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Everything posted by whydoiwatchtv

  1. LOL Whoopi laying the smacketh on Meghan. Woo, that’s what I’ve been waiting for 😂. We all know Meghan will not recover from this. My jaw hit the floor! edit:maybe she will recover, her ego is big enough.
  2. During the conservative woman as president discussion, I thought I heard Joy say “Well, I wouldn’t vote for Sarah Palin.” Missy looked even more pissed. 😂
  3. Holy shit! And to think I almost skipped this one. The epitome of clusterfuck, damn, woo and mouth hanging open all at once.
  4. Yes, sorry Tulsi. Not one word Hillary Clinton said was untrue. Still coming true today. I would heed what she says.
  5. You do not get a pass just for service. Timothy McVeigh anyone? Meghan is insufferable. And Whoopi is trying to lay the smackdown on Meg because she’s rude and entitled to every word or thought.
  6. The paycheck. She couldn’t care less about anything else, nor even ‘fake act’ good enough to show it most times.
  7. And Meghan is just wrong. The whistleblower has to go through all types of legal channels to do this properly, including a formal complaint okayed by a judge. And she compares that to wikileakes. 🙄
  8. I’ll bet Meghan’s comments getting picked up by presidential candidates makes her feel like she’s the big shit now. There will be no stopping this self-entitled ego shrew beast.
  9. Sunny did look at Meghan twice today so maybe the freeze out is over or a slight thaw has happened? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  10. Had to go look, lol. I honestly don’t know anything about blonde color processing. But looking again, the scene was so funny. “What am I doing wrong (annoyed)?” And Joy saying Meg can’t talk any faster. Meggie looked pissed after, as usual.
  11. I think she meant the year she was born but never sure when Whoopi speaks. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  12. I am loving Sunny “The Freezer” Hostin, for not even glancing Meghan’s way even once for the whole week. 🥶
  13. Oh, don’t get me wrong. Meghan is a nasty piece of work but I wouldn’t put it past her to ramp up her opinions for drama and attention. She’s probably loving all this attention and she can still play the victim. It’s gone to her head or something and it’s growing. 😂
  14. Maybe shes trying for the lucrative market of acting like a c***, like Ann Coulter or the housewives, to drive any publicity her way. She sees others acting this way and turning a good profit. Although, I have zero doubt one needs a huge head start in the entitled bitch department to even consider that lane, I wouldn’t put it past her to be fake and awful for notoriety.
  15. When Meghan said she’s going to watch for gaffes and people to choke when they’re on TV tonight, I thought, bitch, that’s the same way I watch your moronic ass everyday on The View 😃
  16. Watching now and why does heartless Meghan always bring up something, whether it’s her dad’s cancer or Obama when a serious subject is shown to be republican’s fault? I know the answer but doesn’t she care how dumb, self-centered and entitled she sounds all the time? Now she’s defending the treatment of these children saying it’s not true torture, her dad, blah blah, and now I just fucking hate her. She’s insufferable.
  17. Hmm. Not sure I agree that Joy seemed in on it, she seemed shocked that Meghan was going off as usual, called her a bitch and then started the whole we love each other schtick. Joy looked like she had to agree “yeah sure, we all get along, haha, you bitch, haha” inside, she looked like one that would have to keep the peace and wanted to say “look, meg, you fucking big mouth, fuck you, eh? But she had to go along with yeah, we all act like that. There were a couple shots of Joy before the bitch comment was explained that looked like she was done! It’s all because meg is a child that cannot speak strongly without irritating people everyday. We can’t hear Joy’s opinion anymore, it must come in the form of some kind of daily throwdown with Meg 🙄that’s what I feel the show has devolved to.
  18. Every day that Meghan is on I say out loud SHUT UP. She is the worst interrupter but demands to be given free reign to speak whenever her big mouth feels like it. And how horrible of her to not want universal health care. Another ‘I have mine, so screw you’ republican.
  19. Did Meghan snap that let me finish to the audience?
  20. 9 minutes about other women apologizing for bad behavior while the elephant in the room sits there. Eta: I did mean that figuratively, but it looks like I meant Meghan is an elephant. I don’t insult her weight, just her. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  21. I think it’s because Ahbby doesn’t have a philtrum above her upper lip so they really look funny for being so big. My mom said hot dog lips 😂. I know a person can’t help it but you can help that red lipstick.
  22. Ew, Whoopi coughed and the germaphobe in me made me cringe for all the ladies and especially Ahbby’s twins. Maybe unfounded, but you can’t reason with a germaphobe.
  23. The Governor goes on about helping people, legal asylum seekers, great ideas for common people, having empathy, sticking up against the Trump administration and Meghan goes “So you and I don’t agree on anything political” 🙄 So does that mean she doesn’t want any help for anyone other than herself? /s Even when she thinks she’s not being an entitled brat, she is. And any empathy she ever finds is only after it happens to her.
  24. Meghan got shut down by Joy and Sunny so good, all Meghan could do is get red ears and start the victimhood behavior and fake getting teary. Edited because how could I forget Sunny!
  25. 10:20 and I’m boiling already. The hypocrisy of meg going from our planet’s future discussion about do we even want to bring children into this world to her screaming “infanticide!” over and over. It’s a valid question that has nothing to do with abortion. Getting her point out and then just running that shrieking mouth while Sonny is trying to make her point. I swear I would tell her to shut up already to her face because an actual conversation seems out of her grasp. Joy’s letting Sonny rebut now but Meg is insufferable. Meghan just called Dems “The party of infanticide.” I really am starting to have nothing but disgust for her.
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