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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. Imagine being trapped in a small apartment with several people with various personality disorders. Paranoid, Borderline, Narcissistic, the whole gamut. And at least 2 of them have their sights set on you in particular. And there's nowhere to go. And nothing to do. And everything you do is being watched and judged by millions of eyes. It's my worst nightmare. Welcome to Big Brother.
  2. Or maybe they feel safe because they're pretty sure she can't remember their names.
  3. Ha. I read it as "borderline psychotic". Sounds like we're all on the same page. Except for Tamar who thinks she has special powers of observation into others people's motivations. (Hint. They're all bad and everyone is jealous.)
  4. I read it a little differently. While I'm sure Lolo didn't appreciate the comment, I thought it was her clever way of distracting Tamar from going after them for having a final 2. And it totally worked. Twice Lolo diverted Tamar from going off on people for some perceived wrong by giving her an even bigger drama to get embroiled in. Brilliant strategy when dealing with someone as histrionic and drama-loving as Tamar, but probably exhausting to implement on a regular basis. I might keep it in my arsenal though, for future dealings with Tamar-like people. It would be fun to see if I could pull it off. (I'm pessimistic. I'm no Lolo.)
  5. Well, that was a hoot. So many moments made me laugh out loud, either because something was funny or in disbelief. Ath-a-letic. Hee. Lolo is starting to seem a little unhinged but she has a superpower. She shut Tamar down twice in one episode. She should get an Olympic medal just for that. Ricky shocked me. I assumed he was nice but bland. Nope. Not a single word from Dina. (or as Lolo called her, Diana.) NEM discussing the final 2 with Tamar right in the room was hilarious, especially her lame efforts to fake her way out of it. Ryan and Jonathan together are very entertaining. At one point they seemed so giddy that I wondered if BB was pumping drugs into the ventilation system. NEM and Lolo together make a fierce pair. I'm enjoying what a tight bond they've formed, but I wouldn't want them mad at me. I'm not going to comment on Tamar because I realize everything about her presses my buttons and I just want to snark and have fun here.
  6. Not bad advice, but it won't be enough. This speaks to my earlier point. Already everyone is bending over backwards to keep her happy. Which is probably why she does it. But it's never enough. She'll leave the house and tell everyone how mean everyone was to her.
  7. In my experience, people with Tamar's personality (disorder) bring out the worst in everyone around them, as they try vainly to relate to the person on a rational level. It's a horrible experience. On the other hand, it makes for amazing drama, which is why people like Tamar get hired. I'm assuming that if Kandi was a Real Housewife, she has some experience with this, and won't end up with PTSD.
  8. From everything I read about Tamar before the game started, it sounds like she's behaving exactly as advertised. She's apparently famous for freaking out, quitting things and not getting along with anyone. She's just doing it some more. Being in a confined space with someone like that has a way of making even the calmest people start acting crazy. I know very little about Kandi, but I really feel for her. As for Tamar, she's probably secretly having a blast. Till she quits.
  9. If Jackie had that public meltdown sober, it wouldn't have been believable. Sober, she always tries to project her "life coach" persona. But because she overdrank, to the point she barely remembered it the next day, a whole other side of her was unleashed. An enraged, griefstricken side that she normally hides even from herself. I think this is what was so poignant. That and how sad and loving her family was, seeing her such a mess. I found it very touching and realistic. And a good reason to not drink whisky straight from the bottle when you're in crisis. 😊
  10. Good point, Skycatcher. The pool people must be freaking out. Although I still don't get how you break a pool, regardless of how fast you swim. Maybe it's like those blenders that you're only supposed to run for a few seconds at a time. Ryan swimming is like someone setting the blender to Crush Ice for 10 straight minutes.
  11. I wonder if he was expecting to be with bigger celebrities? Maybe he was taken aback by how D list everyone was? Dang, I can't stop speculating. It's too much fun.
  12. I don't feel sympathy because they're stupid, but because they're human. Intelligent people make bad choices all the time. Good people get hit by bad things. I think we see this show through the lens of our own experience. I do enjoy positive, inspirational shows a lot, particularly real life documentaries. But I also sometimes enjoy watching shows with dark humour, that echoes the humour I needed to survive a very difficult childhood, watching intelligent adults make terrible choices. So I fully understand what you're saying. At the same time, I think we use different shows for different things, and for me, there's something cathartic about shows like last night's episode.
  13. Hmmm. I guess I need to wait for some actual facts. Now I'm curious.
  14. So Anthony was a mole? I don't know, it seems a bit like a bait and switch. A lot of us were excited about the season primarily because of him, as described in my post.. oh, right, yesterday. AFTER he'd already left, unbeknownst to us. I guess that was the plan. Boo. But of course I'll keep watching.
  15. I think that one of the reasons people always loved watching Roseanne is that for once there was a show that portrayed people with messed-up, funny, stressful lives, like the lives of most of the viewers. For once we were watching, not life as we wish it were (big, immaculate houses, mothers with dancer's bodies, all problems resolved in 30 minutes) but life as it actually is. I'm in the minority perhaps, but the reason I'm enjoying this season is that people just do their best, and try hard to improve their lives in small ways, but basically they stay the same. People continue to make some bad choices or struggle with addiction, money is always an issue, family members annoy each other. It's real life, but funnier.
  16. But wasn't she the one who asked the 3 other women to promise that the 4 of them would never stab each other in the back? I knew it was too good to be true.
  17. For a normal person, I think it would be incredibly boring to swim for hours and get absolutely nowhere. Watching the athletes, I'm so aware I can't even imagine what makes them tick. I actually find that fascinating, like watching an alien species. (I don't have an athletic cell in my body, although I'm very competitive... at board games.)
  18. Yikes, yes. Not all, but I was shocked at how many of them were really controlling, angry and mean. Sometimes it only came out when they were pushed to clear up their mess, other times it wasn't hidden at all. And certainly the majority were either mentally ill and/or had personality disorders. This happened a lot as well in the shows about extremely obese people. There were some exceptions, but not a lot. (One woman in particular was really kind and sweet). And it's true. I got depressed and burned out on these shows and can't face watching them any more. Marie Kondo's show was like a breath of fresh air.
  19. Nashville, you must have something in the house. Cereal? Alternate theory. Anthony was shocked to realize he had an excellent chance of being first out, and he just couldn't face being publicly humiliated again. Either way, I'm surprisingly disappointed.
  20. I wonder if it wasn't till he was actually in the house that he realized how embarrassing it was, compared to his former life. No, seriously. Could he have had second thoughts? Or maybe went totally stir crazy from being imprisoned with no outlet for his energy?
  21. Oh dear. I really need to find something more meaningful to do with my late nights than stay tuned for possible rumours from a house thousands of miles away full of people I'll never meet. I'm definitely going to stop doing this... tomorrow. Maybe the day after that. Yeah, that's it.
  22. I was certain I heard her say The Four Tops. Then the others seemed to think that was a great name, although I didn't get why she'd choose that name. It's not like they all sing. Then again, I may have totally misheard.
  23. I would definitely have guessed older, not just by her appearance but by her overall behaviour. I enjoyed tonight more than I expected. I know I'm in the minority, but I loved listening in to the convo between Anthony and the guys, just like I loved listening to Omorosa talking to Ross. I'm not political, or even American. It's just the absolute fascination of hearing a little inside info from a person who was literally inside one of the most powerful governments on earth. It doesn't matter what government or what you think about it, to me I'll never find that dull, just from the point of view of sociology and just plain nosiness. Then the segue to watching one of the fastest swimmers on the planet doing his thing, swimming like a dolphin. Oh, and also swinging from the rafters knocking over foam blocks with his feet. This is great fun. Weird, random, absurd fun.
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