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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Someone pointed out that JM looks a bit like KC with her hair down and even acts like early LL (I guess the rule following, suit wearing version of Sara turned sometimes "pro vigilanting") and now I can't unsee it, so there's that. I also wish I had more enthusiasm because I don't think it's going anywhere, and I like JM as an actress but...….I partly feel like they skipped forward about 100 steps in their relationship (first date to pulling someone's soul back from the brink to breaking up/ILY) in 3 episodes, completely rushing it didn't help either. Sanvers was also a meh for me, kinda paint by numbers relationship milestones but Alex's coming out itself was well done. SV Lois and Clark are my worst version of the pairing ever (best pairing being DC and TH version).
  2. I think he and SA both waffled a bit on the wedding. One minute, definitely confirmed *wink* next con "maybe possibly" etc. And there were conflicting reports over double crossover wedding or not. I still think it's likely to happen but may not be set in stone/fully approved yet (or plans change due to whatever issues etc) or its possible that like the wedding they want to keep it more underwraps than DR confirming it so early on. Come now, it's not *that* bad ;) Reddit refused to believe the spoilers when there was paparazzi footage of the double wedding leaked because such a travesty could never happen and immediately started hoping this was just a quickie starter marriage (ignoring the last 4 seasons) and ignoring the fact that they claim Nyssa is his true first wife.
  3. I think it's clueless and inappropriate especially in this climate but kinda ultimately benignly clueless originally. Yes he should have known better and to apologise when people got offended and moved on and realised that would probably be mote appropriate outside something like the Eiffel Tower or something. It's always his follow ups that get him into the hotter water. That said, I do think this will end up blowing over once the season starts filming again and people focus on that. Hiatus makes people bored, even when they have a completely definite right to call him out on his SM. And sometimes given fandom, if no good spoilers are given this will rumble on longer than if preferred spoilers are given. Obviously not for everyone of course. Not really the same thing of course but I'm a devout Anglican and have taken silly pics in from of so many cathedrals and Abbeys, which were probably inappropriate (although I was younger than he is now) and they even printed them in my Church magazine. I've also got tons of photos of myself and friends in front of the Sultan Ahmed (BLue) Mosque and Haggia Sophia on a pilgrimage, goodness knows what intsa captions people put up. Once again, he didn't think it though, and responded badly but the initial post was just very touristy not intentionally insensitive. I had a Turkish dissident lady literally flip the birdie at a guard at several mosques in defiance of the headscarf requirement before throwing one on at the last minute and she was allowed though (tourists give donations).
  4. Not in anyway defending SA or his thoughlessness and assery but the Hague Sophia is no longer a Mosque, it's a museum.
  5. Enty also claimed SA, his wife and ERB are in a poly relationship with his wife and ERB being the main pairing, which I don't buy. There have been lots of rumours about why WH left the show, including her own personal problems or wanting to spend more time with her husband or being fed up with Thea's storylines. Unless she opens up like CH eventually did I doubt we'll ever know for sure. Like a lot of things Olicity posting SA and ERB BIs gets them a lot of clicks. It might be possible that he's awesome with fans and a horrible human being to the cast and crew but despite me truly side eying a lot of what he puts out on SM but aside from that and other dude bro moments, I honestly don't get the impression he's 100% nasty whenever he's not at a con. Though that doesn't discount the fact that people who work on the show may have had bad experiences with him as well.
  6. Even on Earth X EvilNazi!Oliver was very much in love with EvilNazi!Kara (and I did not appreciate the "Nazis in Love" dynamic in the xover) more LL can't catch a break with Oliver in any of the multiverse. And SA seemed a lot more enthusiastic about OliverX and KaraX than he ever did about Lauriver. Oh, I've said before, she'll be the last one out the door when everyone else has moved out and turned the power off. Bit like LL still thinking Oliver is the love of her life after Tommy and everything Oliver did and didn't do for her. Yeah it basically went the opposite way with Oliver/Felicity/Ray. There was no hint of a different triangle in S3, Oliver was basically dismissive and only had her on the team because of "Insta Canary" reasons. Even their "reconnection as friends" in S4 was meaningless because whilst it was "her best run of episodes" they'd also decided to write her out by then and she was mostly just in the background. I can see why in S3 ep 1 she and others might have thought the "you catch em, I cook em" line was a flirty foreshadowing, along with Sara's BC mask literally dropping at her feet but that was about the last time you could say that about them, and that ep became majorly about the blown up Olicity date and Sara's death.
  7. I guess it could be, she can now be hired to say whatever nutty conspiracy theory or bigotry pops into her head and get applauded for it by the unfortunately many places that would pay her to do that, but I'm not sure she had anyway of knowing that ABC would actually pull the plug on it rather than try and send her to "asshole rehab" etc for a couple of weeks. Not to mention she's suddenly become as radio active as Weinstein in 5 hours. But yeah the OTT obviously nasty anti black racism and insane anti Semitism in short order did have me wondering.
  8. Thanks for the correction, though I guess the sentiment probably has a good chance of ending up in the season *somehow*. I think it was PB leaving, but yeah we don't know for sure. He did seem to pick up another show double quick though so either way he's probably looking forward to doing some other acting than grieving over one of his daughters and supporting/hating Oliver.
  9. It's also worth noting that if WH and PB weren't both leaving this season then BS's storyline might have played out differently. True.
  10. I never discount KC because she's probably going to be the one left standing even if everyone else has turned the studio lights off and shut the doors, though some of what she wanted most certainly wasn't the way she got it. I can't think she was particularly impressed that she had minimal Oliver scenes this season and only Quentin seemed to give a shit most of the time, but yeah it will be interesting to see what she has to say especially with Beth S's #taleoftwolaurels thing. I don't think too many of the writers actually enjoyed writing for her characters (bare minimum motivation and characterisation stuff mostly) and possibly that's one of the reasons they just go "oh right you think that, sure, why not......done!"
  11. IIRC there are several interviews where KC references how no great S2 was for her. Not surprisingly. She was loosing BC to CL and the LI to EBR and got saddled with the half assed "crucible" of drunkenness. That's one of the reasons she was grinning like a loon in the "Sara gives her the BC jacket" scene even though Laurel should be worried about where her newly re alive sister was going with the lady who kidnapped her mother and poisoned her. Although since she has her own head cannons maybe she really did think she was the only female on the show in S1.
  12. Thanks for that, I hadn't read it. I identified with a lot of that, especially the constantly having to explain even to extremely well meaning people that no, I'm not/wasn't/not again just in a phase or attention seeking or wanting to be poly etc. And on a lighter note, *definitely* the art (of both sexes) played a big part in my education. I remember an old article, I think from Latina Magazine, which quoted both MF and SB as being a bit paranoid on the pilot of B99, both sure that they would only go for one Latina main character and huddling in the corner asking if each other had heard anything about recasting etc and yet both of them flourished on the show.
  13. Yeah I think that's what happened. There were 4 eps of S2 to air and they aired those and also produced 22 for S4. I don't think it screwed with the show. Lucifer has always had standalone episodes, and those fitted in ok. It also helped because Lesley Anne Brant was on maternity leave in the first part of filming and those eps made sure Maze had some screen time and wasn't just forgotten, (although the less said about the latter half of the season for her the better) same with Linda and RH's schedule. S3 also had standalone episodes that were shown in perfect production order. The last two were supposed to be slotted in to S4 as filler but the cancellation came as a shock. I don't think OUAT was a potential reboot, just a standard "AU/What If" scenario. Of course NG gives it a lot more meaning and gravitas.
  14. I personally think that was the least of the show's problems this season. These were ok, though the standalones left from S2 that they showed earlier this season were stronger overall IMO. Neil Gaiman as God was the best thing about them. You can't say he's not creator of this universe.
  15. Maybe they'll genderbend the name Emiko or even bring in maternal cousin Mia Dearden to rub it in about Thea. Given Robert's philandering this is probably one of these least surprising soapy plots since William. I was actually kind of surprised Isabel never revealed that she'd had Robert's kid and that's why she thought the company should be hers over the affair. Though that kid would only be a few years older than William right now.
  16. Not enthused by so many new recurrings again, with the noobs going nowhere but I guess some of them will be there for specific arcs and then go and they probably want to explore other possibilities for keeping some around for show longevity etc. I'm slightly worried about them doubling up so much on the tech side means for Felicity's storylines, although it could be a Curtis S4 and Alena 5/6 situation rather than sidelining her, or in the case of the teen, being antagonistic "slaying superheroes" (eyeroll).
  17. Yeah her supposed arc on LOT in S2 ended up being one scene with Sara. I can see them doing some flashbacks with E1LL with Sara, especially if she is now mourning her father as well. Maybe Siren for a few eps but the story arcs for the season that we know about don't really need her. And if they also go on full civil war I seriously don't want White Canary vs "Black Canary" because that would become a shitshow for me and there will be calls for the real comics character to take over as Captain fulltime and kill off Sara again etc. Plus as @Starfish35 said, the Waverider is currently quite full up and they already have some confirmed recurring characters (Nora's probably going to be enough of a handful, we don't need BS to go with that).
  18. I figured he wasn't going to do it for as long as the 2Js are doing SPN. But I guess depending on what his new contract stays, you never know. Actors who have hinted about leaving shows end up staying until the end and those you thought didn't have much else on asked to leave. I doubt I'd watch if SA left, especially if EBR stayed and he died/they broke up, that would just be depressing in what is already a show with a lot of characters I don't care about. I guess it could end up being like Castle, where there are plans to keep it going that just don't materialise. I was going to say, that's pretty much the descriptions for Tinah and Curtis and even if one of them was going to surprisingly leave in this year's crossover or something, then they still don't need more. Maybe they'll have a female gay tech wizard and male hotshot recruit at the SCPD to change it up?
  19. Oh yeah a fan of a Jewish character is a Nazi, because that's not wrong at all. If we really were fandom terrorists presumably holding the writers hostage, we'd had got "dessert" every episode and not what happened last night, which was a slightly less awful version of S4's BMD/non communication stuff. Also if @Mellowyellow had been in charge Olicity would have had triplets by now. Why are we terrorists? I don't think NTA, Diaz or BS fans are holding the writers hostage, they are perfectly capable of writing crappy stuff on their own. Also Craig seems to be ignoring the S7 version of the rumours.
  20. Yeah I think this was the ugliest one so far, but none of the Arrowverse posters reflect anything so, oh well. I really want confirmation on MSR new character though, I'm assuming Mari but who knows?
  21. Look I just want some episode counts now.
  22. True, but even Barry didn't get a whole lot of focus last time (to the annoyance of a lot of people) so it's interesting to see how they work through an Oliver and presumably Batwoman crossover with him, especially if it is their 100th. ETA doesn't seem to affect their 100.
  23. Well they know it and embrace it. And no one else could have fans and critics alike raving about a giant furby/Elmo knock off with a CGI demon. Also they got to go to Aruba, for like 5 minutes.
  24. Same with first season Supergirl, or any of the other times Superman is MIA when the world is being destroyed.
  25. Sara didn't have a huge part in the last crossover but she had her own storyline (with Alex) and was around for a lot of other scenes. Martin/Jax was a big emotional thing and even Mick had decent screen time, but yeah they don't get featured on the "first look" posters very much. I actually think last crossover everyone got *something* to do, even if it was only 30 seconds long, so I hope it's the same.
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