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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. I totally agree. I read in one of the interviews that the show runner said the series was "about joy" and how Shakespeare was like a universal language for human emotion. For a second I felt bad I didn't experience either of these things watching the show, then I reminded myself that we feel what we feel. I can't "make" myself feel what the show runner intended. In some scenes I did, but in a lot I didn't, not at all. I do question if it's still true that most people love Shakespeare, or can even relate to it. I sense this is a lot rarer than it used to be among the general population.
  2. What Happened in Vegas. This was one of the most interesting episodes they've done in a really long time. It's still a mystery whether or not Ted was murdered and whether or not his girlfriend and friend did it - anything is possible. I can't say either of them gave off particularly red flags to me in their interviews. Either way, it was a fascinating look at a world I know very little about, and quite the bunch of characters. I could see this as a very entertaining fictional series. I hate to say it, but it was a relief not to have to hear another horrible saga of a woman murdered by her boyfriend or husband. Those are so tragically common that now I delete them without watching. I feel like I can't watch any more of those. 😥
  3. Sadly, I can't access either article due to not having subscriptions. Any highlights you can mention?
  4. Yeah, that was just ridiculous. It mostly spoiled the finale for me. I read the book several years ago, and only remember it dimly, but did remember that the MoC was a haven at the end of the book, a wonderful place. Reading here, I'm happy to see I didn't totally misremember the book.
  5. Oh, sorry! I guess I didn't realize your intent. It does sound like a fun game, but I can't play, having already read the article. 😁 I'd say I was familiar with 75% of the names, which included some of my all time favourites, like Roy Neary and Kara Thrace. Reading over the list brought back so many great memories of hundreds of hours spent over the years in other realities, other galaxies. I wonder what draws some people to sci-fi as a lifelong passion, while others hate it?
  6. The Den of Geek article I mentioned lists all the franchises.
  7. I may have made this comment before, but often the thing that breaks the spell of a cult leader or powerful personality is very small. Under the surface the pressure to leave might build almost unconsciously for a long time, then one day some little thing happens (well, not that little in this case) and suddenly the person is done, and walks away. It can be that sudden and abrupt. I loved that Rosenfeld's last words weren't dramatic or meaningful or plot-driven, just "I'm not ready to go..." That was such a real, human thing to say that I found it really touching, even though I didn't like her as a person. I read a full list today on the Den of Geek site, an article on Easter Eggs. Maybe check there.
  8. Absolutely. I can't think of another character who even comes close. It's impossible to picture this role with a different actress, or this actress without the unforgettable wardrobe. I'm hoping for a Serenity*. For me, that would be perfect. *I was going to add "or a Veronica Mars: The Movie" but I'm not sure if this thread is Marshmallow-friendly. 😁
  9. It's pretty similar so far in many ways, but so far (halfway through LW) Avasarala hasn't appeared. Personally I like starting things at the beginning. I plan to keep going till I reach the end of the book series. I may switch to actual books, though. I'm finding the story too complicated to enjoy in my usual listen-while-doing-other-things way.
  10. Marco, is that you? Just kidding. It sounds good to me too. Between zombie Xan tottering around, his sister planting her phone in the jungle MacGyver-style, and his mother trying to act more than mildly perturbed, I'm ready for your solution. 😁
  11. I had SUCH mixed feelings about this episode. The creeping child mob with the landmines cast a pall over the whole episode for me. So did Alex handing Tyler a knife. (What could possibly go wrong?) So did Tyler's instant redemption from psycho murderous cult leader to sweet misunderstood guy. Yes, this was touching. I liked it. This cracked me up. As Elizabeth wandered off with the horde of lost children I thought "She's the Wendy! Wow, she's going to regret agreeing to be the mother figure to 100 dirty, needy children." She'll run screaming back to the airport paradise in no time, or as soon as she runs out of chunky costume jewelry. The last scene was very touching, but as Jeevan hobbled off I thought," Seriously? He's going to walk home? They couldn't find him a ride?" and "So I guess the Red Bandanas aren't a thing anymore? He's safe to walk home totally alone?" Finally, the whole basis of the series is confusing. Miranda writes a graphic novel with a character named after a hurricane but also the name of the pilot she contacts to protect a bunch of airport people from a pandemic. The novel also obsesses Arthur's little friend, and helps his son create a weird, murderous child cult. So the point is? I really need to reread the book.
  12. Agreed. Watching this finale was such a bittersweet experience, in fact I put off watching it for a couple of days because I didn't want it to be over. I finally watched it this morning when it was quiet and no one would interrupt the experience. (Except Mr. Melina walked in front of the TV right as Marco dissolved into redness. Justifiable homicide was narrowly avoided.) Thank you for saying this. I had to keep rewinding and freezing to figure out who was where in relation to the Ring, Ring station, Medina Station, etc. Never got it 100% straight. What were the pins about? Obviously a reference to something I've forgotten. It was so cathartic and satisfying to see them all once again sitting around, joking and eating together. I missed Alex though. You're certainly not alone. I'll be doing a rewatch of the series soon, and I'm halfway through the audiobook of Leviathan Wakes. But I wish there was a magic pill I could take so I could rewatch things I loved for the first time. Nothing quite beats that.
  13. Partway through this episode I decided I wouldn't even try to get things to make sense in my head, but to just go with the flow of the story. Otherwise I'd go crazy. I mean, people are plowing roads? Buffing floors? Showing up at Walmart maternity hospitals where there are no men, but lots of medical supplies? And no crazed attackers after their power and food? Just random pregnant women showing up alone. Where did Kiersten learn to shoot rifles? To set snares? Who killed and perfectly skinned the wolves? I could go on and on, but there's no point. All this said, I preferred this very weird episode to the last one. A lot of people in this episode seemed odd, but overall not as evil as in past episodes. Yeah, that was shocking. I'm 99% certain it was CGI. I've been through the real thing 4 times, and to be honest, I'd rather do it than watch it. It varies, but it's not always that bad. Sometimes it's awesome. But never very watchable. Sadly, it was realistic that they lost a mother, although I was certain the one with dystocia was Jeevan's future wife. That was confusing. Also confusing... what was Tyler doing there? People were acting like he was the father but wasn't he an adolescent then? Why did no one notice? Was Rose his substitute mother who died? I hope an 11 year old wasn't the father of her baby. Yup. Very weird episode.
  14. Absolutely. She's been one of a kind, without question.
  15. Couldn't have put it better myself. After such a promising start, I'm so disappointed in where this is going
  16. No doubt there is, and that probably goes for most of these stories. I felt like Molly had a lot more issues than they let on. She walked out on her first husband to be with Amber, who seemed to really love her, then abruptly left Amber for James, who she knew had a wife and children. You could tell it hurt Amber a lot. If she felt any guilt or remorse about any of this, they didn't show or mention it. This in NO way means she deserved to be murdered, but I do think she was a lot more complex than the sweet naive young woman they're portraying her as.
  17. I hear you! After several tries I finally finished this episode and really, really hated it, partly because half the time I either didn't know what was happening, or didn't understand why things were happening. Plus it was so relentlessly bleak. There's a reason I've never watched TWD. I'm going to force myself to watch the next episode, but judging by the figures moving in on the airport, I'm not expecting things to improve. Does Kiersten understand that Tyler is Arthur's son? Are we ever going to see Miranda again? To end on one positive note, this show is doing an exceptionally good job on the aging makeup, much better than most shows and movies I've seen.
  18. Since it doesn't look like anyone does tell Marco, I wonder if next week the Pella disappears in a blaze of glory as it flies through the ring. Boom! Marco's and Filip's story wrapped up quickly and efficiently.
  19. I have to agree with every single thing you say. What a mystifying case, with such an uncharismatic villain. No wonder the wife was so quick to divorce him. Why did they think he'd had 3 other wives? Could it have been another lie made up by James to make himself seem...exciting and mysterious? How hard could it be to track 3 wives if they were real?
  20. I don't think I would have understood what an amazing actor Cara is, what a chameleon, if I hadn't seen her in multiple interviews where I couldn't detect a single sign of Drummer. She was so good natured to the point of being giggly at times. 🎭 Acting!!! 🎭
  21. Totally agree. It's usually the kind of OTT, contrived scene I hate, generally accompanied by loud militaristic music to falsely pump up the excitement, but no. This was perfect. The actors, the setting, costumes, music... all powerful and intense. And earned. I really enjoyed Bobbie's non-reaction to Amos' drunken admission. She didn't get where she is by being easily upset or shocked. "Want to come with?" Please say yes. (to going back to the Roci I mean.) I don't want it to be over.
  22. I'd say that none of that would really happen IRL, but if years of watching true crime have taught me anything, it's that people regularly do the most awful things for reasons that make absolutely no sense. So I guess Clark and Tyler really could exist, and their evil actions wouldn't have to be logical to onlookers. I guess my reluctance to keep watching is that I don't want this show to turn into a full-on bleak horror movie. Also, it would help if I had even the foggiest memory of how the book ended.
  23. I totally missed this! I still find it a stretch though, that Kiersten would trust him. I can see this turning someone into an angry, untrusting person, perhaps with paranoia, but not into a psychopathic killer. JMHO.
  24. There was something very haunting, almost disturbing to me about seeing all the airport passengers, still at the airport so many years later. Here they'd shown up at a random place, supposedly for a couple of hours, not realizing they were doomed to spend the rest of their lives there. Sure, it ended up being one of the safest spots on earth, but still... I'm only halfway through the episode. I know it sounds silly, but I'm dreading that maybe Tyler kills everybody, or destroys one of the only safe, civilized places left. Or that Clark murders all the TS. I'm in denial. I probably wouldn't have been this sensitive pre-pandemic. I still don't understand two things. First, what turned Tyler into such a monster. He had a charismatic, somewhat neglectful father, and a sort of selfish mother, who truly cared about him when the chips were down. So he was better off than half the planet. What's his deal? Second, I cannot accept that a few days after Tyler BLOWS UP HER FRIEND, killing two innocent children, she's all "I like him now! I won't stab him any more. Meet all my friends!" Nope. I'm afraid to keep watching. 😬
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