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Everything posted by Nysha

  1. That's tacky/inconsiderate; bringing up the current worst event in someone's family & then ask them for a selfie she can post to her social media. I realize (and she probably does, also) that this something she's going to have brought up in every media post about anyone in her family. I just think that at a large church conference is not someplace she should be accosted by some self-appointed social media 'journalist'.
  2. I love Felicity and Evangeline's curls. I wouldn't be surprised if Jinger was pregnant. Their girls are just over 2 years apart and Jeremy would probably like to have a son. If they have more than 4 I'm going to be shocked, though.
  3. I think Abel would be great and they could still have an Abe Dillard.
  4. Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and advice. I've had time to relax and reflect. I'm going to ask my psychologist if my best friend can attend our next appointment because I think I'm not processing everything being discussed. If I still feel like she's not taking my concerns seriously and my friend agrees with that, I'm going to find someone else to work with. On a happier note, I've had a very quiet Sunday. I've been organizing my 'stuff' into keep, give away, and trash. I think I may have enough writing utensils to give one to every man, woman, and child in the U.S. 😎
  5. I'm going to chalk this up to Jessa's lack of high school education. I learned in my HS child development class (mandatory for all junior girls) to buy a stove with the top buttons when you have small children b/c they like to turn knobs. This was in the 70s, so things might have changed a bit since then.
  6. She has some mental health issues and doesn't clean or pick-up on a daily basis. Once or twice a week she will go through the house after the kids go to bed and toss everything she doesn't want (dishes, toys, clothes) into a garbage & take it outside to the trash bin. The kids have learned to take the things they want to keep into their rooms at night, but sometimes they don't. I found out about this on a visit when she cleaned under the couch and was going to toss the Batmobile RC car I'd given my grandson for Christmas.
  7. @Scarlett45, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to not know what set your sister off about the plant stand. I'm glad for your mom's sake that you were able to salvage the plants. @Rabbittron, I'm glad your children are excited to have grandma move in. She will heal so much faster and better with family around. I think I may be coming to the end of my driving life. On the way home from visiting my oldest son over Memorial weekend I stopped for a green light on a street where the speed limit is 55. I just sat there until someone drove pass me honking their horn. Thankfully, it was early Sunday morning and there wasn't any traffic, but the light was one for cars turning left into a big box store. This morning I was driving to the store and the lights on Main Street were blinking red. I saw them, patted myself on the back for leaving before 7:00 am, and drove right threw the red light and into a Dodge pickup. Thankfully, nobody was hurt and my insurance will cover the damage for the driver I hit. Unfortunately, I discontinued liability last year to save money and my poor car lost it's brand new bumper and head light. And then there is the annoying driving issues - turning left at the 4 stoplights before the one I need to turn on (3-5 times this year), having to pull over on a road I've driven many times before because I couldn't remember where I was going, driving to the child care center my grandson went to when he lived with 4 years ago. I also don't think the nurse-psychologist that prescribes my meds is the right fit. I was there on June 1st and we agreed to switch from Zoloft to Cymbalta, but when I went to get my meds I found out she also discontinued my Adderall and Buspar. Without discussing it with me. She got almost insulted when I wanted her to read my boss's report on the things I can't do at work that I was able to do a year & a half ago. She asked me why she would want to read that and then said she wanted to know where I was right now, not where I was previously. Plus, according to her, my issues are due to my mental health problems and once that's resolved I won't have any memory issues.
  8. Henry is starting to show the same blank look. It's like watching a child sink into despair in real time. Poor Spurgeon doesn't even know what's wrong because everyone in his life is just as boring. That said, Ivy was sweet and enthusiastic about her toys even if she didn't know what it was, like the slinky. Are Ben's parents having financial problems? I'm not sure about the tiny backpack, but everything else was from a Dollar Store. Although, I do that sometimes with my grandchildren in-between Christmas & birthdays because they're still young enough to think the number of gifts is more important that the quality and my daughter walks through the house after they go to bed and throws their toys in the trash.
  9. I think they'll name the baby Justice Ezra or Ezra Justice is honor of both the holiday & Derek's new role in life.
  10. Yes, but unfortunately Jessa doesn't trust Ben enough to take care of her and their children. Ben doesn't seem to like conflict, so he's pretty much given up being the head of the house.
  11. I agree. I think if Jessa had had anything close to a normal life growing up she would have gone on to be a very private person. She probably would have had a career she excelled in and was pleasant at work then went home and shut off all contact to the outside world unless it was on her terms. And there is nothing wrong with that type of life. Unfortunately, she is uneducated and has no practical life skills, plus she has lived in front of a camera her whole life. I doubt she is in touch with her emotions and mental health enough to realize she hates having her life on public display. It's honestly the only way she knows to support her family.
  12. I'm sure he put the time he spent as an missionary in the appropriate places on his resume, either counted his time at Cross Church as being in school or a pastoral/mission internship, and since then he has been in school getting a law degree. A lot of places would think his time in Nepal and South America is good experience in understanding other cultures and diversity. Also, since he was an xtian missionary, they're not going to question that he enrolled in a program at Cross Church for more training to become a better minister. His future employers may know he's part of the Duggar circus, but very few people in general take as much interest in their little lives as we do. As long as his references are good and nothing shows up on his background check his chances of being hired are as good as the next person's.
  13. I'm not in the mental healthcare profession, but I've never heard that SA was a mental illness that was passed down through genes from the grandparents.
  14. It is ridiculous, but it did remind me I still need to take my meds. 😁 ⬇️ I know she could have paid $35-$50 of that (not really a) bill without begging her fans for money.
  15. I agree, to a point. Josiah had a fun personality that was totally stomped out of him when he got done with Alert. So, it may be an honor, I think it is run more like the harshest movie version of boot camp to break the attendees into conformity.
  16. This is why JB & Jed! need to give up their dreams of being politicians. Legit media sources probably wouldn't target Jed! but trash media will bring it up and push it hard. As for JB, even mainstream media is going to remind folks that he raised (and defended, lied, harbored) a serial sex offender.
  17. I agree with this, especially JB understanding Josh's issues. I also think one of the reasons he didn't go to Alert is JB wasn't willing to take a chance that he would confess the entirety of his sexual sins in the guise of asking for support. Although, it would be more to brag to the other inmates about his sexual experiences. After all, his local church forgave and forgot so why wouldn't that happen at Alert.
  18. This is why I think they legit live in a fantasy world of their making and they pull people in as needed to fulfill their narrative and discard them as soon as that stops. What would have happened if their 'sweet friend' didn't start doing their laundry? Would they have stopped procreating or continued until Michelle went so unstable that she couldn't drag herself back?
  19. I think part of the reason she is so successful is she is a 2nd generation brainwashed homeschool mom. She is probably more extreme than her parents were, but not so much that they disapprove of how she is raising horribly abusing her children. The Turpin parents cut ties with their families, so all anyone saw was happy kids at Disneyland and the oldest girls got glimpses of normality during those times. All the poor Rodlets experience is adults praising their parents for being so good and holy.
  20. I vote all his siblings and their spouses get a place in line. His sisters get to go as many times as they want.
  21. I admit that I don't see the draw in having a video recording with an actual celebrity, but why would anyone pay $50 for a Z list wanna-be?
  22. I thought her hair looked fine. It was combed and out of her eyes.
  23. Well, dad ended up with Jill who was pretty young, so there's hope for the boys? 🤷‍♀️
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