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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Wow, after reading all of the spoilers, I cannot believe I was actually surprised by anything in the show. Although Iris is a pill, I still felt sorry for her when Keith said no. Unlike those stupid "experts" though, I have no problem with Keith's decision. I honestly don't think it was the sex (or lack thereof) that was the problem, nor do I think it is, as Keith says, Iris' emotional maturity. I think it's just straight up personality conflict. I think it's her uptight, rigid, inflexible personality that was the root of the problem for him. Her virginity is just a part of her inability to relax and let go. And I don't want any of this nonsense of the show teasing them getting back together. Now that would be a shocker. I just don't see it happening in light of that interview she gave and how she talks about Keith on Unfiltered. STFU show. They are done. I think Deonna and Greg will be fine. I don't think she is as bad as people make her seem, and I think they are truly compatible. Remember last season when everyone thought AJ and Steph would never last? Well, just look at Instagram. This show creates a storyline - it doesn't mean it's a completely true representation of these people. They are fine. And I think Greg and Deonna will join the true love ranks with Ash and Ant, Stay_J, Queen Kristine and Keith, Ricky Bobby and Brows...... I think Beth and Jamie are one big blowout away from Jamie taking his cat and leaving for good. I give it 6 months. Matt, Matt, Matt. Not much else to add that hasn't already been said here. Top 3 asshole status for this show for sure, possibly number one. Chapter closed indeed. It's just too bad he closed the chapter while he was still spewing lies about having hope for his marriage. What a POS human being. I now wonder is the lack of family is not his doing and maybe they disowned him? Random thoughts: The post decision bbq was weird. Weirder than the couples retreat. I think it's kind of sadistic for the show to push that on people, but I guess I shouldn't expect better from a production that matched Kate with Luke and Amber with Matt..... Hey y'all, I hope Robot Viviana can get plugged in and recharged in time for next season which is apparently already underway! (God help us!)........maybe someone will find something for her to wear besides that pink ruffled monstrosity........and will upload a thesaurus for her brain to find something else to say besides y'all when addressing the couples......
  2. Brian Arnold was ridiculous about it, and I think the pressure to perform came because he quit his job whereas with Drew it is his job. The more Brian Arnold failed, the more flop sweat he displayed. I think Drew just exudes cold, calculated confidence. The difference to me is that he seems humorless about it this year as opposed to prior years, although I did like his dolphin dive into the water. I also think he's the victim of his own success; the show tends to over hype their stars to the point of annoyance (think Kacy). Despite all this, I think Drew deserves to win, and is going to win. He's pretty amazing on these obstacles. No doubt Daniel Gil is also just as impressive, but Drew has been at it longer than Daniel, and Daniel just seems super cheesy to me. My own personal pick is Joe because I just love him. And if that's what a dad bod looks like now, I know some guys that would love to have it! I am honestly so disappointed that the show decided to spoil that someone was definitely winning this year. It's kind of anti-climactic at this point. And who would have known that too many people finishing is equally as boring as too few? And @ClareWalks, I am with you on the Adam Rayl love - Hell yes to a ANW calendar!
  3. OR: Let's play Marry, Bang, Kill: It's gotta be marry Greg, Bang Keith and Kill Matt, right???? If we're talking all seasons: Marry Anthony or Neil, Bang Jon (can't help it - I am weirdly attracted to cocky frat types), Kill Luke (or maybe fireman Ryan just for being so obnoxious).......
  4. I generally avoid these grammar complaints, and at the risk of sounding like an uneducated hick, what the heck is the correct thing to say here? "I really enjoyed the dinner I shared with Keith." Or, "I really enjoyed my and Keith's dinner." Or, I enjoyed our dinner." What is it???? I think #1 sounds best, but who the hell talks like that? Is number two grammatically correct? Because it sounds just as awkward (to me anyway) as "I really enjoyed Keith and I's dinner." One of the grammar peeps please enlighten me (and Iris!) how this should be worded....... PS - I'm not an uneducated hick, I just don't care about grammar enough to worry about how some people on basic cable speak, but this is bugging me.........
  5. I would call this a pretty egregious crime considering the bullshit still flowing out of his lying mouth. At the very least, he should not have been having sex with this woman because that combined with saying all the right things on camera makes it look like he was just in this for the housing and the hookup while married to a woman who was all in from day one, and he knew it. I personally find his behavior appalling, and that's before this episode even happened.
  6. Thank you for this - I think you explained what PC was trying to get at but just not very well, and I agree with it all. My spouse and I have been married 21 years. We are raising a special needs kid. It's not all rainbows and sunshine and sometimes we don't get along at all, but I would rather work through the bad because it's worth it in the long run. I once heard a therapist say "In marriage you have to remember there are good times, but they don't last, and there a bad times, and they don't last either." Also, my favorite line from the Lucille Ball/Henry Fonda movie "Yours, Mine and Ours": "It's not going to bed with a man that proves you're in love with him; it's getting up in the morning and facing the drab, miserable, wonderful everyday world with him that counts." Matt's problem is that although he says he hasn't considered whether or not he's happy, his actions say in truth that is ALL he's thought about: What Matt wants. He never considers how his actions are affecting Amber, his spouse. Someone so selfish should not be married to anyone.
  7. Thank you for doing this - I was wondering who was "winning". I think Ryan has an advantage because he is the producer for a few of these artists (Meghan Trainer and Leona Lewis) albums, so he kind of knows what they like/want. I absolutely hated the song Leona Lewis picked. I didn't even recognize it from the original version. That hook that Ryan was so in love with was impossible to even hear underneath all the crap he added. I do enjoy the collaborative nature of this show and marvel at the producers creativity, but I usually end up feeling like I liked most of the songs better before they tinkered with (or obliterated) them. I think most of the time they sound so over produced. This episode was no different. So far, only will.i.am has picked the song I liked best. I absolutely think Meghan Trainer, the Jonas Brothers and Leona Lewis picked the wrong songs, but what do I know - Crowded Places remains my favorite song in the whole show, with Be Nice a close second. I have not heard a single song from this show on either the regular radio or my pandora stations, and I listen to pop stations that would feature a lot of these artists..........
  8. Other than the shocking! ending with Amber (who am I kidding - they already showed it 10 million times this season), this episode was boring with a capital B. They are really stretching this nonsense out. They have completely ruined this show by giving people one "story line" instead of just showing them going about their life. It feels like every episode is the same: Matt is a douche, Iris is a virgin, Deonna is uptight, Jamie and Beth are a dumpster fire......it's just not that compelling. I don't ever want to hear the word virginity again. That being said, I do think they will both say yes next week; I don't know why, it's just a feeling; maybe it was just the look between them at dinner, and the sweet goodbye? Whether they are still together at the reunion (and Iris is still a virgin) is another story...... Jamie is such a creep. He just grosses me out. I think Beth was not far off that he is a nymphomaniac. What an asshole - not a sexual being? I think that was more passive aggressive garbage from him for her caucasian sex comment. It's also not true just because she doesn't want sex as frequently as he seems to. Just gross. And yet, I am sure these two nut jobs stay together...... I think Greg and Deonna are this year's Bobby and Danielle. She is going to come clean and it's off to happily ever after next week....... Much like Luke and Kate, I am relieved next week is the last I have to see Matt and Amber. Is it possible to ghost someone while you still maintain a relationship with them? If so, Matt is the king. Again, what an asshole. Geez, show, please do better - people who watch this show actually like when it works out!
  9. I agree re: the Kid. Daniel Gil just seems kind of fake. Maybe he's not, but he just kind of bugs. No doubt he is a ninja beast and definitely deserving. My fingers are crossed for Drew, Adam Rayl and of course, Joe (although after the WWWA treatment, I'm not holding out hope for that). I wish Najee was in the mix too.......
  10. Nah, this show is too boring for something actually that shocking. It's gotta be the whole Matt talking to a girl in the bar thing they've shown 200 times already........
  11. I'd rather it be Drew than Daniel Gil or "The Kid"..........
  12. Wow. So many feelings about this episode. My husband and I screamed out loud when Drew fell, then I remembered the Safety Pass. Judging by his facial expressions, I am sure that is not how he had it planned. I think he and Flip went a little harder than they would if they didn't have that. Neither should have had to use it on Stage One, but it does make next weeks episode a little more interesting. And speaking of the passes - they may as well just cancel the speed pass because anyone fast enough to get it is already an elite ninja. Every single speed pass winner completed the finals course and moved on without needing it. Oh and another thought - the fact that so many ninjas had problems with the tire thing and those diving boards makes me wish they had a better ratio of balance and hanging obstacles - I think more of the elite ninjas (this year including Flip, Najee and Drew!) seem to struggle with those just as much as the upper body ones, plus it seems women tend to struggle less which would help them move the women forward on the show...... Sean Bryant has never been my favorite, but he grew on me after the All-Star competition. The angle his arm was hanging before he hopped off the jumping spider was gruesome. I'm glad it was just dislocated, but it sucks that he's out. Is it me, or is this season kind of brutal? Man, the ladies were a big let down after the high of two city finals finishers. I can't believe both Jessies and Alyssa fell. I had high hopes for all three. More and more ladies are beginning to excel - I have high hopes for next season. You could have made a drinking game out of how many times Akbar uttered the word Jorts....... I detest Chad Flexington. And Ethan Swanson. I hope Brian Burke comes back next season. He has been a highlight this year for me. And lastly, my rage at the WWWA treatment of The Weatherman is not over more than 12 hours after I viewed the episode. How dare they! I know they looooove Drew, but frankly, Joe's Ninja resume is just as impressive. Joe has been an All-Star, on the World competition team and last man standing MULTIPLE years. I do not know why they treat him like the red headed step child this year, but it sucks. He's not as flashy as some of the other Ninjas. He doesn't dance like Grant, or have hair like Daniel Gil, or a signature move like Ethan Swanson. He just looks and acts like a regular guy until he gets on the course and kicks ass. That should be enough. His past accomplishments should be enough. Booooooo to you ANW! And can I just say, the ninjas all changing shirts 15 times an episode is getting ridiculous. I am waiting for a Ninja that is awesome that doesn't have nickname and a custom t-shirt. Wait, is that Adam Rayl????? If so, I hope he wins. And what the hell, did I hear right? Did they totally spoil that someone wins the million dollars? Way to go show - why don't you just show us a picture of who it is and ruin the rest of the suspense...... Whoo, I feel a little better now. Glad I have this space to rant.........
  13. For me, more so. I teared up when she and Ruth stood there hugging and watching it burn. Sheila has been so closed off, it was so great seeing the emotion from her.
  14. @Scout Finch - you sound exactly like me! I cannot stand them! My family thinks I'm pathetic because if one gets on or near me I scream like a little girl. It's so ridiculous - my 10 yo and 14 yo will kill them for me if my husband isn't around, and they now just roll their eyes and look at me like, "get a grip, lady!"...........
  15. I am deathly afraid of spiders, and I don’t like killing things. If I had encountered that thing that was on this show I would have backed slowly out of the room and waited until someone else killed it.......
  16. For me, it’s seasons three (I love Neil!) and four (Joshua and Katee! Twitch!) with five (my favorite dance of all time: Gravity) an honorable mention.
  17. @Yeah No & @KateHearts - I completely agree about YouTube. I do monitor what my kiddos watch on there, which unfortunately results in some of the most mind numbing stuff I have ever seen or heard. They mostly watch gamers discussing and playing video games. Talk about mind numbing! Have you ever heard of Dan TDM?!? Or Markiplier??? If you want to slowly lose your mind just turn that on and listen for 10 minutes......And it’s true - the comments here are nothing compared to there. I don’t think my kids read them though bc they are watching on the tv. Good grief, how did this discussion get here? Back to the show......ummm......isn’t Greg awesome? 😋
  18. They have always had favorites, but the bias is more pronounced now because they are still choosing who goes home even though we only started with a top 10 and are now down to top 6. For all we know, Madison was the lowest vote getter, but they saved her. Maybe I’m misremembering, but back in the days when there was a top 20, didn’t America’s vote choose who went home starting at top 10? I personally think they didn’t send Ezra home just so that we wouldn’t have 5 contemporary/jazz dancers and one b-boy. I wish they had saved Stephanie as well so that Anna would have gone last week, and a contemporary girl this week, leaving 2 ballroom, one b-boy and 3 contemporary. I hate when it gets down to just a bunch of contemporary dancers. And Nigel can stfu regarding taking Lara Spencer to task over her comment about Prince George taking ballet. She apologized. As someone who has stuck his own foot in his mouth on national tv many times, how about a little grace for one off the cuff remark. What a pretentious petty tool. This season sucks. It’s a shell of it’s former greatness.
  19. I am loving this format- I would never have watched a straight reboot. This has been a perfect summer show, just like the first season of the original show. I don’t like the storyline with Gabby and Christine. I thought Gabby kissing the bartender was natural; making out with Christine is weird. It feels like it’s just because of proximity. It doesn’t help that I cannot stand “Christine”. All she does is yell at the cast like they are children and complain about how terribly everything is going. It’s not very subtle. I agree that in a perfect world the stalker would be TAT, but it probably isn’t. Oh how I wish Luke Perry was alive and in this with the boys! 😢
  20. I love it too @LennieBriscoe - it’s why I look at it every day! I was more responding to someone else’s comments than issuing an indictment of this forum. I myself am guilty of what I was describing here! Of course all people, not just kids, issue judgements on people they don’t know. That’s exactly what this forum is for. I’m just trying to raise some decent humans who were born in the era of social media where everyone feels entitled to speak whatever awfulness they like under the blanket of anonymity. It’s hard. “Not for any minds” - ha! True story- I think my iq drops a smidge every time I watch this show! 😂
  21. Everyone keeps talking about Ruth bringing up the age difference, but to me, the more important argument she made against dating him was that he’s mean. He has been, and continues to be, kind of an asshole, and frequently specifically to Ruth. I think they are better off as friends, but honestly because Ruth deserves someone that is nicer to her like her camera man boyfriend and not some screwed up temperamental tortured artiste.
  22. We will have to agree to disagree @Yeah No. I don’t think monitoring what my kids watch and making sure it’s age appropriate is turning them into special snowflakes. I think that’s good parenting. I do think a lot of the comments on here, if uttered out loud and to someone’s face would come across as incredibly mean. I think we come here to vent and snark and that’s ok, but I just don’t think a place where people are making fun of others hair, body, clothes, etc. is ok, nor do I want them reading comments about these people’s sex lives. This is not a kids show, and this is not, in my opinion, a forum for kids. My kids go to public school; I am not naive - I’m sure they know more than I am comfortable with. But I do think being exposed to everything at a young age is not always good or beneficial, and I try to monitor it while I still can. I sometimes think I shouldn’t be watching this horrible show - why would I want my kids doing it?!?
  23. Nope. As a mother of a ninth grader and fifth grader, I can tell you they are not watching any tv, let alone this nonsense. All my kids and their friends watch is YouTube. I kid you not. The only tv my 10yo son watches is sports. And my teen daughter - nothing. Just stupid YouTube. And just from living with these people, I can say that even if they knew their teacher was on this show, they would check it out once or just find clips on YouTube to share with their friends to laugh at. I imagine how much it would affect their opinion of the teacher would depend largely on how much they like or respect said teacher to begin with....... I would be kind of horrified if my kids saw this forum- sometimes it’s as trashy as the show. And it’s littered with harsh judgement of people we don’t know, plus mean comments about personal appearances. I know that this is what this forum is for (and I love it!), but I don’t think it’s exactly displaying the kind of thing I want my kids taking into the real world...
  24. I didn't get that from this interview at all. I actually thought what she said was pretty thoughtful. She said that her role was to show Keith that she is open to building intimacy and his was to be vulnerable with her so she feels comfortable. She then says that he is not being vulnerable, nor is he sharing his thoughts or feelings which in turn makes her feel that he is not really in this. I think that's valid. Keith is handsome and he is laid back, but he is not putting forth much effort here other than being "patient", and the virgin story line has overshadowed the fact that he just hasn't been very honest with her....... It also seems like Keith knew she didn't want to do the fishbowl game and dice game because they agreed off camera to keep that stuff private; so for him to then do a TH and call her immature was a betrayal of sorts. I wonder what the producers would have done if she had just straight up refused to play or had looked at the camera and said I think this should be private. I absolutely think the producers on this show retaliate against participants who don't play along, and I'm not sure that would have benefited her either.
  25. For all we know, maybe they were, but they waited until the cameras were gone to hang out.......
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