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Everything posted by One4Sorrow2TooBad

  1. Lol, wow, how did any of us ever get through our teen years without a lawsuit?
  2. Loved the series and have to agree with egg McMufflin Lovin', once the show moved to the East Dillon Lions? , added the new characters, the show no longer had the spark as the earlier seasons. That first season was awesome though.
  3. LOL !!! Best line of the night was when Beverly had come into the house from shopping and said something like, " Ugh, the grocery store was a zoo____! Some lady and I went at it over a yam. The only thing that got candied was her ass !!!
  4. LOL !!! Glascott's one of my favorites on the show. The guy is funny as hell, hope he finds another good show.
  5. Remembering 1989. Written by Benny and Bjorn of Abba after their break, too bad the group didn't record it on the new album.
  6. Toobad the producers don't move things along by having a rose ceremony every Tuesday night on BiP. This season has sucked.
  7. Possibly because he's(DS Tyrone) is possibly 15/ years younger than Annika and way more athletic ? Besides , Annika is the DI.
  8. The 80's was a great decade, good times back then when Billy and Christie were together.
  9. Amy Grant,wow, what a great voice. She was the whole package in the early 90's.
  10. Morgan is at that age where she's just trying to figure what she likes.
  11. Once again CW is cancelling a really good series. Hopefully some other network picks this up.
  12. Miss songs like this ,back when music was beautiful without having all the trash that's out there now.
  13. Someone mentioned that there are 3 more episodes left and perhaps there will be 3 more new women to appear? Any chance we'll see Demi back or the blonde contestant that showed up and left shortly after on the same episode?
  14. Loved this episode, what a super ending lol ! Reginald laid the old mojo on her big time.
  15. Lol, what was that line that Erica said to smelly Adam as he was hanging out unbathed for days with Pop-Pop ? Didn't she say to Adam he smelled like hot ass ??? LOL! Great episode! Loved seeing Johnny and Karla !!!
  16. Lol, I think Annika raised the cup to her mouth, smelled it or took a tiny sip of it and looked like it was horrible. And yes, that was funny as hell, the two put their cups down promptly .
  17. LOL, speaking of Aaron's fondness of Gen's lips, surprised he didn't launch into "nothin' could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morn_____in..... etc...
  18. Last night's episode was spectacular. That dance routine should be up for a Grammy,highly entertaining, not what you'd expect from a tv series.
  19. I got the impression Johnny shouldn't have signed up for the series BIP if he wasn't ready in life to commit to an engagement and life ahead with that special someone. Looking at a year or so of engagement leading to a wedding and new start at life. If he isn't ready to make that leap of faith,why even waste others time that are__ at that point in their life??
  20. You are right, not every scene is so noticable with the look. I've noticed the same issue on other series like Morse , Lewis,possibly other BBC series? Just figured maybe it wasa shot on videotape or digital recorded??
  21. Enjoyed the second episode much more than the first. Anyone else notice the video looks like it's shot at a faster rate(60fps)? looks more soap opera like?
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