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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. That’s funny, I find Jamie super unattractive. After the first week all I could see was Uncle Fester from Addams Family..... Matt does seem kind of a dim bulb though, so also not real appealing to me either. And don’t get me started on Jamie’s clingy work out shirts or Matt’s pulled up socks w/ shorts 😝
  2. Ha Ha Ha! Yes it was. Since this is the spoiler forum, I will say that MAFSfan is saying they are dunzo. What I found more interesting trolling MAFSfan's IG was the information about Courtney and Jason. The assertion is that Courtney's timeline for leaving Jason and hooking up with the new man does not work according to Courtney's IG posts......and yes, I feel shame for spending this much time on these Z list basic cable people...........
  3. This! I told Mr. Ilovepie that when she is annoyed at him, she starts lecturing him like he is one of her students. He seems completely unsure of how to deal with it and just shuts down. This one is going down in flames quickly...........
  4. This exactly. He said in a TH or voice over that "Beth knows this is a sensitive subject for me". That implies that they had discussed it previously. And her body language and voice were all coy; to me, it seemed like she was deliberately trying to poke the bear, so to speak. He has shown multiple times that when he is upset he resorts to sarcasm and rude comments. They are both horrible because they don't discuss things, they resort to low blows almost immediately. Totally toxic. I agree that neither side is necessarily wrong, but she was wrong in how she handled the situation, which I found rude and inhospitable. Iris has shown herself to be very "my way or the highway". She has a lot of rules, and she needs to learn to compromise or this is going nowhere in the long run.
  5. I understand what you are saying, but I just think it gets old having it come up every. single.season. And I think most of these people, if confronted with a written test, could identify the correct use of "_____ and I" or "Me and ______". I don't think people are worrying about proper grammar when they speak a lot of the time, and that's why it doesn't bother me. If I was reading something and someone wrote that way, it would bother me too. Anyhoo.........moving on...........
  6. Whoa. What just happened??? This episode was bipolar. First half everyone was happy, getting along, everything is great; second half lemonade is being stolen, cats are being packed up, spouses are staying out all night, and Greg and Deonna might be hooking up! Things just got real! I don’t think either Jamie or Elizabeth are mature enough to be in a relationship. He is passive aggressive and she is spoiled, shallow and mean. And now we know she lied about two things during the interview process: wanting kids and her nonexistent job, so I guess add liar to spoiled, shallow and mean. Take that cat and don’t go back Jamie! Amber crying at 1:00am is giving me flashbacks to Kate crying in the bathroom last season. Good lord, I’ve never heard so much ugly crying in my life, much less over two worthless guys...... I like Iris and Keith, but I think she was being ridiculous. What would she have said if they had asked permission first to have some lemonade? Would she have told them no? What an ungracious hostess! Still, it’s pretty dumb. I still hope they work out. She was sweetly sensitive with his family, and her mother is a delight. Greg and Deonna ftw this week. It looks like they might make it work! I really hope they do, but she’s wrong about Sandy - that dog loooooved all those guys! And I love Sandy. Maybe even more than Henry. One last thing: what the hell is “situationship”? Do people actually use that as a real word? She just meant a hook up, right?
  7. @Hellga I think that’s a better idea than how it is now.
  8. Sure it's wrong, but I guess my feeling is who cares? This is the one that drives all of the grammar people nuts, and it's so common, I guess it just doesn't bother me. I don't understand why people complain about it constantly.
  9. I agree it's fine to advance top 5 from the qualifiers to the Finals regardless of where they finished, but I do think that once they get to the finals they should be able to get farther than the third obstacle. I mean, most if not all of the men usually have to get to at least the 8th or 9th obstacle to get to Vegas. It's just pandering to let a woman who never even got within a couples obstacles of the warped wall in either the qualifiers or finals to go to Vegas. The reality is that there is a very short list of women who are good enough to handle the time limits and difficulty of the Vegas course, and the rest are just fodder anyway. And I am saying this as a woman myself. I am always rooting for all the women competitors do well, and I do love when a woman gets far on the course or up the wall, but it feels unearned when women who finish the Finals run like this week move on.
  10. You summed up my feelings completely on Drew. He is a ninja beast - I think he's the best ninja. I think he deserves to win more than any other, and that includes my favorite Weatherman. He's so supportive of the other ninjas, and he does it in a constructive way by coaching from the sidelines. I did love Flip timing him and telling him how much time he had to beat Kevin's time. Speaking of Kevin, he really has improved from last season. I liked the back story of his growing business designing obstacles. The 360 on the warped wall was awesome. I hope he does well in Vegas. Good for Kenny Niemitalo for using his Ninja shirt for good instead of a stupid logo and ninja name. I truly hope that kid gets a kidney....... These women were underwhelming. I expect absolutely nothing from them in Vegas. I think they should have to at least make it to the warped wall to advance. At this point it's just patronizing.... Ditto on Akbar's moments. Why not just pick a new sponsor to replace Pom and pick ONE moment? I like to see who made it to the next round, and it sounds like most people agree.
  11. Well, I think it could be taken either way, given the nature of the show. A magic portal isn't that far fetched when you're talking about show with a kid that has magic powers and another world under our world with creatures out of a D&D game..........
  12. Yeah, and know that I think about it, how did they explain away all the dead bodies in the fun house? Was there a fake headline in that newspaper about that?????
  13. Famous last words indeed. I always grew up with larger dogs that only laid on the floor, never the furniture. Cut to a few years ago when we got a small shelter dog. He's part Chihuahua. We brought him in the house and he immediately jumped on the couch and curled up. That was that. It just makes sense with little dogs - they are literally lap dogs! He is short haired and mostly stays in the house; frankly, he's probably cleaner than my 10 yo son most of the time! I love him so much as does my husband and kids - he is the love of our lives. We totally spoil him, but he brings us so much joy and love I don't even care. And I am probably waxing poetic over this dog in a way I never have over my kids, but I guess it's just to say that people love their dogs. I'm glad you had one you loved like that. I think the world would be a happier place if everyone could experience a pet they loved that way........
  14. I see what you're saying, but it still seems implausible to me. They weren't exactly subtle, you know? Not much effort to blend in. I think a bunch of Russians in full military uniform would stick out like a sore thumb outside of the mall. Then again, a terminator with a GIANT GUN walked through the carnival and shot a person and nobody saw it. Ditto a giant shootout in the fun house..... I read an interview with the Duffers and they mentioned portals. I think it's more likely they went into the upside down and used a portal to get to Russia, taking Hop with them.......
  15. Me either. Unfortunately, I fear we’re stuck with them next season based on that last scene. I would have preferred if they had left the upside down and all it entails as the main problem. I think the mind flayer was enough of a problem in and of itself.
  16. Finally finished watch this. I’m going with no way Hopper is dead. I felt that blast and the “poof disappeared” was very reminiscent of what happened in season one when Eleven destroyed the demogorgon the first time. She disappeared into the upside down. I think that’s what happened to Hopper. Or, it’s all a lie because “Heroic Sheriff Dies in Fire” was in the newspaper headline just like “30 Dead In Mall Fire”. Obviously a cover up. Maybe he’s working with Paul Reiser. Or in a Russian Cell. Someone on a different website also commented that the last time they used the song “Heroes” in the show was season one when they pulled the fake Will out of the water, so maybe that is a hint it’s a fake out? Any way I look at it, I just don’t think he’s dead. He’s too important to the show.
  17. I haven't watched the last two episodes yet, but I agree with you. She was on the verge of being choked to death just by Billy/Mind Flayer a couple episodes back. Now that thing has absorbed even more people, so how strong has it become??? She isn't invincible, and it's making me kind of worried to watch the last two episodes...........
  18. Thank you. I never understand the people that are so upset at improper grammar when people are casually speaking. I know I say things that are not grammatically correct all the time; it's called slang, or sometimes it's for emphasis. These people aren't reading off a script, and they aren't meeting the queen. I just don't think it's a big deal at all.
  19. It's not just you. I think the majority of people who watch regularly would rather see more veterans run than watch another 10 sob stories for people who will flame out on the first, second or third obstacles.
  20. Well, I don't know about that - our dog eats cat poop out of our litter box if we don't get to it quick enough. I try to avoid him licking me at all costs, but I do let him sleep in the bed and under the covers with me. Oh, and I also frequently lounge on my bed in "outside clothes", and have never used a drawer liner, so I must be some kind of gross.........I had no problem with Elizabeth letting the dog have a drink out of a glass. If she didn't have the water bowl unpacked or available I think it's better to give the dog water by any means necessary. Washing it will fix the dog germs. I was more surprised her dog just wears the harness all the time. Do other people do that? We only have one on our dog while we are walking him and then take it off - it doesn't seems super comfortable for the dog to wear it all the time..... I wasn't seeing the Iris is an old lady angle until this episode, but holy cow! The outfit she was wearing when they met with Pastor Cal looks like something I would wear to work, and I'm a 47 yo accountant. The giant rhinestone earrings aren't helping either - the giant ones she had on at one point reminded me of Barbara Bush for some reason........ Amber's hair is atrocious. I think she dresses cute when she's in her "outside clothes" so to speak (I liked the white skinny jeans, flowy top and open toed booties), but from the neck up she looks like a hot mess. I understand from personal experience having fine hair is hard to make look luxurious, but hers looks stringy, greasy and messy. Combined with the completely bare face, she just looks unkempt. If I was Greg, I would be pissed having to move into a crappy apartment from that beautiful house. Ditto Jamie.
  21. I know that, but my point was that I am tired of seeing him mugging. I was almost ready to root for him again, but no........
  22. Not necessarily - they advanced fewer people per city and there is always the WWWA treatment if the producers deem it not worth showing. I personally like the Safety Pass. There have been a couple times where someone really great had a slight mistake and got taken out. I think it could really help someone like Flip who is able to learn quickly how to navigate the obstacles get to the next stage, or someone who timed out by milliseconds. I would rather see that than almost everyone flaming out on stage one or two. I would love to see a few more people advance to stage three, and it's been years now since Isaac and Geoff conquered stage 4. The course has gotten so hard over the last couple years it's almost impossible. I still expect to be that way, so I'm not mad at these little helps. Stupid Island Ninja. I was almost happy for him last week after making it up the Mega Wall with minimum hamming, and here he is again IN A CITY HE ISN'T COMPETING IN being a show off on camera! Get off my screen Grant!!!! There were a few cringe worthy spills tonight. That gash on Speed Pass guy looked nasty. I had to look away. A close up of bloody teeth on a HDTV is gross.....
  23. Yes he did. I think the other one with him couldn't smell it because he was smoking........
  24. Wow - came here to read the comments and no has mentioned my favorite thing this episode: Steve peeing down the side of the elevator! I laughed when Robin told him to change direction, and all you see is the stream on the wall moving sideways.....😂 I also feel if they wanted to keep it totally 80’s, Mike should have offered Eleven Reese’s Pieces instead of M&M’s......
  25. Yep. This exactly. It's just for more drama. These people ARE NOT FRIENDS. They might become so, but they also might not (Recall Jon's disdain for Ryan, and everyone's for Luke. I also can't see Dallas Amber hanging too much with Danielle). It's just going to create an environment where couples that are doing well will feel superior, and those that are struggling will wonder what is wrong with themselves (or their spouse). I'm sure the producers were remembering when Tristan threw out Mia, and thought "Imagine if the other couples would have been outside the door when he threw her suitcase in the hall....they could have comforted her/confronted him - TV Gold!".......or some such shit. No doubt Iris, Deonna and Elizabeth will be there for Amber when we see whatever Matt did that makes her cry so much in the previews, and we're going to have to see the guys asking Keith multiple times if he has deflowered Iris yet........blech........
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