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Everything posted by Opine

  1. I don't think she is related. I think she was a local TV broadcaster and met Kelly in the early days and got on the panel. I think she loves being on the panel and will do anything to stay - including getting teary-eyed over VK. And just to clarify, I don't think VK deserved to make the team either year. But I do think that pile of blonde hair, big teeth and long American thigh (as Kelly says) are HD worthy. Honestly, if they had not put her in TC in year 2 and brought her in a 3rd time (and she didn't gain 11 pounds or fall out of turns) many of us would have been ok with her.
  2. Oh and a little ass kissing (Brenda's nose is so far up Kelly's ass it is RIDICULOUS) and judge intimidation (Scott, who was our hero the season before suddenly thought she was awesome? ridiculous).
  3. Well, it's particularly confusing now that there is a baby.....
  4. The episode blogs will be no spoilers.
  5. Absolutely. I really think Charlotte told Kelly it was time to ditch Kat. Kelly picked one of her henchmen (Brenda) and told her to handle it. Brenda went way overboard in an effort to impress Kelly. So far overboard that even Kelly called her out on it. It was absurd. Just quietly cut the girl for pity's sake! Also, I understand that in my corporate world or Brenda's TV world, that dress wouldn't have been appropriate. But, hey Brenda!! Are you reading this???? Showing up to be ON SCREEN with no makeup on like you did (was it last year?) is also inappropriate! The DCCs and TCCs can't even practice looking like that!
  6. New category: TCCs that I hope are reading these boards and know that after all of these years, we support and love them and think that they got the shaft: Auto Amy - agree her cut was the only time I ugly cried. That girl did EVERYTHING and more that they wanted - except make her legs longer (see the mean Kelly comment) Meghan - the girl with the gorgeous body and face, the girl who could dance at Holly P levels, the girl Kelly made up an unfortunate word to describe her body (again, see the mean Kelly comment) Hey you two!!! You will probably have a little trauma for the rest of your lives, but remember this - you got treated horribly by Kelly, but it gave you a HUGE fan base amongst the real fans. We all want only the best for you!
  7. While neither impressed me, Amelia may have not gone full out in a garage. Who came up with that????
  8. I don't like Angela and Skyla on PT at all, but I will take them ANY DAY over Tom and Porkpie. What's with his new hair? Between the cut, the curls and the oil - is he trying to look like a girl? And the girl glasses? I never like him but that sure didn't help! Darc, you got lucky that he dumped you. And don't get me started on Porkpie. OMG!! I am a bigger girl, but she can barely stop from sliding off the couch those pillow thighs are so huge. But the crowning glory on my list of reasons to dump them FOREVER was her response to Tom's question. Tom: What kind of people are these people? Porkpie: Americans (annoying British guffaw here) Hello PORKIE, Americans are your audience. Maybe you should stuff some more food in your mouth and STFU.
  9. "Don't do shit you can't do" - Kitty Carter
  10. Didn't care for that. I am not a dancer. But, TO ME, she struggles as much here as she did with two awesome dancers. She has to stop and position before she spins, her leaps are too low, and she all put fell in that ending. Also, there were a couple of points that I felt really called for some pop (pulling her arms in to her waist) that she just moved through. I see others have like this dance, but IMHO, no. This one shouldn't have been shared.
  11. I am struggling but it is because of this lockdown on info. Last year, we got to go through the whole TCC process with them as it happened with day by day leaks, etc. Then we got to actually get to know the girls before the show started via social media so it was SOOOOO much more exciting! Yet, with all of our knowledge, those who wanted to be non-spoiled still could. As I see it, by locking down the info, they have successfully killed the excitement with the people who truly care (us!) in order to make 100% sure that the random fans are unspoiled. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Now, when we do see it, they will likely be so masked up that I can't even tell them apart. TPTB have really hurt themselves with obviously stupid marketing decisions.
  12. IKR???? I swear if they were in the US I would report them to the humane society. That little brat is going to hurt that poor pup.
  13. Well, I had a C-section and it definitely effected my initial bonding. Of course I had been induced, gone through 15 hours of labor, the kiddo crowned and wouldn't fit with forceps or anything, so they had to rush me into the OR and pull said kiddo back up the birth canal (the epidural had worn off and I felt it all), so I was a wee bit tired. When they brought that sweet smelling bundle to me, I was just like yeah yeah take him away and let me SLEEP!!!!
  14. Or, they could have been being a little snotty because not once did Ari or Bini make any effort to lift the baby up and let them see.....(or was I just falling asleep and didn't notice?)
  15. I am not and never have been a dancer. But Lisa has to stop before she twirls (don't know any tech words!!! 🙂 ) to get her balance. Even I can see that the decent dancers don't have to do that. They should never have put Lisa with Gina. It just wasn't fair. Now, let me think, who could have held their own against Gina? VK? no Savannah? no Oh, Hannah! Yeah, let's put Hannah in with Gina. Oh wait.......
  16. Lisa was def outdanced! Gina is the teacher, B is her A+ student and Lisa is the new kid who just started today. 🙂
  17. Colt the dolt. I can't even with him. Colt with the moobs and the pigeon-toed flat feet and the big ass and the pasty white skin.......ugggghhh. Tthat guy is disturbing. He is so out of touch with reality. Sorry, dude. No one wants your pics. No one gets hot for your pics. Most women aren't really turned on by those types of pics unless they are from someone that they actively love. We'd rather see a ripped 6 pack with a little oil, am I right??? I am bothered that he is so far out of touch with reality that he thinks he is desirable to anyone. I am beginning to wonder if this isn't going to end up at a criminal level............
  18. And don't have names which is annoying.....
  19. Who are you? Just kidding. I feel the same way. I still think she needs a hairbrush, though.
  20. So, feeling kind of snarky over this whole team announcement. To me, there are two groups of people in the DCCCMTT world. The PT/FB group who follow the team and the people and also watch the show. And then there are those that just watch the show. Our first group, we care! We form feelings and emotions about the girls and the circumstances that cause them to make it or not. Let those poor girls announce they made it to us and their fam & friends! That second group, the just watch the show gang, we don't need to hide the spoilers from them. If they don't care enough to come here or FB, they don't care enough. If they find out a few spoilers, it won't ruin the show for them or for us. Let these poor girls announce!!!!! So the average DCC stay is probably around 2.5 years (I know one of you lovelies has that calculated :)). The show this season doesn't come out until sometime in October and it will be a short season, so these poor girls will spend half a season or 20% of their DCC career hiding that they are a DCC???? That sucks. That's mean. That's stupid. Kelli, girl, that is immature and RIDICULOUS.
  21. VK's got Kelli's long, lean American thigh going on! She really does look slim.
  22. I am a part of that particular FB group. I agree that they shouldn't just come over here and steal and not give credit. Plus it is a big old waste of my time to see everything twice. But in this particular case, the poster that attended the game specifically asked that her stuff not be copied over here. She explained her fears, and I personally didn't agree with them. But I would still always respect someone that specifically asked that something not be copied. It's a fun group, you should go join!
  23. OMG!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the laughs. Someone in my house is getting a BitchAss, SlutAss whore magnet this Christmas. I was surprised there wasn't more Darcy, You Never Loved Me! merch.
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