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Everything posted by Azanscrazyhair

  1. No, she doesn't. If I remember she said Nigeria was a STATE in the COUNTRY of Africa and she wasn't sure what they called these things over there.🙄 OMG My eyes!!!! But, yes. Sadly I can see Darcey wearing that.
  2. Says the guy who thinks 26k a year is "significant " Sure Jan...
  3. Maybe I should hold judgment until the new season of Love after Lockup... nah. it's still Darcey.
  4. Doesn't this fall under indecent exposure? If not. It should!!
  5. OMG. Don't give them any ideas. Darcey is my least favorite on all this trash i watch. That's saying.a lot when you watch Love after Lockup
  6. Where to start.. Avery according to my research about travel to Syria, make your funeral arrangements and leave a DNA sample with your doctor. Darcey you have not changed, you are the furthest thing from a strong woman. This will end with you crying and stomping off. And please put your new boobs away. Please. Angela. Dear Angela Totin' a baby isn't happening for you. You are a hot mess. If the idea on 8k on a wedding upsets you wait until you find out how much it costs to make this baby you plan on totin' Timothy is going to end up a bad smell somewhere. His ex is a straight up bitch and jealous AF. Now I'm off the bang my head on my desk
  7. Let's not forget all the 90 day franchise that reside here. Sighhh.
  8. Angela is from MS. Please don't attach her to GA. We've met our quota of nuts.
  9. I thought in previous clips she said sex or a BJ. Lol. Today it sounded like steak or BJ. Sad he picked steak...😯😯 And she's from the 1st season and 2nd. Her "boo" never for out for those seasons
  10. That should be used at a deterrent to stay off drugs!! If not. You'll look like her
  11. How is he going to handle a newborn????? Will he run into the doghouse if the baby cries too much? My son had colic and screamed 13 hours a day for weeks on end. He is not emotionally stable.
  12. I had to lol at your version of Sarah's reaction. I can even her saying it in her ghetto accent. They need to just file and be done. I hope he sticks around for PG 1 and PG 2, but I doubt it. He'll get locked up again eventually or impregnate another foul. Probably both!
  13. Not to even touch on her emotional outbursts. I am super sensitive, but I've learned to control it somewhat. She needs meds, they really help. I know first hand. While I'm on a rant. none of these people are experiencing love. I've been married 23 years. Love is my husband going to Dairy Queen at 8pm after my gum surgery to get me a milkshake in the pouring rain. Love is him practically holding me upright at my dad's funeral love is him helping my get in the shower and dressed after my C section. Lol, I think I've made my point.
  14. Maybe her desperation and personality turn guys off, I think it's not a maybe, it's a definite. I mean she's never met Tom and she's talking about engagement rings and being exclusive. She's so desperate it's not even funny. Instead of international travel, she needs a psyche eval and therapist. Not being mean. I just think she's got major issues.
  15. I tend to agree with you. I hope I'm wrong, but I think Sarah's only intention is to hang those papers over his head so to speak. I don't think she believes she deserves better or thinks she can't do better. Speaking as someone much older, she needs to get it together. Go to school, learn some kind of marketable trade and focus on the pretty girls. Odds are she'll be raising them on her own.
  16. I'd love to say I'm not watching this trashtastic show, but it would be a lie... these crazy ass people actually make me feel normal!
  17. I think you are both right. His idea of being a Father is coloring with PG 1 and holding PG 2 unless she is fussy, hungry or needs to be changed....
  18. Molly lives In Woodstock as far as I can remember. It's close to Canton though.
  19. I don't see her being able to carry a child. She'd be looking at very expensive medical procedures, if she's even deemed healthy enough to pursue. It has to be for show. If she actually pulls off a baby, I'll throw her a baby shower
  20. Did I hear Angela correctly in a promo saying I can tote it, I just need the egg??
  21. Yes they are. I truly believe Sarah loves her girls, not so sure about Michael
  22. I'm pretty sure there is a scene of them in a car and she asks if he wants a BJ first or sex. He immediately says BJ. Shocker, I know
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