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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. Okay. I'm happy she's getting something out of her experience. It must have been crushing to miss out at the last second. I think the C in Covid stands for "Crushed dreams." (I was just watching the PBS show about Covid and Broadway. See also, everybody's wedding plans for the last two years.)
  2. I'd like to see Jillian Michaels go head-to-head with Nene Leaks with Hope Hicks caught in between, trying to wrangle them. (I'm sure she's had more challenging assignments.) I don't know who most of the others are, so they can stand around and take sides. 🤣🤣 Yup, I'd pay to see that.
  3. Wow, I'll definitely watch it now! Sounds good.
  4. True, but he was able to prove he called the sheriff's office beforehand to say he'd be doing it. That doesn't sound like something a thief would do. (Unless that's what he was counting on.) Nothing in this case is straightforward.
  5. Okay, THAT'S why his name sounded so familiar, because I definitely didn't recognize his picture. Thank you.
  6. Anthony Scaramucci. I remember how surreal it was watching him walking on the treadmill in his velour leisure suit. One thing I notice on CBB is how behind the scenes most older celebrities are weirdly disciplined and hard-working. Most of them are also surprisingly smart.My theory has always been that no one, no matter how laid-back or crazy or sweet they appear, stays famous for years without being extremely focused, ambitious, self-aware and self-disciplined. Otherwise they'd disappear into anonimity like most do. I love testing this theory by watching them on reality TV. (Case in point... Charo on The Surreal Life. Super smart and extremely disciplined and hard-working. Who knew?)
  7. Yayyy! It's going to be a total gong show. 😜
  8. Thank you! Although for that weird lawyer, you know an audience is what he craved. It's probably very disappointing to him that the gallery aren't allowed to cheer and boo and give standing ovations. 😁
  9. His sister was straight out of an OTP Dynasty type drama. I found her incredibly shady even though I have literally no reason to say that. Just a feeling. But I realize I could be wrong. Yet another character in this drama that you couldn't make up. When he was doing his closing arguments (or whatever they're called) I was studying the people in the audience (probably not the right word) to see if they were laughing, or rolling their eyes at the melodramatics. I felt bad finding him so hilarious when Sandy was shaking and throwing up, because her entire future was at stake, but he really was such a showman.
  10. Yes, I started this one. I'm very sensitive to voices and her voice was unbearable to me, both on the TV show and on the podcast, very grating with so much vocal fry. I'm sure otherwise she did an excellent job, but to me a pleasant voice is a crucial component of a podcast. Thanks for the info though.
  11. I just listened to the Dateline podcast but it was too short. They barely scratched the surface
  12. I'm increasingly having this problem with Survivor and BB. I did remember both Ricard and Shan, but as he discussed various tribe members I found myself Googling their names to see their face, because I forgot that fast. Thanks for continuing to watch jsm1125. I don't know when I'll be able to get to the rest of the podcast, so I'm as curious as anyone. 😁
  13. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robsalkowitz/2022/01/14/shohreh-aghdashloo-on-the-expanse-series-finale-and-the-shows-stellar-legacy/
  14. I made it 5 minutes in and her voice drove me away. Maybe I'll just bite the bullet and try to get used to it.
  15. I might see if Dateline did an episode on their podcast. I'm having trouble finding one I like.
  16. Well, I'm only one hour in and my memory is murky already. One of the biggest surprises for me was that Ricard immediately bonded with Shan from the very start and thought of her as his best friend. He thinks she's a wonderful person but maybe too empathetic and emotional for the game. When he saw her briefly in Ponderosa they hashed things out and then spent a fantastic day together. He says he was so thrilled to be back with his best friend he didn't realize they were ignoring the others. After all this, he's uncertain about their friendship status right now. JD made their team absolutely crazy, wanting to be the star of everything but then never coming through. He talks about how stressful it was to see his story arc, where most of what he did wasn't shown at first, but in the end he's happy with his arc. He talks about how awful it was, living on the West coast, seeing all the responses to his gameplay online before he actually got to see the episode. He talks a lot about "Come on in guys" and how what we saw isn't really what happened. He's just so articulate, self-aware and funny. Big surprise for me.
  17. RHAP did a very good interview with Ricard. I think Rob should add him as a co-host, he's that interesting. Lots of revelations I didn't expect about what we didn't see. Definitely worth a listen, and I wouldn't say that about most postseason interviews. Warning : it's almost 3 hours long! I haven't finished it yet. But highly entertaining and educational.
  18. Yes, when in the course of this show have we ever seen psychopathic killers shaking and throwing up in fear before the sentencing? She also lacked that wide-eyed stare of innocence I've come to associate with women with no conscience. Either she's innocent, or she's absolutely stellar at faking innocence, but I think it's the first one.
  19. The Expanse! This all started over on the Foundation thread, where Zonk and marinw kept comparing the show unfavourably with The Expanse. I'd only seen half an episode of The Expanse and didn't like it, but their comments convinced me to give it another try. And my obsession began. (As for Foundation, after having such high hopes, I never finished the first season.)
  20. Well, your last suggestion was fantastic, so I'll give it a try! 😊
  21. Is there a podcast about this case that you can recommend?
  22. I've had the experience 3 times of watching part of an episode of a series, thinking "Bleh. Not for me." only to discover much later it was one of my all time favourite shows. First, Fringe, then BSG, then The Expanse. All through high school I combed our school library for SF anthologies, reading my way through many thick volumes and exposing myself to all of the best SF writers. My life at the time was dire - perhaps I loved the escapism, along with the sense of infinite possibility. I'm not sure what to watch now...
  23. I can imagine how frustrating it would be to put your heart and soul into making a show, only to have internet strangers gripe and complain about it, but we internet strangers feel what we feel. In interests of fairness there were positives about the show that I didn't mention. 1. Lots of excellent actors in big and small parts. My personal MVP was Young Kiersten, but there were many standouts. (I never saw anyone comment on the actor who was clearly a burn victim IRL. He was so good, and I wanted to Google him, but just didn't have the heart at the moment to read about what happened to him.) 2. Unusually good aging makeup on the actors. It was so good that it wasn't a distraction from the story, but mostly felt natural. 3. Despite my complaints, I watched the whole thing. Holding my attention nowadays isn't easy, but the show did it. 4. Great sets. Eerie and convincing.
  24. I can't believe I'd never heard a thing about this family until this episode. So many unexplained deaths! Awhile ago in our small city we had a very high profile and mysterious murder in one of our richest families, and every aspect of it was covered exhaustively by the press. I can only imagine the frenzy that would have ensued if this murder had been followed by 3 or 4 more unexplained deaths, , plus a suicide attempt and multiple fraud charges. There's no way we've heard the last of this one. I look forward to updates, assuming more information comes to light.
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