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Posts posted by discoprincessthe2

  1. 16 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Jesus Christmas! Matt just break it off already. Maybe they'll let your homeless ass stay in a studio apartment in the complex until the reunion or something. .

    Do they do something like this with the aufed contestants on Project Runway? 

    16 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    And she wants him to text her twice.  No problem.

    Except it was a problem when he stopped responding to her texts the first time...

    15 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    Jamie will never change.  He is what he is.  Take it or leave it Elizabeth.   They can’t stay apart and they can’t live together.  A double edge sword.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

    You're forgetting that Zach, Lisa, Screech, and Principal Belding all decided to leave Indiana for California in time for the 1989-1990 school year.

    All seriousness aside, I do want TAT to show up. Same for Emma Caulfield and Lindsay Price.

    You got me there! 😄

    • LOL 1
  3. On 8/9/2019 at 12:37 AM, ButIAm said:

    It won the time slot for the key demo, is the highest rated scripted network show for the whole summer and Fox’s highest rated off season show since 2016. I’m not sure anyone could’ve expected anything better.

    I too am curious as to whether they can retain a good chunk of that.

    I’m also really curious about it’s DVR and streaming performance. This concept is odd for network, but screams streaming.  I wonder if it’ll eventually become just that.

    It'd also be a nod to the summer of 1991 when the original show got high ratings for running new episodes during the summer. That was when the originally really took off, if I recall correctly. 

    On 8/9/2019 at 9:35 AM, TDT said:

    Slightly off topic.. could anyone picture NBC doing something similar with Saved By The Bell..?

    (good luck trying to get Dustin Diamond and Lark Voorhies to appear though lol)

    On 8/9/2019 at 11:52 AM, Moxie Cat said:

    Didn't Jimmy Fallon get TAT, Berkeley, Lopez, and Gosselaar together to do a SBTB skit on his show, a year or two ago? They might be able to corral the four of them. I'd rather see TAT show up on this, though. 

    I'd want Tiffani Thiessen to appear here, and I'd like for some passing mention be made to SBTB as well - especially since 1. Tiffani played a "Kelly" and 2. the SBTB crew and the 90210 gang were around the same age, went to college around the same time, and were from southern California too. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, Moxie Cat said:

    Man, I loved it....totally enjoyed all the callbacks and nostalgia. That's OK, I can hang out in the Unpopular Opinion corner!

    I do wish I knew more about their (real) personal lives because I think a lot was going on there. Didn't Ian really have a a hot, younger blonde wife years ago whom he divorced? And I don't know anything about Jason's real family situation or how many times JG has been divorced.

    Tori and the kids were spot on, though there was quite a bit of digging at "Dean's" lack of ambition/employment!

    Sorry, Tori....that may be the same red dress but it was definitely let out! She's obviously still slender but if you watch "Spring Dance," TS was absolutely tiny back then.

    Ian's first wife Nikki was a former Playmate (and she was blonde). I believe he's on his second wife.

    Jennie has been married three times. There were rumors a while back that her third marriage was about to go bust (and her third husband was going to leave her), but as others pointed out, divorce apparently has been taken off of the table.

    I chuckled at reel-life Tori having "six" kids. I thought there was speculation that real-life Tori may want to have yet ANOTHER kid. 

    4 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    Also, I am not sorry Tiffani was busy.  Valerie was maybe the top of the second-tier characters, and that’s being generous.

    Original recipe 90210 is just fine.  

    It'd be nice to see Valerie and Shannen together on screen.

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  5. On 8/6/2019 at 4:04 PM, Ohwell said:

    I thought it was going to be DC.

    20 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

    It sounds like they’ve decided the next series aka train wreck after the DC one will feature N.O. couples. 

    That's what I meant. Sorry for the confusion! 😊

    I amended my previous post. 

    Edited to add that in other news, this punk finally signed the divorce papers:

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  6. On 8/3/2019 at 11:55 AM, lids said:

    I just saw the promo for next week’s episode and oh no, we get the music stylings of Matt G IV. He’s supposedly doing a serenade as some anniversary romantic gesture, but I’m sure he just realized it was halfway through the season so it was time to get to self-promoting.

    Someone on another message board found a video clip of Matthew Gwynne IV playing guitar and singing:

    It was dated from well before the show. 😏

    On 8/1/2019 at 9:15 PM, Soup333 said:

    Someone on Facebook said they found this on a dating app. Didn’t say when. 


    Nothing about mobile detailing. Nothing about playing b-ball either. 🤔

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  7. 12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Matt's fantasy with Amber is staying out all night and her not being there when he gets back.

    This comment is so wrong and yet so right!

    11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    No huzzband of 2 weeks worth using a day off just because you freaked yourself out.

    Go in and show a Disney film to your classes while you weep quietly at your desk.

    Amber’s over reaction is not healthy, it should give Matt pause to the off the charts level of Insecurity.

    Matt, Take a b-ball gig far far away....

    I'm embarrassed for Amber because now everyone will know WHY she had called out of work that day. I would have kept that to myself (or at least off-camera). (Even explaining it away as a "family emergency" [i.e. my husband is "missing"] would have sounded better.)

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  8. 24 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

    But did she HAVE to call her daddy to freak out? That was pretty juvenile. What's he supposed to do about it, and why does he even need to know about it at this point? She is super-damaged because of her mom's abandonment and should get serious therapy STAT before trying to sustain a committed relationship. Matt is not her man.

    Matt is only her husband😉

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  9. 10 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

    Okay, this is driving me nuts. Next time MAFS films in a chocolate city and casts dark skinned couples, they need to hire someone who does the lighting on Insecure. I'm sick of Deonna and Greg looking like an oil slick in their talking heads. It's not fair to them uggggggggggggh! 

    Well, the next season is in DC. 😉

    10 hours ago, princelina said:

    Yeah I hate to stick up for Elizabeth, but he kind of started it.  I didn't think she was doing anything wrong asking about his parents' divorce.

    I think it really depends on what they're doing in your fridge - it's not like they were cooking up the chicken she was saving for tomorrow's dinner!  I think beverages at a party are fair game.

    If it really made Jamie that uncomfortable, then they could have had that discussion off camera as what was mentioned in this speculation below. Jamie could have said something like, "Let's discuss this later" and talked about it in the bedroom (unless production has wired the bedrooms with surveillance cameras as well).

    On a side note, I hope Matt had explained his parents' divorce to Amber off-camera as well. Someone on another message board found some info on it, and in light of that, I can see why neither parent would have been in attendance. 

    9 hours ago, ramble said:

    In my opinion Deonna and Greg are keeping quite a lot of their quality conversations off screen. They seem to like each other a lot and be growing closer. She also seemed much more open to the thought of sexy times after the friend party. I’m hopeful for them. 

    This is a good idea!

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  10. 22 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    Yep. This exactly. It's just for more drama. These people ARE NOT FRIENDS. They might become so, but they also might not (Recall Jon's disdain for Ryan, and everyone's for Luke. I also can't see Dallas Amber hanging too much with Danielle). It's just going to create an environment where couples that are doing well will feel superior, and those that are struggling will wonder what is wrong with themselves (or their spouse).

    I'm sure the producers were remembering when Tristan threw out Mia, and thought "Imagine if the other couples would have been outside the door when he threw her suitcase in the hall....they could have comforted her/confronted him - TV Gold!".......or some such shit. No doubt Iris, Deonna and Elizabeth will be there for Amber when we see whatever Matt did that makes her cry so much in the previews, and we're going to have to see the guys asking Keith multiple times if he has deflowered Iris yet........blech........

    Kate could have used having Kristine (or maybe Jasmine) nearby to comfort her after dealing with Luke's BS. Kristine may have even wanted to tell Luke a thing or two. 

    That's the only time I can think in recent memory that the spouses would have benefitted from living near each other.

    Side note: I don't think Jepthe cared much for Ryan from Boston either!

    • Love 6
  11. 22 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I do.  The production crew and  (yes) the "experts" will require them to get together on a regular basis since they're "neighbors and friends" with so many unique experiences in common (or some such).  ☹️

    They will almost certainly be located in a block of 4 residences that are facing and/or adjacent to each other.

    I wonder if they will also be forced to go on a shared mini-moon, like the one A.J. objected to so very obnoxiously last time?? [Yes, A.J. was definitely out of line --but imho so was MAFS forcing all the couples to spend their vacations in the same house!

    Speaking of AJ, he responded to this IG post in the comments section:



    That's much better than putting them all in the same 4 bedroom 2 bath single family dwelling in the for the "mini-moon" 😂😂😂😠.

    3d112 likesReply

    • LOL 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

    No, it didn't sound as if he had even considered her coming along. And he mentioned something about Amber getting a job but as an American English teacher, that would be an easy thing for her to do, depending on which country he was playing for. I didn't get the impression that Matt wanted her along at all.

    Wow. I didn't even think about the possibility of Amber going on the road with him! That didn't really even seem to come up!

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  13. 55 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I think playing basketball in Mexico is a lazy man's dream!  Three hots and a cot plus some spending money!  It's hard to leave that easy life for a new wife.

    I think Amber was offering to help him get started and put on his big boy pants and get a real job.  He was embarrassed that we would think he had no money.  I think he has very little and I expect the detailing gig is pie in the sky.

    I'm really surprised they took Matt with no job.  I think that very unfair to Amber.

    Amber already let Matt know up front that she didn't want him running off to play ball for much of the year if the detailing business doesn't get off of the ground, but she offered to help him (assuming that he really wants the marriage to work). I bet if Amber had given him an actual ultimatum (i.e. if you leave the country to play ball, we're through; p.s. go find a REAL job in Charlotte), he would have resented that even more.

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  14. On 7/3/2019 at 10:18 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

    Iris needs to drop a particular topic. She and Keith look like stars. Didn't care for the activity, as sting-rays can kill.

    On 7/3/2019 at 10:30 PM, 2727 said:

    Those weren't stingrays, I don't think. Manta rays.

    Okay, that makes me feel better. When Iris had guessed that they were going swimming with stingrays, I was like, 😮 because a stingray was what had taken the Crocodile Hunter out.

    On 7/4/2019 at 8:17 PM, Gem 10 said:

    Jamie has no talent whatsoever.  They probably pay her very little.

    I will give Jamie O this: last season on Unfiltered when she asked Luke questions, she did not handle him with kid gloves. While she didn't go as hard as the guy who had hosted the reunion did, she did not give him a total pass (which she totally could have done). She has my respect for that.

    On 7/5/2019 at 12:04 PM, Empress1 said:

    My point is that if these are "real, legally binding marriages," as the experts say over and over and OVER, the financial conversations give the marriages more heft. Last season the show rented houses for them and covered the cost, so they were really just playing house and there was no need to have those financial conversations because housing was the only way they joined their finances in previous seasons. Doing a budget grounds the marriages more, and they did that in previous seasons.

    I dunno why the show got the cast members AirBnBs last season. It would have only made sense for Jasmine and Will, who both owned their own houses, which aren't that easy to unload for some eight-week experiment. 😏

    On 7/5/2019 at 11:18 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

    Looks like the posts are more lively than the episode.

    Guess we can't have someone arrested on every season. That really is a bad omen.

    I can see cops being called in case Jamie and Beth's dad were really to get into it one day...

    On 7/6/2019 at 9:11 AM, Soup333 said:

    I don’t think Deonna is getting a bad edit but I do like her quite a bit.

    I think the preview for this episode made Deonna look-dare I say-uptight and frigid. I'm glad to see that in context of the entire episode, Deonna came off as more reasonable.

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  15. On 6/27/2019 at 10:25 PM, aphroditewitch said:

    He apparently tweets a lot of hateful stuff about women. Heather was smart to get out early even though she got so much heat about it at the time.

    Case in point:

    I think he also got into it with someone else from the Miami season over Twitter. I don't recall whether it was Sonia or Lillian.

    Edited to add: It WAS Lillian:

    Someone posted this response: 

    This dude also dropped a rap single after the quickie divorce called "Honeymoon". 

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  16. 32 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    Elizabeth reminds me of Christina Hendricks.

    I thought it was Elizabeth's dad!

    I seriously thought that Beth's dad happened to be knocking at the door too! I'm sure his ears would have been burning!

    I would have like to have heard what Jamie had said if that door knock hadn't happened though.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    And probably the last.  Jamie looked like he was in the electric chair.  If that was my husband, he wouldn’t have been so nice about it.  The Father is a sadistic bully.  He actually had hate in his eyes.  Jamie was a gentleman.

    Production probably did that on purpose figuring that Beth's dad would have provided a goldmine of footage.

    AJ may have worn on some people's nerves from last season, but he may have had a point in calling out some of the nonsense perpetuated by production.

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