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Everything posted by whydoiwatchtv

  1. 😂 Damn. I had to watch that 3 times. Whoopi and Sarah’s faces were hysterical. Joy getting all snappy and Meghan being rude but can’t handle rudeness back. She’s so self-centered, spoiled and entitled. It’s only the second day. I needed that laugh!
  2. Whoopi singing with Stevie Wonder 2 seconds after with the delay had me dying. 😂 Then they all started in and what a mess, lol.
  3. I didn’t notice she was gone! Not kidding.😬
  4. It’s a question one could easily google or read articles to answer. Even ask a doctor or your nurse about your nipples. No, this was a scream to remember her and her nipples, damnit! 😂😩
  5. These women can NOT understand the 2-3 second delay and it’s hell for the viewer. Congratulations, Meghan, may all be happy and healthy.
  6. How would she like people telling her they cried over so and so but not her father. How rude! She’s rude when someone just died but we all must bow at her dad’s memory for ever.
  7. I can’t stop staring at Meghan’s lip! I can’t even concentrate on what she’s saying. 😙
  8. I found it a weird contrast in the covid school opening discussion. Are you sending your kids to school in the pandemic? Sara- (all cheery) Yes! We’re sending them, can’t wait! Sunny- HELL NO! Kids spread it around so no way! Joy- HELL NO! This is a disaster. 500,000 children already have it! Sara-😬 Whoopi- Well, I, um (cut off by Meg) Meg- 😡 Fine I don’t have children, go to break. *tosses hair Whoopi- 😤
  9. Could find a spoiler/speculation thread but this one was tagged “spoilers” but I’ll hide it just in case. It’s only speculation.
  10. Yeah, I know humans eat meat but I did not need the bunnies screaming. Poor things. Then I realized that all the frozen, trapped bunnies died of strangulation or being trapped while a fox might eat you. Almost ready to tap out, myself lol. Is there a thread for speculation and possible spoilers?
  11. She said something like “Just like you’re always right, Meghan.” I think. Meghan has been a rude host every single day this week. She’s just awful lately, not that she just started being awful. She’s ramped up her snappiness, WPM that she speaks and scowl face factor.
  12. I’m not sure it’s planned between Joy and 200 words-per-minute Megaphone. Meg’s been in a ferocious mood lately, probably a combination of staying in and no partying. Joy has been breaking down under the stress and she frequently talks about how lousy Trump is and she seems very encompassed by her thoughts of him. I think Joy has checked out of Meg’s outbursts and ridiculousness as a coping mechanism because she can’t take anymore. Now she’s laughing at her, which pisses Meg off so we get more, pissy outbursts and moods. I’m sure they know the fighting brings ratings but Whoopi looked totally exasperated today and Joy is reduced to chuckling while MadMeg goes off day after day. Meghan seems naturally this mean and snappy so not sure how much is fake, lol. I was waiting for Meg to walk out and she probably will. And I’ll be there, laughing, can’t deny 😃
  13. I really enjoyed this episode. The knives they brought were gorgeous. I was really surprised at the judge’s handle idea. The challenger was salivating to get at Ben, lol.
  14. ^^That’s what we said. They never pronounced him dead. We’ll see (if there’s a show still).
  15. Whoopi has been in showbiz for 100 years and she still doesn’t understand the slight delay in the other person’s earpiece, lol.
  16. lol, I wonder if Meghan knows we call her Megaphone here all the time and it’s a little wink and a nod 😂
  17. I think Whoopi is covering some kind of damage to her hair with her hats. But one day this week, at the end, she took off her hat and had hand sanitizer taped on the top of her head as a joke. Wow, Bitsy is more out there than I remember her. I must have missed her other appearances because I seriously thought this was the first time back. She can stay gone because she added nothing to the table besides another screeching voice. She did look very haggard and I’d LOVE to know if her children are as perfect as she tried to make them. Looked like Meghan tried to assert herself as the best and smartest conservative in the room, as usual. The no audience wasn’t that bad but must be so weird for them, like a rehearsal. Now that they are down to three and no audience, they should can the show for a while. Wish we all had the luxury of just staying home for a month, though!
  18. Oh! Thanks , @falltime. And here I thought I was being all clever with my spoiler box attempt 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
  19. Never tried a spoiler box but as we watched today, in a commercial preview there was this. Sorry if I blew it 😬😂 it’s no biggie. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and when the guest host coughed and said she had a cold, Whoopi’s and especially Sunny’s reaction was definitely me, lol. They probably wanted to get up and leave. *edit: yay, it worked!
  20. I agree with Whoopi about staying home when you’re not feeling well but a lot of people can’t afford to stay home. Some people go to work very sick and are afraid of getting fired. Especially hourly workers and service employees. There’s little sick time. Meghan just steamrolls over the conversation with her sarcastic, know-it-all attitude and general meanness about everything in the world. She lectures everyone, including the audience and is one of the most self-important people I’ve ever seen.
  21. Yeah, that marriage was weird and my mom goes, was that legal, lol? Meghan is so much worse now when Whoopi is not there. She interrupted so many times throughout I must have shouted STFU 10 times before she even got going with Joy. She’s so rude and feels entitled to say EVERY damn word on this show, I guess. I wish someone shut her up about all the times she was wrong but she’s so loud and in attack mode the other people just try to get a word in while probably stifling saying shut up already, you insufferable dolt!
  22. I kinda am lol and she seemed high to me too today. I was thinking she needed a tranquilizer or a few nips, myself! She was all relaxed, smiley at weird times and I said “she’s high today or something .” Disclaimer: Sunny’s voice- I’m being told in my ear that the above poster is only stating their opinion, this is alleged and speculation. 😃
  23. Just read Abby is leaving the View to help her dad’s campaign.
  24. I could’ve sworn Meghan bleated out “This is my first lasagna, some of you have had two!” Like Veruca Salt with the Everlasting Gobstopper. I hope she was slightly kidding but I’m sure the princess really is keeping score 😂. Happy holidays and happy new year to everyone!
  25. Yes, Blahbby, let’s let Trump have another election while he’s being charged for trying to cheat in an election. She is either dense or trying to be stealth and failing.
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