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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Exactly. And also, I always think with these idiots, you might not know how to cook, but have you ever eaten anything?!??
  2. I don't see that Deonna is anything remotely similar to Matt. Matt says the right thing on camera and then does the opposite. Deonna acknowledges that she needs to be more open, and I think we see her trying. YMMV, obviously, but I do get the feeling she is really in this, but she is just very closed off and it's hard for her to verbalize it. If anything, I actually think she's more like Texas Danielle, in that she is not very warm or verbal in expressing her feelings. I wish the Robot had given her advice like Dr. Blondie gave to Danielle to maybe write what she was feeling down in a letter to let Greg know how she was feeling if she has trouble vocalizing it.
  3. Agreed. Those stupid extensions are ridiculous, but all I could think was it's too bad Liz doesn't have Jamie's Lady Godiva extensions to cover her overexposed bosoms.........
  4. Apparently they have moved on to murdering other words - you know, difficult words like Spanakopita and lamb..........
  5. They both are terrible at communicating what they actually want/need, and I think this is a big part of their problem. He gets annoyed about something, but instead of saying what is bothering him while it’s happening in a calm manner, he seethes about it or resorts to insults that have nothing to do with why he is angry or annoyed. She tends to do the same, or just makes a joke out of it, or storms off. None of these things is conducive to a good marriage. If they were to stay together, and I don’t think they should, they need major couples therapy to learn how to communicate because the “experts” telling them not to talk to each other like that is useless. They need to be taught how to talk to each other appropriately.
  6. What the hell was the point of the “recommitment”? They already signed a contract. They want to get paid (or in Matt’s case a free place to live). It’s just a stupid CYA for the show after the shit show last season with a Luke so they can say “Hey viewers, see, we do care about these people, and we would never force them to stay with someone if it’s a bad situation!” What malarkey! There was probably a producer right off to the side giving death glares if anyone looked like they were going to bail...... I love Deonna and Greg. I just do. I can’t stand Jamie. He has made Elizabeth seem like the sane one. What a creep. They do not belong together, or possibly with anyone else either. Matt is the dumbest person ever on this show. And an asshole. But mostly dumb. He can barely string together one cohesive sentence. Also, how stupid was he to think nobody was going to call him on his behavior. TWICE! He didn’t even come up with a decent lie! And he thinks just saying “oops, my bad” is going to fix it! Dumb, I tell ya! Amber is now running neck in neck with Kate for most pathetic MAFS participant. Grow a spine girl! I don’t want to hear the word virgin ever again. My sweet Jesus, enough is enough! My hubs and I had a good laugh listening to robot Viviana telling Iris to experiment with body glitter. Apparently the robot is not aware that Iris doesn’t even want a coat to touch her bedding - I don’t think glitter is going near her sheets. The hubs also noticed that she had a tarp down where they were licking that goo off each other. A tarp! 😂 Even though she’s a pill, I still am hoping they stay together. In the immortal words of Sargent Pepper, they look sexy together......
  7. I thought it was a look of horror too, and I think it's because this a real turning point for Desna. Before, anyone she killed or attempted to kill was evil or trying to kill her. This was a completely innocent person. I am with everyone else thinking Ann needs to stop blaming Desna about Arlene. She can get off her high horse any time, because this self righteous act is ridiculous and annoying. It's her fault, not Desna's! I think the MVP's of this season were Jenn, Virginia, Roller and Bryce. Everyone else, and I mean everyone, was annoying. I gotta say, this was my least favorite season. I think they need to reevaluate the trajectory of the show for next season because overall this season was kind of a mess......
  8. I agree completely. She is very naive about how her partner would perceive her in this situation. Also, someone who is engaging in “everything but” up to/and including oral is not that pure. She is deluding herself that she is some pure bride. She needs to just do it already and stop putting so much value on vaginal intercourse, especially since she’s “done other stuff”. Good grief, her own mother was like, “what are you waiting for?!?” .....
  9. It really does suck compared to the early seasons of this show. I used to love it for the real cooking techniques demonstrated (I learned how to cut an onion from this show!). Now it's just a bunch of clowns (Anne included). I think it's turned into a comedy instead of a real cooking show. I guess they could only talk about mise en place so many times without it seeming redundant.......
  10. He mentioned in a TH or something (can't remember exactly since it was a couple episodes ago) that she knew how he felt about his parent's divorce, which to me implies that they had discussed it already off camera and it was a sore subject. Instead of getting pissy and insulting her, he should have just said in that moment that he wasn't comfortable talking about it on camera.
  11. It’s true, I can’t stand Elizabeth for many of the reasons you have stated, but I find him a sulky, passive aggressive asshole. Neither of these two should have been chosen, as neither seems able to discuss any sort of disagreement without lashing out in a hurtful way. They both fight like juveniles hurling insults instead of truthfully saying why they are upset. Jamie is mad at her for focusing only on herself when viewing their pictures, but instead of saying “I was upset you only focused on yourself when we looked at the album” he instead calls her a materialistic C U Next Tuesday, or insults her for taking a job from her dad when he’s actually upset about her discussing his parents divorce on camera. She does lash out at him inappropriately, but I find him worse because he is stewing about it then deliberately unleashing pointed nastiness at her. And if its a minor annoyance, he’s sarcastically, flippantly rude. I personally can’t stand him, and I think he is worse than her.
  12. Since it’s not my real name, of course! 😂
  13. I took that TH to mean she doesn’t want him constantly checking with her on what he should be doing to make her like/love him more. I think she just wants him to go with the flow without all the “how’m I doing????” all the time, and that includes sex. I didn’t get the sense she was super uptight about the frequency, she just didn’t want to quantify it and answered because he asked.
  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you @Soup333 for getting that conversation correct! I could not figure out why everyone has been blaming her for the every other month sex thing when he was the one who brought it up, not her! I like her too, and I like her and Greg together. I personally feel they are the only ones who will stay together, with Iris and Keith having an outside chance depending on when/if Iris is willing to relinquish her virginity.......
  15. I would not call her joyless. Serious, maybe, but not joyless. She has been shown many times having fun with Greg. She had a blast on the boat and zip lining, their apartment party looked fun and she was open to the card game and was enjoying the bowling. I wouldn't call her joyless at all. She has admitted that she has walls up but is working on it, and I would say that it does seem like she is trying. As far as her fashion, I liked her maxi skirt, but didn't think the top went with it. And I would rather see her flannel jams than Elizabeth shaking it in her cropped top and leggings, or having to get familiar with Amber's butt tattoo...... I think this show puts people in an impossible situation. If you are serious or an introvert, you are called cold, joyless, uptight, boring, closed off, sometimes accused of being on the spectrum or worse. If you are exuberant or a extrovert, you are over the top, a drama queen, immature, etc. I am just as guilty as everyone else of doing it, but it just seems like a no win situation for these people. Or maybe they deserve it for signing up for this nonsense, but still......
  16. Ok, true she didn't have to go to the casino, but her going there was a direct result of the trouble they were in because of Ann blabbing to her brother and him spilling the beans. It was definitely not Desna's fault like Ann was accusing. If you want to say it all goes back to the Casino, which is Desna's fault, I don't buy that because the whole crew seemed all in on the casino before it fell apart....
  17. This season hasn't been my favorite, but I think the last couple episodes have really picked up. I am glad Desna refused to be blamed for Arlene's death because it is totally Ann's fault. I don't need to see ghost Arlene any more. I also laughed when Polly was using her Shmesna metaphor and Virginia was all "I'm the sexy zebra!" Never change, Virginia........ I cannot believe Toby went to the police and did that to Roller. Not sure whose side Uncle Daddy is going to take........
  18. Matt is neither smart enough nor good looking enough to snag any type of "day job" he could acquire from this low rent basic cable show, and the less said about his "singing" the better.......
  19. My sister has a theory that if a woman is wearing heart jewelry it was purchased for them by a man because women don’t buy heart jewelry for themselves. Anyone care to prove/disprove this? I have to say I do have a couple Tiffany heart pieces but they not super cutesy. The one heart necklace I own did come from my husband on Mother’s Day. I don’t wear it.......😋
  20. I really think Iris is delusional about how most men her age view being married to a virgin. I think she thought her new husband would be thrilled and grateful. Instead she’s getting side eye and now realizes that it’s taken more as a burden than a gift. This process was a terrible choice for someone like her. She needed to find another virgin herself or at least someone who would respect her for it. That was never going to happen here.
  21. I agree they are both horrible, but Elizabeth got some points from me for straight up calling Matt out on his bullshit answers for staying out all night. It was kind of cathartic to see someone giving him the smack down after both Amber and Dr. Pepper kind of let him off the hook last week. I think her ire was actually directed directly at Matt and had nothing to do with Jamie because she knows what he did to Amber and she is siding with her girl. If anything, I got the sense that she and Jamie might have patched it up (again!) based on her shout out apology to him for getting so mad in the last episode.......
  22. No. Just no. If we had to hear a song about Diamonds and Pearls it should have been selected from one of Keith's Prince albums. Matt should definitely stick to car detailing or basketball........ Amber's wardrobe is schizophrenic - it's either shlubby sweatshirts and leggings or hoochie dresses and stripper heals........
  23. I think it's fine to be modest and want to do this show - just because she signed up doesn't mean the show is privy to every aspect of their life (or maybe it is depending on what they signed). I think if the participants are legitimately trying to make a real match, they are better off keeping some things private, and the gory details of a couple's sex life is one thing I think is fine to keep private. Beyond "did you have sex" I don't think the audience is owed titillating shots of half naked people in a tub, hot tub or bed.
  24. This was seriously a bummer. This is the second week where multiple women get to at least the 8th obstacle but are out of the top 12 or top 2 women and are sent packing. It's a problem. I think they are going to have to rethink how they are advancing the women because this method isn't selecting the strongest women competitors overall, and that's too bad. I was rooting for Jessie to hit a buzzer so hard, but that 9th obstacle was ridiculous. I hope we never see it again. I just want a woman to hit a City Finals buzzer so we can stop hearing about Kacy being the only woman to do it. It's not even fair because the course has gotten exponentially harder since Kacy did that. I would be willing to bet if they were competing when Kacy hit that buzzer that both Jessies, Alyssa Beird and maybe even Barclay Stockett or Tiana Webberly would have hit it too. Odds are if she were still competing today she wouldn't even make it to back half, let alone the buzzer. Apples to Oranges. The field of women competing is so much stronger now than it was five years ago. I think that's why Meagan Martin is not going to Vegas this year. She is strong but slow and she is being surpassed by better up and coming women. I was really impressed by Mady and Sandy (Mom and sad backstory notwithstanding). I was bummed Jake fell. I think he's the only "wacky ninja" I actually like. Sean Bryant grew on me during the All Star competition, but I hate the "Papal Ninja" nickname. He's not a priest - he's a computer nerd! I am glad Nick Hansen advanced. He seems nice and not an attention hog like his "best friend" Grant...... The Power Tower is only interesting when it's known ninjas and it's a close race. This week had neither, so it was boring. Also, the design with all of those things hanging down looks messy and not very interesting to watch people swinging on. I think the tower design in the qualifiers was visually better.
  25. But at least he left Brenda his purple dildo...... I totally agree - probably my favorite scene this season. From Desna telling Bryce to search upstairs - "Oh good, I can get my steps in" to Roller's suit and "Red is my best color!" I loved all of it. I don't know how this show went from Mack and Melba trying to kill Desna's crew, to now all working together, but I think it's actually worked pretty well. The enemy of my enemy is my friend apparently is true, for now at least....... My least favorite: Polly and Joe. I wish they had left Polly with Ken - they were neurotic gold. Joe is boring and makes Polly boring, and her speech to him after killing the governor was stupid, which is really saying something for this show.
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