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Everything posted by Kazu

  1. It was posted a short time back that it appeared she had lip work done on the upper lip. I think the discussion is a few pages back. I agree, I think she got Botox and maybe some kind of filler. I think a filter was also used for the photo. Compare this photo to how she looks in the image above where she is sitting on the couch: Here is the photo that sparked that discussion: Tyler is also losing a lot of weight. So, him being next to her will no doubt make her appear larger.
  2. Good for you. I think you did what many people DON'T bother to do - they don't see the long term of being in such a relationship. If only the people on this franchise would take a moment to think about the future, they might have saved themselves a lot of heartache. They would also keep their children from being exposed to these part-time lovers. Being in a relationship with someone who has a newborn or a young child is so different than being in a relationship with someone who is child-free. We are watching it play out in front of our eyes how having a child and being in a relationship brings forth a lot of issues not only for the adults involved, but the children as well.
  3. With Vee bowing out of the show after this season, we might not see Jo anymore. That leaves Javi who is more than willing to be in front of the cameras. I hope you are right. Keep them fingers crossed. That sound you hear is Kanal's ass exploding from all that anger seething inside of her.
  4. Back in the early seasons, Kanal mentioned having acquired an STD and as usual, she blamed Jo. But Jo was quick to pin it on her and whoever she had been with as he denied having any STD. At that time she had been with Jordan. He also dismissed the accusation and I remember him giving her the side-eye, which only left the obvious - Kanal had been with another dude. Or dudes. She is a hard-core puta. Javi is an idiot and a puto. Another baby? ? Another storyline for MTV to salivate over.
  5. Briana's plastic surgery was free. She did not pay for it. Also, she is not receiving the same six figures as the rest of the cast.
  6. It's is Tuesday evening. How are all of you doing @mamadrama? I barely read your post right now. I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I know that feeling of trying to decide whether you should go to the ER or not. I think many of us are ready to take our family members in a heartbeat, but when it comes to our own health, we tend to hold off.
  7. I see Baby Huey is trying to grab some $$$ or freebies from the companies he mentioned in his post. Why do people post "Happy" re Memorial Day? I kept seeing that on various posts on Facebook. Do people post "Happy Pearl Harbor Day"?
  8. She's had that ten pound look on her face due to eating seven pound quesadillas for quite some time. If she had LOST weight in her face, then I would notice. This is her a year ago. No difference.
  9. I am excited for you @lovesnark! Sitting here like an impatient aunt. :-)
  10. Thank you!! Yes, yes, and yes! @FairyDusted*PPP* Heads up.
  11. No one has a perfect life. If her life was so perfect, she wouldn't be dealing with a deadbeat who owes her more than $10k in child support and who files court motions to fight her every step of the way. Not that Cole or Chelsea mind, but Adumb not paying support means they are financially responsible for his portion. He is also a meth addict. Surely not the kind of thing a perfect family has to deal with. Thank god for small favors. It gives me a break from the rest of the heifers of both TM shows who freely share their drama, sex lives, and criminal behavior for MTV. I also can watch her children live in a happy home unlike most of the kids on the show. Yeah, it's called holding up her end of the contract. They all are getting paid, not just Chelsea. Other than the reunion debacle, what bullshit is she exposing her family to? Her screen time is not filmed with any of the rest of the cast members. You inferred her family life is perfect and nothing much is happening. I am confused as to what it is her family is being exposed to? Surely it can't be anything worse than dealing with a dead-beat meth addict who drags her ass to court only to not show up. I guess everyone has a price. I would never be on a reality show. And this is Chelsea's fault? Don't watch them. :-) I don't. I fixed it for you.
  12. That's because the puta is used to backing that huge thing up next to every single guy she meets at the club. She then backs it up in the bedroom. She is not used to actually having to look at guys in their face.
  13. Mother Pillses ?????? @druzyadd this to the Leah thread title list. Are we making one for her?? Or he thought he was not the father since Kanal is a dick-hopper. lol
  14. They mistakenly posted Cory instead of Germy.
  15. You should be screaming at how you look NOW. You look like a big, fat, lump of silicone. Puta silicone. lol I wish I could have been there with you when you said it. I would have joined you. :-) The word puta fits Kwale like a glove. A giant glove. Isaac and Lincoln look like their fathers in many ways. Lincoln is the spitting image of Javi's dad. Chris once posted a photo of himself when he was a baby (see below). It is clear Suds has Kanal's looks, which is unfortunate.
  16. I had read her show was going to become more political during the second season. This was not a revival. This was Roseanne using a beloved show to use as her platform. I am sorry for the rest of the cast, particularly Michael Fishman, who seemed so excited and happy to be on the show again and have a chance to be in front of the camera again.
  17. Fully agree. I was taken back to the time when Barb informed Jenelle about Jace's outbursts in school and the time he hit Barb in her face. Jenelle didn't even raise a stink or have any cares about his tendencies to have moments where his anger was out of control. That was when Barb talked about Jace and his need for medications. Jenelle didn't have a problem back then about his need for meds. It wasn't until DF#2 was in the picture and suddenly, there was Jenelle on the war path (again) with trying to make Barb look like she was not capable of raising Jace and how she should have custody. That was when she made a big ol' stink about Jace seeing a psychiatrist and what meds was he taking. That was the scene with the people watching her and Barb in the parking lot. Then, there was the alcohol issue where the Dumb Fucks tried to capture Barb drunk on camera and claim she was driving the kids while under the influence. This time around, it is trying to lay claim that Barb is an abuser. All roads lead back to Dumb Fuck#1 trying to smear Barb's reputation while manipulating Jace into informing her when his grandmother is "abusing" him in the hopes that she can "win" and get Jace back in her custody.
  18. The professional, Dr. Tsao, has stated numerous times Ali should be using her motorized scooter most of the time. He also stated she should be wearing her helmet and knee pads when she is NOT using her scooter. Ali, an 8 year old, should not have a decision over what is in her best interest, especially a choice that affects her health long term. Would Leah allow her child to call the shots if she didn't want to take her needed daily medication? Would Leah allow Ali to decide if she should wear her glasses or not? If Ali were to be undergoing orthodontic care, would Ali get to decide if she wants to wear her retainer or not? Leah and company are failing this child and her health is paying the price.
  19. All I kept thinking was, either she really wanted Dom to let her know what their arrangement was because Kanal wanted to hear from HER that they were dating and not just fuck buddies or Kanal was just amping up her usual stupidity which came off worse than a 12 year old girl who has been kissing the neighborhood boy and trying to figure out if the boy really likes her. Dom's name kept reminding me of Dom from RW Los Angeles/Venice/California - which one did you call it? @lovesnark I don't remember exactly what was said, but I do remember the reason given for why Jace has a phone in a previous season. My recollection was that Barb gave him the phone because when she would call Jenelle's phone so she could talk to Jace, Jenelle wouldn't answer. Don't hold me to it, but that is what is in my memory bank. Gracie and Ali - siblings. Poor Gracie was accused of something by Leah right off the bat. Leah didn't see what happened. Ali fell back after trying to hold onto the book that Gracie was trying to take from her. What scared me was seeing what appeared to see Ali hitting her head on the floor. Gracie did immediately ask Ali if she was alright right after she fell and she was reaching for her to help pick her up, but Ali kicked her and caused her to fall back. Leah better get her shit together and stop relying on the other parent to handle the shit she should be dealing with in her home. It wasn't even something she needed to call Cory about if she had just taken the time to figure out what exactly happened.
  20. Selfish, stupid puta...oh how I wish that could be Kwhale's thread title. It is PERFECT!
  21. Oooooh you are taking me back with that MD reference.??
  22. Sadly, she used "like" because it has become the norm to say it after every other word when speaking. All of these girls use "like" far too often. ?
  23. Our schools offer all children the supplies they need if money is an issue. That includes school supplies and project supplies. Access to computers is also available. @Bridget Again, I wish there were more educators like you. I agree, a bit more could have gone into Isaac's project. At the very least a two paragrah summary of Ford's contribution to the world. Perhaps the teacher did not ask for much.
  24. Why did I think she was going to talk about DF#2? I read, "He's like, not stable" and immediately thought of DF#2's unstable and violent ass. Oh, Adam. Forgot about his unstable and violent ass.
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