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Everything posted by Kazu

  1. Bwhahahaha This cracked me up! Eggsley when she is an older lady:
  2. So Mr. Bourdain may have committed suicide on Wednesday evening?
  3. Really???? OMG ???? I am dancing around like Kathy Bates in the film Misery when she finds out Misery Chastain is brought back to life. Puta lives!!!
  4. Thank you for posting. I am setting up my DVR. I have recorded on discs his No Reservations show and many episodes of Parts Unknown. I want to record more episodes of Parts Unknown that previously aired. If you come across any specials, can you post here? Thank you.
  5. And what actions deserve a response like "grow up"? That comment is better suited towards the abusive prick who can't bother to grow up, be responsible, and pay his overdue $10k child support. Any parent who has a continuous issue with drugs, a pattern of arrests, is an abuser who continues to violate TROs, and who has violated probation and court orders numerous times, and has put his child in perilous situations (not using seat belt for example) is likely going to find themselves in court by the other parent. This is not something Chelsea does for shits and giggles. I dealt with many single parents who dealt with a parent like Adam back when I worked as a paralegal. Those are the kind of actions that warrant a visit to court to curtail visitation and request supervised visitation. Chelsea REQUESTED visitation take place at the Lind's home because she did not want it to occur at the supervised visitation center.
  6. Very rarely do I cry at the loss of a well-known figure. Anthony is part of a small group that includes, but not limited to, John Lennon, Princess Diana, and Lucille Ball. Peace Mr. Bourdain. I miss you already. I know you are with your friend, Carlos. ❤
  7. Oh lordy lord. That is my guy! I remember after we were in a car accident, we went to meet with our attorneys to prepare for the deposition. We were suing the other driver. I dreaded it. I knew my spouse wasn't going to be able to just answer "yes" or "no" questions. He has to give long ass answers. This is what he says a lot when we have a conversation - "Let me explain..." Me: "No dude!!! I ain't got time for your essay shit. I kid you not, I do say that to him. This is an example of what he says: "You know that guy I worked with ten years ago? The one who lived in that blue house on the corner in the valley? He owns that old Corvette. His wife went to school with you. I think her name is Sarah. She used to know your brother." Me: "Does any of that have anything to do with what you are going to tell me?" Him: "No." Me: "Then just get to the point!" Fuck!!! Leah bugs me the same way with her gibberish. lol I am going to use that next time it happens. And it will happen.
  8. My husband's long lost twin? ? ?
  9. Absolutely. He also called Aubree a bastard. I am fuming just thinking about it.
  10. @hottesthw Chelsea did go to court numerous times. The courts didn't see Adumb as a danger to Aubree. The courts have to have something egregious in order to determine a parent is unfit. A parent just can't walk into a courtroom and demand a parent's rights be stripped or denied without something tangible that a judge would deem is a safety issue. Adumb also had the money to hire an attorney. If he didn't have that going for him, the circumstances would have been different, I am sure. It was only recently that a judge finally ordered Adumb was to have SUPERVISED visitation. Still, his rights as a parent remain intact. Also, the Linds (who have their own rights) have violated the court order by allowing Adumb to be alone with Aubree, something that was ordered long ago. Chelsea has made this an issue, but again, the courts have control. So with that, I continue with my stance that Adumb's parents are POS. Chelsea did take Adumb for child support. She even went to court when he didn't pay it. Excuse me for asking, but do you watch the show? Not being snarky, I am truly asking because the things you ask and mention have been discussed in length on the show and here. Maybe you are asking because you forgot?
  11. MY EYES!!!!!!!!! Not Beauty and The Beast.
  12. When I go on vacation this year, I am going to tweet and hashtag the hell out of shit: #sunscreenfromCostco #AAAtravel #dentalflossfromWalmart #shortsfrommydresser #whogivesashit? #saveKaiser #ThePreverts #FuckYouKailandthechaos
  13. To be fair, many of us have posted the same thing about Barb. Barb hasn't gotten off easy or been ignored. She has been criticized and the same thing has been said that it would be better for her and Jace to remove themselves from the show, especially when his own therapy sessions were being mentioned by Jenelle and Barb. For the most part, Barb does give it her best when it comes to Jace. Is there room for improvement? Sure, there always is with any parent. Currently, Leah has made her child's therapy her story line. She will now go through the wringer. That doesn't exclude the fact that Leah loves her children or that she isn't doing right by them, but there is a lot of room for improvement particularly with the motorized wheelchair issue. I will judge the fuck outta Adumb's mom for eternity. There is no defense or excuse whatsoever for someone to side with anyone, even their own child, for being an abusive prick. Breaking a girlfriend's arm and violating a restraining order more than once? Yeah, fuck that shit. Adumb's mom is a POS. @guilfoyleatpp yes, the vasectomy and removing himself from the show is a plus. It doesn't negate the fact he is an abusive asshole and always has been in my eyes regardless of what some people seem to think. Domestic abuse doesn't happen overnight. Adumb was always abusive to Chelsea. Just not in the way that most people think of domestic violence. It was verbal and mentally abusive. He did the same to Aubree, and is still doing it in various forms.
  14. My daughter's friend committed suicide. She left behind a little boy. When I informed an acquaintance, they said something similar about how can a parent kill themselves and leave behind children. It was extremely hard for me to not react in an angry fashion. I hear similar comments about victims of domestic violence such as, "Why do they keep having kids if they are in an abusive relationship?" Burns me up. I chalk it up to ignorance for the most part, but other times it comes off so fucking judgmental. I can understand the not understanding part, many people question something they don't really know much about. Long, long time ago I didn't get it either. But I educated myself and learned to read up on it and I asked professionals about suicide. With Google at one's disposal, there is no reason for a twatwaffle and puttana (thank you Druzy) to be so damn stupid and ignorant. STFU Briana you stinkin', greasy ho. This isn't the first time Briana has posted some stupid shit. What was it? I forgot. Help @druzy.
  15. Word! We don't even know what the Linds look like after all these years. We don't know anything about the Linds except what an asshole son they have. He has gotten paid while declining to film for the most part. A majority, if not all, that MTV money has gone towards his own benefit, not that of the child he helped bring into the world. Cole has been in Aubree's life for such a short amount of time and has given so much of himself in so many ways that exceeds and will continue to exceed anything Adumb and his parents will ever give to Aubree.
  16. That's the problem. Her body is man-made. It is not natural. It is hard to work with something that is abnormal. Kanal was fine in her younger days after she had Isaac. Now, she is the embodiment of what you don't want do or end up looking like when you get tattoos, implants, injections, fat transfer, and veneers.
  17. Thanks. I will set my DVR.
  18. Bolded: Exactly! Leah rambles on and on and it bugs the shit outta me. I can't imagine being Gracie and having to hear her mother as she goes on and on. Just reading Leah's long tweets is fucking annoying. As a matter of fact, I do in a way know what that is like as my husband tends to give these speeches and essays when talking to me. I can't tell you how many times I have to say, "Get to the point."
  19. I loved all his shows. I recorded many, many episodes of his shows on discs so I could enjoy watching them again. One of my favorite episodes of No Reservations featured him in Mexico. I later found out that his dear friend and fellow chef from his New York days, who was featured in that episode, passed away. This is an article on that friend: https://ny.eater.com/2015/2/12/8027549/anthony-bourdains-successor-at-les-halles-chef-carlos-llaguno-morales Anthony and Carlos are together again. I am sure his old shows will be airing this week.
  20. I beg to differ. That child's soul has been damaged due to the years her mother was dick-hopping and addicted to pillses. She has also dealt with two divorces in her short life. Children of divorce can be scarred. The way I see it, Gracie is not hearing what Leah has to say because the stuff that Leah doles out is not interesting to her child. I am an adult and I wasn't interested in hearing it. It came off like lip service. The other problem I saw was, Leah dishes out way too much for her child to soak in. It is blabbering. I was informed by my child's therapist a few years ago that my husband and I need to keep things simple. Keep it short and sweet. A child's attention span is not like an adult's and they have a different way of comprehending what they are being told. Leah is the one who needs to learn how to read her child's body language and demeanor. She needs to stop talking AT her and talk with her child. There is a lot Gracie has had to deal with in her short life. Just my view. Yes, Jeremy's stance was more genuine and sincere. You could feel the anger within him, especially when he mentioned he has friends who are gay. It wasn't one of those claims like people throw out after making a racist comment - "I have black friends." Jeremy also doesn't have a history with DF#2 the way Nathan does. Nathan seeking to fight DF#2 is more about his own personal agenda.
  21. Those precious eyes. It is as if he is trying so hard to get someone to love him. Come here, Kaiser. I want to hug you and let you know you are loved.
  22. Anthony Bourdain...Nooooooooo! I am devastated.
  23. I remember that scene. But since the court hearing when Nathan requested and received the order that only he and Jenelle should communicate with one another re Kaiser, I just figured she would communicate through her phone. Nathan should not be receiving any texts from Dumb Fuck 2 at all. Going by Nathan's girlfriend's post, it reads as though DF2 is texting directly to Nathan, not that Jenelle is texting him. Nathan could inform the courts that he is blocked from talking directly to Jenelle and by her going through DF2's phone, it causes this sort of shit to happen.
  24. Ahh, I didn't think of that. You are right.
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