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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. This is such a huge no no. I cannot believe she wasn't disbarred for that.
  2. He's such a garbage human. And he's with 2.8 billion. :(
  3. Young Magic is adorable! I was a kid watching the adults watch basketball through this time, but I will always have a young crush on Coach Pat Riley. LOL I'm enjoying the show so far, it could pick up the pace a bit. I have only seen episode 1 and 2. I'm not looking forward to Brody as my girl crush!
  4. This! I can't binge the show because it's not that engrossing. The sets and casts are so good. Steed is great. Taika is adorable (I know, he's not a great guy in real life, but he's so pretty). But something is missing.
  5. You are correct. Charlatans isn't a correct term for the Neumanns and the Uber guy. Uber guy, I think it's just garbage. I'm trying to decide if Adam is garbage or a guy with moxie who believes his own hype. I wish I had a portion of that stuff confidence of any of these people.
  6. Yeah the soundtrack is really good on super pumped. I agree with others that The Dropout is a really good watch. Also, I read that that the guru was sort of uma Thurman's brother. He was involved in some yoga practice and the brought Rebekah in and was only paid $1 to $2 per person brought in.
  7. I think they needed to do some slight prosthetic work on Jared. Adam is way more angular in the face. From far away, he's doing a great job, voice, hair, movements, but up close, I can only see Jared. And what is with all these shows? Wecrashed, The Dropout, Super Pumped, Anna Delvey. Were the 2000's/2010's just full of these terrible charlatans? (and yes, I said charlatans - i'm an old.)
  8. Ah! Yeah, that makes more sense than McAllister just being a dick to be a dick. LOL
  9. But she didn't ask and she didn't bribe, it was McAllister that offered and McAllister who bribed. McAllister is playing the "oh but i'm such good friends with Mrs. Astor, she won't be here for days, I'll take you over there."
  10. I'm worried he totally did that - just for his own amusement. It was his suggestion to check out the house while The Mrs. Astor was away, so I don't see how we can really blame Bertha.
  11. Anyone watching Worst Roommate Ever on Netflix? Holy f!!! I've only seen the first episode and it was way darker than I expected.
  12. I love what I've seen so far. My hubby isn't interested in a taika show about another bumbling please, but I can't get enough. Love me a gentleman pirate.
  13. Sooooo good. I hope they bring back Junior as he's become this weird, old, wise dude I've come to depend on. I was quite happy we got to see the slipping and sliding in the blood again - that will NEVER get old. I did not need to see the toilet baby scene. Ugh - just no... All in all - a solid finish from the Gemstones! Now on to season 3!
  14. We can! We can! https://queenanneeducation.com/how-to-serve-asparagus/ :)
  15. Oh sweet Adelheid. I hope for the best for her! So eager and genuine!
  16. My new favorite word for a little nukkie before marriage! I think Bertha is hoping for a European title for Gladys. A lot of the US new money mothers were doing this at this time. European title gentlemen were cash poor and titled, US new money women were society poor and RICH. Win win. Hopefully, she'll make a good match a la Downton Abbey.
  17. I thought Eli's father was a pastor of a small church. I may have read that way wrong thought. Pastor kids are known for being wild, so that would explain Eli's wrestling at night without his daddy knowing.
  18. Right? OMG - Keefe is my favorite and I love the scenes where he and Kelvin are uncomfortable close, lips inches apart and never a kiss. LOL I didn't realize KJ and Judy were the same (sort of) until someone here mentioned it. I hope BJ doesn't lose his family. Although I know it's fiction, that was really bothering me how Judy was trying everything to get rid of his family. I feel really sorry for Eli. I get that you reap what you sow, and we'll find out next week how he sewed those children into absolute monsters, but he does seem to be human-ish... Levi dancing with the balloons MADE MY WHOLE NIGHT!!!
  19. Exactly. How nice is it to escape and watch an informative show? I loved the non binary episode. I'm an old, so I never quite understood what it means for people. I'm always respectful, I ask people their pronouns and use them, I'll support and prop up non binary people, I just don't feel the people I know have the onus of educating me, you know? Every guest on the show was great, but Alok really resonated with me. When they said "we are poetry" I definitely got emotional. So true and so important.
  20. Totally weird, but oddly works. When he first showed up I stopped and said "wait - that's MY Bobby Goren!" lol
  21. Work in Progress is this adorable show on Showtime (https://www.sho.com/work-in-progress) about this nutty, neurotic lesbian, who has the hots for Bobby Goren. He's in episode 2.7 and 2.8.
  22. I don't know if y'all have chatted about Goren's cameo in Work in Progress. ADORABLE and VDO was sweet to do it.
  23. I didn't hate this episode. The script is still a bit painful and obvious. Of course, the cook was going to steal silver. Sigh. I did love Mr. Russell taking care of bidnez for his wife! True love (and he's not terrible on the eyes).
  24. Totally. I couldn't really stand the episode once he started walking through people and horny-ing them!
  25. And - it's a podcast... couldn't it be done from - oh - LOS ANGELES??? jesus christ this show just gets worse and worse. Rock pissed me right off. They were terrible and thoughtless. It wasn't a loss of thousands of dollars, I'm thinking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! AND YES I'M SCREAMING!!!! Miranda can go suck it. Carrie can go suck it for not giving some of "john" to his family. JOHN CAN SUCK IT FOR FOREVER RUINING THAT SONG FOR ME!!!! Oh and I thought it was high-larious that they have Carrie and Samantha meeting up for a cocktail - tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHAHA - there is no way in hell Kim Cattrall is coming back.
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