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Everything posted by OrchidThief

  1. I face this all the time (left NC in 78 but went back every eight weeks until my parents died last year). The bias against us is quite unbelievable. I ghosted a friend when he went into a diatribe about southern bigots after the Charlottesville incident a couple years back -- which was perpetrated by white supremicists from OREGON. Argh. Honestly, she seems not quite right in the head...developmentally disabled, perhaps. That older son is really impressive. He's going places.
  2. That southerners are not necessarily developmentally challenged. It was some dumbass comment about how people from Appalachia are idiots.
  3. Yes, Mamadrama is. And guess what? The Appalachian mountains have not vaporized! They are *literally* still there! My hometown, baby.
  4. Hmm. I’ve only owned stick shift cars for the last 43 years and rarely have run across anyone else who can drive one. How on earth is being able to drive a stick “childish,” now?
  5. Sorry I’m old and too stupid to understand the lingo. What does “on 10” mean? And “15?”
  6. So let's have sex that isn't in any way gratifying, pop out a kid in unbellieveable pain when you forgot to go to college to make a living, and then have to pay for the spud for the next two decades? Girls, you're not exactly representing us well.
  7. Are we still actually talking about literal glass jars here...or something more? I got this item for my very elderly mother after my dad died. Electric jar opener. Works great. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/black-decker-lids-off-automatic-jar-opener-black/7326832.p?skuId=7326832&ref=212&loc=BM01&gclsrc=aw.ds&ds_rl=1260672&ds_rl=1266837&ds_rl=1260441&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3OPPqfWN5gIVkLfsCh13EwdbEAAYAiAAEgJhyvD_BwE
  8. I don't get it at all, and I'm in the TV business. There were two different houses, two different plots, it seems to have been a massive production error.
  9. Kate's alone a lot because Toby works full-time and Kate's a SAHM. What on earth is SAHM?
  10. I was mystified by this and think it was a production goof. Why were there two different houses? What is showing?
  11. Are they dangerous? Or just unsightly? I'm not prone to moles, but friends who are give me the impression you're better off leaving any benign ones alone.
  12. They should have a tell all with just the kids this season. Honestly, both Mursel and Anna seem developmentally challenged, as does Mommy Anna. The kids' father must be pretty terrific, because the oldest son is impressive. Can I adopt him?
  13. Also, the clerk was quite charming and obviously compromised and trying very hard. I hope she gets a launch into something better off the show. I liked her! Safe to say the moms are picking up all the cost.
  14. Oh pul-leese. It was a TRACTOR calendar.
  15. Thank you! I was wondering that last night, too: Little Miss Social Warrior Who Needs Spelling Lessons: Can you even pop that champagne? I wanted the damn cork to go into someone'e eye (sorry I had to say it.) There was a railing right behind them, so I bet the paid a restaurant for their patio seating area -- before the restaurant was open for the day. Also obviously that wasn't a random janitor...if I were a producer, I'd definitely write him sweeping up the rose petals into the script!!
  16. Agree wholeheartedly. And there's no equivalent word for the men. Lots of gay men use it too, but generally in a joking sense.
  17. And pot's not even legal in Nebraska! Pretty sure TLC just hired a random Ukrainian for the tell-all
  18. The fake Ukranian who stood up jug-eared Cesar in Mexico.
  19. There actually seems there's a fetishist culture out there regarding beekeepers. https://www.wussymag.com/all/2019/5/22/7-other-professions-to-fetishize-instead-of-cops
  20. I bet he can find off-the-books cash work (catering bartender, construction, etc). Guy seems pretty entrepreneurial.
  21. Hahahahahahahaha right? It's not a language barrier, it's a decibel thing 😂 And it also helps if you repeat...it...slowly...so...they...will...understand Yeah, Russian ESL girl does the thing of some ambiguous accent (in English) and truncating words "T?" instead of simply, "tea" so the "idiot foreigners" can understand.
  22. She is much like my brother...talented, smart, but refuses to work and mooches off everyone else.
  23. Now I'm just being silly, but overnight flights are all eastbound because of the time change (leave at midnight, get in morning; opposite way you arrive not long after you leave as the clock spins backwards). Not nitpicking, except for picking at my red eyes for moving as far away from my family as overnight flights can take me. It's nice westbound because you leave at dinnertime and get in the same night in time for a nice after-dinner port two-buck chuck with your 90DF tape.
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