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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I think they did ask him at one point and he said that he didn't feel like a husband. She does NOTHING for him. He cooks dinner every night - whether it is just for them or for the crowd. She is just NEVER going to be happy with him. That one time Dr. P suggested that she make dinner and she said no because that's his thing. She was too dumb or lazy to realize that for her to make him dinner is her doing something for him. I truly dislike her more each week. I think D Day is in 2 weeks.
  2. IF she was a decent, honest person, I could maybe get behind her. But, she has never learned from ALL of her past mistakes, so I don't expect her to be honest this time. I suspect that somehow EJ will find out (since they are talking about it in his home) and think it's his and she will go along with it, while staring longingly at Eric and secretly sobbing. IF she makes it to delivery, of course, it will be Eric's. ETA - she is not a teenager - she is OLD enough to deal with her own consequences. Plus, if the baby is Eric's, she will have to worry that the drug will hurt the baby. Actually, she should worry anyway.
  3. I think that we have seen enough of Gina and Clint to know that they are not trying to be married. Clint seems to be getting hurt every time Gina unleashes some garbage about him to the experts or in a group and has never spoken to him about it. I really don't like her and I really think he could be a lot of fun. Is he a little too much sometimes, sure. And his misuse of words is amusing. But, overall, I really think he is the best man on this season. (I know, that's not a high bar.) Gina is probably the most frustrating because she COULD have a good guy and a good relationship and actually have some FUN in her life, if she wasn't so allergic to it. However, I do NOT want a Clint/Dom hook-up.
  4. I dozed off again, but the parts I saw were awful. Why they had Jasmine on the pole was one thing, but when AirrASS came in and started throwing money at her, it made me sick. LOL that Gina had absolutely no game on that pole and looked really stupid next to someone who knows how to use her body (Jasmine). I thought it was funny when Dr. P and PC came to visit with Clint and Gina and they told her they hadn't watched any of those emotional movies she assigned. Then she asked why she wasted her time coming over there. Exactly - WE all know they aren't going anywhere. I. felt so bad for Clint when she threw him under the bus AGAIN about his personality and humor. But, on her talking head she says she can see a way for them to stay married - HELL NO! He needs to get out and kidnap Hank and go off on his boat. Gina and Mac can hook up. Interesting that when Clint and Mac were working out, we didn't get a caption about Mac to say who he was. many people probably forgot him already. At least they haven't hauled that awful Dom out yet. Enough of Shaq and Kirsten - they are done. They never really started, but when they showed those clips of Shaq just coming in after work and not even saying anything to her, I felt bad. Yes, she IS annoying, but she is kind of trying. She just wants to talk him to death. Same as Nicole. I am so sick of the amount of time they are spending on Nicole and on her close ups and talking heads. We get it - she has a low self esteem, yet wants all the focus on her and her needs. Chris looks completely annoyed and he will have to sneak out in the night when he finally leaves her, which I am sure he will. Please don't get pregnant soon. On the Afterparty - I couldn't watch. I definitely did NOT need to see any more of Jasmine and AirrASS exploring sex tools fully dressed. Why bother with those - if two people in the beginning of their relationship can't manage enough lust already, then give it up. At least Chris and Nicole had that right. And Keisha's husband is gorgeous. Is next week the last before D Day and the 90 minutes they will drag that out?
  5. Nope. I am guessing at least one or two more weeks. And somewhere in there, they will probably have another of those panel shows with people we don't care about making predictions.
  6. My thoughts exactly. You know how well they portray "international" characters. Remember that weird Yabba Dabba guy who was supposed to be John's father?
  7. This happened the last time there was a strike - Days was the only show with new episodes, which means they will stick to their ridiculous filming schedule if this saves them again.
  8. Really? Hope and Bo are done? I know they only filmed a few episodes, but they didn't even wrap them up and send them off to rehab someplace? That IS LAME. Also, isn't Steve Burton on contract now? I had read that, so it seems he will be staying with us - maybe a love for Sloan if stupid Nicole is really pregnant and it is Eric's?
  9. So, is this going to set up a scenario where Sloan ends up saving Chanel or Paulina from her psychotic brother and all is well? And then Sloan and Eric can have a happy ending (except for Nicole)? And the fact that no one gets one of those.
  10. I am a little curious at to why he is setting his sister up to look guilty. I still think it sounds like an accident where Sloan's mother fell. But, even if she did kill herself, it was not Chanel's fault. It was her husband's. Now, I can see why she would hate Paulina for throwing money at it to make it go away.
  11. You mean to say that John, Marlena, and the stupid strawberries aren't doing it for you?
  12. Can we change that sentence to say, "Ciara mentioned that Chelsea was pregnant in the Ciara/Shawn/Bo scene?" I was kind of shocked at Chelsea being pregnant by Ciara!
  13. All of them wear clothes that are unflattering to MY EYE. Well, maybe not Jasmine. And, of course, my eyes aren't the important ones, but between the women who should but don't wear bras, and the ones who dress in form-fitting clothes and tank tops, I am glad they are happy (I guess), but I do wonder what they think when they see the replays of the shows. We know Nicole did not like the way she looked at her wedding (and she was right), but I think that was more due to the hideous eye make-up than her dress, which I don't remember because I was distracted by the hideous eye make-up.
  14. And no mention at all about the potential return of Sarah? That's fine with me, but I don't think anyone forgot that she is pregnant with Xander's child. Unless it is going to be that she was 1 day pregnant when she took the test - like Nicole is 2 days pregnant when she doubles over in pain.
  15. I don't recall this on the show or Afterparty...when did he say it? After Clint was shown the video clip of what Gina said about how she had to take care of him after he was so drunk and how that sure isn't anything she would like in a partner, he made the comment about her being different and then he said something about not even wanting to be friends. I believe that Gina is allergic to fun and doesn't realize that she was matched with the ONLY man on the show with any energy or sense of adventure.n I am sure Clint will do well when this is over. He is adorable and just a little annoying. He seemed to be listening kindly and referred to all the things that Gina had done for her employee, so he does listen. She is making a huge mistake. And Hank will pay.
  16. Those love notes were producer driven. They probably told him what to write. The producers love that crap.
  17. As chill and patient as Chris is and has been, we can see his face start to show his feelings. He has clearly begun to tire of her. He doesn't need a mother to tell him to go play with his friends. Her neediness and lack of self esteem is off the charts - almost like Shaq's. She KNEW he didn't want to wear the costume, but begged him to do it for her. He was VERY adamant with the producers when they asked if that is why he did it and he said yes, but I wouldn't ask him to do anything like that again. He won't embarrass her on TV, so they will split after the Reunion, I think. Definitely before the first year.
  18. I know that many of you love Eric and Nicole together. However, they cannot make it work after a zillion attempts, so why bring a child into the mix? They both do better with other people, so it will either be them sneaking around having affairs or both being miserable and staying together for this child who was not conceived out of love - just drugs.
  19. I am not sure how many shows are left, but it is still 2 weeks before D Day, so, at least 2 more. I am so sick of Nicole and her neediness. I don't understand these people like her and Lindsey, who say that they are "a lot" and expect people to deal with them. Then change already!!!! Chris is way too mellow and kind and we have seen them talk about "the day after" already. I am sure he will say yes, but I don't know if they will make it. I had gotten to a point where I thought she was ok, but no more. I can't stand her. And, it was NOT silly to come downstairs as dinosaurs. It was stupid and Chris was embarrassed. I also heard Clint say that Gina is not anywhere as friendly as she is on camera when the cameras aren't there. On camera, she barely tolerates him, so I can't imagine how she treats him when they aren't there. He also said that he didn't even think they would be friends afterwards. He will be fine. I really like him. When he was listening to her about her business I kept saying that one of them should get up and hug the other one - just as friends, but if they couldn't even do that, there is nothing. She keeps hurting his feelings and being cruel to him. And SHE is nothing to be excited about. Her hair is gorgeous. That's it. I hope Clint gets visitation with Hank. Jasmine on the pole climbing thing was awesome. She looks amazing and she will also be fine after D Day. He is scuzzy and a jerk. I HATED the scene next week where she dances on the pole and he throws money at her. How debasing. Even if they were playing. What exactly does Shaq do that he needs his wife to watch him do it so often? I get that he would want his wife at a business dinner or something, but to watch him give a speech? Just no. He needs too much affirmation of awesomeness and she will never be enough. He is like Nicole in that way. They have too many needy people this time. The previews keep showing that they will follow the people after D Day. Is that another show afterwards and different from the reunion? I am curious to see the Clint/Dom and Gina/Mac stories, but I wonder what else they will show? And for how long do they expect people to watch unlikeable people? Every week, this forum gets smaller and smaller and we were fans of the show. How many viewers are they losing and do they care?
  20. I just want to know what happened at the Reunion for THIS season!!! Anyone?
  21. Now, if this was a Lifetime movie, the much put upon nice guys, unlucky in love Tripp and Rafe would team up and go nuts and kidnap the women of their dreams and make them pay for rejecting them.
  22. Of course she is! There was a spoiler where Sloan asks Eric if the baby is OK, so there you go. Nicole is what - 2-3 days pregnant if it was the result of the biscuit encounter? And, of course, it will be Eric's and not EJ's. ETA - surprised they are having her double over in pain instead of the usual fainting.
  23. Yeah, that dad was really strange and their relationship was extremely cringey, especially given how obnoxious Beth was.
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