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Everything posted by Azanscrazyhair

  1. So this wasn't the same house Tito was living in when Brit got out of jail, is it??? I seem to remember a much nicer house on that episode. I really feel for poor Giovanni.
  2. Ikr. No man is worth all that. She just tries way too hard. Are we exclusive? She's probably planned their wedding already. I agree, her poor daughters. Their Mom is acting like a desperate 15 year old with no self esteem. Great role model...🙄🙄
  3. Since we haven't seen the episode, I don't know, but it seems to me if her and the baby were in danger she'd be in the hospital. I had an emergency c section with my son and once we knew I had severe pre eclampsia the hospital told me I wasn't leaving.
  4. Complain to Juan about her sad, boring life. I think she thinks she can leave the country with "her baby". I don't think it will be that easy...at least I hope not.
  5. Pao looks like a cross between a cartoon and the former OG TM Farrah.. As far as "her son" she needs to STFU. My son never, and I mean never slept and I worked 40 hours a week outside the home with a long commute. She truly has it made.
  6. Dont hold me to this, but I knew someone in Florida who divorced and at that time Florida was a mandatory 50/50 custody state. So Diva Pao could shoot herself in the foot divorcing Rooossss
  7. Another one from Georgia. Sigh..... The return of Darcy. She doesn't appear to have changed a bit. I have second hand embarrassment just from that preview. Actually they all give me anxiety yet I keep watching
  8. It's makes me insane. Hey Pretty Girl. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 I'm not sure he could pronounce princesses.
  9. So will Michael cal Rayne by her name or will she be Pretty Girl 2? Or will they be collectively known as "the pretty girls" 🙄
  10. I agree the worst is Tiffany. Her poor, sweet son. Ronald is no prize. He's showing her over and over who he is, but she won't/can't believe it
  11. My Direct TV is completely out. So you guys are telling me I didn't miss much,...??
  12. I just realized Paul runs like he has a load in his pants... Drusilla isn't wild, she's completely out of control. My husband said during the sex shop scene. Dis she just say Coochie Cream???
  13. Really??? I live in Lawrenceville! I'll be on the lookout!
  14. You are required to have Hazard Insurance with a mortgage. That protects the actual house, but having insurance to cover your personal property is optional, though I'd never go without it. Most companies offer a minimal life insurance policy for free (10k). When my son was born my husband and I got term policies just in case. And you are correct, 10k won't go far for funeral expenses. I find Paige very unlikable, but this has got to be horrible. No one expects to die at 41.
  15. The thing I've been confused about is the house fire. Did they not have insurance? Which leads me to my next question, was there no life insurance? Knowing his wife didn't work, that seems horribly irresponsible.
  16. Wow..I'm shocked. While I never liked him or Paige, this is tragic. Those poor children.
  17. Very real possibility. I actually feel bad for Mom of Pole. He's clearly got issues that prevent him from being a normal functioning adult. Add a baby to that, not good. My son had colic and screamed 13 hours a day. It was not easy. I can't see Pole handling that very well
  18. Yes, I believe Pole is 35. 26k should be fairly easy for anyone with a decent work history. Hmm. Now that I think of it, wasn't he working for "Father" before? (remember the everything in this family goes through Father) That and that pesky felony aren't helping him...
  19. So my main WTF moment was when the girl had her baby (the I didn't know I was pregnant one) and said I loved him right away and asked my Mom if we could keep him. FFS it's not a puppy!! The next was Pole being so amazed he'd need to make 26k a year to sponsor Karine and the baby. Smh.
  20. I hate how she treated Baby Kaiser. It made my heart hurt. She'd give him a bottle and toss him in his crib. It didn't seem to bother her. When I first let my son cry it out (btw, he was over 2 and just wanted to play instead of sleep) I sat in bed crying right along with him. Luckily it was only one night, but it killed me. He's 13 now and when he's hurting. I'm hurting!
  21. Am I losing it or did Ashley take down all her posts relating to Janelle and UBTs CPS battle??
  22. I literally lol'ed at that. I suspect drugs until proven wrong
  23. But she looooovvvvveeeessssss him!! She clearly has some major self esteem issues. I put up with this crap from men when I was younger, but the older I get, the less I tolerate. She also feels like she needs him. Where is Alana? I'm guessing with Pumpkin. June should go home, let Pumpkin, Ella and Josh move back in. Then she'd have help and could kick that low life, good for nothing, Nazi loving POS to the curb!!
  24. I think that's what we all expect from him, except maybe Janelle. Then she'd justify it by saying it's just his beliefs
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