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Everything posted by Nysha

  1. And then one would realize these posers have a lot of time on their hands because preparing to dispatch is a lot less time consuming than actually doing something worthwhile to help Ukraine.
  2. I don't think the babysitter was Jill because Jill can't even fake write her kids' praise letters w/o using her own style of writing. I would believe it is one of the older teens at church who likes the kids, has a mom worst than Jill, and thinks David is boring and gross.
  3. A family member and spouse had this issue with their oldest son. They, too, tried to stop their son. They did this by calling the police and having him charged, voluntarily removing him from their house while the investigation was taking place, immediately getting their children and themselves therapy, driving 6 hours one way to attend family therapy at the facility their son was sentenced to, and making sure that when he was released (after he turned 18) he had a safe place to live and mentor to help him navigate his way to adulthood. His younger siblings didn't to see or live with him, so his parents traveled to visit him instead of allowing him to come home. 20 years later he is married, his wife knows about his past even though his record has been sealed, and he's expecting his second baby in July. Only one of his siblings has a relationship with him and that is mainly over social media, but he understands and accepts responsibility for this. What they didn't do was lock their daughters in their rooms at night, make them change the way they dressed, or make them feel diminished or at fault. They didn't present their son, or their family, to the world as people to admire or emulate.
  4. Oh, that's so sad. Thank you, @Rootbeer, for taking time to give a very detailed answer to my question. I just can't fathom someone allowing their baby to die when there is a chance that he or she would survive with intervention.
  5. Joy & Austin seem very relaxed and happy together. I think having kids so early in a marriage, especially when you're not allowed to really learn about each other beforehand, makes it hard to jell has a couple. This is the most relaxed I've seen Jinger in forever.
  6. Because JB and his kids don't really believe what they preach. They may think they believe, but if they did, the sins they call out on other people would still be sins when they commit them.
  7. That is not a good look, since Justin looks more like he should her much younger brother than her husband.
  8. I would probably click 40 follow buttons if it meant rescuing those poor children.
  9. What kind of treatment is legal if it's obvious that either the baby or the mother (or both) will die if the baby isn't removed immediately?
  10. Yeah but, doesn't my court room experience via Perry Mason (reruns!) count for anything?!? His bad guys were always found guilty and given harsh sentences. Hopefully, we can all get adjoining rooms at drug rehab. 😄
  11. Their real Jesus and his ways are a lot different than the one they profess to believe.
  12. I hope she and Derick are smart enough to go to the hospital instead of trying for another failed homebirth.
  13. Assuming they held off until after the wedding, they would be holding a baby that's 3-4 months old while announcing another pregnancy.
  14. I think it has more to do with little or no TV, view non-xtian movies, and a very small social group.
  15. Is it Jordyn next to Mackynzie? Why is she wearing leggings under her dress? Are they still worried about in-home CSA? If not, she's definitely old enough not to wear them with a dress that goes to her knees.
  16. This goes to Ashley Hoover's IG praising her most manly and godly husband.
  17. That makes sense. I vaguely recall my mom wearing shirts like that when I was very young. Google led to a page on women's shirts in the 1960s and a white ruffled shirt from 1967. I didn't want to believe that JillRod would have raided her grandmother's left behind clothing.😁
  18. As far as I know restrictions can be placed on him while he’s under supervision (probation or parole)upon release. That doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t live with Anna and their children. In my state, as long as he wasn't convicted of abusing his children, he would be able to live at home. He may also be allowed to have other children in the home as long as Anna is also present. When I was a foster mom one of my placements was a young, homeschooled sibling group who had been abused by their father, again. The first time the father went to a prison for sex offenders and finished the 12 month program. He was allowed to come back home and reoffended. Since he wasn't supposed to be alone with the children, his wife was charged with felony injury to a child. The kids went from my home to an adoptive placement.
  19. LOL. I was completely unaware that YouTube was for exploiting kids. ????? It’s the opposite - parents will be looked at more critically if they DON’T get their kids needed treatments. And they would never get “taken away” for a lack of this kind of testing. I watch a couple of family videos where it is obvious that the videos focusing on the children get the most views and comments. Because I watch them, I get a lot of video suggestions like them. That's what my comment was about, even though it isn't literally true. Conservative homeschooling fundamentalist parents are terrified that the government is going to take their kids away. Some of this is a generational fear dating back to homeschooling not being legal in a lot of states in the 1980s and 90s. Some of it is general xtian paranoia that it's the end days and the government is filled with Satan's minions.
  20. By the time Gideon is old enough to enter the workforce the Duggar's are going to be ancient history. Since Gideon's last name isn't Duggar, I don't think there's a chance in hell an interviewer is going to search 20 year old YouTube videos for incriminating evidence.
  21. Honestly, I don't think it is a big deal that Joy filmed Gideon's evaluation. There are a lot of parents that don't have their toddlers evaluated because they think it will be used by the government to take their children away from them. Joy showed that not only will the parents be in the room, but that nothing personal is being discussed. As for profiting off her children...isn't that what YouTube is for? I'm not saying it's right, but very little of the children's life is shown. They don't have special lighting installed in their home or camera crews following them around to catch them dong something interest, so Joy probably doesn't equate her experience with the videos she posts of her children.
  22. Jana doesn't seem interested in getting married and none of the Lost Girls are old enough. It will be interesting to see if their weddings resemble Jill & Jessa's or Jinger & Joys.
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