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Everything posted by DocTerv

  1. I can't believe I haven't just changed the channel after MAFS enough times that I actually sort of know who these people are. Don't judge. 🤣 I wonder if Brian's weird clenched teeth thing is a result of ill fitting dentures. He looks like he's afraid his teeth are going to just flop out of his mouth. I have no answer for why he seems dumber than a bag of hammers. Maybe he fell off a scaffold onto his head? The man is seriously skeevy.
  2. Why oh why do we have to have Liz-splosion on every episode of Unfiltered? I think she's after Jamie's job too. Oh maybe the producer's just think she's "good TV". And Liz, pull your skirt down, we don't need to see all that. Matt sounded like he was just (slowly) regurgitating snippets of stuff he'd heard from the experts. Not buying it Stretch. I want to be on the Greg and Denonna cheerleading squad too please.
  3. Matt always seems moderately sedated to me. I wonder if he went on the show just to have a place to live for 8 weeks. Amber is starting to remind me of Kate from last season. From bubbly to beat down in just a few weeks. Iris is waiting for her official "I REMAINED A VIRGIN" medal to arrive. No sex till she can show it to the world and get the accolades she seems to be waiting for. Keith, bless your heart, you are one kind and patient dude. Greg and Deonna. I think these two are having a lot more fun together than we see on camera. Their marriage style may just be quiet teasing of each other and inside jokes. I have hope for them. Jerky Jamie and the Red Menace...Calm down you two. Beth is what you get when parents over indulge a kid. Kid has a problem, throws a giant tantrum, parents think this is adorable so kid gets her way. Next time it's tantrum x 10. Multiply tantrum levels exponentially x 29 years and you get Beth. She thinks this is all adorable because no one has ever just told her to cut that shit out. Jamie....meh...the dogs like him so that's something I guess.
  4. Weston: I've slept with 63 women. Me to myself: I bet that cost you a pretty penny.
  5. Thank you JaneyJay for your note to Yamen about his excessive and annoying use of the term "ya boy". Use of this term requires Mr. DocTerv and me to shout "NOT OUR BOY" each time and we grow weary. Should we all take a shot each time someone inserts the word like needless into a conversation or would that overtax the world's liquor supply?
  6. Am I the only one who starts humming "Every Step You Take" every time they show Amber gazing at Matt?
  7. The "no other doctor could fix meeeee" thing makes me insane. I love Dr. Lee but come on... most of the things we're shown are simple things like cysts and lipomas. I'm a veterinarian. I fix those things all the time. My patients are more hair covered and likely to bite (mostly 😄).
  8. Join me if you will for a moment of fan fic. The time is sometime after decision day. AJ is pitching his tenth tantrum of the week because the garbage bag does not properly fit his preferred trash container. Steph: (suddenly looking like a very annoyed Honey Badger) ENOUGH! CUT THAT SHIT OUT! If you can not start dealing with minor frustrations like a normal adult human I AM OUTTA here! AJ: snivels pathetically and then goes into shock because for some reason, no one in his life ever told him his behavior was inappropriate and embarrassing. Then he either A) cuts that shit out and becomes a decent husband or B) throws a larger tantrum and Steph skips on out the door And....scene.
  9. SO happy for you @CONFIGDOTSYS!! And @LOVECAT you'll be celebrating your one year cancer free very soon. Best wishes to both of you! The "experts" make such a huge deal out of all the study and effort that goes into matching these couples yet they never seem to cover the most basic things that are important in a marriage. Season after season couples seem surprised that their partner is the polar opposite on questions of when or if to have children. They match a man who wants a woman to be his equal partner with a woman who expects him to provide for her in the style to which she she'd like to become accustomed. They toss together a strong, self-reliant career woman and a guy who's looking for a housewife maid who will immediately pump out some kids? Really? I've been happily married for nearly 40 years and while our expectations of each other have certainly changed over time, you can sure as hell bet we agreed on these sorts of basic questions before taking the plunge. Surely these "experts" could delve into the big stuff before matching people up. Or mayyyyybeeee they are just trying to make "good TV". Which I freely admit, I am watching. 😉
  10. While I still enjoy the funny bits, I find myself longing for a flying shrimp or a rainbow unicorn. We need more Niednagel.
  11. By FAR the most interesting thing about this show is reading the different interpretations of what is going on in these "marriages". I really enjoy everyone's thoughtful comments. And the snark of course! Ban Danielle's chunky eyebrow stencil!
  12. Amber and Dave are fine when they have some activity to distract them from how much they dislike each other (frequent sex nothwithstanding). As long as there is some bright shiny object for them to focus on they can deal with being together but when they have to actually talk to each other it all goes to hell. Amber seems like a needy, self-centered mess and Dave sort of seems to enjoy poking her insecurities with a stick. I think Dave might actually be tolerable if they'd paired him with a confident woman who'd just go on about her business without requiring constant reassurance. That woman would just tell him straight out when he's being a dick.
  13. It's so interesting to hear different opinions on how vets talk to their patients and whether it's "professional" or not. When I was a baby veterinarian many MANY years ago it was highly unusual for women to be vets. For those who managed to make it the emphasis was on being very professional, kind but rather emotionless. Wear the white coat, don't kiss the patients (so to speak). As time has passed things have loosened up considerably. These days I wear a polo shirt and talk to my patients pretty much the way I talk to my own pets and I guess that fits our practice style fine. Dr Pol's practice is much more old style and their clients are used to a much less touchy/feelly atmosphere while Dr K's clientele is a whole 'nuther kettle of fish. It all works for their specific practices because clients will pick the practice where they are comfortable. Personally I don't do exotics because in many cases they are kept as pets much to their detriment. The article by the Entitled One highlights what a fine line vets who treat exotics walk every day. Do you tell Entitled One that trying to keep a gibbon as a house pet is a bad idea? This only seems to make them more determined to own a totally inappropriate pet. Or do you try to take the best care you can of that poor gibbon they feel they simply must own? Heaven forbid they should just get an actual domesticated animal that is made to live with humans. Still cringing about the raccoons. This can only end in tears.
  14. Mr. DocTerv and I really enjoyed the show. I think, as someone else mentioned, that Mary Berry is the apricot jam in this Battenburg cake. It's just lovely to have contestants who seem to really enjoy the experience and who help and encourage each other through the competition. It's still hard to believe we'd sit and watch people staring into ovens but there you have it! Congrats to Amanda and all the bakers on a job well done. The British version will always be first in my heart but we'll certainly watch again if we're lucky enough to get another US season. My only note for production would be to lose the fake winter stuff, it makes us all NUTS!
  15. When couples like this have kids a large percentage of them suddenly become helicopter parents and the dog, once their "precious furbaby (gag)", gets dropped like a pile of molted dog hair. Their onetime canine daughter gets relegated to the backyard and pretty much ignored. I see this scenario ALL the time. Mr. DocTerv and I spent the whole segment saying "Barkbox? Anybody ever heard of Barbox?"
  16. Ok, I'm in. For now. BUSHCRAFT!!! Sounds like a salon for all your hair removal needs.
  17. I'd love to know what in the world they're asking these people during the "scientific matchmaking" portion of this process. Shouldn't the couples have more in common than "They are both nice people."? How MAFStestants feel about partners who use drugs or drink, love or fear common pets, want kids or don't, live fugally or with loads of debt, seems like basic life choices that would be taken into consideration during the matching. You don't think they'd match people based on increased probability of drama do you? Perish the very thought. Best wishes to LH25 for an excellent recovery!
  18. My feelings are those of impending doom. I fear that without the magical mixture of our four favorite host/judge ingredients, our beloved GBBO souffle will fall flat.
  19. While I had no idea what an arlette was either, I can say that those "goats outside the tent" are actually sheep. Herbridean sheep to be exact. I now feel compelled to to check in with my own sheep and their opinions on the palatability of biscotti.
  20. You can buy 100 urine test strips for $25 dollars or so. Dip one in the pet's urine and compare the color change to the chart on the bottle. There! You just saved yourself $1000. My concern with with this product is Petnostics' claim that "By allowing you to check your pet's health instantly, Petnostics makes healthy living easier for pet families." A urine dipstick might alert you that the pet has a UTI or Diabetes but there are innumerable other things that won't show up on this test that might make a pet ill. I wonder what the liability risk is if someone's pet dies after their Petnostics' test proclaimed them "healthy"? Full disclosure, I'm a veterinarian but if people want to do urine dipsticks at home, be my guest. ;-)
  21. OMG RealityCowgirl! Who knew we were so fashion forward with our FLATS! I totally refuse to wear heels because they make my feet hurt and they're not good for tramping around in the mud at the barn so I think Issac should declare us both to be FASHION ICONS. We are everything. (cyber high five in RC's direction) Could someone explain to me why so many designers are so allergic to color? The unrelenting parade of black just gets so boring.
  22. I kept thinking Jake the horse trainer from the Amazonia episode seemed familiar and sure enough he was on Out of the Wild: The Alaska Experiment in 2009. He made it to the end there too as I recall.
  23. Wonder what's the best way to clean up all the loathing that was SPEWING out of the TV every time Ashley appeared? It's all over my room.
  24. Here's a thought for new parents. Buy a $50 baby scale accurate to 0.1 oz. Weigh baby. Feed baby. Weigh baby again. Subtract. Plug result into health app that's already on your cell phone. Now send me half of what you saved not buying the Hatch scale. Oh and UBER!!! UBER!!!
  25. Hubby and I frequently remark that we can't believe we're totally enthralled by watching people watching their cake bake. We did miss the little history lessons in the later episodes but we both adore GBBO to bits!
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