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Everything posted by Pallida

  1. Since you said above that you didn't finish it, it's even worse than that! He was going to propose to his wife's friend because his daughter needed a mother and she had promised to always take care of them...
  2. June's performance went from driven to desperate, and when the queens go desperate, they get messy. I'm sure it's hard to keep emotions in check to avoid desperation in that moment. I wish she had been given a few more years to season (and I liked her comment about letting the rice cook a little more) before getting on the show because I think she has a lot of potential but wasn't quite ready.
  3. Super shallow of me, but I'm tired of Coral's "I'm so fragile" voice and bad eye makeup. I'm not that impressed by her color choice because she saw how well yellow worked in the warehouse because Christian's dress was white and yellow. She was smart enough to notice, so I'll give her that, and she did use it effectively. I'm putting on my tinfoil hat now, but I'm feeling like Bones' dismissiveness of Coco's expertise might provide some insight into the Aaron-Bones conflict. With producer editing, who knows though.
  4. The Jeopardy/J6 game on Amazon devices now has Mayim's voice instead of Alex's. It's like nails on a chalkboard for me with the saccharine exuberance. (And I say this as someone who watches and strangely enjoys her Call Me Kat show!)
  5. I think the complete lack of respect (and maybe experience?) for service/retail workers coming from the writer's room is going to drive me away from this show. There's nothing funny about leaving messes for service employees, and I don't see any consequences for the characters that will get me beyond a "I hate this entitlement" reaction. Grocery shelves aren't just free for all for employees to make choices, especially major chains like this store.
  6. Ignoring the idiocy of Barry's advice and that Erica acted upon it, I thought this was the best episode in a very long time. Beverly stayed more in the quirky sphere as opposed to the obnoxious sphere, and it seemed like there was just general joy with the Fame aspects. Can the show just end now though?
  7. It could be really easy to miss depending on your screen! When she helps put the yarmulke on Dean, we see it briefly. This is a not great screen capture from my computer screen. Right after, they show Kim looking at it and recognition showing on her face.
  8. They showed a tattooed number on her arm, so yes she was a survivor. Beautifully subtle.
  9. Even though I know when this is set, I didn’t fully think it through until Aunt Ruth gutted me. Amazing example of show, don’t tell.
  10. As soon as Orion looked meek and stuck on her side during the lip synch, I knew she was out. I know it’s a competition to stay in, but it felt like June was trying to intimidate her on the stage rather than simply commanding the whole stage herself. I am not an expert at all and hope someone with more expertise will pipe in, but for being so proud of going to school for dance, June’s African Dance looked more simplistic than some of the routines from SYTYCD which dancers had one week to learn. Maybe there was some editing shenanigans, but I thought Lizzo did a masterful job keeping June from spiraling out during judging. She seems like good people.
  11. My episode recording was also cutoff due to random stuff at the beginning of the recording, but I was able to watch the last bit online through the OPB (Oregon’s version of PBS - not sure why it’s different) website.
  12. The proportions of color were wrong, but I’m used to delicata squash being yellowy-white and green. Turns out they can be that or yellowy-white and orange (brownish)https://www.rareseeds.com/store/vegetables/winter-squash/delicata-squash
  13. I don’t think anybody who didn’t successfully collaborate should be in the top. I tried to go back to the conversation with Coral and the hat designer, and I think the intent was to always do a structured hat that had lace hanging over it, but Coral completely squashed the entire accessory because she didn’t like the red of the hat. The accessory designer had black lace or tulle (something that kept the hat visible) to go over the hat, but instead we got Coral steamrolling over her.
  14. The most interesting revelation from this episode: Aaron’s grandfather looked like John Goodman in the photo shared. I hate that Octavio acted like he was mentoring Katie because she’s been on a losing streak but was really forcing himself on her design and undermining any confidence she may have had. Also, his design was crap and I’m glad they all pointed it out.
  15. For those curious about hibiscus, Mexican restaurants will sometimes have agua de Jamaica which is just steeped hibiscus with sugar. I like it so I wish I could taste Lizzie’s donut. (And now I might be giggling like a 12 year old too.)
  16. I think the undies were visible from the back too. There was another black dress where white or off white panties were visible. I don’t mind that they show but would have preferred another color. I’m curious if the designers requested the models wear a specific color or forgot.
  17. I know I’m not particularly fashionable, but I’m m really confused how Octavio’s dress is flattering but Kenneth’s is not. I do think Kenneth was the right choice to go, but Octavio’s dress was just a blob squished on top of a blob. And I feel like I’ve seen it before.
  18. Y'all who called Nate spilling the panic attack info are brilliant. Fuck you, Nate. I no longer find you redeemable. I regret watching this as soon as possible. I need the next step of the story now.
  19. While I don't necessarily like some of the curveball ingredients thrown at the contestants here, I personally love that there's no forced "seasonal flavor" expectation. On shows like Spring Baking Challenge, the expected flavors are rarely related to actual growing season (with the caveat that with produce moving around the world, any season is appropriate growing season), and there are stereotypes about wanting food related to "cold" or "rainy" or whatever weather that only fit for certain geographies. I feel like we get to see far more creativity both with flavors and with decorations here. Maybe I just don't like Nancy as a judge? :)
  20. I think the mispronunciation of Machete distracted me from getting Danny Trejo, and that made me sad.
  21. I’ve seen Jerry Rice in person at a fundraising event, but I didn’t recognize him at first.
  22. I am totally silly and went back to the vanilla meringue thing. Turns out I only heard Adina saying no and missed Nicole saying vanilla at the same time. I appreciate your keen ears!
  23. Did she even put vanilla in her meringue? My interpretation was that she said she didn't put any flavoring in it and the judge was saying even vanilla would have made it better.
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