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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. My area was shown a repeat after the ABC News report ended, so we’ll get today’s show Monday
  2. Tracy is clearly getting back at Drew for trying to blackmail her by accusing him of knocking Ned into the pool. Lying about it seems like a pretty heavy thing though. And did Nina see the whole thing or just Ned falling into the pool? It appears Tracy and Drew didn’t see her. If she did see the whole thing, it will be interesting to see if she comes forward to exonerate Drew What was the deal with Sonny talking to Anna? That just seemed like a weird out of the blue pairing Similar in the US though it depends on the state. From a few things I’ve read you spend some time in in a facility to become fit to stand trial but it can take time
  3. Trailer ETA: Full press release http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2023/06/08/hbo-original-documentary-rock-hudson-all-that-heaven-allowed-debuts-june-28-529311/20230608hbo01/
  4. The ratings for the first season ranged between about 700k and about 1 million (possibly just overnights; not too bad for an HBO show), then dived to under 500k for the second
  5. I started wondering that myself in yesterday’s episode
  6. Who alum Bonnie Langford is back as Mel Bush for Series 14 https://www.doctorwho.tv/news-and-features/mel-come-back-bonnie-langford-returns-to-doctor-who-as-mel-bush
  7. I've watched the first episode so far and it's definitely interesting. It certainly seems like the parents aren't entirely forthcoming
  8. Really good episode. You really felt for the Mannheims while Peia was suffering even if they are bad guys. Yikes at the way Peia pasted that minion into the wall when she yet again lost control
  9. Casey the Alien was a totally loopy storyline but the actors, especially Kimberly McCullough as Robin, managed to win over initially skeptical viewers
  10. I continue to find it hilarious how much the other contestants react to the team that's being evaluated, especially when the evaluated team uses ingredients the others didn't; the funniest part is they don't know yet whether a particular ingredient used is correct
  11. That was fun. It was wild that the team that did the boardwalk cake (or whatever it was called) for the first challenge were the only ones to get it right. That choice seemed so left field until the judges explained the clues
  12. Walt Willey will reprise his Jackson Montgomery character on GH https://deadline.com/2023/06/all-my-children-walt-willey-general-hospital-jackson-montgomery-1235408919/
  13. Trailer Press release https://press.wbd.com/us/media-release/hbo-original-documentary-stroll-debuts-june-21
  14. I think I didn't fully catch the dialogue about the time machine. As far as them explaining things in this episode only, does the machine automatically revert time back several months or does a team member have to flip a switch or something? Because I can see a scenario where all the team members are killed before an extinction event happens. The lady in charge said she was calling it when it looked like the bad guy would set off whatever explosion he was about to set off. Was that just alerting the team that they were going to do time reversal or something else?
  15. I love sci-fi so I enjoyed this. I have to set closed captions for the British accents though
  16. Victor is definitely getting his revenge on Esme; if I’m recalling correctly, he thought she wasn’t good enough for Spencer and definitely not for Nic. But if she still has amnesia, I don’t see how they could put her on trial
  17. Trailer Press release https://press.wbd.com/us/media-release/hbo-documentary-films-oscar-nominated-short-how-do-you-measure-year-debuts-june-14
  18. I’m finally watching “Soldier of Illusion” on Netflix and it’s definitely nutty insane and enjoyable in how nutty insane it is
  19. One of the directors talks about the series https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/murdaugh-murders-a-southern-scandal-director-interview-1235501943/
  20. Press release on follow up doc coming this Summer with Natalia apparently telling her side of the story http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2023/06/01/id-greenlights-new-documentary-featuring-exclusive-bombshell-revelations-from-natalia-barnett-538411/20230601id01/
  21. Maybe. I’m not sure it’s a done deal yet
  22. And leading them to what you want them to say, even if you mean well. As I understand it, you have to question children carefully and in certain ways when it comes to abuse and that didn’t happen with events like McMartin
  23. The directors talk about making the doc https://deadline.com/2023/05/love-to-love-you-donna-summer-directors-interview-1235382445/
  24. She’s now serving her prison sentence (in prison). She denied her bid to remain free on bond while she appealed her sentence https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/30/tech/elizabeth-holmes-prison/index.html
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