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Everything posted by Azanscrazyhair

  1. Yes I totally noticed that..... ...and the shot of him trying to wake her up was the day before the wedding. My hair grows fast, but not in less than 24 hours I totally think Lucy looked like Maggie Simpson in that snow suit.
  2. Maybe the baby will be named Karine? Or maybe Pole is just an idiot
  3. Why am I not surprised? These two idiots are going to have a hard time...
  4. I do get what you're saying, but for me EVERYTHING she says is annoying. At the store she said they needed 2 bags of salad because they are a "big family". Ugh... Then let's take off the backpacks girls when they arrived at the Air B&B. . They aren't 3! Actually I find both of them cringe worthy. The Babe is way overused too.
  5. This exactly. Jesse is an ass for sure, but she brings a lot on herself. Ohhh Jesse marry me, love me, be my kids step fodder.... you're not cutting the steak right! Quit elbowing me!!!! Quit bullying me. Then back to please love me Jesse, I'm begging you... Darcey could keep a therapist busy for years.
  6. This is exactly what said. Let that steak rest. Also is pan frying the best they could do?
  7. Ugh, you are probably right. How does that conversation go with his daughter. Hey honey, forget Melissa, meet you new mom (insert any nsme). Poor girl.
  8. I can't stop laughing at the bi sexual baby shower. My hat's off to you Max. If Chloe says I know what I'm doooooinnggg one more time, I'll scream. I'm 47 with a 12 year old and I question if I know what I'm doing some days! What bothered me most was Laura's Dad in her first episode. He knew his wife had to give him bad news about Laura and the worst thing he could think was she lost her job or wrecked the car? Ugh. I'd be worried about major health issues. Maybe it's just me?
  9. So do we know where this new woman came from? I am most confused. Apparently Ricky's little Dicky is pointing in a new direction
  10. I fell off the chair laughing. My now 12 year old had reflux and colic. He literally screamed 12 weeks straight. He also didn't sleep through the night until he was 27 months old. Yeah, no stress there!!
  11. This is exactly right. I think it's why she's insisting on a baby. Pole isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. She could probably convince him a pregnancy only lasts 6 months..
  12. She definitely almost said quick, she said it was qu, amazing. Even my husband looked up from his phone and said wow, she almost said quick.
  13. My question is if Karine really is pregnant, will Pole insist on a DNA test at birth?
  14. I'd eat chicken feet over those snails. I have a very weak stomach and gagged at the kissing snail exchange
  15. I totally agree. I almost spit my Diet Dr Pepper all over my desk
  16. Sorry, I'm the idiot. I meant that in reply to is Paul really that stupid
  17. My sentiments exactly..I was dying of second hand embarrassment when they took the pic on the boat. She says something along the line of your future stepkids!!! Yes, yes I do.
  18. I think Darcy's kids are 12 and 13. I was shocked, they look older. Course my son is 12, immature and tiny, so what do I know
  19. Ugh.. why was Rachel insisting on Jon feeding Lucy? The poor baby was exhausted and confused. She looked scared of Jon. I get she wants them to bond, but it can't happen in one night. Nice pit stains Angela. Deodorant and a fresh shirt would be appreciated. Darcey is pathetic. She needs to put all her money into therapy and ditch that loser. Melissa seems to be like WTF are you here Ricky. Tarik, Hazel isn't into you. Wait until his brother shows up. Paul and Karine, I just can't...
  20. Lol, I was so focused on his head, I didn't even notice what they were doing.. I just want to shake Darcy. I'm 47 and the older I get, the less tolerant I become. I would have shoved that tool Jessie out of the cab.
  21. I wanted to kick Diego's ass into 2020! No way would I let my son talk to anyone that way!! The comment over the diapers. Ugh what a punk. Not even mentioning what he said to Emiley's mom when she told him to help open presents.
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