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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. He shared one message, but People Mag said there were several messages so he seems to be trying to make it look as innocent as possible, though US Mag said it was a minor infraction. Also, People didn’t say it was sexual harassment, just that the contact was inappropriate and made the contestant uncomfortable. That one message he shared certainly doesn’t make him look good
  2. Renewed!! http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2022/06/02/hbo-renews-sketch-comedy-series-a-black-lady-sketch-show-for-a-fourth-season-913210/20220602hbo02/
  3. With that and the axe place, it does make you wonder if at least one staff writer really likes to include odd locations for chats between characters
  4. Mike and Anthony both winning Polecano with similar moves was pretty fun to see
  5. Thought it was likely to be something of that nature. And gross. I wonder how his wife reacted; hopefully she puts him in the doghouse if she doesn’t outright leave him
  6. Some sort of headphones for dogs to cancel out loud noises might be useful but it would have to something they would be comfortable to wear. My family had a dog that got scared by a bad thunderstorm when she was a puppy. Eventually she found some comfort hiding under the couch whenever there were loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks. I think some sort of tight shelter that muffles noises, similar to hiding under a couch, would be a better solution for the most part with some sort of mobile variation for car trips
  7. Not that I’ve heard yet Considering how this season had less talk here, it probably lost viewers from the first season
  8. Good episode and I agree that several characters, including Naomi, stood out well. The major negative point is that Hicks should have stood down when SWAT helped out on the case given he was a witness to the judge’s murder
  9. No original episode today given the holiday; it’s a repeat from last year
  10. I initially thought Prepdeck looked pretty interesting, but I agree that in reality it looks unworkable for the real world cook. I got more into cooking with the pandemic and do a food meal kit or recipes from online regularly which usually involves a lot of prepping of ingredients. I have different sized prep bowls + different sized mixing bowls for bigger items so the mostly same sized containers seems like a waste for small ingredients or not workable for large ingredients. Plus cleanup is still a lot of work. Even more so, for a small meal with a little prep, I wouldn’t want to haul this thing out, and I would be concerned with getting stuff in the containers I didn’t use and therefore would have to clean them. I’m a messy cook especially with prepping ingredients, so I would likely get the box itself messy and I wonder if cleaning it would be a nightmare. As others have suggested, it might be useful for those folks cooking online and who might want to make a nice presentation
  11. This will start streaming on HBO Max on June 9
  12. You really think the reason he announced is somehow better than that he’s not cutting it? This will tar him for sure
  13. Very informative, thank you. Who is Adney?
  14. In relation to the episode in Season 2 where Anne tells her sister Marion that she won’t support her marriage to a sheep something businessman and any kids she might have won’t inherit the estate and Marion can only depend on her husband, how did Anne get her money, how was the estate set and why weren’t both sisters inheritors? I recall something about Anne being put in charge of Shibden by her uncle or grandfather because they didn’t trust her dad to be capable of it, but did that make Anne the only one who inherited the money and the rest of her family - dad, aunt, sister - dependent on her kindness to be able to afford to live? And how did Anne’s largess contrast or compare with the laws of the time? Given what we are hearing in the episodes, it’s clear women at the time didn’t automatically inherit from their husbands when the husbands died
  15. It was on in my area in Maryland, but most of the last half got interrupted by ABC News for Texas officials updating on events from yesterday
  16. Wasn’t Dr Charles’ daughter previously pregnant and lose it? If so, I thought it was odd she responded to the birth by saying she’s never having a baby
  17. Nice to see Kim Delaney have a video cameo as Severide’s mom. Very happy to see Casey back for the wedding. Good episode all around. Emma really screwed herself running away from the scene because the flames were approaching. Glad that she’s gone and that Brett is back
  18. The football player was better than I expected. He moved pretty good for such a big guy
  19. Oops, I guess Crockett made the wrong decision for Blake. Interesting that Dr. Charles broke up with his psych friend. I think worrying about the fact she was his therapist and knew a lot about him was a legit worry and it's probably good that he took the step to end things instead of continually worrying about it and freezing up in regards to decisions. I think his daughter's comment said out loud cemented what he was internally worrying about
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