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Everything posted by OrchidThief

  1. Is that a thing with breast implants? I thought they sewed them back on in the right place. Maybe she has those stick-on silicon pasties -- I wear them with an unpadded bra to avoid nip outline.
  2. Those guy pals are very gentlemanly, classy, and obviously think straight. I would love to hang out with them! They must really like Michael to put up with that. The only sensible explanation is that he is gay. To put on that elaborate a wedding, his family must have considerable wealth and probably know he's gay and support his escape west. I am guessing he'll get a green card, pay off Laura for her trouble, and explore greener pastures in the US. If he hooked up with a more obviously compatible woman, he's have been more...on the hook. He knows he can't knock her up so he's safe there.
  3. The image of Tiffany stumping across the bridge like a beer keg on peg legs, terrified over falling into a foot-deep Koi pond is gonna keep me awake all night.
  4. Jenny is from Palm Springs, which is 150 miles from San Diego and wildly different in culture. California is a big state, the size of Italy plus another 1/4th of that. San Diego is a coastal city thrumming with biotech, Palm Springs is a desert community full of retirees and fun gay guys. Where did the San Diego reference originate?
  5. A lovely and entertaining man who counseled Laura before she left for Tunisia.
  6. That’s why they suggested egg donation. If you’ve got money, donor eggs and a uterus a post menopausal woman can become pregnant and carry to term. You can also buy fertilized embryos from couple who didn’t use all of theirs.
  7. Avery's got some well-earned tough love comin' her way. And I got the impression Teri washed her hands of it as she walked away and was in fact gloating that her kid was going to get what she asked for. I don't think Teri's going to bail her out.
  8. I hope that TLC just hires a lookalike in Ukraine. I am loving the travel aspect of this show and would love to see the country!
  9. Me too! And the "You're an alcoholic" BS is such a hackneyed old male control trick.
  10. I'm unmarried, no kids. But I've noticed this phenom. Men get so insistent on joint custody, then when they get it really don't want it. Meanwhile, the poor kid is getting bounced between two homes and probably forgets schoolbooks, gear, whatever is needed for the day.
  11. I'm of the school of thought that Laura could do MANY cosmetic things for the price of her international trip that would shore her up for stateside romance. I did! Now I don't even want any romance (thus the mirror selfie), but I feel better. Age 58 at my 40th reunion for an arts high school; it was quite the assemblage of unidentifiable people! I was a pudgy nerd then. I wonder what Laura looked like? .
  12. I was trying to answer Mu Shu’s observation (but somehow my iPad isn’t highlighting text) that people generally don’t have a second child 20 years later. Men do it all the time! And Penn Jillette, of the comedy/magic duo Penn and Teller has a full sister 23 years older! A friend of mine was born when her mother was 54 (surprise!) and did not die for another 44 years. So it does happen, though doubtful in these two cases. Is it possible that Arabic men know that little about reproductive biology and age? Or is it part of the game to satisfy their scheme? As for Tiffsters, depending on how far along she is and how quickly she returns to the states, she has, er...options for handling or ending the pregnancy. Not that I’m encouraging that, just mentioning.
  13. I found this online:”A distinctive feature of Portuguese is that it preserved the stressed vowels of Vulgar Latin, which other Romance languages diphthongized; cf. Fr. pierre, Sp. piedra, Port. pedra, from Lat. petra; or Sp. fuego, It. fuoco, Port. fogo, from Lat. focum.” https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~rwest/wikispeedia/wpcd/wp/p/Portuguese_language.htm If this extends to Colombian SPanish, it would also explain Vegas girl’s “Colt-EEEE” syndrome
  14. There’s quite a population of asexual people in the world, that’s a possibility. He is oddly proportioned, and as a small guy — like one of my very shy relatives — he’s probably had a difficult time asserting himself with women.
  15. We have no idea if Omar was ever in college or studied dentistry. From his smug face upon achieving ownership of Avery, I’d say neither. Girl, you are dumb.
  16. Watch again. He packed the leftovers in his enormous suitcase.
  17. I’m guessing Omar already has at least one wife? He truly looked like the cat that ate the canary once he procured ownership of Avery. LMAO.
  18. Big Ang’s now got the pregnancy procedure backwards. Yes, she can carry a baby. No, she cannot provide an egg. Idiot.
  19. Apropos Rebecca’s “investigation...” I had a PI run my details and the report didn’t list one single W-2 job I’d actually held and listed several I hadn’t. They are completely unreliable.
  20. For those who interpret Tim as being somewhat femme, I think it’s simply a matter of odd proportions — and the side-shaved haircut isn’t the best for his head size and shape. There was an earlier photo of him with uniform-length hair that looked quite good. He is obviously not trans, as his voice is very deep. The other feature that’s been overlooked is that he has extremely thick, lush, eyelashes, which contributes to the look everyone’s questioning.
  21. MamaDrama just posted her condition. It sounds like the doctors have located the problem and they will probably treat her there until it’s resolved. But she is better, safe, and in good spirits!
  22. Hello All! Our pal MamaDrama just sent out a FB post from her phone. She didn’t share details of her condition, but she is operational as a human! Still in the hospital. Will share when she says more.
  23. OMG, please send my thoughts and prayers with everyone else's. Can you update when you get a minute? TYIA I only know this because she posted from the ambulance and her very extraordinary and brave son Sam (age 6 or eight) posted on FB that someone needed to take his dad to the hospital, which is quite far away. His grandmother is with him and his sister. So far that is all I know. I unfortunately live 2000 miles away but we have become good online friends. I’ll post the second I hear anything. She already had one stroke and was scheduled for some sort of head surgery — this happened when she was driving her son to a med appt of his own and he called 911 when she was stricken. This is one smart little boy.
  24. Is it possible Jenny has a touch of early Alzheimer’s?
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