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Posts posted by discoprincessthe2

  1. 14 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Dr. Jessica Griffin‏ AKA Blondie sez on her Twit.....

    A common sign of an abusive/toxic relationship or environment is emotional numbing-a common symptom/outcome of ongoing exposure to toxic stress, toxic and abusive relationships &/or trauma.

    Anybody else think she is talking about Numbified Kate?

    How about "the experts" stepping in and stopping the experiment for Sad Faced Kate...she obviously is not acting in her best interests...

    Have we seen Dr. Jessica sit down with Luke and Kate yet? Luke is deserving of the type of smackdown she gave Molly.

    • Love 6
  2. 16 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

    I'm certainly not saying Will could not be a decent spouse, ever, just that I don't see how he could flourish in this situation--marrying a complete stranger.  Will and Keith probably need to date and live with a woman for a good amount of time before even thinking of saying "I do" and possibly also therapy.  I think, for this show, you need emotionally healthy people from stable environments, who have seen functional marriages, for the experiment to work.  The rest of us need more work before we can get married. JMO

    I believe during the move-in, Will did tell Jasmine he has lived with a woman before. 

    8 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

    If you read my entire post, I mentioned Will being from a broken home.  He has discussed his background a few times, and it sounds like he did not grow up in a stable, two parent home.  Correct me if I missed something.  I admit I tune out at times.

    Will didn't grow up in a stable, two-parent home. It sounds like he grew up in a stable single-parent home. Actually, I don't remember many details about Will's family, point, blank, period. I don't know whether his father was even at the wedding. I believe his mother was. Other female family members were there too.

    3 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

    Read it all. I’m asking if he said something like Jephte said about learning from television. 

    For the record, I don’t think Jasmine understands marriage either. Outside of the fairytale (but conflicting) picture she has in her head.

    I wonder how Jasmine got these fairytale notions about marriage in her head, even though she's an independent woman with a master's degree. (It reminds me of an old joke I heard about a coed going to school to get an MRS degree. Disclaimer: I don't agree with or condone said joke.)

    • Love 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    I think you are so right.  I don’t know any betters.  Ricky Bobby, maybe, but he just might blow up one day.  Out of all my friends, my husband and I are the only ones still married.  They all wanted better, but got worse.  Most are on their second and third marriages.  You know what you have, if he’s decent, you don’t know what you will get.  To me, talking about cooking and dishes is petty.  That can be fixed.    

    The impression I got is that Keith didn't seem willing to fix things. He has said repeatedly that he can't cook, and he doesn't really want (to learn how) to cook. He said some slick comment about the amount of dishes he has to do, even though that was something he could handle. Plus, it's been established that he, as the only male grandson, was spoiled by his grandmother and other female relatives while he was growing up, so he's used to having this stuff done for him. I can see why Kristine feels frustrated.


    These "experts" paired two women from good families with two men from broken homes (to keep it polite).  This almost never works in real life without a lot of therapy (based on the relationships I've known with this dynamic).  I've seen it work in reverse, though.  There's no way Keith and Will can meet Kristine and Jasmine's expectations without substantial help, when they don't even know where to start.  I just don't think in this situation (marrying two people at first sight) women should be paired with men who have no clue how to be husbands or what expectations are in a marriage (and I'm talking bare minimum expectations).  Everyone rags on Jasmine for her standards, ignoring the fact that Will doesn't state his expectations because he probably doesn't know anything about marriage.

    I remember Jepthe mentioning that since his father was a rolling stone, he got his impressions about what makes up a happy marriage from The Cosby Show. That should have been a red flag to the experts.

    I don't think that Will being raised by a single parent would render him unable to be a decent spouse. He seems to be mature enough to be married. While Keith may not have had someone in the household to model what a functional marriage would look like, the fact that the female members in his family have been catering to him his entire life is the more significant problem.

    • Love 7
  4. 55 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    They could food prep together for the week on Saturday or Sunday and also clean up together. Also, a crockpot would be a great friend for those two. Once a week, a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and maybe a salad from the salad bar. There are some easy solutions for these two.

    I noticed that AJ and Stephanie had an InstantPot; I heard a lot of buzz about it.

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  5. 16 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I'm sure he "doesn't regret it". Puke was on TV, and potentially attractive women (and/or men, or whatever) saw him on TV. His face is familiar to them --like, he's almost famous

    That gives Puke a leg up (pun absolutely intended!) on the competition for eligible mates, and I bet it's been a reeally big boost for his speed dating "side hustle". I mean, women probably show up at those things just to interrogate Luke about the show.   

    Luke, as seen on Married at First Sight! (His own bride barely recognized him at the altar though.) 

    6 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

    Wait ‘til you see it. I thought at first they were rating their marriages but apparently it was themselves individually. I didn’t see what Will, AJ or Stephanie said. I only heard Jasmine say she knew she was doing okay but had room for improvement. Didn’t see her number. 

    Keith rated himself an 8 and Kristine a 8.9. Lol

    Then the disaster of Luke and Kate were last. Luke for real pretended not to know why she rated herself so low. He said he didn’t know why she thought so lowly of herself (I’m paraphrasing his words). Then they showed a clip of them at home and they were on the couch talking about it and she said something about how she said 6.5 because she’s doing her best but not seeing any improvement in the marriage. And then said, “It’s okay if I’m if just not doing it for you.” And his response was something like, “Don’t do that.” Said with his head tilted in fake empathy. 

    The whole exercise/conversation was so...I can’t wait for y’all to see it. There’ll be no redemption arc for Luke.

    Keith apparently graded himself on a curve. LOL

    That description of Luke and Kate...wow. 

    Did they have the spouses rate themselves in other seasons (excluding Happily Ever After)?

    • LOL 2
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  6. On 2/17/2019 at 6:04 PM, humbleopinion said:

    Puke is awkward socially and his speed dating events must run themselves since he has zero empathy and he lacks any finesse in the art of conversation...

    Hope his side business and income has dried up as Philly women see how he treats his wife on this basic cable show....

    In a future episode Puke runs an event and Kate pathetically sits at home waiting for him... wishing he would have spent the month anniversary with her instead of working...what a passive simp....

    Kate could have gone along and had fun at the speed dating party...making conversation with the desperate singletons....and checking out better dudes than her turd of a spouse....

    I wonder whether one of Kate's friends who had popped up last week was the friend who had already attended Luke's speed dating event. She'd be able to give a review.

    It's also interesting we haven't seen her friend elaborate on recognizing him from the speed dating event either. (Not even, "Wow! Small world, Kate!") It was apparent she had recognized Luke before Kate had.

    48 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:


    I want to eat fried chicken, potato salad and bundt cake at Aunt Susie's....

    That bundt cake looked good.

  7. On 2/17/2019 at 6:04 PM, humbleopinion said:

    Puke is awkward socially and his speed dating events must run themselves since he has zero empathy and he lacks any finesse in the art of conversation...

    Hope his side business and income has dried up as Philly women see how he treats his wife on this basic cable show....

    In a future episode Puke runs an event and Kate pathetically sits at home waiting for him... wishing he would have spent the month anniversary with her instead of working...what a passive simp....

    Kate could have gone along and had fun at the speed dating party...making conversation with the desperate singletons....and checking out better dudes than her turd of a spouse....

    If Kate were to tag along to (another) one (of) Luke's speed dating events, then Luke would have to explain that he didn't get this wife as the result of a speed dating event. He may feel that wouldn't look good for his business. 😏

    On another note, I'm still cackling at the tweet upthread where someone was asking Luke via text message, "Why are you lying like that on national TV?" 😂

    • Love 4
  8. 12 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Kate did seem loopy when her cheese plate friends were trying to wake her up to Puke’s nastiness.

    This basic cable version of Kate has to be maddening to her gfs as she laughed inappropriately when relaying that Puke tells her”all the time” that he is not attracted to her.

    Nothing is getting through her fog....why none of them said W...T...F  is wrong with you? Must have been edited out by the producers....

    Puke+ Kate segments suck.

    This is very plausible. 

    • Love 2
  9. On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 12:14 PM, Lily247 said:

    Also, AJ is kind of wierd. Like, socially off. I only watch snips of this show here and there but I would be very very surprised of he has had a gf in the past 10 years. When he says he just doesn't want to eat alone, I assumed it was in a metaphorical way, but it looks like he was very, very literal about it. 

    I had always assumed that AJ was very literal about that. 

    On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 1:41 PM, cardigirl said:

    I see that the discussions here have taken the turn that Kate is in a dangerous situation and is being emotionally abused and is powerless to leave her abuser. I'm not 100% certain that is true, and I'm really having trouble with the show acting very concerned about Kate and Luke when they really didn't step up for Heather at all. Maybe they learned a lesson there. I don't know. 

    It's interesting that we haven't see any other bride after the Miami season tap out early when it was apparent that it wasn't going to work (e.g. Danielle from Chicago and Molly from Boston. I've seen speculation that the participants are contractually bound for the 8 weeks, and Kate may not be able to take the kind of hit for breaching the contract. 

    On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 4:54 PM, Ilovepie said:

    I have a hard time calling what Luke is doing abuse. Most what we are discussing here focuses on comments he has made, namely, "I feel repulsed and dead inside", and "I am not attracted to you", and "I think you are drinking too much". Two of these things he is talking about himself; he is not calling her names or doing anything to her. Is it nice? Hell no! But I don't think it's abusive. The alcoholic comment is a manipulative lie, but I still don't think it's abusive. If anything, it's anger inducing and it still says more about him than her.....

    I still think he came on this show for a paycheck only. I think if he was attracted to the girl the producers chose, great; if not, just play nice and ride it out until the six weeks are up. It's gone horribly wrong for him though because he is not attracted to the girl chosen but she likes him, and she is not content to ride it out but is pushing him to be a real husband. I don't think he considered this possibility and is handling it totally wrong. He is still trying to play nice (hence, the hugs, smiles, etc.) but can't actually stand Kate smothering him and pressuring him and it's coming out.

    Those stupid "experts" knew what he was when they chose him, hence the title "hustler" at the beginning. I think they set this couple up for drama only with no real expectation that it would work. What is working is that everyone is talking about it, so the show got what it wanted.

    On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 6:21 PM, qtpye said:

    Luke seems like someone who lives a lifestyle he can not afford and really needs the 20k from this show. He might of even pretend that he was being sexually harassed by Kate to squeeze more money out of the show.  

    I do not believe his best friend story just because he never mentioned this earth shattering revelation before. I mean, if people were looking for a spouse for you would you not mention you are sensitive to drinking because of tragedy?

    I think Kate is honestly very attracted to him and does think this will work out, because he can be very nice to her face. He probably says things like “I’m not attracted to you but you are beautiful and it could come later.” to give her false hope.

    Luke said in his talking head that he has these side hustles because he had bought "too much car". (I was like, "Really? Did he not know better?") 

    Regarding whether Luke is or is not abusive - He crossed the line when he had insinuated to the producers that Kate was drinking too much. Then when confronted on camera (in front of Dr. Pepper, so it was within a "safe space"), he backed off of those claims. If Kate really does have a drinking problem, then there should be a legitimate concern for Luke's safety (and Kate's safety) and that may have been a sufficient reason to stop the experiment. It's not good for Luke to back off the claims if what he said is true, because it'll be a disservice to him and Kate. On the other hand. if Luke had exaggerated Kate's alleged drinking problem to the producers because he's desperate for an out, then not only is it a douche thing to do, that's a slanderous thing to do. Like Kate said, Philly is a big city that feels more like small town, so it's reckless to make those claims without receipts (which Luke hesitated to produce).

    I'm not even going to go into his story about the high school friend who was killed by the drunk driver...

    On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 10:26 PM, Soup333 said:

    He actually did apologize to her about what he told the producers. But he was on camera so chances were it was all for show. 

    That's not the first time Luke acted all big and bad away from the cameras, but backed down when confronted by an expert in front of the cameras. He did that too when Pastor Cal called him out.

    • Love 7
  10. Via someone from the Philly Reddit a few months ago:


    [–]dammitdanny 1 point 3 months ago 

    Most of what I know is that one couple has called it quits for good. The couple that a friend knows are super happy together.

    I bet that couple who is dunzo is Kate and Luke. (Shocking, I know.) I have a feeling the couple that is super happy together is AJ and Steph.

    This weekend I re-watched the wedding episodes, and I think that they were edited in a way that included some foreshadowing. Before the ceremony, Kate was saying that getting married to a stranger was one of the craziest things she has ever done. She was hoping that it'd pay off, but she wondered aloud whether this would turn out to be one of the biggest mistakes ever (paraphrased). 🤔 Luke was shown saying that he felt "110% sick" before Kate even walked down the aisle. 🤔🤔 All grooms were nervous, but I don't think any of the grooms had that extreme of an reaction. (Even AJ with his extra self was anxious in a positive way; he wanted to meet his bride! The impression I got from Luke was that he wanted to run!)

    On a side note, I think I spotted Luke having a mixed drink at the pre-bachelor's party gathering with the other grooms. 

    • Love 5
  11. 14 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    So now Kate has a drinking problem?  Maybe it’s because she has to live with Puke.  Is HE planting that idea in everyone’s head to take the heat off himself?  He looked like Pee Wee Herman with that bow tie on Unfiltered.  There is something very disturbing about this creep.  Pepper looks like she has his number.  She kissed Kate goodbye and didn’t give Puke anything.  She knows he’s a phony.  Finally!

    14 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Lukewarm is a puke-inducing LIAR! His distaste for Kate has NOTHING to do with "Kate's drinking"! 

    Get the extinguisher. His pants are ON FIRE!

    I see what production is doing with the episode title. 💁‍♀️

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  12. 12 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Kate drinking white wine at dinner.....maybe she can’t slow her boozing....

    Puke drinks so the sad story about his dead friend is bull crap.

    Bet you dollars to donuts Puke made up the friend who died by a drunk driver on the fly...he would have related that story to production in the months long audition and interview sessions..calling bullshit on him.

    10 hours ago, qtpye said:

    I Kate, love of God woman have some self respect. This man only came on this show to promote himself. He probably played down his attraction to women of color because he knew this show does not do interracial marriages with maybe the exception of Sean and Davina.

    He thinks he is being slick by doing all the nasty things off camera. I see you, Luke. That story he said about his high school friend was bullshit to cover that he was actually making up that she had a drinking problem. That was beyond foul.

    You may want to see the tweet from MAFS Fan that I posted in the Social Media thread then. 😉

    11 hours ago, Stinamaia said:

    Luke is a gaslighting dirtbag.

    ”I don’t want to beat her down.” Yet he’s bad mouthing her to producers saying she’s pressuring him to kiss her and has a drinking problem. Yeah. That’s not beating her down at all. Then when he’s with her he acts all Mr. Nice Guy.  BUT once Pepper is gone, he says “Let me clean up this mess,” and picks up Kate’s water bottle.  He’s being very cruel to string her along. 

    And I refuse to blame Kate one bit. When someone is being gaslit, it’s hard to struggle to the truth. I’m glad Kate has friends she can speak to honestly. 

    The look that Kate had on her face when she asked Luke to give an example of her problematic drinking was heartbreaking. You can tell she felt blindsided, confused, and sad. I wouldn't blame her if she couldn't tell which way was up in that moment.

    • Love 5
  13. 13 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

    The things some zero in on with participants of this show sometimes come off as odd to me. AJ is that person for me this year. There is always at least one and its usually a guy it seems.

    AJ has certain moods his wife needs to learn? That's literally everyone on earth. That comes with time. That is part of the process. You learn that as you develop as a couple. They just met. There are certain patterns that need to be learned and some that need to be broken. 


    From what we have been shown, AJ exhibits some extreme moods. Stephanie has a steep learning curve in that regard.

    20 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:


    I am surprised by Kristine and Keith.  I really am.  Kristine seems to have no standards or just threw them out for this experiment, which may be necessary to be happy in it.  I cannot believe she is having sex with this man-baby without protection.  CAN NOT BELIEVE.  She is just as desperate as Shawniece was, and I fear the same result for her.

    Forgetting to use protection once? I can see that, but it apparently happened more than once. That's not a good look for either Keith or Kristine.

    • Love 7
  14. 5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Kate and her friends at the hipster party...awkward much?

    Kate snuggling and cozying up to Puke  makes me hate them both...

    Kate’s desperation is humiliating.



    2 hours ago, Soup333 said:


    It could be the fact that he hugged them all for an uncomfortably long period of time. It was weird to me, considering his aversion to touching his wife at times. I think their bed cuddles are all for the camera and he’d rather be hugging his friends than anywhere near Kate. 


    I think that Kate is genuinely into Luke (aside from him thinking that kissing her made him feel "repulsed"). He does look like her type.

    Any affection Luke is showing is probably just for the cameras. Pastor Cal's talking-to from last week made him squirm more than Kate does!

    • Love 4
  15. 15 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    This is a guy that is 100% content with laying on the couch all day and night and eating home cooked meals prepared for him. I think he signed up for one of those medical assistant type programs because he needed to find a career. I see nothing wrong with that at all. If he was living with grandma who was cooking and cleaning for him, whatever he earned was all his to spend so he was probably very content with that arrangement. Now he has a potential problem because he was hooked up with a driven woman.

    This page has the requirements for a PA dialysis tech:


    An RN program is insanely rigorous and his couch potato style does not fit that at all. It sounds like they are trying to make his career sound better for the show because Kristine is very driven. 

    Yes. If Keith is working a job in addition to doing course work and clinicals, I don't see how he'd be able to fit in time for Kristine (and this filming schedule).


    1 hour ago, Virginia said:

    Gotta say I'm bummed that we missed out on the house hunting.  As a Philadelphian I was placing bets on where everyone lives and now I have no closure!  So any fellow Philly people want to play?

    Stephanie - totally Washington Sq West 

    AJ - could have sworn there was a clip of him walking on Mifflin around 12th and there's no reason to film there unless he wanted to show the crew where the best croissants in the city are ;).  So I'm guessing Passyunk for him, although I would think he could get a better place down there.

    Keith - Olney/Cheltenham perhaps?  His grandma's yard makes me think they're on the edge of the city.

    Kristine - I don't think we saw her at her parents home

    Will and Jasmine - West Philly/Mt Airy? 

    Kate - Doylestown.  I don't get any city vibes from her.

    Luke- Manayunk but he wants people to think Fishtown. 

    On a related note, I was wondering who is a Philly native and who isn't. I know I read that AJ is from New York, and Stephanie has mentioned living in Philly for "a few years", so they're both transplants. I bet Jasmine is a native. 

    The size of Keith's grandma's yard also looks like she's not living in a row home or a twin (or maybe in a twin but on a corner lot). Jasmine's house definitely looks like a row home, and I'm thinking it's in Mt. Airy.

    • Love 1
  16. On 1/30/2019 at 4:04 PM, silverspoons said:

    Keith is listed before the show as a patient care tech and then the show switched to Dialysis Tech? Both are quick programs, under 2 years , sometimes not even needing a degree. In PA there are still hospital based training programs that don't even require attending a Community college. 

    Keith has stated his goal is medical school and becoming a doctor. He is working on his Bachelors right now so an MD is far off. I hope his bachelors is in nursing but it did not sound like it. He would be much better off going into nursing and then maybe in the future going becoming a nurse practioner. 

    Dialysis nurses can make good money in Philly. I did way to much research on this during the Kate Gosselin days. She was a Dialysis RN (and she did not go to college just trained at a hospital program and took the exam) and she was making over 70k a year 15 years ago. A Dialysis Tech makes under 40k so for a about a year or training or school to jump 30k is a good return. Keith dream of becoming a doctor is a long expensive stressful road as he is 30 and not near finished (I say this as someone who was previously married to a medical student and resident). 


    When Keith said he was in nursing school (which I assumed was going to lead to him becoming an registered nurse), but he said he wanted to become a doctor, I was confused. Those are two different types of schooling. (Why would he even want to do both?)

    • Love 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

    I sincerely apologize for forgetting Sonia and Nick. Also a disastrous couple. And he was in it so he could advertise his business too, wasn't he? Jessica did say in an interview that Ryan was abusive and she wanted out but she was pressured to stay. 

    I think all of the S2 brides got the shaft. 

    @Crazy Bird Lady, I actually think the experts would bring up Kate's parent's divorce, but not to help her in any way. Just to dig and get some dirt they can exploit in some way. Attempting to show empathy and concern by saying they realize how important this is to her because of her parents, etc. In other words, another tactic to guilt her into staying. Wouldn't surprise me at all. 

    When Pastor Cal was saying that he had never heard a MAFS spouse be so cruel to one's spouse, I was screaming at the TV, "LIES! LIES!" He may have forgotten about Nick and Sonia, but I certainly didn't!

    • Love 12
  18. On 1/25/2019 at 8:52 PM, gonecrackers said:

    I didn't listen to much, but definitely saw a wedding ring on her hand.  It may be required she continue to wear it, or they took the wait 'till the one year anniversary before divorcing check, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

    I was under the impression that couples were supposed to remain together (at least legally and publicly) until the start of the following season, but Mia from Dallas obviously disregarded that, so who knows? ;) 


    By the way, this proposed coupling that was squashed on the matchmaking special apparently happened anyway:



    Let's see whether these two will be more successful than any of the couples on the show. ;) 

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