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  1. Technically she already did with the pneumothorax guy and accidentally stabbing Garcia. But yeah, she needs her comeuppance, especially since Abbott validated her and she now probably thinks she's invincible.
  2. Not everyone was shot. Last week, the mother of the deaf patient had been run over by a car, several patients were stated to have crushing injuries and don’t forget the girl that went into hypoglycemic shock or the fentanyl overdose. There were hundreds of people at the concert running for their lives, in such pandemonium people are going to be injured in a myriad of different ways, not just gun shots.
  3. There are protocols for mass casualty events, not just shootings. It could be a train derailment, a multi-car pile up, an earthquake, a toxic spill, etc. it doesn’t matter what caused the event, just that there are mass casualties. Every hospital runs simulations, regardless of what trauma level they are. I did them in residency(I don’t work in a hospital anymore, although we do active shooter drills but that’s something else entirely)
  4. Javadi is a third year med student. Whitaker is a 4th year med student. Santos is an intern. McKay and King are second years but King is new to the program. Mohan is a third year and Langdon and Collins are 4th years. It’s September 1st. Residency programs start July 1st. Some programs have 4 week rotations while others have 1 month rotations. It sounds like this program has 1 month rotations. So no, it’s not Santos’s first day but she only graduated 3 months prior and has only been practicing 2 months, not nearly long enough to be so cocky.
  5. Yes, that is what I was referring to. You've obviously never seen the movie Knocked Up. Santos is Filipina. The actress is so it makes sense the character is too. Her father is Jon Jon Briones who not-so-recently played The Engineer in Miss Saigon on Broadway. I believe they performed in Hadestown together last year. Anyway, a lot of people in the Philippines have Spanish names because the country was colonized by Spain. It's the same reason so many people in South America have Spanish names. Same colonizers.
  6. Santos has already made it clear she wants to be in surgery and she mentioned earlier rotating in a pain clinic so she might be in a traditional internship if she's not just planning on switching out of ED. Internal medicine also rotates in the ED. Langdon and Collins are also residents except they're fourth years. I thought Mohan was a second year until they actually mentioned she was a third year. ED residencies can be either 3 or 4 years although there's been a recent push to make all residencies 4 years. There's more residents than this. There has to be. My ADHD brain was keeping me up last night. That has to be about only a third of the residency group. ED residents also rotate in peds ED and ICU and sometimes they rotate through different hospitals. The program where I did residency rotated between two.
  7. So if I understand things correctly, “bonus mom” somehow got stalking charges brought against McKay, hence both the monitoring anklet and the restraining order. And then she says she knows what’s better for Harrison when she’s closer in age to him than to his father? What a bitch. Santos is still horrible. I can’t believe she called Garcia to brag about Langdon. Although, I did like the own to the two Philippino nurses. I knew a Spanish resident in residency, blonde hair blue eyed, and we worked in a neighborhood with a large Latino population. One patient’s family started bad-mouthing her in Spanish and she responded, also in Spanish, you know I can understand you, right? Moral of the story: don’t make assumptions about a person’s background based on looks. in other news, the Pittfest shooter is so going to be Joanna Going’s son. At least now we know why the season is 15 episodes instead of 12.
  8. I've seen places where there are signs on the tablets that say the workers don't get the tips that are added on the tablets. It all just goes to the company. One place i go to, the worker taps through the tips screen before he gives it to me to sign.
  9. I’ve said this once and I’ll keep saying it. It’s Mayor Pete. He talks plainly, he talks sense. He doesn’t fight or yell and he actually gets people to change their opinions. And they actually like him on Fox News.
  10. And now I want to see a Bill Skarsgard and Andy Serkis buddy movie.
  11. They really only got their visa yesterday? Wow.
  12. Everything Langdon said to Santos was true. Even though she was right about the sodium, there’s a chain of command and when she makes a mistake, everybody gets in trouble. Should he have talked down to her like that in front of an audience? No. However, she almost killed the guy with the pneumothorax, dropped the scalpel on Garcia, disrespected both medical students by calling them names they don’t like and has made horrible accusations against Langdon just because the alcoholic lost some pills from his pocket and she couldn’t open a medication vial. I would not want her as a doctor. In other news, I hope the silent heart attack guy gets arrested for assault. Guess what, jerk, they have all your info so they can just go and pick you up. Oh, and I love Crosby. He’s the real hero of the show.
  13. Nope. This is what doctors do. It’s what my friend did when she miscarried. It’s what I did while waiting to miscarry. What else can we do? We have a job. People are depending on us. Not to mention, it helps get our minds off of what is going on, at least for a little bit.
  14. First off, that’s not how the federal government works. My husband is a federal worker so I know a thing or two about this. Government workers don’t get merit-based raises. They get pay increases based on how long they’ve worked in their position and whether the president decides to give a cost of living wage increase. They also don’t get merit-based promotions. They have to apply for the promotions. Second, a huge chunk of the work is classified and/or confidential. My husband isn’t allowed to tell me what he does and he isn’t in the FBI or CIA. Also, a lot of what they do are big projects and those can take more than a week. Third, hr@opm.gov is not a secure email. It can easily get hacked and as someone online said, if the workers are cc’ing their managers, it would be very easy to figure out the different deparments’ chains of command. Finally, all of this information is logged in the system and every key stroke is logged. The DOGE bros have access to everything, they can’t get access to this too? They can’t look at the workers’ annual reviews? Why should they make it easier for Musk to fire them? This is no different than having prisoners dig their own graves.
  15. This is the second time Jon has cut himself breaking a drinking receptacle doing a bit. I wonder if he needed stitches again. I hope he’s okay.
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