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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. One last goodbye to E1 in an afterlife or flashbacks. Wow I thought that would happen on Arrow if at all. Juuuusstt hope it isn't a final "Lauriver" breadcrumbs moment, because sigh. Could be a Sara moment I suppose. Re Mia LOT have already met various dead and future family members and Team Flash know all about Nora, Supergirl knows all about time travel...Lots of Oliver and Mia in Supergirl as he passes the mantle on though, potentially. I would imagine the new contract for SA for season 8 was all about the crossover so would have included all of the promotional stuff so it's weird. Nice to see the Legends getting recruited. I missed them last year, even if Legends of To-meaow-meaow was great and the in universe reason was "our reality bending weirdness is so much weirder than yours, hard pass."
  2. Well that also makes some sense since it's the Backdoor pilot with Mia and William. Maybe where they discuss taking over Dad's mantle as GA? Really hope BL is in the spin off proper. 8x06 is "reset" always so many potential ways that title can be taken these days. Maybe Quentin is used like the hallucination/ghost Tommy has been used: to get Laurel back on the right path away from temptation. Not that he's actually been resurrected or only semi resurrected until Siren undoes everything again.
  3. Interesting, I've seen her in a few things, can't really say much. I imagine it's a recurring for the back half of this season with heavy potential for series regular next season. The only thing is whether they'll rush this because it's comics destiny and Ralph's a supporting character ala Kamilla and Cisco or use it to drag out a bigger romance storyline.
  4. It's interesting...I assume the scene that Bamford referred to as "Love saved the city" is still the last scene and this is something extra to be slotted in somewhere, that needed this location or to be redone. Unless it's the scene with "logistics" but it doesn't sound like it. KM wrapped late but probably wasn't filming with SA unless he was mistaken about wrapping with all the regulars. Still intrigued by Mia's scene with her tattoos gone. I guess it's the reset future but it could also be a "flash sideways" or something. *Please let her have her memories and we don't have to redo becoming GA except under Canary tutelage.*
  5. Yeah I know but if it was a big set secret she wouldn't have. Unlike various outdoor location shots where they know the paps are perched, they can control it. And I know it's only us spoiler freaks who speculate on what it means, but still.
  6. That might kind of fit if they want a "party girl by day, GA by night" vibe and would also fit with JDJ saying Connor was very different post COIE - he could go the other way to current self and do a Nora West-Allen by wiping his adoption away. Although fitting all that into two episodes starting right after COIE with the BDP along with everything else that implies is a hell of a lot. Although the spin off would have more time to explore it. It's pretty clear they wanted that pic of Mia in the bedroom out there to get people talking. It does seem a shame IF these kids (except maybe Mia?) loose their memories of everything, after the oh so awesome Time Leap and probably Mia being there when Oliver dies. Of course if she does amalgamate all timeline memories that's a different set of issues. With EBR not being pictured on set I assume she's either not in the big "funeral" scene and was just filming on indoor sets elsewhere (with SA?) or/and what she looks like is a spoiler. Whatever Pagey is currently guessing or not I don't think we can say she's in one scene or ten. My guess would be closer to one or two, probably the last or 2nd to last if not.
  7. I'm kind of assuming this is Oliver and Felicity right? Any dissenting opinions? Unless it's with the kids or the team or what's left of it. But I think they'd want it to be Oliver assuming he's not really most sincerely dead. People have been talking about a DKR type ending for years, since it started and started "homaging" Nolan, I don't think it would be controversial but I don't think it's going to be directly raising his kids happily etc.
  8. I'm not sure they'd change things that much that Mia would be growing up in the Queen mansion or even with both parents when there's a spin off (probably) with her name on it and this season is leading up to her taking on the GA mantle officially. But it's possible something big changes. They already hinted he was "dead but not dead" in the FFs ending last year. Albeit those might have changed now they had EBR back for a few scenes and although they were originally set post COIE that might also change. I don't think we're getting a Dark Knight Returns ending as such - in hiding with his family, but I do think it's going to end in a way where Oliver is "dead" but not really most sincerely dead ie the much talked about Paradise/pocket dimension, happily in the afterlife, Ascension as a paragon or similar, or even The New Monitor if you believe the extremely suspect "leaks" from a few weeks ago. As for a big funeral- best of both worlds big send off/statue for the character that started it all and he's not in a position to visit and say hi every now and then. Just like they apparently want Barry to actually die/vanish but obviously he's not going to stay that way. What's the point of all the Flash characters mourning if he's just going to come back fairly quickly? I know it's different but still. I'll be much more surprised if he's dead in the ground forever dead and they only brought EBR back for a flashback and mourning after 7x22.
  9. Sounds like it could be a big Endgame Style Funeral but if Colin is filming the same one then it could be the "difficult logistics" end scene they were previously talking about. But I don't think they'd do it with everyone available there, whatever it is supposed to be. Or the funeral and what Colin might be filming could be completely different.
  10. I would have assumed the funeral would be at the end of COIE like Stein's so everyone could be there, unless they're still doing pick ups. Or maybe they wanted to have the "send off" in the finale but yeah "Dark Knight Returns" it up. If EBR isn't there then at least we know/think Felicity is most likely getting some sort of reunion scene. IE the scenes SA was shooting with the non series regular(s).
  11. Hah, yeah that's what I thought when I read this. I like the actress OK but what a coincidence that everyone has young relatives of a similar age to recreate a CW version of the Bat Family for Kate to be a knockoff of Batman.
  12. Pagey has been extremely hit and miss with spoilers but it wouldn't surprise me if this is true. Considering the probable nature of the final episode and the fact that they didn't know (allegedly) that she was coming back for sure until recently, it was never going to be a Thea/Tatsu etc style ep. Two new scenes is actually one more than I might have been expecting as well. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a new flashback to the foundry or possibly some post COIE stuff there. It's certainly my favourite suit.
  13. Unless they plan to have some meta powered magical rapid aging baby I don't think either Caitlin or KF will be pregnant. It shouldn't be too hard to write her light or completely out of a few episodes late this season or next. The character is pretty easy to lift out for a while. I suppose they could use COIE to have her be pregnant or have a baby and shake things up in that way but I don't think it's particularly likely.
  14. Pretty sure that Mia is supposed to be exactly what she is right now. Quite immature and inexperienced, hot headed and completely closed off to and angry with/confuzzled by Oliver. She's not acting or feeling rationally. That's her arc this season to go from that to bonding with Oliver and taking on his mantle in her own right for the spin off. William just has a completely different temperament and he already knows this Oliver and once he had a chance to say some of the unsaid things to his Dad, and got the perfect response from Oliver he was on cloud nine. Oliver could have had a dozen come backs to her line but he doesn't because he understands why she's lashing out at him and why she wants to do things all her own way even has it breaks his hear to watch her. We're going to watch that start to thaw as it did at the end, before other very sad things happen for all of them.
  15. Guggenheim gets blamed for everything and accused of hating everything (including by me sometimes) by Olicity and Felicity fans, Laurel(s) and Lauriver fans, comic purists and now Iris and WestAllen fans. He's showrunning the crossover but certainly not alone and Berlanti, CW and WB/DC are all heavily involved. He initially got blamed for the double wedding fiasco but that was Berlanti's bright idea. If anyone had wanted Iris more involved in the crossovers than she generally has been he doesn't have the authority to say no and there's absolutely no indication how he feels about her one way or the other except that he tweeted a some very promising stuff for her and WA. And as @Velocity23 has said, Laurel has crossed over onto both Flash and LOT a few times. So many great and popular characters get missed out of much in the crossovers including many characters MG helped create or are otherwise from his shows and that goes double if you don't have a mask. It could be but I have no idea how that's going to work unless there is so major post COIE stuff happening because the Wests, including Francine seem to go back a long way in the 20th/21st centuries. Unless CP is just feeling very glam and from a bygone era with that look and nothing more.
  16. Yeah dude..... Arrow is getting press like it hasn't in a few years which I know you enjoy. Let the people who disagree do their thing and concentrate on the good, of which there is loads. And as you in particular are getting a lot of kind comments on your acting range: be grateful for that as you go into your next project where you're going to need the good will being created this season. Hopefully to the end, please stick the landing. Edit: I did check the link and it's about Code 8 which I imagine is a huge passion project and makes him more emotional when faced with any criticism but the point really still stands. You guys made a movie, be proud of that
  17. With the exception of LOT post S1, none of the Arrowverse have particularly interesting or imaginative titles so I'm not surprised. Plus they've copy pasted the Arrow formula onto different shows with just the tones varying so why not titles as well?
  18. That's the Shocking Cliffhanger of that episode. Soooo curious about Reset and what it means. Does all the meeting up get wiped away? Is that what you meant OB? Though aren't there pics of FTA on Lian Yu and isn't that the "lots of people on the team" ep? And IIRC SA says Oliver once again has to choose to believe in Felicity's promise that they will meet again and a big test. I hope that's actually reflected in the episode. There will be lots of non stop drama leading into COIE though.
  19. Can be read in soooo many ways. 😶 Looking forward to seeing the Queen Trio in action in Russia complete with matching father daughter costumes. Apparently not to independent and grown up for that Mia. 😉. Not surprised Roy's in this ep with the previous set reports.
  20. Featherhat

    Iris West

    Her hair is so gorgeous there and I don't see how anyone could think it was a look she shouldn't be rocking it all the time. Her usual "Iris hair" isn't going to make anyone like her more if the reason they don't like her much is because she's black. I so want a Barry and Iris investigate metas on vacation storyline, but this vacation was just to get them out of the way for Cisco's centric.
  21. I think it seems Connor or a new version of Connor, is set for the actual spin off, not just the pilot but we'll see. Unless they use JJ as well to wrap up the Diggle Brothers story there so it's not in the finale.
  22. Even if it were storyline related, why would it be Mia specifically as opposed to people in general not liking the cliffhanger, which included all the characters equally? Or could in theory have been because people were bored by Thea or the LOA stuff or the more Diggle brother stuff. Why her specifically? Dislike flowing from fictional mother to fictional daughter? Not that I think any of those were the reasons but the ones posted above about outside issues.
  23. I wouldn't mind if William talked about his mother to Oliver, Mia or Connor (or whoever) this season but I don't mind that he calls Felicity "Mom", even though I agree it's a little strong and I wouldn't mind hearing his actual reasoning on this. He and Felicity were together in witness protection without Oliver or anyone else and she saved his life at least a couple of times. It also probably made him feel safer "part of" in the tiny family unit the Queen/Smoak/Claytons created in those short years. Maybe he or the writers don't like "Step mom" as a descriptor and "Felicity" is too unfamily-like? Maybe the writers are trying to forget that whole BDM stupid plotline and the criminal waste of Anna Hopkins. 😉
  24. If you had told me anything about a Mia/Oliver meet up without any spoilers or actor interviews I would have said it was going to be tense and difficult to start with, always way more so than with William who forgave Felicity everything quickly as well. I like Mia, she can be annoying and she's certainly impetuous and somewhat inexperienced and stubborn but this whole season is about her growth as a person and as a fighter leading to the spin off and and Oliver will be part of that journey. Her reaction to Zoe's death is largely based on her own guilt. Her reaction to Oliver isn't necessarily rational and logically she knows why he left but it isn't about that, it's about never having a daddy. Ben Lewis was definitely an MVP of this episode though. He sold me on all of William's scenes, I loved the late coming out to Oliver and how nervous he was despite being a successful billionaire. SA is really killing it this season and his reactions as Dad!Oliver are amazing.
  25. I'm not surprised there wasn't a quick LOT crossover or anything but mentioning them would have been good. They've talked about it on Arrow itself before and all the characters have been on Waverider. It just seemed a little strange there wasn't even a throw away line. It certainly didn't ruin this great episode for me or anything.
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