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Everything posted by Melina22

  1. Such an interesting article! I'm not convinced about all of it, but I feel like the Mere Exposure theory carries a lot of weight. Over time what seems shocking at first gradually starts to feel familiar. People who are wildly eccentric gradually seem almost normal and likeable, and we're prone to taking their side against "strangers" despite the fact we've never actually met them.
  2. Well, according to the article, a few years ago a French lawyer sued Conrad Murray for harming the MJ fans emotionally, and was awarded 80 cents. So hopefully these fans will win a similar amount. Just kidding. I'm trying to put myself into the mindset of these people, but it's hard since for all I know they're a bunch of teenage boys with little or no insight into the reality of what happened. In the end it's probably just one more annoyance Wade and James have to deal with. It must be exhausting.
  3. Okay, that challenge was hilarious!! They would NEVER be allowed to do that on BB US. Too bad. But how did no one smell it on them? I guess I'll watch season 2 next, after season 7 is over. Then maybe I'll watch whatever season Ika is on, only because people keep talking about her.
  4. Did dateline ever do an episode on Jody Arias? I watched a show on her yesterday, and although the name was vaguely familiar, I didn't know a thing about the story.
  5. I'm looking forward to the episode tonight about Elizabeth Holmes. I have a feeling it's going to be really interesting.
  6. Well that's a first. I just listened to Taran's eviction podcast, and when Brent was talking about Dane's rant, which he heard about from "a source" at the live show, I thought, "I already knew that!" thanks to Evenshorter's post. Why is it so much fun to be in the know? I wish I had someone to show off my insider info to, but sadly, no one here is impressed. Evenshorter, this is only my second season of Bbcan, although I've seen all the US seasons. If I were to go back and watch old seasons of Bbcan, which one do you recommend? It's weird that I never recognize any returning players, meanwhile the houseguests are going crazy.
  7. That was so good! I really enjoyed it and laughed a lot. I like how we could hear the audience reactions. It was hilarious when Kiki was trying to strategize with Dane and Maki and Dane was crawling around in the shelving. Dane is proving to be a bit of a loose cannon, though, and a lot more volatile than he first appeared. Sad that Maki is gone but he sure brought it on himself! "What, Dane? Yeah, I'd probably put you up." I laughed at how completely unshocked Maki was by Kailyn's "revelation" that she has 4 kids. Ummmm, you walk around in a mumu and slippers and everyone calls you "Ma". How surprised did you expect him to be? I want to see more footage of them all dancing.
  8. Irishsecra, maybe the designers of EOE got the idea after spending a similar night at an ER. All the elements are there in the ER. No food, nobody nice to support you, nowhere comfortable to lie down, fear, anxiety, sketchy sanitation and a feeling like the nightmare will never end. They went through it and thought, "Hey! What a great idea for our game!"
  9. This is such a good point! Do you remember in Leaving Neverland where they show Wade at 5 or 6 mimicking MJ's moves? I was shocked at how sexual some of the moves were and so inappropriate for a child to be doing. How on earth did MJ simultaneously convince everyone he was childlike and asexual while at the same time doing all these raunchy dance moves. It's like we were victims of mass hypnosis.
  10. Excellent point! I was reading last night that extreme stress is created in people when they experience uncertainty, lack of information and loss of control. At the time I read it, I related it to a recent nightmare experience I had sitting up sick and miserable all night in a crowded hospital ER waiting room, with literally no idea why it was taking so long, how many more hours I'd be there, or how to make anyone listen to me. It was as hard mentally as it was physically. But actually, this is the perfect description of EOE. The people there seem demoralized in a way you don't see in the regular game, and you've put your finger on why. Poor Keith sitting there staring longingly at the sail, desperately wanting to put himself out of his misery but not quite doing it, was EOE in a nutshell. Physical and psychological torture.
  11. I got such a weird vibe from Wendy this episode. I don't know what to make of her, especially when she was dancing around in the dark celebrating the chicken release. She seemed a bit... manic? Looking at her tribe mates faces, they don't know what to make of her either. I'm finding the snippets with the exiles interesting, if bleak and depressing. If after days of utter misery and torture, they battle it out and all but one get kicked out for good, I wonder if the kickees are going to be super bitter and angry. All that pain and suffering for nothing. Speaking of which, if I arrived at the EOE site, sad and dejected, hungry and exhausted, only to hear Reem's voice barking that no one was happy to see me, I think I'd just keep walking right into the ocean. Or drown her. One of those two things.
  12. Could that POV comp BE any more Canadian? It was hilarious. I'll bet they ended up covered in bruises though, as well as "maple syrup". Kailyn (42/29 year old) has really found her niche! I'm surprised. Good for her. Lots of soap opera-y drama between Adam and Sam (Sadam), including a side plot with the men plotting to break them up through having Mark flirt with Sam, and making Adam jealous. I'd say it was clichéd, bad writing, only it really happened! I'm interested to see that so far Damien and Corey seem to be laying low and avoiding being targets. I didn't expect that. I think Maki is going home. Too bad. He seems like a fun guy.
  13. It's so weird that I barely remember any of this. Sadly, I think it's because La Toya always came across as a fruit loop, with her extreme plastic surgery and nude photoshoots and needy attention seeking. It was impossible to discern what was and wasn't true. If Janet had made the same accusations it would have been a totally different story. Imagine if people had believed her? Wade and James's stories would have been so different. I wonder what they were thinking during that time? Probably terrified La Toya would reveal their secrets and they'd all end up in jail.
  14. I totally know what you mean, icecweem. Years ago when someone my family knew well and trusted was charged as a pedophile, my first reaction was denial. Then eventually I thought maybe he did it but I really didn't want it to be true. It was probably a year before I fully processed that it was true, and even now, years later, the truth of it shocks me. And I still wonder who in his family knew, and who else his victims were. It's a great tragedy and very painful when someone we respect and/or love turns out to be, not just human, but capable of doing evil.
  15. I just read a rumour on a site that I'm actually embarrassed to name (a truly guilty pleasure) implying Macaulay C. has decided to come forward and admit that MJ abused him. If this is true, imagine how vindicated Wade and James will feel! (There were further really shocking allegations about the family included in the article, that if true, will rock the entertainment world. I'm not going into them now because it's not confirmed (this site is correct about 70% of the time) , and also because honestly, just writing about this stuff makes me feel like the worst sort of internet person. But I'm sort of on tenterhooks, waiting to see if this comes out.) I can't deny any more that since watching Leaving Neverland, a part of my brain has been taken over by this stuff. I'm hoping it's a temporary condition, but if the above info proves true, I won't be getting my whole brain back for awhile. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
  16. Icecweem, I respectfully disagree with you, but I'm actually happy to see a different point of view expressed here. In order to decide what we think about something in an unbiased way, it's so important to hear more than one side,without getting all upset and defensive. I like that we can differ peacefully in this forum.
  17. Hockey puck mouth is Dane. Hee. He's 80% more attractive with his teeth in, IMO. (Then again, who isn't?) I feel like taking his teeth out is his signature move, in his mind. And while I appreciate his being real, I think he'd probably do better in life by keeping his teeth in most of the time, just generally and especially with girls he's trying to impress. That said, he's very likeable either way. I was listening to a podcast on the feeds (which I don't personally have but I assume we're allowed to discuss them here. ) One thing that cracked me up is that every single person in the house was instantly aware that the older woman (Kailey? Kaitlyn? Kiley? I give up) was most definitely not 29. Even funnier, they're also convinced that Corey is lying too about being 29, even though she actually is. No reaction so far to the older woman's "psychic powers" reveal which she hilariously assumed would be a big strike against her. Eddie is so interesting. I can never tell when he's lying and when he isn't.
  18. That's actually sad. A lot of people went to almost scary lengths to "become" MJ, and suddenly they're about as welcome as Hitler impersonators. I totally understand why people no longer applaud them, but at the same time, I find it rather terrifying nowadays how overnight you can go from celebrated to pariah in front of the entire world. If it's because of evil you perpetrated, you're just reaping what you sowed. But a lot of the time, like with these impersonators, the recipients of all the outrage just seem like collateral damage. It's so extreme. (By the way, this is just a general statement about the scary, pile-on climate we're living in. I don't have any particular opinions about celebrity impersonators in general, other than that most are just people trying to make a living.)
  19. This is 100% correct. It's a kind of brainwashing that follows you for years, and this helped me understand and believe Wade and James, even though my experience was, obviously, different in many ways. Plus keeping the family secret is so harmful, as Oprah brought out, regardless of what the secret is.
  20. 1. Oh my word, Dane! Put your teeth in already! 2. Sooooo many tattooed arms! Too many! ETA : 3. Poor Dane. His dad committed suicide? That's so tragic. 4. Sam! "Mortifying" doesn't mean what you think it means! 5. Corey did it? Incredible! The fact she's from a small town near me is icing on the cake. (The runner-up last year was actually from my small town.)
  21. From watching this show, and Oprah's show, I've learned that, certainly for these boys, the abuse was in the moment enjoyable, even fun at times. It was only in later years that all the damage it had done them gradually became apparent, and then snowballed into a severe problem that almost shattered them. This was something that to me, a survivor of many years of non-sexual abuse from a stepparent, was completely new knowledge. When you're physically and/or verbally abused in non-sexual ways there's zero confusion. You just hate it, always, even though as a child you may not hate the person doing it. My question, though, is the experience that Wade and James had, as boys, an experience girls would have? I don't recall any of my female friends who were molested as children or teens ever alluding to any feelings of love or enjoyment. Is this awful experience different for girls? Or would they just never dare say the things Wade and James said because of the shame of it? I keep wondering this.
  22. I'd like to check page 67 of this thread as recommended by Lizzing. Does anyone know how I can jump right to a specific page? I can't see any easy way to do it.
  23. I had no idea she could sing! I did find her really funny in the promos for this BB season. I usually skip commercials but found myself watching hers. It must be so interesting to attend a taping. It must feel a bit surreal. Emotions always seem so heightened that if I were a houseguest who had just been evicted, I think I'd have trouble stringing 3 words together. I have great admiration for people like Arisa, Julie Chen, Jeff Probst and others who are able to think on the fly, and keep things fun and moving. I bet it's a thousand times harder than people think.
  24. Don't feel bad. This is only the second season I've watched, despite being Canadian, a Maritimer. And I only watched because Rob Cesterino and Taran Armstrong kept gushing about it. I found last season extremely entertaining and the house was sooo much nicer than the US one.
  25. Evanshorter, you met Arisa? I'm envious? She recently did a podcast with Rob Cesterino on Survivor. Best one to date. She's so enthusiastic and funny.
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