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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. In The Leftovers, Carrie was fantastic as an intense, angsty kind of person. In The Sinner, she was amazing as an intense, enigmatic cult person. I've never seen her in anything frothy or funny - I don't think that's her wheelhouse. For this show, they need someone with a lighter touch, intense but also charismatic and witty. (More Desperate Housewives than Leftovers.) Then again, maybe with the right writing and direction she could be hilarious, in a dry, biting kind of way.
  2. Fellowes is very talented in many ways, but I don't think we'd be kindred spirits. 😁
  3. Wow, really? That's so surprising! I can't say I agree with him. I find them quite repugnant.
  4. Every time we see them at some fancy meal (ie. every meal, it appears) I think what a waste it is for the women. Imagine sitting down to tables full of food made by the very best chefs, only your entire midsection is squished in a vice. It's just cruel. That said, today's ultra-rich women don't have to squeeze themselves into corsets, but the expectation of staying thin is just as intense. Maybe there's something to be said for being less rich and famous, and more able to just sit and enjoy your food.
  5. Thank you. I mostly understood this explanation. Now I better understand why George didn't show Mr Morris mercy. It's doubtful they would have shown him any.
  6. To be fair, isn't Miesha famous for punching people? And for letting people punch her? Professionally, I mean. I don't think empathy and a high EQ are that prized in her particular line of work. I'm guessing that toughness, a high pain threshold, and having a single-minded focus on winning are though. That said, her bad social game could be her undoing here. We'll find out.
  7. I didn't say my opinion was going to be popular. 😁
  8. There's no part of this scheme that I can get my head around, even on a good day. My mind goes blank at the word "stock" let alone the rest of it. I can't be the only one here who can't follow the business side of the show. That said, I fully understood the part where Mr. Thingy was ruined and committed suicide. So many men did this after the stock market crash. And after Bernie Madoff. Etc., etc. So this is one part of the show I'll never say is unrealistic. Like so many here, I find the Russells to be horrible people. Meanwhile, maybe it's sacrilege, but despite how much I've admired Carrie as an actress, I don't like her in this part. She plays ambitious and status-driven without any humour or charm or mischievousness. Realistic? Probably. But not that entertaining.
  9. This is so true. I hope Carson's there till the end, because if he leaves the entertainment value of the show goes down by 60%. He's the glue of this season. (Not a great metaphor, since glue isn't entertaining. But somehow he keeps the tone of the house civil and stable, while doing the best, least stilted narration we've seen in a while.) It's crazy to think I was dreading him being in the house.
  10. I can't quote everyone but you guys are on fire today. The cherry on the cake (eaten in the dark right out of the pan) is the Hitchhikers reference. Thanks for making me briefly forget the freezing rain falling on the snowbanks in my yard.
  11. I think he really was that bad, judging by his body language, and how competitive he is. It struck me that being able to spot one specific sign is a talent you either have or you don't, like having good taste in clothes. Melissa on RHAP (she's a lawyer, so not dumb) said she didn't see the sign even once. I'm guessing this was Chris's experience.
  12. Watching Shanna in the Veto comp I suddenly realized with a shock that before the show, whenever I heard Shanna's name I thought of a trainwreck/nutcase, just based on gossip. But during the show she's been lovely, friendly and nice. It reminds me of when Tom Greene was on CBB, and was calm and reasonable. It hurt my brain. I cracked up when Mirai said, "It's been hard for me in here because you're all so old." (And non-Asian). No wonder they voted her out. 😁 One big plus about celebrities who barely know how the game works, is that they do and say totally unexpected things. Like Chris Kattan, who wasn't aware that you weren't supposed to use your speech to say, "So long. I'm out of here." Or the rest of them, who didn't appear to realize Marai could hear everything they were saying after she sat down with Julie. So awkward. I love it.
  13. This is my favourite post of CBB so far. It's probably my favourite post of the last BB season as well. 💕
  14. They probably don't want to have alcohol due to Lamar. His substance abuse issues are well known. JMHO.
  15. There are upsides to having an older cast, but downsides too. I think the uncomfortable setting is a lot more tolerable to younger people than older ones, and it's making some of these older, less healthy celebrities pretty cranky. I know I would be beside myself if I was asked to share a bathroom, live under fluorescent lights with no privacy, then listen to snoring all night. And I'm not even a pampered celebrity. Then again, Carson appears calm, cheerful and unflappable despite all of this. I've never been a fan of his before now, whatsoever, but he's winning me over. I was reading a news report just now about Olympic skaters, with a mention of Mirai, and while tough as nails physically, they seem like an intense, emotional bunch. It helped me see Mirai in a more sympathetic light.
  16. There was also a very short clip, just a few seconds, of him in bed, sitting up and, I think, miming eating with his eyes closed. Like, eating in his sleep. It was so weird. That's what made me think of Ambien.
  17. This is the first season I've been so aware that we're missing so many important details in the broadcast shows. Without background knowledge, tonight I wouldn't have understood why Chris Kirkpatrick wanted Mirai out so badly, or why Miesha isn't popular, or that Lamar actually DOES want to go home. Or that Kattan thought he'd have a good time doing the show, but isn't enjoying it. To be honest, at this point I've lost track what was on the feeds and what I learned reading links provided by people here. It's all part of the fun though. Anything to distract me from ice and Covid.
  18. Is Chris Kattan on Ambien? That could explain the night cake eating. (Although I've been known to do it too and I'm not on Ambien. 😁) I can understand Miesha being afraid of Carson. She knows she could beat almost anyone there in a physical comp, but when it comes to a social or mental game, Carson outranks her. I'm finding it hard to remember who's on whose team at this point. People seem to switch alliances from minute to minute. On the other hand, at least we're not dealing with the usual BB situation where everyone always votes with the house. I like the feeling that anything could happen.
  19. There are lots of other interesting revelations in there, like that Lamar really does want to leave, and that Chris Kattan was hilarious and that she suspects Todrick is ridiculously rich. And of course all the Mirai stuff. She makes being in there sound incredibly uncomfortable, especially the part about the fluorescent lights, which are my nemesis, and just the one toilet . No wonder some people act crazy.
  20. Interesting. This could help explain the extremely mixed vibes Mirai is giving off, one minute acting sweet and vulnerable, the next saying in the DR that people have no idea of what she's capable of doing in order to win (paraphrasing). And so many strange, unreadable facial expressions! I don't mean she's deadpan, I mean she has facial expressions I haven't seen before. As someone fascinated by body language, I keep wondering what hers is saying. I just know that you don't get to the Olympics without steely determination and an incredibly strong competitive streak. Intriguing comments from Teddi, but annoying that everything is shrouded in secrecy. Will we ever find out what really happened? I want to know. (Except about the poo towels which I'm happy to stay ignorant about.) I don't imagine he has a lot of money, given how little he's worked over the last few years. There has to be a reason he's forcing himself to work now, looking like he's in constant pain.
  21. Is it just me or is Lamar not the sharpest crayon in the box? Is it from his strokes? I never saw his and Khloe's reality show so I have no basis for comparison.
  22. Given her apparently wonderful childhood, I was surprised she ended up so troubled, even considering who her mother was. I couldn't tell at the end if she was still close with her adoptive family. How awful that she finally reached out to Diane, only to discover almost right away how scary she was. And why wouldn't Ann Rule tell her who her father was? Maybe he didn't want his name revealed even to his daughter. Sad.
  23. Every season I look forward to seeing sentences like this that would make absolutely zero sense to someone who didn't watch BB or CBB. I've seen BB unitards that were more dignified than the hat-purse. Hilarious. Mon Won really outdid his/her/itself. 😁
  24. I see they're replaying the old Diane Downs story again. I'll watch though because it was such a fascinating story, psychologically.
  25. I forgot how controlled and well-behaved people usually are in CBB. These are professionals, used to being in front of cameras in high pressure situations. Still, it's weird to see how well everyone has reined in their true personalities. Even the Real Housewives are being calm and rational, I guess because they don't feel the pressure of constantly having to create false drama. Of course maybe they're just all geniuses at disguising their real feelings. I'm realizing that Marai is so hard to read. She makes the oddest facial expressions at times, and I don't have a clue what they mean. I felt vindicated though when her mask slipped a bit in the DR and we saw the true cut-throat Olympic fighter come through. ChrisK looks like he's always in pain. It's hard to watch. Carson was made for CBB. Nothing fazes him. He's very performative and OTT while also seeming genuine. Todd is just there. Lamar seems good natured enough, but he seems mostly along for the ride, unlike what Meisha suggested. Todrick is going to do whatever it takes to win, but will probably remain friends with everyone. "I wish you were a gay man." Has any woman ever really wanted to hear this? 😁 I expected to loathe Shanna. So far she's been sweet and sensible. I think these people need a huge wine delivery to liven things up. (Not Lamar though. That would liven things up WAY too much.)
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