Bennett and Amelia are in a park and he comes to the camera to tell that he just told Amelia that he loved her. Then Amelia comes up and Bennett says what he told and she said she loves him, too.
  14. Well, I figure that John can't stay on the hospital bed too long since they will need it every single time Lani gets a twinge or feels a kick and gets herself straight to the hospital! I hope that NuClaire turns Eve in, but she probably won't.
  15. Actually, it is NOT just Allie's choice. There is a father and she mentioned that people would be mad if they knew who he was, so that means he has some connection to Salem.
  16. I read somewhere that the scenes that were shot last November should be shown in the next week or two, so Eric should be leaving really soon. I wonder if it will have anything to do with Nicole getting Allie's baby. It is clear that they aren't going to kill him off since he has the offer to come back. (I know, I know)
  17. LOL - hope it doesn't leave Nicole with 2 kids to raise alone!!! Also, maybe Paige comes back to save her mom from spending the rest of her life in jail and tells her that nothing will bring her back and she needs to let go of this revenge plot. Maybe she won't even mention Ben?
  18. A few comments. . . I was going to ask why the cans Amelia and Bennet had were blurred, but someone upthread said they were Corona, so thanks. I THINK Amani likes Woody, but her voice makes me nuts, plus I have NO idea what Woody was saying when he did that TH. I understood "journal," "airport", and "just keep on doing what I'm doing." That's it. So Amani will take a bath with him, but no sex. I am really liking Karen and think that Miles is great. He and Bennett, to me, are the best looking. With Bennett, it is probably his hair, but in some shots he is really handsome. Not a fan of the fashion or sleep dresses. Amelia seems happy and her mouth wasn't so gapey this time. I think they will be fine. And if she wants to have a baby, he will capitulate. I hope it was the dorky music and editing, but I agree that watching Henry and Christina is awkward and awful. She seems to have made him her project now since, I am not sure if you picked this up, but, apparently, he has never left the country and she has been everywhere. I like Olivia, but I hope she doesn't turn into an Iris with her rules when they get home. Brett seems like he won't need much incentive to bail, even though he seems OK now. Merging spoiled pets will be interesting. I also agree with many who said the forced individual in-law meetings were a bit much this soon. And I still don't like Henry's dad and think that his "teasing" is bordering on verbal abuse since Henry doesn't like it and it is cruel, not funny. Those vacation shots look gorgeous. I am glad that Woody and Amani stopped by Miles' and Karen's room to say hi, but I hope they have alone time. I think they will.
  19. Scenes from tomorrow look awful! And they have 2 hours, but only talk about 2 families. Do we really need that much time with Brett's annoying father? And while my initial impression of Miles was positive, not feeling it for his family. Poor Karen!
  20. I am not watching as long as the torture storyline is on, and Sami. That is also torture to me, so I am out for a while. But, aren't they all in New York now? So how did Eve go get the wedding dress, unless she already had it. Is she in Salem or New York? How stupid to send all those people to be detectives when Eve is in Salem?
  21. I am still not convinced that Chad is all Chad and that there isn't an element of some mind interference of some kind. Not another chip, but something.
  22. But that also worries me that perhaps Gwen will be added long term and I don't think she is needed.
  23. This show has gone completely overboard in the Days of Sami's life. I haven't been able to tolerate her for about 2 decades, but this is the worst. If she is not overacting in every scene, the rest of the scenes TALK abut her and how she is so horrible. I read that she filmed for 3 months, so I think many of us will be gone if that is the case. Yes, the Allie's baby story is terrible and never fully planned, but it is dragging out and there is just too much Sami. The previews with Sarah and Xander are also too much. Just my opinion - they want to have sex, fine, but we don't need to see it. And, I know that many are enjoying the sick Eve and the torture scenes, but they are too graphic for me. Looks like there is absolutely nothing left for me on this show I have watched for at least 40 years!
  24. Interesting about who stays together. We have just seen the weddings and I am guessing that almost everyone on here would have made those same predictions. So, that sounds like lots of fake drama for the 3 couples and a lot of focus on the drama of the people we already don't like.
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