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Everything posted by OrchidThief

  1. I like Marcus a lot, but I don't think design is his strong suit -- guessing he was wearing the Broken Heart logo as an ad, but it didn't really land well. His couple of eps working with clothing companies didn't seem to work. As for this episode, I just don't think cell phone cases are a great business idea. Phones come in so many different sizes and change every year. I know few people who have the little ring on the back or even use a case (I never have, not sure why they are necessary as they add bulk). I find the whole cell phone accessory market ridiculous, and you see high-end products of such in the $1 bin at TJ Maxx every day. But the woman was an idiot for putting in so much capital with virtually no equity. I'm hoping she wasn't romantically involved with Matt at some point, but it kinda smells like she was...and she put in a LOT. Matt reminded me of people who start fake nonprofits and just harvest their living expenses off the "non" profit. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what the two dissed partners come up with to pitch to Marcus in the future. The gal obviously doesn't have great business sense, but the guy does and it seems they'd work well together.
  2. I got the distinct idea that Nicole hadn't told Azan she was coming.
  3. I'm bawling! They were so sweet to thoroughly show us all the crew and staff, too.
  4. That made for a great "show, don't tell" moment where it was clear Amy was being treated like a brainless woman. I'm sure the producers were salivating; it made a great sound byte. And Amy is being very sensible about not pushing ahead her relationship when she has a terrific place to live...that has plenty of room for Chris later on.
  5. I'm beginning to think her IQ is on the par with her daughter's. I believe that's an "ugly-boob" dress.
  6. Next question...where on earth does one find a wedding-gown store stocking floor samples that size? REI? Apparently I've never been married (long and ludicrous story), but I've been in two wedding dresses. The first was for a humorous PR shoot in Poughkeepsie, and they stocked up to what seemed like a 12 (and Poughkeepsie ain't glamorous, but that was still the biggest) and I bought a size 6 -- that was cut more like a size 2, which I'm not anymore -- at a Monique L'huillier sample sale. Molly, Molly, Molly. I'm a native southerner, and that put-on, little-girly version of a southern accent makes my breakfast come back up. You don't have to put that act on to make people think you're stupid...we already caught on. How does she run a business? And what kind of lingerie business trip is in...KENTUCKY? Most textile mills are in states a bit farther south, in cotton country, and I'm not sure Kentucky is a thriving fashion center. Maybe there's a thong convention? I'm kinda liking Anfisa. She took the bull by the horns and has adapted very well to the US. Her language skills are terrific. Seemed the shrink caught on quickly to the real story, too. The Pao and Russ thing...thank goodness she wasn't preggers. The longer he stays with her, the farther his engineering cuh-REAR slips away. She is way more trouble than she's worth. He's truly looking like a moron. And now it feels like they've been in Colombia for an eternity. Isn't it time to return to Miami? And the red hair. It's far more difficult for redheads to book modeling/acting gigs than blondes/brunettes. A friend of mine landed a role back in the day on Falcon Crest, and that was a miracle as redheads are often overlooked.
  7. I'm wondering if Ashley herself puts her kids first...it seems like she's putting Humpty Dumpster first.
  8. Stacy is such a beautiful person, inside and out. And incredibly thoughtful!
  9. Fun, light, ladies' night, Jennifer and Lawren ! No matter what one's marital issues are, probably not the place to bring your spouse to wet-blanket the mood with that, and with confessions of suicide attempts...there must be a better way or event to clue in the neighbors, if it's even their business. Was this just to share the news (if so, why only the women, why were men not present)? Or is Lawren expecting to attend ladies' night in the future? I bet this buzzkill ended the get-togethers for awhile. They must know these people well enough to understand they wouldn't have a problem with it (and they clearly didn't have a problem with it), so there must be a better way. I don't see how Lawren's transgender identity needs to affect everyone around her...it smacks of the self-absorption seen in this show that other commenters have mentioned above.
  10. I think the pronoun "they" may be overstating it. How about "she?"
  11. Absolutely untrue. In a place like LA, it's incredibly competitive. I have a Stanford MA and also taught there, did great on the computer tests, and I couldn't get arrested in the temp market.
  12. I'm thinking she might be enough of a reality star to bring business *in* to a gun shop.
  13. Good lord. I live in Venice, Calif., where there's a pot dispensary on every corner. Good God, it's just armies of stoned zombies wandering into signposts around here. Pot is really not a good thing.
  14. Gotta say I'm impressed by the gun-shop transwoman's beauty techniques. She's got it together a lot better than most cis women like me! I wonder if, in a situation like this, the cis-wife (is that a word?) gets jealous. That said, even drugstore makeup and products add up financially pretty quick. These two have known each other since forever and I think they'll make it. Lucy doesn't seem comfortable with the work it takes to fix herself up. Guess what, transwomen, it's a lot of work to look good! Of course that was an extreme makeover for a party, but I wonder how she will fare in everyday life. The cis-wife is an engineer, so obviously very bright and high-earning, I think she might be happier if they split and Lucy can seek a new companion in the LGBTQ world. I'm a middleaged woman who's onboard the "I give up" express in terms of fixing myself up. So my heart goes out to the transwomen just now crossing the beauty routine threshold. I'm also a southerner, so Leslie's interaction with her small hometown warms my heart and I hope changes non-southerners' view of us...and maybe they'll see us as more inclusive than they thought.
  15. OrchidThief

    Chopped 2018

    I notice they've been cutting off the first "rap" portion of it. Bad rap won't attract black viewers, and rap in general won't attract middleaged white audiences. But I must say, Martha looks amazing...she's 76!
  16. I'm loath to say this, but is it possible she's on one of those sex webcam sites for "feeders," men who love to watch morbidly obese women eat?
  17. OrchidThief

    Chopped 2018

    I've always wondered about the anti-sugar hysteria.
  18. Well yes. If true, it's a lodging facility at her pastor grandfather's church, so that doesn't seem strange. I think it may be something on the grounds of grandpa's parish. Is that so weird?
  19. Can you elaborate? I see he was a Columbia prof but not sure how this fits in.
  20. Wait, what? Who is moving? I thought they were only at the cabin for four days.
  21. I doubt it, because he is divorced and remarried; also not wearing the attire. And if grandpa is the paternal one, he appears to be run of the mill Christian, not Amish. The IRS only communicates via postal mail, and I bet all other US government agencies are the same way. Otherwise there's just too much room for scamming.
  22. OrchidThief

    Chopped 2018

    OMFG. That jingle/"song"/sound assault is HORRIBLE! I'm a Grammy-voter musician who has listened to rap music cause I can vote in that category -- kind of astonishing that a middleaged white lady gets some of it, I can vote on it so went there -- but holy cow that is some bad, annoying shiz. The poor girl only knows one note, and has zero rhythm. Also, what audience are they trying to attract with that? I get that Martha Stewart has the cooking show with Snoop (and they can tell prison stories together) but it seems very fabricated and is going to leave white viewers turning up their noses. There's great rap and this is not it...gonna drive away the core audience. GAH.
  23. I assume they, and the Arizona couple trying to get preggers with the vasectomy, will be on next week.
  24. I'm constantly mystified how two blobs of fat are endlessly intriguing.
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