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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. Well, that was intense. Best episode so far for me. The scene with Jackie's breakdown in the diner was incredible. It really got to me. Award winning. Agreed that Johnny looked horrible. Grubby and puffy and not even remotely like Leonard. Acting? I still think Darlene and Becky are great characters, or rather the actresses are really bringing them to life. So many family dramas, lots of great acting (except from Matthew B) and really, none of the storylines were unrealistic. I'll definitely tune in next season.
  2. He does look extremely thin. You could be right about his regime. Speaking of which, with so many athletes and "celebs" I'm curious to see how fussy they all are about their diet. I remember last season Elizabeth refusing to eat a specially prepared vegan dish someone made for her because it had a trace amount of sugar or something. I guess you don't get to be famous or win the Olympics without being extreme in some way, but I don't think I could live with someone like that. So far, Tom and Kato seem the least likely to be extreme of all of them, but I could easily be proved wrong.
  3. I know! It's like everything shocked him! Of course I'm going to watch but it didn't seem like that fun of a group. Maybe they'll loosen up a bit. It could be partly a result of an older cast. They're lower energy and more concerned with not looking ridiculous. Tamar seems super annoying. I expected The Mooch to be more humorous. Both Tom and Kato seemed way less annoying than I expected. Dina rubs me the wrong way but I don't know why. So mixed feelings about most of them, but obviously I'll keep watching.
  4. Wow. Too fat? Really? Agreed that she's absolutely gorgeous.
  5. Haha. She seemed to think being Canadian meant he didn't have enough of an edge to be interesting or something. As a Maritimer I thought, "Boys oh boys, she's some judgy."😉
  6. If you want to hear a very funny, but ultra snarky rundown on the houseguests, listen to Rob Cesternino's interview with Kate Casey. I'd never heard of her, but she's so funny and so mean. But probably extremely accurate. She's convinced Anthony S. will win the whole thing and was pretty convincing. On the other hand, she thinks Tom Green will be out soon because he's dull, has "four brain cells" and is Canadian. She thinks Joey Lawrence is too vain to be in the house, and Tamar will leave when she realizes she isn't the centre of attention. I could go on. Long story short, she isn't someone I'd want to know IRL but I hope she continues to talk about this season. She's really funny.
  7. First, fantastic post, Judy Obscure. Couldn't agree more. Just once, I'd like to see "normal"people of faith portrayed accurately in the media. It's one of my pet peeves. We're not all psychopathic serial killers and televangelist donors. Some of us are thoughtful, kind and intelligent. Re: Tammy Faye and the above quote. ( I wanted to include more of it but I find the quote function incredibly oversensitive and gave up.) I saw her just before her death on some show and "haunting" is the right word. I expected, given her religious persona, to see her calm and accepting, having made peace with what was obviously her impending death. (She weighed about 80 pounds.) To my shock and horror, she kept going on about how she was going to beat cancer, and how she'd never stop fighting to stay alive. She seemed utterly desperate and terrified of death. It was incredibly upsetting and moving. I'll never forget it.
  8. So far I've only watched a few minutes of the episode. Yikes. I forgot what a gong show it all was. I remember watching Tammy Faye on the Surreal Life many years ago. I believe this was after her divorce and her first bout with cancer. She seemed oddly nice and surprisingly normal at the time. Very little crying, thank goodness. But of course she had the OTT makeup as always. It boggles my mind that that family could still find people to give them money after everything that went down. People are weird.
  9. I'm Tamar? Even though I said I try to avoid drama? Well, that doesn't make sense.
  10. I forgot that! Yes, that did seem pretty lame. Maybe all the money went on the decor.
  11. They do have some without kids. I'm generally not a judgy person at all, but as someone who raised 4 pretty happy children, the bulk of whose toys fit into one large toy box and a bookshelf, I just can't fathom why so many people's homes are filled to bursting with massive amounts of toys, stuffed animals and kiddie furniture, sometimes for only one or two children under 5. There's just no possible way these toys all get played with.
  12. I think there was a lot of that. But it didn't bother me. I preferred that to the vicarious claustrophia I sometimes get watching BB US guests in such cramped quarters. With ants! (Of course you wouldn't expect ants anyway in Toronto in winter. It was funny to see them going out to their yard for cigarette breaks, and you could see their breath)
  13. This year I watched BB Canada for the first time, and I was astonished at how much bigger and more lavish the house was. Surely US TV can afford more than Canadian TV. I don't really understand the subpar surroundings.
  14. I have that one PVRd. I haven't thought about them for ages but they were a major scandal in their day. Just for the mascara alone!
  15. Can this show possibly get any better? I just loved this one. I didn't know literally from minute to minute what would happen next, or even what dimension they'd be in. And I love the title, Chidi Sees the Time-Knife. Don't ask me why. It's just wildly random and funny and mysterious, just like this show. So is Niednagel a person?
  16. Good question. I think I assumed she had because she acted and spoke like one. Now that you mention it though, maybe she hasn't!
  17. Diva. That's the word I was looking for. She's certainly learned to project both the diva attitude and the ability to get along with absolutely no one. Mind you, I suppose her life has taught her that this is the personality that gets her what she needs. Hopefully there's someone nice under all of that.
  18. Haha. The SNL song "Lowered Expectations" just ran through my head. I love your qualified optimism.
  19. I saw the interview with Tamar where she said she'd never had a roommate. Does that mean she's never had a husband or boyfriend? I know zilch about her, but that seems unlikely. Anyway, I'm not a Real Housewives watcher, but I still recognized all the Real Housewives mannerisms, hair flipping etc. in her interview. Personally I find it super annoying, but in a different setting maybe she'll be able to act more like a regular human. I noticed that Brandi acted relatively normal last season. Or...she'll drive the rest of them crazy and storm out or get voted out almost immediately. Either way, I have my popcorn ready.
  20. I hear you about Tom Green. He's kept a low profile for many years, but in his heyday he was so bizarre that I used to wonder if he had a personality disorder. Wasn't he the one who filled his parent's living room with wildlife for a prank? The room was completely trashed. Of course he filmed it. I remember his parents looking so long suffering.
  21. A year after my dad's passing I'm still dealing with boxes and boxes of stuff from his home. It would actually be easier if it was junk, but none of it is. Marie Kondos lessons certainly helped me give away and sell an enormous amount of stuff, occasionally making it easier for myself by doing the thanking thing. What's left is mostly marked "memorabilia". Journals, research, family papers, and a huge amount of wall art. Some are valuable, some aren't, but so far no one wants them. Right now I'm giving myself a break and storing most of it in the basement or garage because I'm burned out. So I agree. Leaving your children money and/or a few precious keepsakes is lovely. Leaving them an entire lifetime's worth of your stuff to deal with is a great burden.
  22. Agreed. Could Casting not have found at least a couple of fun, likeable actors? Most of all, I want some humour. Not a steady stream of jokes, just a touch of it, even if there's just one character that always makes me smile. So far I'm not seeing that.
  23. I'm only a few minutes in, but I was such a big fan of the original show that it's hard to accept the new cast. So far I don't find any of them particularly interesting or charismatic. But I'm keeping an open mind. I'll give it at least 2 or 3 episodes to change my mind.
  24. Peachmangosteen, Rob and Brent related her habit of storming out of events at the last minute. She was supposed to appear at some quite high profile event but stormed out midway because someone inadvertently turned away the person who was delivering her special food. (!) I can't remember the other event she stormed out of. Anyway, they were joking about how much they were hoping she stormed out of CBB, as opposed to being voted out. I don't know anything about her, but it doesn't sound like she plays well with others. I'm expecting some drama. On the other hand, they talked about how stultifyingly dull Ryan Lochte was in his interviews, and how they can't imagine him being entertaining on the show. But they did it in a way that had me giggling. They analyzed each guest in depth. It was highly entertaining.
  25. Just finished the RHAP podcast. Very funny and entertaining. Rob and Brent's comments about Tamar in particular cracked me up. Going back to how the celebs are mostly older, though... Brent literally hadn't heard of several of them, including Joey Lawrence. He was like, "What's"Blossom"? I feel old.
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