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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. This was possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever watched, yet surprisingly funny. My favorite parts: Conan eating the hot sauce and turning red. The magic guy doing a whole show while being interrogated. Marshawn and the "one way mirror" - he really committed! Annie's R-rated drawing and her disguise to meet the pancake king - that mustache! Kumail's walk and sound. This episode didn't have much else, but that alone made it funny. Sharon and Will messing with the dead guy's nipples. I am embarrassed to admit I couldn't stop laughing. Her facial expression when he said "let's agree not to fall in love with each other" - classic! Ken telling the story of Little Red Riding Hood in the different voices. I felt it was all downhill from there -this was my least favorite episode. I like that the chief would tell them if they got it wrong and fire them. By the third episode I was looking for clues and trying to figure it out myself. I hope there is a second season - maybe Terry can find love with the coroner, although maybe not after the tussle for the heart? My only issue is Will seems to be going for Michael Scott levels of awkward. I could do with less of that. It would be hilarious to have a flashback that features Jennifer Anniston.
  2. I think what Natalie is doing is called negging - backhanded compliments as a form of flirting. I think she finds Shayne hot, but I wonder if it's a feeling of insecurity about trusting him after the pod stuff with Shaina and this is her way of holding him at arms length. And Natalie knows what Shaina looks like. I wonder if she is afraid of what he's going to do once he sees her......I do appreciate that he was honest about it bothering him when she was being kind of mean. Iyanna comes across as immature to me - all the giggling coupled with the petite pixie look she has going on reads very young to me. I wonder if that will get old for Jarrett as well..... Danielle is crazy. She picked a fight with Nick for absolutely zero reason. WTF????
  3. What you have described is why I am left still frustrated. Why didn't PC grill her on what she means by "I am still here"? If it's not for the relationship with the spouse, it's useless on this show. She needed to explain why she thought she was entitled to the vacation, apartment, group activities and girl gang when she said in no uncertain terms "I hate him" about her spouse. She needed to be asked exactly when was Chris "disrespectful". Asking her to explain herself when she's accusing him of things isn't disrespect. He is entitled to know how he's being disrespectful if she's accusing him of it! Why was she not confronted with the horrible things they caught her saying on the honeymoon? I wanted PC sitting there with a video and they all watch and he asks her to account for her awful behavior. But no. Chris was all class and took the high road and PC let her off the hook as well. Guess I'll have to get my satisfaction seeing her get flamed here and on the Gram.......
  4. I know this was in response to a post about Alyssa & Chris, but my first thought went to Lindsey and Mark. I can't believe she Marie Kondo'd his childhood plate! I'm sorry, but she's known him for five minutes! She talks to him sometimes like she's his mom. "This Keurig is going - bad for the environment." Ok, she's not wrong, but it's not hers to throw out! I just can't make up my mind about her: Her ride or die attitude about suiting up and heading into the bedbug ridden apartment - yay! Her turning into a condescending boss once they got inside: boo! It's like for every nice thing she does, she turns around and ruins it somehow......
  5. Bwah ha ha!!!!!!!! You win! Boy these two are so dreary to watch together! Nothing happening there AT ALL. And when she said "Now. Michael." in her best teacher voice I was scared. She is COLD. Noi is ridiculous. Very rigid in her thinking and unwilling to compromise. "Can the dog be next to the bed?" "No. In the bed." "I want three children." "You won't consider any other number?" "No." Hey girl, it's not just what you want here! And freaking out about Steve being unemployed - it didn't look like he's living in a cardboard box on the street - his apartment looked fine (led lights notwithstanding - those have to go!). They need to have an in depth conversation about finances before she completely freaks out. He might be totally fine - many people are self employed and support themselves just fine. Olaj can get out of here with his expectations for hot cooked meal every night. I cannot believe she hasn't gone off on him about it because I sure would. I hate cooking. I do it sometimes, but it isn't a passion of mine and I sure as shit don't do it nightly. She seems the same, so why is she letting him say this over and over? When he said he can't keep eating peanut butter on bread, I would have been like, "Let me stop you right there. Feel free to keep doing that because I am sure not making you breakfast every day!" And I don't believe for one minute they haven't had sex. He looked like the cat that ate the canary and she was giving him death glares to keep it together in front of PC. I think there is an understanding to keep it private and he almost spilled the beans..... I felt so bad for MTS. He was sharing his feelings and Lindsey called it bullshit. Okay then. And then she wonders why he's closed off. She steamrolls him! PC nailed it when he said Mark is afraid to talk. He doesn't have the bandwidth in his life to navigate walking on eggshells with her constantly, and her "help" is so overwhelming it's exhausting. I think they do have a natural rapport that could be successful if she just took it down a notch or 20. And finally..... While it was satisfying to see Chris get the final word and give this nutjob the boot, it was not satisfying to see her not get called on the carpet for her awful behavior. He did not stand up for himself when she once again called him "disrespectful". She was not confronted one time for her own disrespectful behavior. I hope she reads every post on social media and see how the world views this "good person". Bye bitch. I hope Chris finds someone nice.
  6. I really hope the "half" is Chris and not ACE. She needs to go back under whatever rock she crawled out from under..... Truth! Both are so dull! They both needed someone with more personality to balance out the seriousness. Together they are zzzzz........Plus, I just don't see any chemistry between them - they both have better personalities when separated - he seems more upbeat with the guys and she is the same with just the girls. This one seems like it was good on paper, bad IRL. I was really rooting for them before the season started, but I just don't think it's a good match. Too bad, because they both seem like nice people.
  7. I only like Jarrett and Iyanna and Danielle and Nick. The rest suck and I will be shocked if they stay together. Bummer - looks like there is no Lauren and Cam this time around, just a bunch of GiGi and Damiens, or worse, Amber and Barnetts.......
  8. This. Shades of Jessica and Mark indeed. She knows that he is not the right choice, but she said yes because she wants to stay on the show and she couldn't have the guy she actually wanted. Zero chance of this succeeding.
  9. Same! Central California here, but so excited to maybe see some places I visit semi-regularly! So happy for them! And their posts on IG with the photos from the above link are so sweet! The announcement is in conjunction with their 2-year anniversary. I just love them.
  10. Finally finished watching this and concur with everyone - Boba was better as a mysterious bounty hunter. As a main character, not so much. Mando and Baby Yoda saved the show. They were awesome and I appreciate the gift of more of them in the midst of this boring show. Personally, there were many characters introduced in this show that would have made better spin off: Apologies for spelling. I could look up these names, but I'm too lazy..... 1. Fennec Shand on her own. At this point, she's smarter and cooler than Boba. I did enjoy her sneak attack at the end. Good riddance to the cowardly mayor! 2. The Hutt twins- I thought that was going to be interesting and a show of Boba fighting the true heirs of Jabba would have made a better plot then the spice thing. But no...... 3. The bad wookie Krsantan or whatever. I freaking love him - definitely my new favorite. I hope we see him again - he's too cool to be abandoned now, right???? 4. Peli - what a delight she is! "Grogru? That's a terrible name!" I would love to just see what trouble she gets into in her garage with her dumb droids and the people who come through there, and also, her bad taste in men jawas lovers.......... 5. Cad Bane. Such a cool villain. Totally wasted here. Bummer. I honestly don't know what the point was for this show as far as Boba was concerned. If they mostly just wanted to show him escaping the pit, they should have had HIM be the guest episode in the third season of the Mandalorian instead of this show with almost half the episodes featuring Mando. If they had just done a one-off episode showing him escaping and what he went through with the Tuscans, I think that would have been enough. Still, I can't regret this show for what they gave us of my favorite baby. So glad he chose the beskar - he has lifetimes to train as a Jedi, but for him, only a short time with his daddy!!!! My heart almost exploded when he jumped into Mando's arms. And curling up next to that Rancor was so precious I almost died again. I can't stand the cuteness - now excuse me while I go buy some more Baby Yoda merch........
  11. Yeah, she has nothing, and I mean NOTHING but false claims to how horrible Chris has treated her. She actually said he's "doing her dirty". Exactly how? By being nice apparently because she then accused him of being a "fucking used car salesman who sells houses." What does that even mean???? And when he (gently) pushed her to verbalize her problems with him she got up and left. She likes to dish it but cannot take one ounce back. If he pushes, he's "being disrespectful". If he's pleasant, he's "doing her dirty". No win for poor Chris. She can keep her 1% of trying - sending her packing!!!!! I believe she has even stated that as evidence of what a wonderful person she is. But I said it earlier in the season, and I'll say it again: Anyone who verbalizes that they like animals more than people frequently says this because they do not get along well with humans. It's clear to me this is why Alyssa likes animals. She is terrible with her own species......
  12. Yeah, he's not the only cast member in the history of this show that benefited by being married to an even worse cast member, but the fact that the rest of the cast seems to really like him speaks well of him. I think we've seen enough of him to form an overall opinion. He seems mature and ready to be married and able to joke around (remember the side piece joke that set ACE off in the first place?), but she has sucked all the fun out of him. He was excited to explore PR until his bride insisted on just sitting on the beach (preferably without him). The poor dude had to snuba alone! Plus, the fact that he hasn't lost his cool in the face of the heinous beast he has the misfortune to call his wife speaks volumes about his overall temperament. I give him props for not going off on her, because I would have let her have it at that dinner. He's average looking, but very nice, and if the "experts" had even remotely tried to pick someone equally ready to be married and not fixated on looks or teeth, he definitely could have been 1/2 of a successful couple.
  13. This is the dumbest response to the negativity she could argue - the girl is literally begging to be separated from her spouse. The cries to "kick her off" or "send her home" is in relation to the filming of the show. Nobody wants to see her sorry ass anymore with her crap attitude. I don't see Dr. Viv addressing any of this, nor the fact that she said ON CAMERA that she hates him! What about that Viv????
  14. This! I said it on last week's thread - the calmer he is, the angrier she gets. She even said she "hates" him. Exactly why she thinks that entitles her to the "experience" of a rent-free apartment for 8 weeks is mind boggling. Meanwhile, he is calm and pleasant and she's coming unhinged. It's a delight to see the awful person get played this way. In prior seasons, the villains mind fucked the innocent parties and it was painful to see: depressed Kate, annoyed Mindy, distraught Amber, gaslit Paige.......seeing this asshole get played is actually a delight. Olaj gained a little respect from me for his dead on assessment of Alyssa. He has her number and I only wish he had let her have it at that dinner. No-one was buying her bullshit. It would have been awesome to see her storm off crying one more time. Lindsey's face would have been me. Props to her for keeping it together. Speaking of.... Linds impressed me this week. She is crazy, but her all-in on helping Mark impressed me, even embracing living with FIVE CATS. I really hope they make it now. If she can continue to reign it in like at dinner, there might be hope. Mark could use a person in his corner that takes care of him and not the other way around. I hope he can accept the help when it's offered. It probably feels foreign to him. Mike and Jasmina are so boring. They seem to bring out the worst in each other. Jasmina needs a Miles - a happy puppy dog to bring out her fun side and balance out her seriousness; unfortunately, Mike is her mirror image - very serious and opinionated. I don't see this going anywhere but divorce on D-day. Neither is psycho enough to cause crazy drama, but they are just an unfortunate mismatch. Once again, Steve and Noi are awesome. I see the tears in the upcoming episode, but I think they'll work it out. Please God, let them work it out!
  15. Totally forgot about this episode with the Olympics on, but wow! What a fantastic episode! Just last week I was questioning whether anyone could beat Dusty and Ryan, and boom! The race gods delivered. Although I find them mostly likeable, I still delighted in seeing them get dusted by every team including the perpetual bottom dwellers. But man, talk about grit. The comeback was just as sweet. I thought all of these challenges were great, although the donkey walk was too short. The rest, just classic TAR. I like these teams, and I hope Dusty and Ryan continue to struggle a little just to keep it interesting. I wouldn't be sad to see them win with all Ryan has gone through, but I am mostly rooting for Penn and Kim who have proven just as likeable as they are on social media.
  16. I think mom has her number - she knows what she's like. I felt like Alyssa's mom knew Chris wasn't Alyssa's type when she met Chris for breakfast before the honeymoon, but she could see that Chris is a nice guy and was hopeful her daughter would give it a try. I hope her mom tells her "I told you so" when Alyssa comes crying home about how it's so unfair how she's being portrayed.
  17. This sums up my feelings perfectly. She has been absolutely wretched to him. He has been nothing but nice (as far as we have seen) and it almost seems to be making her more irate! Like, the nicer he is, the more pissed she gets. She is so obsessed with not being the bad person here that she has actually become that. It's hilarious hearing her continually insist that she's a nice person while doing something or saying something absolutely heinous. She's like a gift that keeps on giving. She's so bad, I am kind of enjoying the show showing her looking atrocious. I do feel bad for Chris though. He didn't deserve to be saddled with this bitch. I hope he can find a nice lady who doesn't care about teeth or a slightly flabby gut, both of which can be worked on. Alyssa's personality, not so much......
  18. @JenE4 Thank you for the laugh this morning - your play by play of what feels like Jasmina & Mike's 100th argument about stupid crap made me laugh. I'm going to start using "nip it in the butt" from now on....... And yes to questioning Lindsey's manners - you don't get to complain about someone's private bathroom habits when you drank THREE BOTTLES OF WINE! on an airplane and made a fool of yourself. And I'm not even mentioning getting drunk right before your wedding and pulling your top all the way down to find your vows. Oops, I guess I did mention it. My point: She is not exactly classy either......
  19. I believe she did at every turn once the season ended. And that asshole Kevin Frazier encouraged it gleefully. And none of the participants ever control the narrative - only the evil producers. Despite that, between NecklaceGate and the fact the Hayley is besties with VA says all I need to know about her. She is a mean girl, just not as mean as Alyssa.
  20. Nailed it! I had no idea what he was talking about. After having sex, he planned a romantic dinner just to tell her he didn't want to be "lovey dovey"? Not great MTS. Rough episode for Linds - first getting chewed out by Katina in front of all the girls, then this. And speaking of Katina - I agreed with what she said about Lindsey, but geez, let it go. If the offended person says let it go, you need to get over it. Man, this group as a whole sucks. The only ones who seem ready for this are Steve, Noi, Chris and MTS, and two of these people were put with assholes. I initially thought Mike and Jasmina were going to be a great couple, but nope. He is miserable to be around. Overthinking indeed. He is a fun killer - why can't he just live in the moment and have a good time with his new hot wife? They are going to talk everything to death - another Olivia/Brett or Jake/Hayley but without a total smartass or weirdo to be entertaining. She absolutely did not owe him an apology for what happened on the boat, so her non-apology was perfectly fine IMO. I wouldn't have even given him that. I wouldn't trust Olajuwon farther than I could chuck that medicine ball he was barking at Katina about. No way in hell he stays faithful to this woman. They might make it past D-Day, but I will be shocked if they last much past that..... Alyssa sucks. She is currently fighting her way to the top of the worst wife board. Chris has shown himself to be perfectly nice. His only crime is a dad bod and janky teeth, yet she acts like she was paired with an actual troll. She need to be called out for this bullshit narrative of "we are both disappointed because we didn't get what we wanted". He was perfectly happy with her until she turned into a bitch. Her behavior is immature, spoiled, entitled, judgemental and rude. Her saying "I've been being nice" is nothing short of delusional. If she thinks this is nice, I would hate to see her when she's being mean. Looks like next week she doubles down on the "I'm not having fun" tantrum. Once again, awesome job "experts"! Noi and Steve are adorable. I really, really need these two to make it. If they don't, it might be the nail in the coffin for me with this show.
  21. Well, this happened. Zzzzz...... They lie, lie, lie. I spent the entire episode distracted and annoyed that they have conveniently forgotten that this is NOT the first all female finale. How can Nina even say that with a straight face - the other judges weren't here for that, but she was! Not one of these ladies made anything ground breaking or fashion forward: Kristina's looked cheap, unwearable and basically the same thing she has done all season. One Way Monkey. Her pants looked like something from a 1970's Butterick pattern. Horrid. Who the fuck wears a swim suit top and baggy jeans with a weird "thing" over the top? Who is this woman and where the hell is she going? No one and nowhere I say. I cannot believe she spent $1,000 on that cheap get-up. Coral's dress is a wearable art project. I don't understand the point of the chiffon skirt over the top of the shorter one. Nothing fashion forward happening there either. I fail to see how Shantall's was "non-binary". It was definitely a woman's suit. What does non-binary clothing mean anyway? Is that the same thing as gender neutral? But props for the tailoring. I loved the pants. I hope she wins - I think she has the most potential. Chasity made an evening gown. Again. Nothing ground breaking. Her business is making prom dresses which is perfectly fine - why does she need to be fashion forward? Watching her spin to explain how exactly this witchy prom dress was the future of fashion was ridiculous. Just do what you do. The tongue bath given to these ladies was ridiculous. I would be fine if Karli K. came back.
  22. Whoever said this season is full of nice people who are terrible racers wasn't too far off. Ryan and Dusty are so far ahead of everyone else it's not that interesting. Barring a major mistake by the two of them is there anyone who can challenge them for the win??? As soon as they read the clue that had the word "Bartending" in it, I thought to myself - gonna involve carrying glasses of some kind. I wasn't too far off. I would have immediately picked the sausage.
  23. This. I would have just said "Wow. Rude. I don't recall asking for your opinion." I was one of those people dragging Mustashely through out that season, but I think she got a smidge of vindication and the shine came off David when he did that follow up dating show and acted a total clown. Plus his arrest record that came out after the show aired. I don't think either is a prize at this point. I think Alyssa is more like Molly - stuck up and mean for no reason other than they think they are hot stuff and entitled to treat people like that.
  24. Beauty must be in the eyes of the beholder because I don't see anything you see. Yes she is very thin, but that's about it to me. Her hair is frequently scraggly. She isn't ugly, but she's not classically beautiful either. Then she opens her mouth and she becomes even more unattractive. I would say the beauties this season hands down are Jasmina and Katina. I wouldn't describe Chris as hot or anything, but I certainly don't think he's ugly, and I also don't find him below her looks-wise. They seem pretty evenly matched to me.
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