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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I thought the main story was interesting enough but rather superficial as to why they became terrorists, but this is NCIS and not PBS. When McGee and Bishop were hiding behind partitions like six year olds trying to figure out why Tony was different, I remembered why I had stopped watching this show. Doesn't anyone ever grow up on this show? Not even Tony, who tried to keep his relationship with Zoe hidden. I liked Bishop with Fornell in their scenes. He's always been Gibbs' person which made it all boring after a few seasons. I'm still sad they killed off Diane because I thought she was the better recurring character just because she was so different than all the men.
  2. I got the feeling that Andy was younger but that was mostly because Carly seemed so young. (I don't know how old Christy Lang is but I was suprised to see she plays Maid Marian on OUaT.) Usually older siblings are more protective but Birth Order Theory has an exception when the oldest is more immature, the second place sibling may take on the characteristics of the eldest. I can see Diggle being protective of his troop in the military. He certainly was of the members of the SS when he found out that Waller had planted blow-up tech in their heads. I wonder how he'll deal with that the next time he runs the squad.
  3. How Chuck’s Daniel Shaw and Arrow’s Ray Palmer Are Essentially the Same Character
  4. They also used her for that in Barry's storyline too though. They bond over geeky science, so that Felilcity knows that Barry can save Oliver, and brings him into the cave. Felicity gets a crush on Barry, which makes Oliver realize his feelings. Other than in SOOFS, she's pretty much been reduced to a catalyst when she's not doing tech stuff for Team Arrow. Something I found interest Once again, suiting up to honor a dead loved one, but like Sara and Roy, he's there to help the helpless. (I don't like the wording that "he's there to be the savior". He should be there so save, not to be the savior.
  5. I think of a do-over more as something we've seen on screen but done differently with another, less important character. Diggle seeing Oliver as a brother he can save was the reason he signed on for the crusade in the first place. I think it's fundamental to their relationship whereas it may not have been with John's relationship with Andy.. (Although that may be what you mean by do-over.) Do we know if Andy was older or younger than John?
  6. Those audition tapes are really interesting. So many different interpretations of the character. I wonder what it was about the actors who got on Arrow that sold them. (I know of someone who also auditioned for Thea. She's a good actress but Willa Holland would have captured the bratty teenage Thea better.)
  7. I don't think Diggle's is a do-over. David Ramsey has been saying since season 1 that Diggle thinks of Oliver as the brother he can save whereas he couldn't save Andy. What should make it even worse is that Diggle has seen himself as the one protecting Oliver from the beginning because he signed on to keep Oliver sane in his war, and now he's failed. (Not really because Oliver refused to take him but he should be beating himself up for letting Oliver go just as Felicity should.) I'd like to see some Diggle/Lyla scenes about this since she may have known Andy, she knows how Digg feels, and she's been a soldier herself. Is Felicity going to be telling both Laurel and Ray "Look, this is what it's really like to be a vigilante."
  8. For this interview, as the interviewer seems fairly intelligent, I prefer SA, CH, BR and JB to KC. KC would just say the same old "Laurel has a big heart, she's doing it to honor her sister" etc., etc., etc. The interviewer got some new twists and connections out of SA, BR and JB instead.
  9. I really like that interpretation of "I don't want to be a woman you love" -- Felicity to Ray helping him suit up because women who love and are loved by superheroes always get hurt. I'd feel more secure in it though if the line weren't in 312, the episode Oliver comes back. That is about the only way I could tolerate Felicity thinking Should I be telling Laurel this? It should be the other way around, Laurel wondering if it's okay to say something to Felicity because Felicity has been closer to Oliver since he got back and has been working with him for two years now.
  10. I think Laurel/Joanna was organic, they're both equals, tough women in a tough profession. I think Felicity/Sara was organic, they were both caring women who accept another person as valuable no matter how hurt. I wouldn't say Felicity/Thea would be organic in a buddy/buddy kind of way, more like they both care about the same men (Oliver and Roy) and aren't possessive of them in the way Laurel is of Oliver. Thea makes sense as a friend of Sin, they were of the same age and both tough cookies. So after forming these great friendships for the women, the show just blows them all up. The only female friendship left that makes sense is Felicity/Caitlin. I can see Felicity and Laurel learning to work with each other, I can't imagine them at girls night doing manicures and hair treatments for each other. Part of the problem is the apparent power imbalance. Can you see Laurel ever saying, much less to Felicity "Am I out of line by saying this? Am I out of line by saying that?” I'm happy to know that Diggle and Felicity become the leaders of Team Arrow. That's organic. It sounds like Felicity is finally going to have some agency in her story, even if it is about the men in her life. Is she going to try to save Ray from Oliver's fate? Maybe this is where 'a woman you love' comes in, whether it's to Oliver or to Ray. So at the end of the season, Oliver will be at odds with both Malcolm and Ra's again?
  11. Because stalking is only about the sexual. Except that it's not. Does he mean she doesn't really explain to Ray? Or that she doesn't explain to Oliver why she's upset? I also thought Anna was his fiance but I guess BR thinks she was Ray's wife. On the whole, I would prefer wife, it sticks more and less likely to allow him grief sex for Felicity's sake.. Is John Barrowman any better at math than Stephen Amell is? Because when you go 360 degrees, you end up at the same place you started from. I do not think that means what he thinks it means. I agree with Stephen Amell that Oliver 'dying' "creates a much needed change in the dynamic for the show" and that after 50 episodes if you don't change things up it isn't so interesting any more. (My beef with the 500th episode of NCIS that is exactly the same.) This is something that really works in Agent Carter, the Peggy/Jarvis relationship. Tons of chemistry between them but Jarvis loves his wife (with the not-Hungarian accent).. Looks like the last (most significant?) promo is from Katie Cassidy. Of course. I just wish they would stop trying to make Laurel/Felicity happen, even "organically". There's nothing organic about them becoming friends. True love. She thinks she would know it if he were dead.
  12. Erin Andrews looks kind of like Katie Cassidy. It seems Jared Stoll has a type. It sounds like she was just trying to get in on the conversation, not being deliberately nasty. But you should never, ever tell other people what they have inside them, whether you're on twitter or not.
  13. Congrats on getting him to answer your questions. I've asked tons and he's never answered any of mine. Maybe simple questions is the way to go.
  14. I can also see why Felicity wouldn't want to turn to Diggle. No matter how much Diggle is hurting at losing a brother, he's still got Lyla and baby Sara, whereas Felicity has just lost her love. Diggle can't feel the way she does, and she may feel a bit of resentment at that. Not logical, but could be. Or maybe she wants to be with people she doesn't associate with Oliver.
  15. Laurel said that she can't take losing someone else i.e. if her father dies from a heart attack after hearing about Sara's death. If he dies because Laurel turned into a vigilante and got killed, it doesn't matter because she's already dead and won't be losing him anyway. It's hard to think that they write Laurel as so completely self-absorbed and narcissistic by accident, but apparently they do. But all four of those characters started their road to being a vigilante by wanting to help others -- Oliver for his father and to make amends to Starling City; Sara because she was abused and wanted to prevent other women from being hurt, Barry to help people unjustly accused like his father, and Ray to protect Starling City. Only Laurel starts her journey through anger and wanting to make herself feel better. I could buy a change maybe not in three episodes but in three months if something really traumatic happened to her, like Tommy dying to save her. But from what I can tell, nothing has happened in the last seven episodes to justify that kind of transformation on the road to Damascus for her..
  16. Please don't let "Roy taking care of Thea" mean he's going to be jealous of douchey DJ. Even if not intended, most probably true. Willa Holland could do it but Thea doesn't know about Oliver which only leaves Roy and Laurel. Honestly, I don't mind if they skip a scene with Felicity crying in favor of one with her shaky but bravely trying to work to honor Oliver's memory. I've already had enough Felicity crying (The Calm, Sara, SOOFS) to last me a couple more seasons. I wonder if they even know what they are going to do with the character of Ray/the Atom after this and that's why they aren't incorporating him into the show. Barry was going to be part of the Arrow universe so he got to be in the Arrow cave. MG has said Ray won't be, maybe because they deliberately want to keep him separate for spin-off or future storylines.. Besides, if Oliver has given up on taking QC back now, who would Ray interact with? Laurel probably because there's no reason for him to get to know Diggle or go to Verdant other than looking up Felicity, and Laurel's got enough on her plate with scenes with Ray. At least in episode 11 he'll presumably have scenes with Capt. Lance.
  17. I wouldn't mind Ray if they didn't keep pushing the Raylicity stuff. Felicity and Barry have a caring friendship having moved beyond the love interest stuff. I wish they would do that with Ray and also expand his scenes on the show beyond Felicity. I'll have to see it to judge but I don't mind the idea of Felicity shoving her grief into helping Ray with his suit as opposed to sitting and crying or beating up bad guys with a baseball bat. She's a strong woman, Felicity.
  18. Having her go to Palmer Industries will be even more heartbreaking than crying her eyes out because it will be like she's trying to move on (to her next superhero vigilante). At least Roy is just drinking and Diggle is going home to his family. Do they tell Laurel in this episode? If Felicity turns the lights out after Malcolm's visit and they all go their separate ways it doesn't seem like there is time to tell Laurel.
  19. Usually the clips are from early in the episode but Roy says he just got some bad news about a friend so the impression is that it's after MM has brought them the sword.
  20. Training in science never goes away. I have the urge to formulate hypotheses and then see which one turns out to be correct: H1: Katie Cassidy does a really good job at showing how and why Laurel becomes the Black Canary, and lives up to MG's tweet about her fight skills; H2: Katie Cassidy does a really good job at showing how and why Laurel becomes the Black Canary, and does an okay job in the fight part; H3: Katie Cassidy does her usual work but enough people are happy Laurel finally becoming the Black Canary that it's okay with them; H4: Katie Casside does her usual work but people are distracted by Olicity and Thea/Merlyn and don't really care. H5: it doesn't work and viewers grow less involved with the show; Ho: Nothing changes.
  21. Gibbs third wife, Diane, just got killed last week. I decided that the almost all male panel at TCA wasn't so out of line after all when all of the nominations for Best Actor and Actress in the Oscars went to white folks. I think he would say that the cloak of invisibility is too superpower and Arrow is a show grounded in reality (yeah, right) but I really wish someone would ask him about that costume. Taking Laurel's popularity to the Laurel thread.
  22. It seems to me that a lot of good actors get wasted in roles where they are hired to be ship obstacles rather than well-integrated characters on their own right. trivia: Matt Bomer was initially hired to play Superman but when Bryan Singer took over the project, he fired Bomer and hired Brandon Routh.
  23. I acquit them of misogyny for repeated showing the deaths of Moira and Sara because they're doing it with Oliver now. I don't want to see it any more, and even less do I want to hear the squish sound as the sword goes into him. Somehow, that doesn't seem to be a scene in which Roy tells Thea what's really going on. I really want a Thea intervention with Roy, Diggle and Felicity. I remember a very famous radio host in Canada who was generally thought to be a superb interviewer. What it really was that he was great on certain kinds of interviews and bad on others, and his staff were very careful to program only the kind of interviews he was good at. I see Colton Haynes acting like that, at the moment he's very good in defined scenes, usually when he has to be snippy or sarcastic. He doesn't do heavy lifting scenes at this point. I hope he doesn't have to do much in this four part trilogy. (I don't want to be snippy towards Katie Cassidy before I've seen the scenes because she will have to do a lot of heavy lifting so I'll wait and see how she does in them.)
  24. I was going to say that if he kills Oliver himself, Thea will be upset so it's better for Ra's to do it. But then I remembered that he had brainwashed Thea into murdering Sara as part of the plan so yeah, that doesn't really appy.
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