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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. I found A Killing on the Cape to be so frustrating. I don't enjoy shows that after 2 or more hours end with everyone saying "We still don't know who did it" and meanwhile there's someone sitting in prison for life who may or may not be innocent. This kind of show is the very opposite of catharsis and closure. I wish I could go back and unwatch it. That said, it was full of the inexplicable twists and turns that make these shows so fascinating. How could an intelligent woman think that sleeping with a married father of 6 in a tiny town was a good idea? What on earth would make her write that vicious letter to his wife, of all people? But then we find out she didn't send it. And then they all started having meals together! What would make the alleged killer tell that whole big story about he and someone else murdering her if it never happened? And everyone says he's such a nonviolent, kind person. But then we find out there are multiple restraining orders against him. But he looked so innocent at the trial. It's all in the "you can't make this stuff up" category because none of it is believable. And yet it happened. Well, something happened. But what?
  2. Hee. This is my new insult. "Hate her. Hate her pants." Wow, the grey yoga pants have become a Survivor character in their own right. Like Sally's kneesocks, only the opposite. (For the record, I still think Angelina is extremely fit and beautiful, even dirty and bedraggled, so no offence to her personally. Major offence to the Survivor fashion wranglers.)
  3. I've seen skinnier Survivors but is this the dirtiest, most bedraggled bunch ever? Or were they just soaked for the whole episode? Either way, the strain is really telling on them. Yet somehow Davie still has the drive to get up predawn and go wandering around the island. Respect. But in happier news (for me) that tribal was such a nailbiter. Knowing the people going into it had 5 different agendas just made it more chaotic and delicious. It's like every minute brought a new surprise to me, the Survivors, and the jury. Excellent. Can't wait for the next Ponderosa.
  4. I enjoyed this episode. Quite a few laughs, good chemistry, and Matthew B's acting didn't bother me this week.
  5. Kim's remark that Kanye enjoys being ramped up because he feels powerful ? Are none of them aware that this is a classic symptom of mania? She talks about it like it's just an annoying personality quirk. Or maybe she knows exactly what it is, but knows she can't force him to accept treatment. ETA. If someone sent that mime to spend the day with me, I'd never forgive them. That did NOT look like fun.
  6. Ms Blue Jay, exactly! Horatio made me laugh the way Keenan does. It has something to do with the way they always look like they're about to burst out laughing, but they never quite do.
  7. What we find funny is so personal. Right after I posted earlier that I never find Aidy funny, I read an AV Club review (or Vulture?) saying her WU segment was incredibly adorable and funny. The thing is, watching the segment I thought "This is really cute. I can see why people would think this is funny." But thinking that and actually finding it funny are miles apart. I didn't crack a smile. You can't talk yourself into finding someone funny. On the other hand, Keenan can crack me up without saying a word. Why? I don't know! It's just something about him. What's worse than sharing something that made you cry with laughter with a friend, and they watch it with a completely straight face then say pityingly, "Hm. Cute." Embarrassing. So yup, humour is extremely subjective.
  8. Well, that was a weird one. Maybe it was just my mood, but I hardly laughed at all during most of it, and fast forwarded a lot. Usually I only do that during the musical segments. Nothing against Jason or anyone really. Maybe the writing wasn't the best this week? While I'm being negative (and I do usually enjoy this show), I have to admit that I've never found Aidy funny. I've enjoyed sketches she's been in, but I don't find her funny as a person, and her WU segment tonight sealed it for me. I like her as a person, but she's never going to make me laugh, unlike say, Kristen Wiig or various others who can make me laugh while reading the phone book. I did enjoy the power tool segment though.
  9. This show is endlessly entertaining. It just gets better and better. Oh, and I love Stephen Merchant (and the corner piece of a big cake). Can't wait for the next episode.
  10. I always love the loved ones visits because you get so much insight into people. But tonight for the first time, the visits made me feel bad. Every season people say "What wimps! Why are they crying just because they haven't seen their families for a few weeks". But obviously, there must be a reason, because each season 100% of the Survivors start crying like babies. This time, I realized they all seemed sort of traumatized, and I felt bad. I can't remember which one said that even though they wanted to think of the others as friends, they always knew they could be plotting against them. It's fun for us to watch, but maybe not fun for them to experience, especially given their universally emotional reaction to seeing people they knew weren't secretly about to stab them in the back. So yes, I felt bad. On a different note, Gabby voting out Christian encapsulates everything I love about Survivor. And life. We always think we know what's going to happen, and so often, we're completely wrong.
  11. I have to disagree with some here in that I thought Ben came across as super controlling from the first minute. Maybe controlling is too negative a word. But he's definitely a person who wants everything done a certain way. I know from personal experience that people like this can be incredibly challenging to be with, unless you're fine with it, which Darlene is not. That said, I'm not against this story line. Alpha or controlling people clash with each other constantly in real life. It's totally realistic. For example, what happens when 2 people who are the oldest in their family, or who are perhaps only children, fall in love? Who's in charge? I'm looking forward to seeing how this dynamic plays out. (I'm an oldest child married to an only child. Can you tell?)
  12. Me too! Last night I thought, "Oh great. I have to see this every episode".
  13. I enjoyed this episode quite a bit but... I hate to say this because I've enjoyed Matthew Broderick's acting since War Games but I just don't like him in this role. It's like he's completely forgotten how to act. Every time he's on it takes me out of the show. I'm not certain how to explain why, except that he isn't a believable character to me, which is bizarre, given how famous he is. Juliette Lewis, on the other hand, is wonderful, and I always enjoy her scenes.
  14. Agreeing with previous poster that Claire's accents were perfect. She nailed each one perfectly. Also, she didn't appear nervous and rarely if ever glanced at the cue cards. Excellent host. Speaking of cue cards, I noticed that during the Willy Wonka sketch, Kate seemed to be reading them a lot, which isn't like her. I got the feeling there were a lot of last minute changes. Or maybe having so much business going on in one sketch, in such a tight space with weird camera work, threw everyone off a bit. It was pretty complicated. I always marvel at how they keep all the details straight as actors, given the pressure and the short rehearsal times they get.
  15. I feel like my mind has been completely blown tonight. First I watched a documentary on YouTube about Gypsy Rose Blanchard, then I watched Dateline about Dan and his fiancée. I mentioned in a previous post how crimes like this show how utterly unpredictable and unknowable people are, and these 2 cases were perfect cases in point. I actually rewound the part where Dan just says "I did it" to see if I could see the detectives faces. They must have been gobsmacked. It was like a scene from a badly written movie. No wonder they asked what his motive was. It sure wasn't obvious, particularly Julie. I'm still not sure I understand his motivation. Did he genuinely think loan sharks were coming after him? Was this all set off by their friend's lie? Again, it's completely ridiculous and improbable, yet it happened. I couldn't tell if the fiancée was genuinely guilty, or just had no affect whatsoever, although that seems like a strange trait for an actress. Curiouser and curiouser.
  16. Alison may look like Ann Coulter, but I really like her. I bet she's a really good doctor. Tough but sympathetic. I do wish they'd give her a proper bathing suit...forcing her, or any of them, to compete in underwear always grates on me, but that's a whole other topic. Echoing what piewarmer said, I can't judge any of them too harshly since they're scorching, freezing, starving, sleep deprived and covered in itchy bug bites and bruises. I'd be begging to be medivacced on Day 2. Kudos to all of them for hanging in there.
  17. This! It makes me crazy. And occasionally quick on the fast forward trigger. The other cheeseball technique I hate is that the main characters never answer a direct question. First person : "Someone from the plane just told you the reason this is all happening that explains everything? What is it?" Second person: "Forget it. You wouldn't believe me." Walks away. First person:"Second person, come back! Tell me the answer! Oh, never mind." Goes back to what he was doing.
  18. That's exactly what I was thinking while Alec was battling it out with Christian. I wanted someone to stand beside the pole to catch him as he fell. That challenge looked absolutely agonizing. In addition to sunburn I feel like there had to be some kind of long term muscular damage to staying in that position for 5 hours. As for Christian, Stephen Fishbach describes him as a human comfort blanket. Not something I would associate with his personality, but as I said in a previous post, I love how people on Survivor, and in life really, are endlessly surprising. A previous poster commented on Davie's "black card" comments. I thought he was saying "black heart". Card makes more sense. Either way, I thought Davie was impressive yet likeable tonight. And yes, also surprising. At the beginning of the season, he seemed sort of good-natured and goofy. He's proving to be quite the stealth player.
  19. Good pix, Ms Blue Jay. I cringed a little wondering how Carl and his family felt watching that last one, the one where he's drinking beer lying down. Hopefully, they all thought it was hilarious. Carl was certainly a good sport in his final comments, I have to say.
  20. Christian and Alec's epic 5 hour battle reminded me why I love Survivor. People are unknowable. You think you know them and what they can do, but you're usually wrong. I would never have thought there was the slightest chance of Christian outlasting Alec, let alone that he'd do it while talking nonstop. I just love how unpredictable and mysterious people are, and Survivor brings that home to me every season. Oh, and now I really want to know how Angelina got stuck wearing those awful grey pants. At first I was focused on how unflattering they are, but now all I can imagine is how clammy and itchy and hot they must be. She even has to swim in them! That's just cruel.
  21. That was actually really good. Lots of laughs and good acting all around. And chickens! Every show is improved by chickens. I feel like John G. is looking better and healthier. I wonder if he got some subtle yet effective work done? No judgment, just a comment.
  22. I for one am really looking forward to this. And the end of January is a perfect time for a guilty pleasure that doesn't require a passport or bags of money. Do we have any info on who the guests are?
  23. In interests of finding something positive to say, I submit the following : 1. I love that the writers avoided the trope of the rude, obnoxious teenage daughter. Ben's daughter is pleasant, helpful and extremely reasonable. Not at all a drama queen. (Her mother should take note.) 2. Regardless of fires, explosions, gunfights or sleepless nights, most of the women still manage to have awesome hair. Bouncy, shiny and perfectly curled or straightened. Mine should only look this good on my best day, let alone when I'm chasing bad guys through exploding factories.
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