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Everything posted by Azanscrazyhair

  1. So, I know a decent amount about IVF and if Lacey was just ONE week post transfer, she'd get a false positive due to the HCG hormone they give you during the treatment. She must not have listened to the doctor or read any of the literature.
  2. Very true and I've thought the same. I think she wants to relive her teenage years through her daughters
  3. I haven't watched yet, but did Twin 1 and Twin 2 move out of the house to quarantine with those guys? Did Darcey's kids stay with their Grandfather? And does anyone think Stacey married Flouride just to show off the Darcey?
  4. The face reminds me of Lacey from Love after Lockup
  5. All I feel is pity for Darcey's daughters. They are really beautiful young women. I hope they get away for college and don't follow in their Mom and Aunt's footsteps. Talk about children parenting the parent!! My 14 year old says she thinks she's a teen too, not a parent.
  6. So if Daddy lost his investment on House of 11 because these two choose love 💘 💕 💗 over work, how are the bills paid? I know they get TLC money, but certainly that's not enough to survive on. Shame on him if he's supporting two middle aged, YES MIDDLE AGED wanna be teenagers Ugh!!! FTR, I'm 49 and have no desire to act like a teenager, raising one is plenty.
  7. Lol, me too!! Sadly these 2 are pretending to be young and failing miserably
  8. Well, she looks fake and plastic, so my guess is she thinks she looks fabulous, or is it Snatched?
  9. I haven't watched last night's episode, but on the inside /behind the scenes that airs tonight Darcey and Stacey reveal their tanning tricks and how to look snatched Maybe I'm too old, but exactly does snatched mean???
  10. I'm rewatching Darcey cleaning her car. I'm just as baffled. Even more baffled that one 50 minute therapy session and she has clarity?? Hmm. I went for 1.5 years and have started back. My therapist doesn't sugar coat things either.. that is exactly what she needs!
  11. And i agree, Darcey is not a cool Mom. IMO, she's not a Mom at all. Her girls are more mature than she is. I was dying of second hand embarrassment during the skating scene.
  12. Can anyone tell me what in the sweet name of Baby Jesus was Darcey doing to her car? Where did all that hair come from? She was using an entire roll of paper towels. Is she going back to therapy or I she cured? And i hate the "Girls. Mommy needs to talk to you" who is she Elmo??? I was repulsed by the making out scenes and sex related conversations
  13. If Florian acted that way in front of the camera..... that's scary. And of course she apologized, ugh. My son also commented why don't those two crazy ladies date someone their own age.
  14. Does anyone else think Florian smells? For those of you who watched Teen Mom 2 back in the day, he gives me a Kiefer vibe. Anyway. can we get through an episode without hearing Jessie and Tom??? You should have seem the look of horror on my 14 year olds face when Darcey was with her girls at the dance class. I said see you're lucky, she could be your Mom!!
  15. I will say after watching the show gives me insight into why these two are the way they are. They have to constantly one up each other. The very best thing would be for them to live in different houses. Darcey needs intensive in patient treatment for her alcoholism and emotional issues. What she deserves is to live a happy normal life with her daughters without all these pathetic 20 something year old men or any man for that matter.
  16. What I've noticed is these two have outrageous expectations for everything. It all has to be the perfect Fairy Tale. Stacey wanted her first night in America with Florian to be a Fairy Tale. He was likely exhausted. No wonder they are always disappointed. Life isn't perfect. Ugh these two give me anxiety.
  17. Sorry, I'm skipping posts, but does Aspen (?)have extensions? Does not look real to me Still trying to figure out why I'm watching this.....
  18. I ask this every week! Don't those kids have regular clothes? And please cut their hair or at the very least brush it. I say this as I'm working at home in my lounge clothes and my son is doing at home digital learning is his pjs. The difference is we put on real clothes when we leave the house.
  19. IIRC, you're a special ed teacher so you have my upmost respect!! And Deavan parenting, in my opinion, isn't stellar, but I always try not to judge. Sad thing is my 14 year old is smarter than most on this show.
  20. 🙂 I usually always agree with your posts and never pegged you at judgey.
  21. @MrsHanson I didn't think you were judging me. 🙂 I just like to show another side of the coin so to speak. That and I know there are other people out there in similar situations and want them to know they aren't alone!!!
  22. My son was in diapers until he was 5. I did everything under the sun, took him to doctor after doctor. One day he decided he wanted a hamster. I told him to use the toilet from now on and I'll get it. He's been fine ever since. He's a straight A student starting High School today.
  23. Yes. He did...he knew TONS, tons I tell you of Mom's who told him that. I Yes, he most certainly is. He's a life coach... he's 27!!! And as you said a massive self centered douche canoe
  24. Well if course not!!! This baby will not interfere with his ability to hang out with friends and party!!!! He reminds me of that jackass (Shayden??) On Unexpected that said HIS newborn would not have a paci!!
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