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Everything posted by OrchidThief

  1. Our pension (union musicians) is going down the tubes too. Not happy at all. It's a two-way street. I can't blame her for bleeding someone dry who is too dumb to see it and stick up for himself. This is true with the union musicians' pension, at age 80.
  2. Run, Ben, RUN! But not nearly as fun to watch as Pole.
  3. Wow, Tom pawned the Ferrari to buy such an extravagant micro-CZ ring.
  4. Emma says Tom will never be a kept man. Does she not know the meaning of that phrase, or does she think Darcy is wealthy? Is Avery's Lebanese marriage binding in the US?
  5. Not sure what "out of the blow" and "cteated" mean. Can you elaborate?
  6. Anything she can scrape up. Look, Africans around her are not ponying it up (at her advanced age) so they're hitting on Americans. They found one! I fail to believe these families can land this bride price where no one in the area makes any money at all. Could you explain further? It is incredibly unlikely. If every "poor" woman in Nairobi finds a rich guy, that seems a bit out of balance, yes? But thanks for the input, Fidel!
  7. Imagine looking at a transparent slide backwards, through the opposite side. Everything is on the other side. That's what a selfie does.
  8. I carpool for work often, and ordered barf bags on Amazon so we're never up barf creek without a paddle. In the glove compartment, barfbag organizer. She has what a certain "woke" crowd calls a "front hole." Second time he's seen one.
  9. It disappeared on me! We west coasters are schumuck outta luck! What is it about Akinyi that Ben loves? Someone please tell me. He’s choosing her before his son? She looks like a sceamer that will make his life miserable. This is clearly a family scam that gets repeated monthly. They find a guy who has almost no money, scrapes together $10K or whatever, she disappears, and he isn't able to return to find his "true love." That's six figures a year, in KENYA!
  10. I feel I'm reading the EPA page on Superfund sites, somehow.
  11. I would assume Darcy arrived "pre-seasoned." And although many social dance events *do* operate like this -- men asking a different partner each time -- it is very rude to bring someone who doesn't know how to do it, on the premise of a date! This happened to me with swing dancing and I ended up a weepy wallflower all night as I didn't know any of the steps. The one nerd who wanted to teach me the basic step kept snarling at me to "listen to the beat!" (I have been a professional musician for 48 years...) There's quite a history of brother/sister ice dancing and ice skating pairs teams. You KNOW he's going to expect her to do ALL the housework and childcare and then shame her for not working when of course she can't yet (he sure can't feed another mouth).
  12. https://honeycolor.com/cosplay-contact-lenses/anime-contacts
  13. That whining of Akinyi's -- like a petulant toddler -- will get old fast, Ben. Either she's spoiled rotten by her parents, is developmentally disabled, or the family has some elaborate scam. I would think it easy to do the non-legally-binding "bride price, now you're married," thing, he flies home, and she is never heard from again. They could easily knock out one or more of those a month.
  14. Could be true, although my iPhoneX corrects that and flips the image. And though unlikely, it could be a slide reproduced from the back.
  15. I am a mean girl and am still somewhat embarrassed I enjoyed that. Tom turned into the boy picking wings off flies there for a minute, but oh, she deserved it at least a little.
  16. Can't imagine anything about Rebecca is remotely interesting. She "dated" a woman, whatever that means. She's still married to Moroccan love-rat, so what, blah. She sticks GPS thingies on the undercarriage of cars (spoiler alert -- you stick them on the wheel well without getting prone. Maybe she has Tourettes! Which would splain the twisted jowls when trying to summon up nonexistent brain cells. And she manages some fast food restaurant! All so shocking. Pluck.
  17. I think they are perfect for each other! Scam-O-Rama times two.
  18. I guess she doesnt need that DNA test as they are married as another poster pointed out. I forgot they had married I think the point is that if she was pregnant by a man in the US *before* arriving in SA, Ronald should not be financially liable for a child that isn't his, even though they are legally married. And many posters here commented that she seemed to be more far along than she claimed. I'm not sure how it would work legally in terms of international law, but DNA results can be emailed, I would assume. If it's not his, he should not be on the hook, and our welfare system in the US might pick up at least some of her costs. She may be way ahead of us in terms of scamming the system.
  19. Don't forget the dog- the cuteness factor multiplies! Agree with all the above! This show is giving us a new and different angle into seeing other cultures (with *some* of the subjects) and I'm enjoying that. The family Jihoon is delightful and welcoming, and despite Devean's strangeness, I must say she has a certain something to be barreling ahead with all this. We're all so different and have unique attributes. I love that we got to see the traditional wedding attire, the headdress was especially beautiful and suited her. I think this is a lesson in, go ahead and do it, you'll figure it out!
  20. Because he’s a kid. That is what kids do. He shouldn’t have been involved in the first place. We lived abroad when I was eight. My mother would not have put up with that in a hot second, and I knew how to behave properly at that age. He should too. He is old enough.
  21. What is wrong with wearing contacts? A huge proportion of the population -- including me -- does so in order to see clearly.
  22. If you missed the tell all preview, but please turn it off after the preview to avoid spoilers (about halfway through)
  23. Totally confused. The boy, Daniel, was very unhappy, so his mother is taking him home to the US, which is what he wanted. Now he's throwing a class-A whiny meltdown. Why? I thought he wanted to go home.
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