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Posts posted by discoprincessthe2

  1. 1 minute ago, Soup333 said:

    I find it very interesting that both Keith and Will have been called lazy throughout this season even though we know Keith has a job and is also a student and we know Will has a job. I've literally never heard anyone even hint of AJ's or Luke's laziness.


    As much as despise Luke, I dunno how one could call him lazy though when his much-talked about speed dating business is his side hustle. (He already has a regular job.) 

  2. 3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    "Pastor" Cal is full of shit. He also thinks adultery is a-okay, as he never advocated for divorce for Shawniece & told Sheila "nothing" is unforgivable while Nate was cheating on her the entire time (& I won't ever be convinced the 'experts' didn't know- shit, the dude had women's shoes in his trunk when Pepper did her first visit - no biggie - they believed he would change; suuuuuure).

    Cal's just doing a monumental CYA with all those tweets; what a jerk.

    On Decision Day, he did say that even though he normally fights for marriage, he wasn't going to fight for Luke's and Kate's. Even he had to acknowledge that marriage was not worth saving.

  3. 15 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

    That's why I used to think.  I still think he wasn't into her.  But once the show was entirely over, no cameras, nothing, then there would have been no reason to make a suggestion about dating in the future, even going so far as to specify two years.  And it didn't look like either he or Jas said this future dating thing was her idea...they both agreed that it was his idea.  If it was really as simple as him not being into her, then he would have been done with it when they were done...but he didn't.  Which is why there has to be something else.

    11 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    I think Will just didn't want to get on TV and say, "No way would I ever date YOU again."  So he gave a half ass answer.  He's not into her.  I mean when you say something else, what is that something else?

    He could have simply said something like, "We can be friends" and left it at that. Adding the "maybe we can date a couple of years down the line" especially as they were filing for divorce was doing too much. 

    Will comes off as a little...odd when dealing with women.

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  4. 11 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    How have they gotten feedback when the show hadn't aired yet at this point...

    ...especially since supposedly the cast was instructed to keep their social media private.

    11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Oops! Thanks, I fixed it. 

    I just rewatched the Kate and Luke segment. So awkward. And strange.  He went on this show to be on TV. I think I’m done with this show, this season was awful. 

    I think I am pretty much done with the show after this season as well.

    7 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

    The full truth about what motivated Luke to be on the show and what motivates him to lie so much will possibly never get revealed. Luke can't handle when people don't believe him as we saw in his exchange with Kevin Frazier. He really hates that Kate is no longer one of his marks and is laughing at him. 

    There is a lot of speculation about what is going on with Luke's Facebook. Some people think he and his friends changed it recently to mess with people. Which is possible, when the picture of Luke pouring drinks at a younger age leaked, he and his friends were making a lot of gross comments. Luke's friends seem to be just like him, so we will never get a clear answer from them either. 

    Luke should have been called out for that too!

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  5. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I have a question.  If Luke is gay, can he be sued by the show?  Can Kate sue the show?  Being gay is fine, but being gay and in a relationship with a man and going on this show which is all about heterosexual marriages isn't okay IMO. 

    Does the show ask potential participants their sexual orientation?   This show has been on for years, we know it's focusing on heterosexual marriages, so if a person who knows they are gay, goes on this show isn't that fraud? 

    1 hour ago, aphroditewitch said:

    I doubt Kate could sue the show. Reality shows protect themselves with the strict contracts. She might have a better shot at an annulment based on fraud but that is something she would have to discuss with her divorce lawyer about whether it is worth pursuing. 

    If Luke weren't 100% straight and was intentionally concealing that information from everyone involved in the show (including Kate), then I'd want for Kate to fight for an annulment due to fraud. Make it (legally) as if that dumpster fire of a marriage never happened. 😉

    By the way, MAFS dropped this tweet today, which is really disturbing and maddening, if true:

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  6. 22 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

    I agree with the poster that said Danielle and Will were clearly not attracted to their partners, but probably didn't speak up for fear of hurting their feelings.  In Danielle's case however, she chose to remain married to Cody; months later they quietly divorced.  Her decision led viewers to question whether the couples are financially compensated if they decide to stay together on Decision Day.

    I think I know what the experts did on D-Day with Jas/Will and Kate/Luke.  They made Jas declare first knowing that she wanted to stay, with the hope that Will would feel pressured to reciprocate.  Hence Dr. Cal's outburst about being very disappointed with his decision.  I believe they were afraid if Luke went first, he'd opt to stay and Kate would feel obligated to do likewise and they most certainly didn't want that.

    Producer-manipulated drama until the very end! 😁

    If I recall correctly, Danielle admitted to the camera - at least in her talking heads - that she was waiting and hoping to feel some "spark" with Cody. So, she admitted out loud that she really wasn't attracted to her spouse. I don't think Will ever did that.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

    I suspect that she was worried about daddy's disapproval that she couldn't make it work with a Lincoln guy, rather than having her eyes opened that she and Will were a terrible match and are sooo much better off not being married.  I hope next week's reconciliation-ish preview is just producer shenanigans.

    Have we ever seen a couple before where the experts were glad/approving that they got a divorce?  I think that if Jessica and Hundy Ryan had been aired in this day and age, when there's more consciousness of how abuse really manifests itself, maybe the experts wouldn't have pressured her the way they did.  OTOH, knowing our beloved 'experts', maybe not!

    When was the last time before this season (aside from the infamous Heather/Derek honeymoon and the infamous Jon/Molly pairing) that the spouses opted to divorce on Decision Day? (I only started watching during the Miami season, by the way.)

  8. 6 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    That just means you are with the other person while posting. My sister and niece often post they are with me when we go out to eat or somewhere else.

    The rest of the picture says  "in a relationship with Luke [last name]" though. I know on FB one can tag oneself as being with (as in hanging out with) other FB users, but how does that translate to being "in a relationship with..."? 🤔

    • Love 4
  9. 34 minutes ago, Claire Voyant said:

    God bless Will for not taking advantage of her willingness to have sex with him.  Not many men out there who would have been quite so chivalrous, no matter how happy she would have been.   Just ask Puke. 

    33 minutes ago, jb0495 said:

    Bisexuality is a sexual orientation. Sexuality is a spectrum. not a straight line from "straight" to "gay". All the cries of "Luke MUST be gay & now the FB comment proves it" were really disheartening to read all season. If Luke is dating a man & happy, good for him. 

    Frankly, I don't have sympathy for Kate. Yes, Luke is an asshole. But, the onus is on her for staying with him AND (if true) asking for affection/sex. Girl needs to learn some self worth and work on her self esteem. 

    Also, my cousin is friends with some people who know Kate. She's not from Philly, she's from my very small hometown in South Jersey & apparently has always had a "meek" like personality. 

    Yes, sexuality is a spectrum. Regardless of whether or not Luke is gay, it was just so enraging that Luke dragged this "mockery" out as far as it went. Will may not be liked by a number of people on the boards, but at least he had enough integrity to sleep with Jasmine if he knew full well that it wasn't going to work. (Side note: He probably wasn't really that attracted to Jasmine either, but at least he didn't just blurt that out.) Luke should have stopped after the first time when he felt "repulsed and dead inside". Yes, I grudgingly acknowledge that Kate shares some responsibility for going back for more, but I believe Luke should assume the lion's share of the blame. (Side note: In contrast, even though Dave from Dallas knew that he didn't consider Amber to be "wife" material, he didn't report being "repulsed" by her when he was sleeping with her every. single. day. )

    • Love 9
  10. 42 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

    Some interesting gossip over on Reddit. Very interesting if it is true. 

    Someone over on the Reddit sub (r/MarriedatFirstSight) tried to put the kebosh on any speculation that Luke (or AJ) was gay in the beginning of the season, so I'm not surprised that the post was deleted from the sub.

    Meanwhile, I love Twitter. Here is a selection of tweets. 😉

    Did Luke's mom know something Kate (and the rest of us) didn't know? 🤔

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  11. 3 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    I think AJ and Steph have the best chance. I hope it was a bad edit or filming for his worst moments. His 3 repeated highlighted bad moments are not wanting to be bothered on his honeymoon, not wanting to put a shower caddy in a small shower stall, and calling Luke out for liking boys and slapping him on the butt. All these events now that the season has ended and we know more could have been edit to look worse.

    While AJ slapping Luke on the butt during the mini moon was beyond the pale, he was shown as being drunk, angry, and obnoxious during the entire first night when had arrived at the mini moon house. Will of all people even asked AJ to "bring it down a notch", which didn't happen. Conveniently Steph had missed much of that because she had gone to bed early.

    • Love 7
  12. 1 hour ago, aphroditewitch said:

    A group picture from the reunion leaked weeks ago and was posted on Reddit. Kate and Luke were the only couple not standing next to each other. 

    Oh, yes. I think MAFS Fan had also tweeted this (spoiler) earlier in the season. 

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  13. 19 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

    I've been reading all season that multiple people have seen these two together. I hope that AJ just received a crappy edit or that he went to anger management with some positive results. 

    Well, if AJ received a crappy edit, then let's consider...😉

    16 hours ago, silverspoons said:

    Lets say AJ behavior is 50% filming stress and 50% him in real life. Steph seems to have a full life, working out, job that she has to travel for sometimes, friends and family, AJ has his business. It is not like they are going to spend 24/7 together. She might be okay with him being fussy once in a while or tell him to blow off his steam when she is at work. They might find a way to make it work that way? I also do not think Steph will make a real commitment, like having a child or buying a home with him until she is 100% sure. 

    They're definitely not going to spend 24/7 together. Steph's going to have her space when she goes to the gym, probably when she takes trips for work...

    She may turn out to be the AJ whisperer. We'll see.

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  14. 21 hours ago, qtpye said:

    That is where this show fails. Look, it is really hard to predict chemistry and sometimes it is a dice toss. However, goals are pretty straight forward. It was obvious that goal-oriented professionally driven Lily was not going to mesh with Tom's laid back surfer lifestyle for the long term. They should have never been brought together for marriage even though they had great chemistry.

    I seriously doubted that Tom was going to be "tamed" into living a more conventional lifestyle and leaving life on the bus behind for good. Judging by her reaction at the second honeymoon, I thought there was no way that Lily would ever seriously consider living on that bus, let alone raise a family there.

    13 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I don’t believe for one minute that Keith will go to medical school. 

    17 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

    I can buy the idea of him going to nursing school, a lot of older students go to nursing school. Although as I said on a different page in this thread, I don't believe he was in nursing school when the season was filmed because there is no way he could have taken the time for the honeymoon, since the weddings/honeymoons were during the fall semester. Medical school is a stretch for multiple reasons. It seems added on because either Keith or the show still has dated ideas about nursing and men in nursing. 

    17 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    I know someone who did nursing school with a busy social life, a fiance, while planning her wedding, & working at the same time, & I'm sure she's not the only example of that. I do believe Keith can do all of it too, if he's driven. He's been driven enough to do quite a bit of change & growth for Kristine, so he could do school if he wanted. I'm curious about med school though; they may have contrived that one.

    While it's possible for some to fit in a wedding and a family (and even a job) while in nursing school, there is no way Keith could have just taken off those first two weeks in September from school (especially from clinicals!) and just pick up once he got back. It doesn't work that way. He probably would have had to sit out the Fall 2018 semester entirely.

    There are definitely students who are older than a traditional college student who decide to go to nursing school. Some opt for an accelerated program if they already have a bachelor's degree and are changing careers. I don't know whether that applies to Keith. Accelerated programs tend to be even more intense because of the compressed format. Kudos to Keith (and anyone else) who could balance nursing school and a new marriage.

    As for medical school, I don't understand why Keith would be in nursing school if he eventually wants to be a doctor. He would probably have to take additional prerequisites if he really wanted to go to medical school. He's asking a lot from Kristine to hold him down during all that time, especially if they were to have children within the next five years like he wants.

    While the nursing profession is still predominately female, Keith would be able to make a decent living as a registered nurse.

    On 3/28/2019 at 8:45 AM, aphroditewitch said:

    The last one gets it only partially correct. Dr. Jessica gave Luke a complete pass on Unfiltered. 

    This is interesting. This weekend I rewatched bits of earlier episodes, including the one where Dr. Jessica brought in footage of AJ's problematic communication with Stephanie. She was willing to call AJ out (even though AJ's demeanor during the entire interaction was even more problematic), but not Luke. 🤨

    Meanwhile, in the midst of the Jason/Courtney split and upcoming Decision Day, Jamie lets us know that all is well with her:

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  15. 1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

    There's nothing saying for sure they get extra for staying together. To me it got suspicious when a few seasons back couples started staying together at d-day, then divorced at the 1 yr mark. I started thinking of it as the one year divorceries. But then last season Mia/Tristan & Amber/Dave were done by reunion, which wasn't too long after filming stopped.

    I do think they have some very tight NDA's for the US version of this show, since we never get any juicy behind the scenes info, ever. I especially find it nasty that they've started locking down the participants SM accounts.

    While the Chicago season was airing, I believe one of Jon's friends had posted something about Molly being fake. In what I believe was a separate incident, someone had posted a blind item about a couple who behind the scenes had essentially called it quits early on, even though it wasn't entirely obvious while watching the show. This blind item claimed that the bride didn't even want to film with her husband. Several speculated that this info was about Molly and Jon, but I don't believe it was ever confirmed. That said, some people on message boards pointed out inconsistencies with the editing that seemed to support that hypothesis. 

    Back to this season - some people (like MAFS Fan) have pointed out wonky editing as well. Maybe there are additional shenanigans going on behind the scenes. It's amazing that nothing has leaked yet.

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  16. 47 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

    It seems to be speculation about couples have stayed together even when it was clear that they did not really like each other. But nothing has been confirmed by either the show or past participants from what I have seen. The show also could have changed the contract to state they have to pretend they are going to stay together. I think Dr. Jessica was able to get Jon out of his contract because she wanted him for herself. 

    Oh, really? I never heard this speculation before! I was impressed at first that Jon and Molly had the balls to say "divorce" even though the other experts apparently were like, "Are you sure? Really, really sure?" 

    I would love to see one spouse say "I want to stay together" while the other says "divorce!"

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  17. 5 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

    Earlier in the season Jasmine mentioned her previous relationship. She and the ex were together for several years and I think they lived together. According to her, they split because he did not want kids.

    He also decided to become a monk.

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