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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Wow. Finally got around to watching this and I am so sad! It couldn’t have ended any other way, but it was so melancholy. I can’t believe how teary I am over this show. I am going to miss all of these characters so much! 😢 My favorite season was the first one. My favorite episode was the one where Leslie delivers the baby. I also enjoyed the plot with Les and Larry as volunteer firemen.
  2. You are not alone. I too enjoyed Katie on this panel, much more than Larraine who is so persnickety and looks like she doesn't even eat dessert. I actually enjoy this entire team. I loved all of the costumes - it's kind of my favorite part to see what fantastic things they are going to be. I think my favorite was Zac as the Fabio guy. I am so bummed - my stupid dvr cut off the end of the finale so I didn't see Pete's Zombie nor the winner. I came here just to see who won! I would have been happy with either of the guys. I am just glad Jessica didn't win. I wish it had been Julie in the top three, but at least the winner was worthy of it. I did like that Karl tried to represent the top four in his cake.
  3. I agree - we just started watching last night, and I was instantly engaged in this story. It took us months to finish the first season due to the slow pacing! I love what Lizzy Caplan is doing here, and I love Tim Robbins too. He does look older, but I think age looks good on him. I do kind of love the casting of Stephen King alumni in this show. That ice cream scooper scene is going to haunt me for sure - so brutal and gross. I can't say I'm sorry that Ace has already been dispatched though - good riddance!
  4. I do think this season was very entertaining, and I don't know, but it seems like a more "professional" event with so many international teams and all the sponsorships. I like that we are getting to know more teams and the backstage interviews were great. Honestly, I love the whole on screen team. The fact that they take it so seriously also lends an air of credibility to it as well. I do wish they would maybe add some kind of ranking at the start of the season because they are not all equal, and some have a tougher schedule than others, but this is just quibbling. I just meant that I see this as a summer show, and once we got back into the school schedule and fall shows reappeared it was harder to keep up and interest waned, at least in our house. YMMV, obviously. We still love it though!
  5. We finally got around to watching the final - I think this thing should be over when summer is over. I agree to all re: Witch Doctor. I think this is the first season that it was a legit threat, mostly because it didn't crap out after one hit. I don't know what they did to it, but it seems much more resilient than prior years. I too wanted Death Roll to win, but it would have been with a major asterisk if they had moved forward because the reality is that WD did beat them on damage. I actually would have preferred WD to win, just for someone else to get the Nut. The Bite Force team does seem pleasant enough, but it's getting boring. I hope someone else wins next year. My favorite this year was Rail Gun Max. I hope they come back next year.
  6. I completely agree. I think this group as a whole is delightful. Watching Rahul was so depressing! I thought the casting last season was not as good. This season, I have not liked the last two themes, but I felt this week was a return to form. To be honest, I do not bake, so I can't really comment on the difficulty of the things that are being made. It all looks horribly difficult to me, but I thought this technical was weak compared to the Signature and Show Stopper challenges. Pudding, jam, a crumble and a cookie? Eh. I don't think Prue's as good at selecting technical challenges as Mary was, although Paul assigned freaking Hamburger Buns a few weeks ago, so maybe I am misremembering? I do love Noel and Sandy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that David will finally eke out a technical win and get his flavors to match the beauty of what he creates because I love the look of almost everything he makes. Either way, I still love this show.
  7. I was joking - Aaron Samuels was the name of his character in Mean Girls. He was the dreamy popular guy that Lindsey Lohan was in love with. Kind of funny since he's such a doofus on this show. 😛
  8. What! How can you not love Aaron Samuels????? It is a halloween tradition for my 10 yo son and I to watch Halloween Wars. We've been doing it since he was about 5. He looooves Tator, so I guess now we know who he is cast for. I did think theirs was executed well with a good concept. Shinmin really seemed to dislike their tasting element though. I thought the 18 yo was impressive for his age, but not ready for this competition. I hope he continues his craft and comes back. Overall, I thought the small scares were all terrible compared to past years. I thought the same thing. I thought that was the best concept, but it was confusing having the extra demon.
  9. It would have been interesting to see what his answer would have been if Vignette hadn't been there to witness it, but history is full of people who would rather sacrifice their life rather than sacrifice their beliefs, or in this case, go back to living a lie. Philo has shown he is sympathetic to the fae, and I think the guilt was more than he could bear any longer, especially with an audience of his kind looking on. I was actually glad he told the truth - he would have looked weaker if he had continued the lie. I really could have lived without the drawn out graphic sex scene between Imogen and Agreus. My 14 yo wanted to watch this, but I think this scene made me realize it's a hard no there. I also agree it was too soon. Isn't this supposed to be some kind of Victorian steampunk time? I don't think a proper lady would just jump into sex with anyone, let alone a forbidden species, after one fun outing buying a painting at an auction. It's too bad because I was liking their story line the most. I wish they had let it be a slow burn......
  10. Well, if you are me, all of it. I absolutely detest eggs, so most custards are a nightmare for me. This includes creme brulee and flan. Blech. And don't even get me started on that cup of frothy eggs from the technical. I don't care if it has a fancy name - that is exactly what it looked like to me. I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole......... Between the Dairy Week and Now 20's week, I think they are really circling the drain in terms of new themes. Why can't they just stick to tried and true themes and give different challenges around those? There was absolutely nothing 1920's about the Showstopper challenge. All these people making Pina Colada cakes - a drink that wasn't invented until the 1950's! It should have been either based on 1920's cocktails, or the decoration should reflect the era (Art Deco?). Or both. That challenge could have been for any decade. Just dumb. Priya should absolutely have been out. I cannot believe Michelle went but Priya stayed. I think she was hands down the worst this week - heck, Helena even came in first in the Technical! Boo!
  11. I finally got around to watching this. I am so glad Bailey won! I don't believe for one second though that he isn't well trained in many styles besides being a B-boy - he was just too good. Minor quibble but I really wish they would let people list all the styles they have trained in and not just label them as one style only. I know a lot of them have one preference, but how exactly does it affect the show if they say they have cross trained in ballet, jazz, contemporary, etc.? Is it because then the judges can't lose their minds over a B-boy killing a contemporary routine? Or a ballroom dancer doing hip hop? Who cares if it's good! I thought the top 4 were pretty good, but I guarantee I won't remember a single routine from this season four weeks from now. Maybe the INXS routine, but only because I know that song. I guess after this many seasons it all starts to look the same, although I still like to watch Salvic and Genessy's Housework routine from last year so......maybe they need to shake up the choreographers again???? I am with everyone saying to just skip the auditions and go straight to the Academy. Especially after this year where the auditions were already a live show in LA. I really hated them this way. I always enjoy the Academy and would miss it. I think they could cut the endless auditions but show them in conjunction with contestants stories at Academy week. Once a top 20 is chosen, they should just get to it. I also wish they would bring back the "pick your dance from the bag" as well just to even the playing field a little and have it feel less like producer manipulation depending on who does what style of dance.
  12. Thank you. I don't know why they made her so annoyingly rude. I couldn't believe that a woman that is sitting at her desk at work WEARING A FEDORA has the nerve to call other people "pretentious twits"! And considering how much money Fox made off of these people, maybe a little more respect would be warranted...... This show was such a mixed bag for me. I loved when the cast was all together working off each other, but I pretty much hated all of the personal story lines. I didn't like any of the fake spouses, and the girl playing Jenny's daughter was beyond wooden. I was completely grossed out by Steve's story line with Denise and her daughter. Was that necessary??? Ew! BTW, what the hell did Denise Richards do to her face???????? Shannen was my favorite part of this show, and the opening dream sequences were the best. I have to say that Steve's was my favorite. No mullets and half shirts indeed.......
  13. @suebee12 Thank you for posting the link! If I wasn’t so technically challenged I would have done it! 😊
  14. Here's the problem with comparing those things though: If Gregg had tried but not been able to break down Deonna's walls, or if Jamie had not been into Elizabeth's "quirks", then no harm no foul. They leave unchanged and go their separate ways. The virgin thing is trickier. You have a girl who has "saved" herself for marriage. Let's say Keith has sex with her and then still decides to get a divorce. Iris cannot walk away the same. It's one and done, so to speak. I don't see these as comparable at all. In that scenario, Keith also doesn't come away unscathed; he will forever be the guy who deflowered her and left. It's an impossible situation.
  15. I agree with all of this. I think the immature tag is precisely because of how she reacted to these situations. I think it's totally fine for her to not have an answer, but her "ewww" types of reactions are very juvenile. She should have just said "I guess we'll find out", or "I will tell you later since we agreed to keep this stuff private (wink wink)." Instead she wrinkled up her nose and hunched over like a child. There were many other ways she could have handled that situation that wouldn't have made her look so childish. I do agree it's stupid for the show to make a virgin answer sex position questions though. I think she really missed the opportunity with the secret too. Her secret should have been that she was wanting to have sex with him, just after Decision Day. Even though the quarter story was more serious than what we viewers heard, it still completely miss the point of sharing a secret. Yes, it does tell something about Iris, but it doesn't foster intimacy or really say anything about who Iris is as a person. It's just something that happened to her, end of story. I don't know if the show thought it was ok to cast a virgin just because Iris is so pretty, but I truly think it was shitty to do that to Keith. I don't love him, but I bet if he had been asked point blank if a virgin was a deal breaker the answer would have been yes. It was damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I truly hope she is the first and the last.
  16. I tell you what - I'd rather see jeans and jorts than "Speedo Ninja".......
  17. I find it kind of amusing that you view his music as being blase'; I view it the opposite way: he's super focused and trying to drown out all the hubbub around him to concentrate on the course, unlike some idiots who spend more time playing to the crowd to their detriment (Island Ninja I'm looking at you!). I saw his post-win interview with Ellen and she asked about the pants and he just said he's used to it and it feels most comfortable to him. She questioned how comfortable it was in the water on stage 2, and he said it wasn't that big of a deal since there isn't really any actual swimming involved and you aren't in the water for too long.
  18. I am so glad this season is over. Iris is exhausting, even if you took the whole "virgin" thing away, and I think that is really Keith's issue with her. Even if she was a sexaholic I think he would have asked for a divorce. She just doesn't see it - it has nothing (or at least very little) to do with sex. I hope the show learned it lesson and never casts a virgin again. I hope I never have to say or type the words "virgin" or "virginity" again......... Keith seems completely phony to me though. He has not shown one ounce of personality this whole season, but I think that has been overshadowed by the Iris storyline, and he's been ascribed all manner of wonderful personality traits just by keeping his mouth shut. I wonder how we would all feel about him if he had been matched with a non-virgin........ Matt is hands down the worst person ever on this show, and that's really saying something because, you know, Luke. He knew within 15 minutes? What a disgusting human being. I have no words, except Fuck You Matt and Fuck You "experts" for not seeing what a garbage human he is, or even worse, realizing it and matching this asshole with a damaged woman who was all in....... Still not holding my breath that Jamie and Liz will make it. I do think it's probably good for them to get away from Daddy Dearest, but they are so volatile and the body language on that couch! I still give it six months...... Add me to the list that is baffled by the Deonna hate. I don't see it. She's not warm or cuddly, but beyond that, I think she and Gregg are sweet together. I guffawed when she stated she said "I love you" first! Now there was the shocker of the season! I think they will make it. Not looking forward to 5 couples at all, but I know I'll be there hate watching.....
  19. I think this is disgusting. They have created more divorces than marriages, and now they are doubling down???? In any given city they are hard pressed to come up with 3 (now 4) viable men - how the hell do they think they can get five well adjusted, responsible, mature, ready-for-marriage guys for this???? Oh wait, that's not their main objective, right? They just care about the stupid show while in reality they are fucking with people's real lives. Just gross. I also think this will reinforce the trend of each couple being boiled down to one primary story line because they don't have time to film all of these people. Here I was wishing they would go back to three couples, and instead they went the other way.......
  20. Maybe it's because I knew someone was winning, but Stage 3 did seem way easier than in prior years. Those doors they have to climb around, the body prop, and the upside down rock climbing thing (apologies for not knowing the names of these things) all seemed way more difficult than the obstacles that replaced them this year. And now the rant........I completely HATE that they spoiled it, and I mean HATE. The fans of this show keep watching over MANY seasons where NOBODY wins. The excitement of the entire show is seeing people do the impossible. When they tell me someone does just that without letting me experience the nail biting joy of watching it happen, the experience of the overall show is diminished. They ruined it. By the time Drew hit the buzzer I didn't even care: All of the suspense was gone. What a disappointment. Imagine how you would have felt watching last night if they hadn't been advertising for weeks that someone "WILL WIN A MILLION DOLLARS!" Imaging seeing Drew or Daniel hit that buzzer without knowing they were going to do it. Last night I was looking at my phone. And the fact that it seemed not as hard as prior years made it even more disappointing. I am happy Drew finally won because he is arguably the best Ninja, but I am probably not as excited about someone conquering all 4 stages as I would have been if there was no safety pass, the feeling they dumbed down the course, and the fact that they spoiled it. I was more heartbroken for Joe. So close AGAIN!!!!! And Adam Rayl: Please keep running the course shirtless. That is all.
  21. But it does mean more than "unemployed basketball player" or "wannabe car detailer"........
  22. I would also like to point out that almost all of the successes on this show have been a dominant (or bossy, opinionated) woman with a more laid back man. Stay-J and Jamie and Liz being the exception, although I don't think Jamie and Liz will last long. Almost every other couple has this dynamic, and I see Greg and Deonna following that pattern. It's too bad Keith and Iris had the virginity thing to deal with because on paper they are the perfect prototype for this show........
  23. @MsVixen I do not think that needs a spoiler tag as they have been saying it in all of the promos for the show..........
  24. People who are giving side eye to Iris for saying Keith would need to improve some things in order for them to get back together: Look, I get it that she is high strung and difficult, but she is not wrong about this. Keith is not perfect. Iris was bewildered multiple times in watching his TH's on Unfiltered because he never addressed some of his issues directly with her. He even admitted on the retreat that he doesn't share his feelings openly in relationships. I don't think she is wrong in saying he would need to change. That doesn't mean that she wouldn't need to change as well, but I agree with her that he would need to be more forthcoming in expressing his feelings to her, and I don't think that makes her living in some fantasy land where she thinks she is perfect. And while I am thinking about it, I dislike his hedging about the odds of them getting back together. I think it's almost as big of a line of bs as Matt's "hopeful" speech. Matt's just an ass, but I do not know why these guys who asked for a divorce start waffling after the fact (I am also thinking about Will last season). If you hadn't fully made up your mind, then you should have just said yes on D-day and saw it out. I think they do this to not come across as bad guys on TV, but this just seems cruel to the other person who wanted to stay married and is crushed.
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