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Everything posted by Myrelle

  1. This is a great observation. I think the part I loved best about the S3 premiere is that they brought Aya Cash's Stormfront back. The closure to her storyline was genius.
  2. So very happy for the return of The Boys to my screen. Love this show so much and that they've added my all-time favorite actor ever to the cast this season is like a dream come true for this tv fan. Still soaking it all in, tbh. Loving the set-up they've given us for Soldier Boy. All the hints in the first two and then the flashback to his disappearance in this one have me counting the days, hours, and minutes until the next episode. It seems like they're going to interweave him into a number of the other characters' storylines and I'm so here for that as the overall acting on this show is what predominantly drew me into it from the get-go. Well, that and Kripke's writing and showrunning with the satire only being half of it. So yes, a big welcome back Show. I'm more than ready for more of The Boys. Bring it! πŸ‘πŸ’ž
  3. I pray this is truth because that's the only way I would get behind a SPN reunion of any kind at this point. It's felt to me as if Jensen has been "frozen out" of many things concerning the mothership since the mid point of S5 when Jared had his trailer retreat meltdown that had Kripke having to come up to Vancouver to talk him out of quitting and likely reassure him that he would be the Big Damn Hero of the show by the end of that season. I further think, as no few others here have stated, that Gamble's Sam/JP fetish was only the first of a number of times that Jensen was frozen out of things in favor of other actors/characters who the showrunners and some writers liked better. But it took Dabb's so very blatant disregard and disrespect for both actor and character to finally open Jensen's eyes to what many of his fans had seen since Gamble took over-and yes, many of us saw the bones thrown to him just to ensure that he would re-sign for what they were even back then. Hell, Purgatory, DemonDean, MOCDean-all under written and underdeveloped storylines that yes, Jensen made lemonade out of lemons with, but still, under written and underdeveloped all the same-especially when one considers how much attention was paid to SpecialSam, SoullessSam, TrialsSam, and the Lucifer and Sam storyline even saw Pellegrino and his characters also getting better treatment from the writers than Jensen and his other characters ever did. So, in my mind, Dabb and the MichaelDean storyline was just the last straw in that regard. But if that's what it took to wake him up to what had been happening for too long on this show? Well, then, I guess it's true that all things happen for a reason even if we can't discern them at the time. It was beginning to be so painful to watch what the asshats on this show were doing with it-and sorry, but I'm including JP in that group because he cheered them on each and every time. So now if Jensen is fully in charge of a reboot/reunion, the question becomes will Padalecki be able to let go of his ego enough to join in. Personally, I couldn't care less about that, but I'm sure Jensen would want him in there, and not just strictly and only for continuity's sake or for ratings, but because of the ties that he feels bind everyone who made Supernatural what it was during S1-11. JMO here.
  4. I'd "like" the last three posts on this thread a million billion times if I could. I'll just add that Jensen Ackles became my favorite actor of all time by working the kind of acting magic that I don't think anyone in the industry could ever have matched through his performance of Dean on this show, and especially given what he had to put up with from the writers and showrunners attached to it since S5. I don't think I've ever held as much respect for any actor's talent as I have for his. He's made me believe that he can do/handle anything that any writer could ever throw at him, acting-wise. The Man has such mad skills.
  5. Canon has not been messed with as yet. Not when there is precedence for YoungJohn having known about Mary hunting and the hunting life before her death during the mothership's run. This is the answer that should be being given to all those who insist on canon being messed with, and ESPECIALLY to any so-called "reviewers" who should know better than to use this bs in their reviews.
  6. But where are we exactly? We have a trailer. Nothing more-and yet one small, but loud segment of the fandom wants to jump to this conclusion and convince as many others as they can that it's "truth" already, w/o watching even the first episode. It's hate mongering, pure and simple, IMO and it's obviously working on some(unless any so-called reviewers haven't watched the series in it's entirety, that is)because of this...
  7. Late to the party, but I loved the trailer. The look, the feel, the 70s vibe-all of it. And actually seeing Dean again, as opposed to the thought that we'd only hear his voice, literally made me all misty-eyed. The young actors(and John's mom too)brought it. Good for them and good for Jensen and Danneel and co., too. Can't wait for the season to start, Tuesdays @ 8.
  8. His looks outshine the sun as was proven in that one camera shot when he was checking on the father and then, with just a tilt of his head, sent Jenny to the truck with Travis. I'm checking this show out because of Mr. Ackles too. For me, as an actor, he has the gift of elevating everyone who happens to enter his sphere. It's helpful that I'm liking the two female leads well enough, too-just like the new sheriff, I guess. I'm hoping they will expand some on his character more in the coming season. Yeah, that was bad.
  9. I wouldn't count this out yet. Jensen seems like an acting dynamo at this point, and as we know, he likes to keep busy. Lots of irons in the fire, for sure, and I don't think shooting scedules have been announced for anything yet, have they?
  10. So I'm discovering another new Jensen Ackles character in the same way that I discovered Dean Winchester-which was in a season finale(S1 for Dean). I swear that this character sounds as if he was created with Jensen in mind. Can't wait. πŸ’
  11. I just found this out and, now only I can think is that this is JA's giant fix it/FU to the SPN Finale...if by the end of The Winchesters Dean is back alive kicking ass and saving people I will love JA forever 😍 I had not heard about time travel and AUs being the premise, but it makes perfect sense. As for the bolded part... I would pay for this to happen because I already know that I am going to love Jensen forever. πŸ₯°
  12. I just heard about this. SO! over the moon happy and excited to see The Man in acktion again and doing what he does best. It's been too long. A little treat before The Boys. Can't wait!!! It sure is! πŸ₯°
  13. I never realized how satisfying this would feel for me, but this is how it should be AFAIC. Big congrats to Jensen and Danneel and co. And we're going to hear Dean Winchester's voice again. I cannot wait.πŸ’
  14. I just finished watching the entire gold panel and it was Amazing. So good. Every question. Every response from Jensen. The last three questions were especially insightful as to who this man really is. And IMO, he's so wonderful in solo panels precisely because of that trait-well, that, and he's funny as hell. I'm a little more leery of the main panel, but I've seen parts of it that made me LOL a lot, so I'm going to take a chance on the whole thing too, but later, when I have the time.
  15. This was one of the best things that came out of the con this weekend, AFAIC. He was clearly joking about the hate watching, IMO; and in everything that came after that, too; and ITA with the rest of this, too. And gosh, it was just so good to see him not kow tow to that one small and very annoying segment of fandom after everything they've done to try and sabotage this project. They've dogpiled negatively on every article that comes out about it and bring up Prequelgate whenever they can, too(and it kind of makes me wonder if MC's little quip about them threatening to burn his house down was real too). Yeah. He knows things and he's had enough of it was the vibe that I got from him at this con and as far as that's concerned. And I say good for him, if that's the case because I seriously doubt that their approval(which he likely knows he will never get, no matter what he says or does, at this point)will make or break this show. I think the "tent pole" allusion was a great and terrific way to try and give some insight into what their plan is without giving too much away and he added that once people see what they've created, he'll be more than happy to expand on that premise. And yes, having him attached to this makes a great deal of difference because as he also said at this con-he's not some random dude with an idea for this show. He knows this show inside and out, knows the canon, knows the characters, was there from the very beginning until the end. He is a huge fan of the show, too. That has to be obvious to even his biggest detractors, IMO, and if all of that isn't enough to encourage someone to just give it a try, well, then that's that. Not much else a person can do other than give it your best and your all, which many of us know this man has always strived and tried to do with everything in him and with everything and anything he's ever taken on-so yes, having Jensen attached to it makes a world of difference to no few of us.
  16. And again I must call attention to the worst enemy this show ever made into a showrunner-one Andrew Dabb(or Andre Badd to some of us). When he decided to turn the all knowing but invisible God and creator of the SPN world into nothing more than just another bad writer who lies when it suits his purposes to lie, he basically rendered everything that came before moot; and as for "facts"-well, tbh, that's no longer a thing if one accepts S12-15 as being part and parcel of the mothership. Anything can be said to have simply been one of God the Bad Writer's lies-even the business of the angels making/forcing John and Mary to love one another or that they ever really "hated" each other. I just wonder if Dabb in his quest to undo all that came before his reign ever realized that that particular re-write of his might just turn out to be something that could also be cleverly used to restore the show to what it was meant to be from the beginning. Somehow, I don't think or feel that he saw that ever happening.
  17. ITA that young John and Mary were different characters from the John and Mary that we were given from the Pilot onwards and In The Beginning and The Song Remains the Same gave us brief glimpses of those characters, so there's no complete re-writing of the characters/story involved here. Not if one has followed the show from beginning to end, that is. It's canon that John and Mary were once young, hopeful, and madly in love with each other. The why(which could also have been a lie because let's not forget "writers lie" is canon also on this show)doesn't and shouldn't matter as much since angels hadn't walked the earth for two thousand years and apparently weren't even thought of by most humans, except in normal, passing conversations(not unlike many conversations people often have in real life); and as for the hunting aspect, and as many have already pointed out, mind wipes are also a well established canon on this show. They are expanding on the early versions of the characters AND on the later versions of the characters too. And I think it's smarter of Jensen and co. to have the prequel go with the younger, earlier, and more likable versions of the characters-especially if their aim is to somewhat soften the ones who came later. And yes, the Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader example is apropos here because, even at their worst, John and Mary never achieved villain status to rival that example, and yet, it still worked even so.
  18. Well, for some the journey is more important than any ending, known or unknown. I think it was Ursula LeGuin who said that "It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end." And I'd guess that if the thought of already knowing how it ends puts someone off that much, they likely won't watch to begin with. Aeryn's post was also enlightening to me, so big thanks for that, Aeryn.
  19. If the characters are engaging enough the fans will never tire of the stories being told. IMO, if the mothership taught us anything, it was that.
  20. Well if they took it day by day there's a potential for over 750 episodes; or even week by week a potential for over 100-that alone is five seasons.
  21. Yeah, I think the creative team is head and shoulders above a lot of the other series on the CW and the younger versions of John and Mary, as played by Amy Gumenick and Matt Cohen were very popular within the fandom so the casting of those characters will be key; and from what we've heard of them so far, the supporting cast sounds very intriguing too. I'm especially interested in meeting John's mother. And I further think that there's great interest within the still thriving SPN fandom in keeping the SPN universe alive and well. And let's not forget who will be narrating. πŸ˜‰
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