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Everything posted by snarkish

  1. Was that the cab fare or did the cab have a scale in it and weigh him??! LOL
  2. Alright, Mom. You can't accompany your son to his appointment after all he does for you? You don't look that "run down" toting your dog around the house.
  3. Juvaderm...prescription for breast cancer drug...are women of my age being targeted much during this show? Is the average viewing audience a mid 50's female?
  4. Here I am grasping at the positives. Clean home, no shower scene, everyone dressed properly. People speaking clearly without mushmouth and subtitles Loving family without any abuse
  5. Mama June. Tammy will get new choppers just like her. And just like Mama June, not appreciate them and mess them up, most likely by biting into something she shouldn't. Another thing that grates on me as I had to wait until I was 19 to get braces that I dearly wanted and appreciated every bit of my Orthodontic work. People like June and eventually Tammy will get weight loss help/surgery, plastic surgery, dental work and not appreciate a bit of it. And, we're still watching.
  6. HOPEFULLY we've seen the last of creepy Jerry. Pretty sure that's a done deal. Fuckwit had no clue what she was talking about when finally divulging the damn "big secret" that's been going on for at least 2.5 episodes now. As everyone else, I almost fell off the couch when Tammy announced "Twice a...week". I brush my teeth twice a day, minimum. I can't even go to sleep if I haven't brushed. I think it's a habit from not getting braces until I was 19 and wanting to do everything right. Also, I tend towards getting more buildup than usual so I go overboard. People that don't have this issue, like my husband, and often forget to brush 2X a day drive me batty. Here I am using an electric toothbrush, a handheld scaler for tough spots, expensive toothpaste (Colgate Optic White really does help a lot, and is $7 a tube!) and getting cleanings 2-3 times a year, and people like Tammy make me ill. Come to think of it, I ate tacos for dinner and I can't stand my breath just from that and will brush as soon as I post this...how can she eat all that garbage and stand her own mouth? Her crotch must be something else! Was anyone else surprised she managed to fit onto that dental chair? Speaking of teeth, I think Michael must not have many himself, he's got a very undershot jaw or he's missing his top teeth. Dude sure doesn't say a lot, does he? I bet those premade meals from the meal delivery service are like the tiny Lean Cuisine trays...nothing near a portion size Tammy is used to. That spider bite caused bile to rise up in my throat, that looks PRETTY bad and maybe like cellulitis is around it and I hope she's taking some antibiotics or something besides changing the dressing. So more drama next week with Amy in pain again...do you think we'll see this child birth this season or will that be the cliffhanger? She doesn't have anything posted on her FB account that is viewable from a non-friend POV.
  7. Although I do feel "played" myself, now that I discovered she's been peddling this story for years and using it to launch a new-fangled "career", I do agree that it was entertaining, I was glued to my set for two hours way past my usual bedtime and refused to DVR it so I could know the ending. (Although...it really didn't "end" and it was rushed, it almost seemed like they were about to go over the 2 hour time frame).
  8. Howdy, folks. New to this particular forum, but this episode and Anna Nicole's last week sucked me in. Last night I couldn't pry myself away from the set even though I could have DVR'd and was dog tired. I just wanted to know the END of this shitshow, and I felt like 2 hours covering this was way too long. Agreeing with others upthread, Benita was an idiot. Some "Emmy winning investigative journalist". I missed the first 10 minutes, was she already divorced from her ex husband before starting this relationship with Paulo? It sounds like he wasn't even cold before she took off with this clown with an idiotic name (as a half Italian, his name just gave me the damn giggles). I was practically in hysterics, as her friends were, at the whole idea of the Pope officiating and the guest list. I was waiting to hear the invites of members of the Royal Family and the Dalai Lama as well. And as a formerly single Mother of a young daughter, WTF was she doing not checking this guy out whatsoever before involving her daughter?? Especially moving her to a country and home she never saw in person before? The greatest laugh was the player piano. And she has to go back to the video tape again to see his fingers weren't on the keys correctly while it was playing. Sadly, working in scientific research, I can understand with people getting away with false data and research papers. It happens constantly. Although Karolinska ignoring the initial requests to investigate him by fellow peers was scary to hear, and makes you wonder a lot about Nobel prizes. I couldn't get over all of the images/videos of Paulo, it was like he posed for all of these for this show...where did all this footage come from? He was obviously aware of the camera on him. Lastly, if I was Benita, and after I had finally figured him out like she did...I would have done the opposite. I would have continued to pretend and schedule a new wedding date (in fact, I would have left the original date alone) just to see how far he was going to take this facade and how he was going to handle not being able to fulfill it at all. Sending him a text message saying she knew he was lying seemed juvenile and not exactly what an "EWIR" (Emmy winning investigative reporter) would do. ETA: Just searched her on FB. Evidently it's her "thing" now to call out con men, and she's got a page devoted to "love conned stories", so this 20/20 show was also all just PR for Benita and her newest "career" in "investigative journalism". Kind of like how the guy who started "Catfish" on MTV became a star sharing his story and devoting himself to calling out people catfishing others. *eyeroll*
  9. I recorded and watched this afternoon. Some observations... Krystal looked SO masculine. PCOS is a bitch. The nice manicure and the beard were just weird for me. I was mesmerized watching Freelin chewing his salad. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have teeth. There is like an inch between his nose and his jaw. TAKE YOUR PHONE OUT OF YOUR BRA!!!! Omg, this drives me batshit. It's not a purse! I have to say, I could put a hurt on that big bowl of sketti with meat sauce. However, there was enough garlic toast for Josh's entire classroom. Doc Paradise has to lose the glasses! Looking adorable on Skype without them. I think he's cute as a button. PUT YOUR MASK ON CORRECTLY!!!! It. Goes. Over. The. NOSE! Why does everyone weigh with shoes on? Hell, if my Dr. would allow me to completely disrobe in the office to weigh, I would! I can't believe Krystal was that mobile at that weight. Is she tall? Do any participants take note that they must move to Houston to be on the program? Do they think they'll just fly in for surgery and go home? Will there be ANY success stories this season?
  10. I wonder if they were given them by production, considering they have to subtitle their mumblings and mispronunciations.
  11. DEAD!!!! 😆 I was going to say the whole shebang seemed very "Jersey Shore" to me. Loved Lexi and and Bria discussing "FLOW-ez" on her nails. (FWIW, I was born in NJ and lived there until I was 11, and thanked my parents for getting me out of there because early recordings of my voice as a child make my ears bleed. And since I am 4'10" and half Italian, afraid I would have looked like Snooki eventually). Glad to see BioMom showed up and they explained that to us. As much as I cannot stand Bria, I give her a single prop for doing her best to be a good Stepmom and decent to Jade. However, I do think they are trying to outdo anything she could possibly do for the boys when it comes to gifts/clothes/experiences. The whole scene at the playset seemed like they were all trying to get the boys attention at once. Could have been for the camera, but it also hit home because my son's Dad and his family would do the same with him in front of me, and my parents. Poor kid never knew which direction to look and was constantly showered with too many gifts. Lexi...poor Lexi. I always said she had a tough outer later, especially when it comes to Matt. But it's obvious that the breakup with Joe is affecting how she reacts to Bria and the shower/wedding. Although I do agree the salon business should NOT be on her shoulders entirely. She seems like she's spent her life keeping her feelings inside, and possibly swallowing them. Which makes me also think about her bariatric surgery and weight loss. As much as I adore her and her style, the whole dragon getup at the shower was as tacky as the flower women. I get she has a quirky style, but she could have knocked it down a notch for the shower, instead of standing out like a sore thumb. Jen...the "1970's Cher" look is not a good one on you. The bangs make it worse.
  12. Everyone has pretty much said what I thought this episode, but I'll leave my two cents anyhow: Tammy, sorry that the general public is not used to accommodating a 600+ pound person in a wheelchair in a small, Halloween shop or on a hayride! Really? All stores and restaurants should be prepared for this? The world was not made for humans to roll around in wheelchairs in public at this size. If you want to go out in public with more ease (and ease on the back of your poor brother and brother in law), lose some damn weight and get more mobile. I am so over her. She reminds me of the lumps of people in the Pixar movie "Wall-E". And someone please give her a regular face mask! Jerry flat out SKEEVED me out. Whether this is producer driven or not, dude is SHADY. Standing around while Michael and others shoved Tammy's wheelchair everywhere. Giving Tammy's family the side eye for asking questions about his life. Send this one back to whatever Crack house they found him in. I mean, I get that Tammy is starved for a relationship/partner/sex/whatever, and I made some questionable dating decisions when I was divorced and lonely, but still. Props for Amy for staying on track late in pregnancy. I was also considered obese when pregnant with my last (I am about 4'10" and was 180 pounds when I got pregnant, and was very scared about my weight). I also only gained 13 pounds during my entire pregnancy, and almost 8 of that was my daughter. And, like Amy's belly-cast scene, I had to wait for my baby belly to "blend" into my lower belly roll! LOL. Although that luckily happened earlier on than Amy. Dragging out "the secret" for yet another week. Dis better be good.
  13. I've watched these two from the first episode. As I continue to watch, I like Amy more and dislike Tammy more. Amy, is just a simple-minded person. Tammy seems to have a few more fries in in her Happy Meal than her sister, but she's also a hot mess of selfish and anger. What finally threw the towel in for me was her attitude when Amy announced them moving. She's such a self-centered gaslighter. But, the family seems to have created the monster that is Tammy. Everyone is afraid of upsetting her. Amy has better things to stress over right now than if the news is going to bring out the perpetual beotch in Tammy. And gaining 50 pounds in "ONE MUNT"?? That took some serious eating. She is nowhere near ready to help herself, if anyone needs Dr. Now's hospitalization with being fed only their food, it's her. She's just a semi-mobile James K. at this point.
  14. Kenae is another cast member that either eats wings and bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers, or a tasteless, premade salad. There is no in between with these folks. Food is either ridiculously indulgent or cardboard. I'm so tired of seeing them eat iceberg salads with low-cal bottled dressing with dead eyes.
  15. Move over Octavia Spencer...Kenae wants to LIIIIIIVE! Please give this dramatic wonder an Oscar.
  16. Yes, after lurking Bria's FB, they got married then. Okay, finished this episode. I don't know how many more I can handle because this show is giving me the vapors. I just can't with most of these clowns and really feel bad for Lexi. Thank goodness she laid into Jen. It's completely unfair for her to carry the financial weight of the family and salon because she's the only talented and hard working of the bunch. (I was shocked though, that her nail sets go for $300-$1000 - I hope you can use those multiple times over!). Matt is proof that any moron can father a child. I bet bio-Mom is laughing her ass off at the two of them "trying to prepare to conceive". Bria is probably 5 month pregnant right now, which is why her FB has been quiet since New Year's. I am thinking there isn't much of a storyline left and maybe not many nail clients right now, hence why we are suffering through the focus on Bria and Jen. Then again, most of last season dealt with the antics of Bria as well, not sure why this show appears to be focused on Lexi and then the camera pans to her useless sister that no one cares to watch.
  17. I recorded last night and am 10 minutes in and already can't stand Bria's clipped way of speaking ("demanding"), her stroking of her extensions constantly, and I also want to clip Jen's bangs out of her damn eyes...
  18. I found the bio-Mom too (I lost my calling as a Private Investigator, although all you really need is Google and are easy putting 2 and 2 together!). Not sure if I can post stuff about her here as I'm not sure we're allowed to stray "off topic" of the episodes, I wind up getting into trouble with the Mods (*winces*).
  19. LOL!!! You lost several hours of your life as well, right? Seems like we're talking to each other...we're on episode 3 and there isn't a section yet. I couldn't handle how much Bria and Jen stroke their hair extensions! Constantly. I noticed the gushing over the step-twins. Part of me thinks it's great they get spoiled by her, but I agree that all of the FB "perfect family" pics probably covers up a bitchy demeanor. She already shows signs during the show of being quick to attack and have a short fuse. I can't see how someone who doesn't have a hair or eyelash out of place could have tolerance for rambunctious twin toddler boys. (BTW, didn't you love her get up for the pumpkin patch day with the kids?? LMAO!)
  20. I started watching this show because of Lexi. I love to see her talent, and her style. I could give a rats ass about her family (although I have a soft spot for Foxy and the wonderful teased styles she can manage out of older women with barely any hair). I went down the rabbit hole of looking at Bria's FB photos (talk about being bored during quarantine). Such a sickening shit show of over the top pics of wedding and holidays, I swear that woman and her Mother live 24/7 for drag makeup, decorating, revealing clothing, and just GLAM. At least Lexi has a quirky, cool sense of style and isn't about shoving her ASSets in everyone's face. I wish they'd focus more on Lexi's work and her now delving back into the dating world than wasting screen time with Bria and Jen.
  21. Driving to the store and walking around without the scooter cart!!!!
  22. I am 4'10" and considered obese by BMI charts at 178 pounds (I wear a size 14). I cannot even fathom carrying an extra 50-100 pounds.
  23. Checking in late, folks. I have *some* hope this week: Walks, showers, gets in and out of vehicles without assistance Speaks clearly without the need for subtitles Seems to have a glimmer of intelligence Fingers crossed (*snaps seatbelt*)
  24. I was also thinking that they should have hired Teresa Caputo (Long Island Medium) since well, they're on Long Island and both TLC shows! How cool would have that been? A battle of the nails! I am calling BS on just how in the dark Jennifer is regarding Big Mike's finances. Especially that garbage bag of papers she dumped on the counter last episode. They are neat a pin, but this is how his paperwork is organized and filed? I think this is added drama, personally. Yay, Foxy's back! Loved the 99 year old getting teased up to the nines! Love Foxy, but OMG, they years of tanning have wreaked havok on the skin of her decolletage. I have a family friend who tanning bedded herself to death in the 80's and now she's in her mid 60's and her skin is like shoe leather. Something was off with this Mom getting all this work done for a kid's party. Even if her daughter was a teen/preteen...weird. And she seemed somewhat frumpy/dumpy from what she wore into the salon to order something like that. Bria is supposed to be some hairstylist?? That hairdo looked like my kid could have done that with her curling iron. She slapped a teapot and cards on her head and put in a few curls. She's too busy with her wedding of the century to even do her job adequately. I wasn't into the dark lipstick either, when I think of Alice in Wonderland I think more of bright colors, unless she was attempting to mix the Queen of Hearts into it or something. Once again, Lexi comes up with the most awesome stuff. Although I have no idea how anyone manages these nails, unless they pop on and off easily. Funny that she mentioned only drinking Prosecco and herbal tea. I know she's had bariatric surgery, and wondered how she drank all of that sparkling wine.
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